OK, not that one. This one.
South Carolina Gov. Nicki Haley (R) has called for the removal of the Confederate battle flag flying over the state Capitol.
When he was Governor, Bill Clinton honored the Confederacy on the Arkansas flag.
Racism will be cured by the removal of the Stars and Bars.
And that’s the thing. Remove the flag? Fine. Most people could care less, including me. But if anyone thinks this is going to stamp out racism they’re mistaken. It could even make things worse. Remember how liberals assert that insulting Mohammed causes extremism? Liberal logic says that the removal of the Stars and Bars might also inflame and radicalize more people!
All we need to do to stop the shooting is ban high capacity magazines. That will solve everything.
All we need to do is ban assault rifles. That will solve everything.
All we need to do is ban the offensive flag and that will solve everything.
Hillary wants to keep guns out of the hands of haters.
“How is it that we as a nation still allow guns to fall into the hands of people whose hearts are filled with hate?”
What if you hate racism? What if you hate lawbreakers? What if you hate those who abuse children? No guns?
Unfortunately for her, hate is protected by the Constitution- thus far. One could easily imagine liberals putting people on trial for what they think.
This is one more example of how liberals (and some conservatives) flail at symbolism as an answer to the nation’s ills. It will draw attention, allow politicians to pat themselves on the back and it will change nothing.
The problem here, as I’ve said many time, is mental illness. I’d also have a look at Facebook and other social media before issuing a gun permit. People like Roof love to let others know how ill they are. Removing a flag is not going to solve that.
Let me say again- the liberal response will be to punish those who respect the law as an answer for those who do not.
I already posted a Clinton beauty. You just had to see these:
via the Daily Caller
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
One main difference between the Left and the Right is summed up by the above.
The Left, rejecting man’s inherent sinfulness, believes it can ”legislate morality.”
The Right, recognizing man’s inherent sinfulness realizes we will always have the poor (in all categories, including the morally poor) with us. We just have to deal with them IF and when they act out in such a way as to cause problems.
So now all the other flags are illegal too. Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Russia, etc. There is history to all of them.
Well, before you can cure racism by removing racist symbolism, the symbol has to be identified as racist. The Stars and Bars was once a symbol of rebellion. Now it has been re-identified as racist. The very people that identify it as racist think stomping on the symbol of their freedom is expressing their feelings of oppression.
What will be identified as a symbol or racism next? The Chevrolet bow-tie? The General Mills logo? IBM? It has but to be deemed racist, it seems, to be subject of disposal.
And we all know who gets to decide.
I find the flying of the Mexican flag offensive. It symbolizes attacks against Americans. We fought a war against Mexico around 170 years ago (two if you count Texas). Then there was the Pancho Villa issue around 100 years ago. Now we have an escalating violent problem along our Southern border and elsewhere. We need to ban the flying of the Mexican flag. It will solve all of our border problems. Above all, it will make me feel good about myself. Do I qualify as a leftist now?
And someone will claim the Gadsen Flag is a terrorist symbol and want to ban that! When will this stupidity end? Isn’t that why liberals, ala Bill Ayers, stomp on and burn the American flag? Because they think it is a bad symbol?
@old guy:
Yes, but you can’t show the American flag while the illegals are waving the Mexican flag.
The courts say it’s offensive.
Actually, all Nikki Haley did was state an opinion.
She hasn’t got the authority to take down the flag.
But she cut the ground out from under the media and the Mother Jones crowd.
Smart lady.
@formwiz: I have no problem with what she did. The flying of the flag was a state issue under the 10th Amendment. The big issue to me is that whenever the left doesn’t like something, they want to ban it, regulate it, or heavily tax it. They don’t like firearms. Ban them, heavily regulate them, or heavily tax the ammunition. They don’t like talk radio because it leans conservative. Regulate it with the Fairness Doctrine. Internet sites call out the left on their “facts”. Regulate it. The Koch brothers give their money to Republicans. Ban it. The Stars and Bars is offensive to them (black opposition is just a feel good excuse for them). Ban it.
