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For Police It’s A Thankless Job (Guest Post)

Recent events in Ferguson, MO, and Baltimore, MD, illustrate that cops just can’t catch a break.

Marilyn Mosby, Baltimore City State’s Attorney, has ruled that Freddie Gray’s death was a homicide – In one day no less. And the MSM just ate her declaration up. But the facts of the case aren’t all in. Until the facts are in, police deserve the same presumption of innocence that is the right of every American.

The cops will get there day in court. However, as Michael Biesecker and Ben Nuckols wrote: “… getting a jury to convict police officers of murder and manslaughter will be far harder than obtaining arrest warrants.” If not convicted will we see more rioting from thugs who disagree with court verdicts? Will Mobsy and the MSM say that the cops who try to stop the riots are being brutal? Will Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake again say: “I made it very clear that I work with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech?”

We all know what happened in Ferguson, MO. Rev. Al Sharpton and the MSM and the rioters couldn’t wait for the facts of the Michael Brown shooting. The result? Two cops were shot. Jeffery Williams, who had attended the protest prior to the shooting, admitted to firing the shots that struck two police officers.

And Rev. Sharpton is now calling for the Department of Justice to “take over policing in this country.” In the wake of anti-police hysteria, Sharpton is calling for the use of civil rights laws to replace local police departments with a “nationalized” police force. What’s worse is that Obama agrees with him.

There is little doubt that the environment in which cops work is deteriorating.

Now this. Brian Moore, a New York cop, after being shot twice in the head on Saturday, is fighting for his life.

While the Moore shooting might not be directly related to the riots in Baltimore, a connection isn’t hard to project. Before the wave of anti-police protests began nationwide, spurred by the “hands up, don’t shoot” demonstrations based on a lie in Ferguson, Mo., there hadn’t been a New York City police officer shot and killed in the line of duty in four years …[.]

And, Sunday morning, an off-duty Oak Park police officer was shot on Chicago’s South Side.

Sure, there are some bad cops out there. But they shouldn’t taint the good ones. The old saying, “One Bad Apple Doesn’t Spoil The Whole Bunch” applies here.

Cross posted at Well Said, my conservative web site.

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