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Look What The JayVee Team Is Up To Now: Is Obama’s Real ISIS Strategy On Display? (Guest Post)

Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama referred to ISIS as “jayvee” (“junior varsity”) in January 2014. Then in September 2014, he said about ISIS in Syria: “We don’t have a strategy yet.” ISIS just took Rahmadi, and continued east, attacking the town of Khaldiya and breaking the Iraqi government’s line of defense in Husayba, about 20 miles west of Baghdad. ISIS also captured the Syrian city of Palmyra.

Obama’s ISIS “strategy” is being scrutinized after recent setbacks. Even the ultra-liberal Los Angeles Times ran an Op-Ed entitled “Obama has a strategy for fighting ISIS — one that isn’t working”.

Now Obama minions, among them The Huffington Post and The Daily Kos, are claiming that ISIS was created by George W. Bush. That is a desperate lie, as pointed out by Wordsmith.

Obama’s non-actions are now “coming home to roost” – a phrase used by his favorite pastor.

Fears are now surfacing that ISIS may soon obtain a weapon of mass destruction (which Democrats will, insist doesn’t exist) from Pakistan. Dabiq, the ISIS propaganda magazine, claims that ISIS will intensify its violence in less than 12 months. It is believed that ISIS has billions of dollars, and will use links to corrupt officials in Pakistan to buy a nuclear device. In an article, apparently written by British hostage John Cantlie for Dabiq, Cantlie says the scenario is “more possible today than it was just one year ago.” Cantlie’s article is entitled “The Perfect Storm”.

Dabiq admitted that the chances of acquiring a nuclear device is “far-fetched.” Cantlie says “Perhaps such a scenario is far-fetched but it’s the sum of all fears for western intelligence agencies and it’s infinitely more possible today than it was just one year ago.”

Dabiq warned that ISIS could explode a few thousand tons of ammonium nitrate explosives (We all remember how that worked in Oklahoma City). ISIS is looking to do something big that would make any past operation look like rather minor so that more terrorist groups will pledge allegiance to it. So the possibility of it pulling off something truly epic cannot be underestimated or ignored.

Videos have recently surfaced showing ISIS using a Bazooka to execute a captured prisoner. And pictures have surfaced from inside Palmyra, Syria, of decapitated bodies lying strewn in the streets.

ISIS make no secret that they have every intention of attacking America on its home soil.

Obama administration officials now suggest the fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria could last longer than three years. But according to Obama all is going to be well:

… that’s something that we’ll leave to the next president.

The above was from Obama’s spokes-puppet, Josh Earnest.

Don’t forget that Obama, in Audacity of Hope wrote “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” So are we now seeing Obama’s REAL ISIS strategy: wait the ISIS crisis out, ignore it, do nothing, and leave the mess for the next president?

Cross-posted at Well Said!

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