If it’s something the left likes or that supports their cause, hands off. Don’t like abortion? Tough, by law you have to finance it with your insurance. The MSM leans left. The Fairness Doctrine need not apply. “Fact check ” sites lean left. That’s okay. Unions heavily give their members’ money to left leaning candidates. It’s part of the political process. The flag of the Rainbow Coalition can be viewed as offensive to some because it is an organization headed by an avowed racist and race baiter and can be seen as dividing the races. Hands off. It’s freedom of expression.
This type of mentality was present in other societies. Leninist/Stalinist Russia and Hitler’s Germany come to mind. It has to start somewhere and neutering the opposition through governmental controls is one place to start.
@old guy:
I was thinking the exact thing on the way in this morning…USA flag next because Iran hates us.
Symbols are important – to the symbol-minded. ;-/
Dr J some may feel it a bit early to be making jokes about the mass murder.
Can’t recall you making too many jokes right after BENGHAZZI!!
Dr J no one thinks that by removing that flag all racism will stop, BUT it will reduce racism and delegitimize that racism. And some would be happy if that reduction did occur.
Dr J would you practice in a hospital that allowed ordinary people to carry guns openly ? Would you give up your privileges in any hospital that would not allow open carry by ordinary people?
Yes Dr J i do agree that many rightwing extremists might over react to the SC taking down their cherished symbol of white supremacy. And we have seen that the radical right may strike back violently.
Of course when we were warned by the DOJ about this very same thing many on the right laughed and said that could never happen
Liberalism is on a roll here Dr J looks like those damn hippies are winning again
Still wondering how you make the determination that it would be RIGHT wing extremists that would invoke violence, particularly since the racism and violence we have been seeing is all LEFT wing participants. How is that, john with the tiny j?
History and current events (the historical role of racist Democrats in the south) makes it pretty clear that you are trying doubly hard to shuck the yoke of overt racism off your own back and place the responsibility upon someone else. There is just as good a chance that someone working for Sharpton put Roof up to this (see van der Lubbe) for the precise purpose of inciting more racial tension and violence, as he, Obama, Holder and most of the left has been attempting as it is that he was right-leaning. You leftists think everyone is as stupid as you are and will believe such nonsense.
You truly are a classic example of an idiot.
Where? Are do you think that all those arsonists in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore were registered Republicans?
The left will continue until they have removed all remnants of the Confederacy. Meanwhile, they will continue to ignore that due to the ACLU families can no longer get the help they need to commit family members to mental health treatment.
Now, Wal-Mart has discontinued selling anything that has the Confederate battle flag on it, yet they continue to sell products with the anti-black racist, Che’ Guevara, on them. Add to the companies that have caved to absurd political correctness, Sears, Amazon and E-bay. Bet you can still find Che’ crap on their websites.
The South Carolina shooter did not kill those 9 people by beating them to death with a Confederate battle flag, but kiss American history good-by. You will only be allowed to think as the left wants you to think.
Add: yep, just checked; Amazon still selling Che’ (the Butcher of Cuba) t-shirts, posters, dog tags and window stickers, just to name a few items.
Perhaps it is time for the southern states to boycott Wal-Mart, Sears, Amazon and Ebay. and wait to see how long it takes them to go bankrupt.
@another vet: Well, don’t you think that just having Mexicans in the US is racist? If we want to eradicate racism, it needs to start in the hot bed of racism in Chicago and New York.
@formwiz: South Carolina has two houses in the legislature. Each house has to approve by 67% to remove the flag. I’m gonna go on record as, they won’t remove it. The 67% want to remain in their legislature and they know they will be voted out if they vote to remove. Ain’t gonna happen…
Well, John, do you think gays should be allowed to fly rainbow flags? Isn’t it the same deal?
and they say Pot is not mind altering…….
such ignorance abounds. Neither flags nor guns kill people – people do. Now every state flag will have to be looked at and reviewed AND the American flag to ensure it doesn’t offend those who are ignorant, and that is a large portion of the population. Before you know it, the American flag will be banned.
@Redteam: S.C. Conservative Gov and Con. Senator say yank it. They got guts. Thumbs up.
@rich wheeler:
So caving to political correctness takes guts in your book? And we all know that the best kept secret is that the South Carolina fruitcake didn’t really shoot those people, he beat them to death with a Confederate battle flag.
