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Barack Obama’s ego jeopardizes Israel

Even before Bibi Netanyahu spoke, Barack Obama was hammering him:

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (neh-ten-YAH’-hoo) didn’t offer any “viable alternatives” to the nuclear negotiations with Iran during his speech to Congress.

Obama says he read a transcript of Netanyahu’s speech Tuesday. He says “there was nothing new” in the speech.

Obama says Netanyahu made almost the same speech when he warned against the interim deal reached with Iran. Obama says that deal has resulted in a freeze and rolling back of Iran’s nuclear program.

Obama says Netanyahu’s alternative to the talks amounts to no deal at all. He says that would lead Iran to redouble efforts to build a nuclear bomb.

Actually, Netanyahu did offer an alternative. No deal was better than a bad deal.

The left went postal:

Broadcast Networks Refuse to Carry…
‘Enraged’ Pelosi freaks on floor…
‘Near Tears Throughout’… ‘Saddened by the insult’…
Dems LASH OUT at Netanyahu, Tell Him to Go Home, Call Him ‘a Child’…

Thing is, Netanyahu was handcuffed from the start:

Top U.S. officials ahead of the speech sternly warned Netanyahu not to reveal secret details of the talks, which are entering a crucial final stage, warning such revelations could have a disastrous impact on hopes for a deal.

So without being able to talk about the deal, what concrete alternatives was Netanyahu supposed to offer?

Iran has no interest in agreeing to a deal that prevents it from obtaining nuclear weapons. They have already rejected Obama’s 10 year nuclear ban proposal.

Obama is a petulant, insufferable child. He was shown up by the House and he had another one of his hissy fits. Worse, Obama is a chronic liar. Anyone with half a brain realizes that all Obama is doing is reaching for a token- anything- to put on the mantle until after he leaves. He’ll take any deal- bad or otherwise- just to claim an accomplishment. Then this mess will, as like so many other of his messes, fall into the laps of his successors.

He’s a jerk.

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