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You won’t believe this


Who knew?

It’s is the darndest thing. I’ve just learned that I am a victim of white supremacy.

The country has warmly embraced the actions of Toya Graham, who upon seeing her son participating in the Baltimore riots, let him know in no uncertain terms that he did the wrong thing.

BALTIMORE — A mother who was caught on video smacking her 16-year-old son around after he threw objects at police said when they made eye contact, he knew he was in trouble.

“I’m a no-tolerant mother. Everybody that knows me, know I don’t play that,” Toya Graham, a single mother of six, told CBS News. “He said, when ‘I seen you,’ he said, ‘ma, my instinct was to run.'”

Graham received wide praise from people on social media and even the Baltimore police commissioner, who said more parents should have taken charge of their children like Graham after the riots started.

Graham said she saw her only son wearing a hoodie and mask amid the protesters demonstrating just hours after a funeral for Freddie Gray, a black man who died after suffering an unexplained spinal injury in police custody.

“At that point, I just lost it,” she said. “I was shocked, I was angry, because you never want to see your child out there doing that.”

She’s gained the admiration of the mentally sound part of the country. Of course, liberals don’t see things the same way. “Why is America celebrating the beating of a black child?” ask Stacey Patton.

It’s not surprising that a black mother in Baltimore who chased down, cursed and beat her 16-year-old son in the middle of a riot has been called a hero. In this country, when black mothers fulfill stereotypes of mammies, angry and thwarting resistance to a system designed to kill their children, they get praised.

“He gave me eye contact,” Toya Graham told CBS News. “And at that point, you know, not even thinking about cameras or anything like that — that’s my only son and at the end of the day, I don’t want him to be a Freddie Gray. Is he the perfect boy? No he’s not, but he’s mine.”

In other words, Graham’s message to America is: I will teach my black son not to resist white supremacy so he can live.

I learned from Ms. Patton that I too am a victim of white supremacy.

The kind of violent discipline Graham unleashed on her son did not originate with her, or with my adoptive mother who publicly beat me when I was a child, or with the legions of black parents who equate pain with protection and love. The beatings originated with white supremacy, a history of cultural and physical violence that devalues black life at every turn.

Damn. I too am a victim of white supremacy.

I used to get beatings from my dad and I probably deserved much of it. The “physical violence” employed by Toya Graham is absolutely nothing compared to what I got. Nothing. To call what happened to Michael Singleton a “beating” is beyond stupid. More than anything, Michael was embarrassed and that really was the point of it. And you know what? If my 16 year old kid participated in those riots, he would have been the victim of white supremacy too when I caught him.

Stacey Patton is an idiot. A blithering idiot.

And she has company. The Huffington Post also wants a dip into the idiot pool.

“Dear White America: Toya Graham Is Not Your Hero” writes Julia Craven.

Every story needs a hero, and the media and white America has found a star in Graham, the African-American mom who slapped and pulled her teenage son out of the protest Monday afternoon. But is all this praise coming from a friendly place? History, and a closer look at what’s going on, suggests not.

Then the nitwit author ventures into the twilight zone. She compares what happened to Michael Singleton to what happened to Adrian Peterson’s son:

Knowing that Graham’s primary motivation was to keep her son safe from police violence, would so many white observers have been as sympathetic to the beating she laid out? “Let’s be honest: many white folks are reflexive critics of the greater frequency of corporal punishment in the black community. Witness the media horror at Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson beating his young son,” wrote Joan Walsh in Salon. “If Graham beat her child like that in the aisles of CVS, you can be sure somebody would call CPS.”

This is what happened to Peterson’s son (image via TMZ):


Peterson’s son suffered wounds that drew blood. He had cuts on his hands and his legs. Peterson admitted striking the boy in the testicles. The boy was four years old at the time. Michael Singleton is 16 years old, is taller than his mother and the worst injury he suffered was humiliation. You have to be galactically stupid to draw a comparison between these two incidents. You might even call it craven.

Wanting to keep your child alive is not a racial issue. Discipline is not a racial issue. It is execrable to try to weave racism into them. It’s unfortunate for Freddie Gray that Toya Graham was not his mother. He might be alive today.

Sorry, Ms. Patton. Toya Graham is a good mom. She is my hero, whether you like it or not.

H/T Twitchy and BFH

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