What’s next, Rich? The removal of all Confederate statues, renaming of all parks named after Robert E. Lee or some Confederate general? They are already being vandalized by those gutsy leftists. Maybe you can volunteer to go to Gettysburg and tear down all those Confederate monuments.
And now, there are even [idiotic] calls to rename all the U.S. military bases like Fort Hood.
When you left wingers don’t like something, you demand we rid our collectives selves of it. When you like something we don’t like, you tell us to deal with it.
Hypocrites, all of you.
Take the flag down!
@retire05: Semper FI Yank that flag
@rich wheeler:
you must have your thumb up your butt if you think they will get rid of the Confederate flag in SC. They fought that battle a while back, it’s still here and will stay here? This is an ignorance test:
1. Do you think getting rid of the Confederate flag will stop one person in Chicago from being murdered? Yes____ no_____
2. Will it stop one dog in Gayfornia from being killed? yes___no____
@Gary Miller: which one?
Using the leftist mentality, yes.
I live in Illinois and would not want the Confederate flag flying in Springfield. The American and state flags are enough. I served only one flag for 30 years. If they want to fly the POW/MIA flag out of respect for those Vets, I wouldn’t object to it. If I lived in the South, my opinion about the Confederate flag may be different. Just like I don’t expect the people of SC to tell my state what flags to fly in my state capitol, I am not going to tell them what flags they should or shouldn’t fly in theirs. But some people in this country are feel good control freaks who need to tell everyone how to think and what they should or shouldn’t believe in. A very slippery slope indeed.
The removal of the flag shows that Southern Conservatives are joining the 21st century. I commend them for stepping up.
Well maybe not old timers like RT and O5 who live in a racist divided past. Thank you Nikki and Sen. Scott
@another vet: I generally share those views. I don’t fly the confederate flag, never have, but last time I checked, people such as Rich Wheeler put on a uniform and fought for the right to have freedom in the USA. Think about what the word ‘freedom’ means. It damn sure does NOT mean that if my neighbor does not like for me to drive a Chevrolet, that he has the right to have Chevrolets banned. Now, he does have the right to ask that it be banned, but not the right to have it done. My neighbor flies an American flag (as do I) but if I don’t like him doing that, I don’t have a right to keep him from doing so. There may be people in the South that don’t like the American flag for the same reason some don’t like the confederate flag, but everyone has the right to fly what they choose.
Having freedom in America is not something to be used for ‘political’ purposes’.
I’m surprised that any veteran, especially one that fought in a war, would demand that someone take a flag down just because somebody in Chicago got shot. Kinda dumb and Anti American. isn’t it?
@rich wheeler:
I strongly suspect there is less racism where I live than there is in Gayfornia. And I’m damned sure there is less here than there is in Chicago and New York. What century will we be joining when we make the gays take down their rainbow flags because it ‘insults’ someone? What century will we be joining if gays can’t wear their assless chaps?
@rich wheeler:
not a Semper Fi issue, don’t you think the people in SC are entitled to govern themselves without a Gayfornian’s input?
Ban the american flag cause it represents slavery before the civil war.
@Redteam: Like I said I commend the Conservatives of South Carolina –don’t you?
I fought for the American Flag f–k the racist Confederate flag.
@rich wheeler:
No you did not. If you had fought for THE AMERICAN flag, it would have been for freedom. You are advocating removing the rights of people that choose to fly any flag they choose. That’s what fighting for the American flag is about. You are a phony. An American would never say what you said. He would DEFEND the rights of people in SC.
@rich wheeler:
I commend the CITIZENS of South Carolina.
@Redteam: I fought for the American flag and no other–are you saying you fought for the gay rainbow flag–didn’t know you cared.
Like you I commend the good citizens of South Carolina that agree the flag belongs in a museum–glad we agree on that RT.
@rich wheeler:
We don’t agree on that. I don’t commend any citizens in SC for doing any particular act. They are Americans and deserve the right to fly whatever flag they choose.
Gay rainbow flag? well yes, as a matter of fact. All flags that any free people choose to fly. Do you, or do you not, think the people of SC should make their own decision about what they want to do? (unless it’s human babies, just throw them in the crick, but save the blow flies. After all, their life is precious.
