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The Barack Obama SOTU drinking game


Tonight Barack Obama delivers his last State of the Union address. He will dwell on the single most important thing in his life- himself. Obama has always been the guy who sets the fire and then calls 911 and promotes himself as the hero. Tonight will be no different for Saul Alinsky’s most prized acolyte. He’s expected to tell us who we need to be in order to live up to His expectations.

President Obama will deliver his last State of the Union address Tuesday at a moment when fear and anger seem to be driving both the American electorate and the candidates seeking to replace him in the White House.

His challenge? Communicate a message big enough to rise above the election-season vitriol.

To that end, the White House has promised a “non-traditional” speech that, in the president’s words, will cut through the “day-to-day noise of Washington” and celebrate the country’s capacity “to come together as one American family.” Instead of a to-do list of policy proposals that have little chance of passing Congress, he has said he plans to deliver a speech that will describe “who we are” as a nation — or perhaps more accurately, whom Obama, in the last year of his presidency, would like us to be.

The problem for the president in his seventh year in office is that the gulf between his vision of a unified America, one he has trumpeted from his earliest days on the national scene, and the political reality has never seemed wider. This final address from the House chamber represents one of his last, best chances to frame the November election.

It really grates on me when left wing idiot writers, such as Greg Jaffe and David Nakamura of the Washington Post, spew this kind of garbage as though it was an honest portrayal of Obama. It’s not. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Obama has done nothing but divide this country, never compromising on anything. I just wrote about this a few days ago. Obama offers himself as the savior, the one above the fray, when he is the one who uses his verbal backhoe to open, widen and deepen the trench between people in this country. Here’s a new example:

“The way we break the deadlock on this issue is when Congress does not have just a stranglehold on this debate — or, excuse me, the NRA does not have a stranglehold on Congress in this debate.”

And another:

Obama initially mocked the heated Republican rhetoric as fearful, weak and politically craven. “When candidates say we wouldn’t admit 3-year-old orphans — that’s political posturing.”

Obama’s vision of a “unified America” is one in which everyone does exactly as he dictates. Then when he can’t berate Congress and us into acquiescing, and he can’t abuse the Constitution to get what he wants, he sticks onion juice in his eyes and parades some fake tears.

Obama is a community organizer, now, then and forever. A community organizer derives his or her power by pitting groups against each other, not by bringing them together. His problem is that is that he cannot come to grips with the fact that if outcomes are equal no matter what one does there’s no point in trying. Equality of outcome is a horrible fate. And I’ve said repeatedly that if you want the truly rich to make meaningful contributions then institute a net worth tax. Anyway, to the game. First, some background:

“I”, “me” and “my”

July, 2012: Obama Uses First-Person Pronoun 117 Times in 1 Speech
November 2014: Obama Uses First Person Singular 91 Times in Speech on Immigration

Ron Fournier:

But the suit is clearly per­son­al. Boehner and the Re­pub­lic­ans he nom­in­ally leads have no in­terest in co­oper­at­ing with Obama. The House speak­er es­sen­tially an­nounced last week that he was fin­ished deal­ing with the pres­id­ent. “This is a prob­lem of the pres­id­ent’s own mak­ing,” a vis­ibly angry Boehner said of the bor­der crisis. “He’s been pres­id­ent for five and a half years! When is he go­ing to take re­spons­ib­il­ity for something?”

Obama re­spon­ded with fin­ger-point­ing and a blast of first-per­son pro­nouns. “So when folks say they’re frus­trated with Con­gress, let’s be clear about what the prob­lem is. I’m just telling the truth now. I don’t have to run for of­fice again.” He ad­ded, “The best thing you can say about this Con­gress — the Re­pub­lic­ans in Con­gress, and par­tic­u­larly the House of Rep­res­ent­at­ives — the best you can say for them this year is that so far they have not shut down the gov­ern­ment.”

Even Demo­crats are start­ing to tire of their pres­id­ent sound­ing less like a lead­er than a kinder­garten­er — whiny (“They don’t do any­thing ex­cept block me and call me names”); petu­lant (“So sue me”); and self-ab­sorbed (“I … me “¦ my”).

“The bear is on the loose!” Obama says whenev­er he shows up at a cof­fee shop, diner, or bar to mingle with voters. These events are care­fully man­aged so as to not look care­fully man­aged — a gim­mick in any pres­id­ent’s bag of tricks. But with Obama, the photo op­por­tun­it­ies ring false.

And nothing will be his fault. It never is. So, pour yourself a full glass of your favorite adult beverage. Then, each time Obama utters “me”, “my”, or “I” take a swallow. See how long you last. Then, when you wake from your stupor, take one more swig to celebrate this being the last time we’ll have to endure a SOTU from this insufferable narcissist.

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