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Paid Maternity Leave Chickenhawks (Guest Post)

God bless those gents over at PJTV. The Trifecta team of Stephen Green, Scott Ott, and Bill Whittle look like they’re ahead of the curve in identifying what the Radical Left has chosen for its wedge issue to scare their voters into believing their “War on Women” hysterics for the 2016 presidential election. Granted, if there were a real “War on Women” the main offenders would be mainly Democrats, but try explaining that to a leftist. With the departure of Jon Stewart from the Daily Show it appears that John Oliver is the candidate to become the new leader in serving up radical left wing snark. Patrick Gillespie at CNN Money reported:

John Oliver went on a Mother’s Day crusade Sunday night.

On “Last Week Tonight,” Oliver highlighted why he thinks the U.S. should have paid leave laws for new parents. Right now, the federal law allows for 12 weeks of unpaid leave.

America is the only developed country in the world that doesn’t offer paid family leave, according to a United Nations report. “This is not how it’s supposed to work,” Oliver argued.

Paid family leave has long been a controversial subject, but it’s drawing new attention as the 2016 elections heat up.

I’m not going to go into the flawed arguments being used to support another policy intended to drive up the cost of hiring and kill even more jobs. Since John Oliver is such a champion for paid maternity leave I thought I’d check to see if John Oliver’s employees get full paid maternity leave. HBO is owned by Time Warner, and when I looked at what benefits they offer on their web site guess what wasn’t included? As always, leftists are extremely generous when reaching into other people’s pockets, but not so much their own. So now we can add “Maternity leave Chickenhawks” to the list of categories for leftist hypocrites.

“You can’t go on and on about how much you love mothers, and then fail to support legislation that makes life easier for them,” Oliver concluded.

No John, you can’t go out and point your sanctimonious finger at everyone else until you get your own house in order. Tell Time Warner that you refuse to record another show until they offer paid maternity leave to every employee – better include paid paternity leave – wouldn’t want to discriminate. Until you’re ready to do that spare us the bleating of another left wing Chickenhawk.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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