Rich, I guess since you’ve adopted this “all lives are of equal value” that you no longer use mosquito repellent or kill blow flies when they bite you. Do you still have screens on your windows to keep ‘life’ outside? You need to remove them, after all, mosquitos and flies have rights.
@RedteamAgain : I agree with you. The people of S.C are agreeing to remove that flag to a museum where it belongs, Good for them.
@rich wheeler:
When did their legislature vote on that, don’t remember seeing it on the news. In fact, my bet is they don’t vote to approve. takes 67 % in both houses. Don’t believe that will happen. Will you support that vote if they vote no? Or don’t you believe in the American way?
Why would you be Ok with having a ‘racist symbol’ in a museum? Wouldn’t that offend someone?
bE@Redteam</a Believe the legislature will step up.Museum is fine with other old relics of the past.
Glad to hear you agree with George on gay rights good for you.
Amazon´s sales of Confederate flags have skyrocketed by more than 3,000% in the past 24 hours. People are snatching up the flags online….
You have the right to fly a rainbow flag, a Gadsen flag, an American flag, a Mexican flag, a Japanese flag, etc., in your home of (barring HOA rules) on your property.
Of course you have a right to fly a Confederate flag, too, if you own one.
It is just State and government buildings which represent all of us that should tone down the insulting flag flying.
I’d say next up, ban gov’t offices from flying the gay flags.
@rich wheeler:
Rich, tell me what a ‘gay right’ is. Is it a right that other’s don’t have?
@rich wheeler:
Are you saying that a flag that is flying today is a ‘relic of the past’?
@rich wheeler: @Redteam: Like I said I commend the Conservatives of South Carolina –don’t you?
I fought for the American Flag f–k the racist Confederate flag.
@Nanny G: I have no problem with only flying ‘official flags’ on government property, the US and State flags. All other flags should only be flown on private property. I’m sure no state will even attempt to ban a confederate flag. They will always be available for sale.
@Redteam: It won’t be flying long if Conservatives Nikki, Lindsay and Tim have their way–Good for them.
RT Glad you came around—hope
Bill I agree with you–taking down this symbol will not change people’s hearts
@Bill: Very good comments Bell. Unfortunately many people don’t seem to see it that way. Robert E Lee and all the confederate generals and leaders were just as patriotic as the Union Generals, etc. slavery certainly wasn’t unique to the south, in fact the people that made the most off of it were northern traders. Mr Brown from Rhode Island ring a bell. I don’t expect too many places will be removing those names any time soon.
@rich wheeler:
The SC state government is not run by proclamation, they have to vote.
What did I come around about?
@rich wheeler:
Sure you do. You’re a brain washed, victimization policies and revisionist history accepting left winger. I can only assume that you had no problem with the U.S. government flying the gay pride flag over the consulates in Tel Aviv, Prague and Madrid, all properties owned by the American taxpayer.
You want real racism, Rich? Take a look at New York or Detroit. Or racism toward Hispanics in your own state? How about that? You want real racism, Rich? Take a look at the failing school systems located in Democrat run cities like Baltimore, Los Angeles and St. Louis. Or if you are really interested in true racism, go visit the Pine Ridge Reservation and see how your federal government treats Native Americans.
I have a friend who is a retired Army nurse who grew up in New York and retired to California where she lived for 30 years. She told me that when she moved to Texas, she was absolutely awestruck at the white opinion toward blacks and Hispanics and there didn’t seem to be any of the racism toward them that she was warned about before she moved to Texas by stupid, unknowing Californians.
I spent two years in Mississippi. I ate out a lot in Hattiesburg and was amazed at how you always saw blacks and whites and the same table eating together and having a good time together. And I never saw so many mixed race marriages as I did there.
If anything needs to come into the 21st century it’s the rest of the nations opinion on the South. Racism has diminished in the South more than any other part of our country. It’s just that old stereotypes die hard for some people, like you, Rich.
You seem to have missed the message sent by the people of Charleston themselves. You can bet that unity would not have happened in the north, or even on the left coast.