Why Does “American Sniper” Divide Us into “Left” and “Right”?


Whatever the truth about Chris Kyle (and I suspect, like most, the real Chris Kyle was a complex person; and lived tall tales while fabricating others), he is an American hero.

My understanding of the film is that it’s not meant to make a political statement. But I suppose everything under the sun is political when you bring your politics with you in going to see movies.

I’ve not seen the film yet, so can’t comment on it; but I have been reading some of the reactions– and some of them are rather curious:

One of the first celebrities to show their support for the film was the uber-liberal Jane Fonda, who tweeted the following:

Fonda, of course, attracted the ire of many Americans when she took a trip to North Vietnam in 1972 and posed for several photos with NVA troops, earning her the nickname “Hanoi Jane.” She later starred in the Oscar-winning Vietnam War drama Coming Home, about a ménage-a-trois involving Vietnam War veterans suffering from PTSD. This past weekend, she apologized for her “Hanoi Jane” days, calling her trip a “huge mistake.”

Is Fonda being sincere? Or is she trying to heal her image?

While Fonda supported the film and its sympathy for PTSD-suffering military vets, other celebrities homed in on the film’s perceived jingoistic, pro-war message. Seth Rogen, whose recent film The Interview attracted the ire of North Korean despot Kim Jong Un, tweeted:

Even if this were true, and Eastwood attempted to lace a Rah-rah GO USA! message into the film, what is so wrong with being pro-American?

Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore took Rogen’s criticisms one step further. The director, who was famously booed when he denounced the Iraq War and then-President George W. Bush in his 2003 Oscar acceptance speech, claimed that snipers like Kyle were “cowards” and “aren’t heroes”:

Are snipers cowards?

I think those who think so are the ones who have the line of reasoning that police are cowards and bullies because they swarm to take down a suspect in numbers rather than confront one-on-one; or that the U.S. is a bully because it will invade a weaker country suspected of having wmd but won’t attack a country known to have wmd. As if any sane military would ever seek a “fair” fight and not suppress the enemy with superior and sustained, overwhelming firepower that minimizes risk and harm to our own people.

“If you find yourself in a fair fight, you didn’t plan your mission properly.” – David Hackworth

Here are some other comments by the nasties on the left who have a distorted, world-view:

Chris Smith: I agree with Seth Rogan and Michael Moore on both facts. Murdering for corporate greed isn’t fighting for freedom, it murdering for corporate greed! Trying to promote and celebrate the murders as heroic is propaganda! Chris Kyle is a terrorist and nothing else!

Bram Heath: I saw the movie yesterday and was thinking the same thing Seth thought. When people started clapping I knew that was the 23% that watch Fox News. Felt like I was watching a Joseph goebbles film from 1942.

Steven M Schwartz: You can no longer be critical of the military and those who serve. Thanks to almost a decade and a half of the blindly patriotic bull shit the right and the government has shoved or attempted to shove down our throats. From the pro war NFL pregame flyovers to the plastering of American flags and yellow ribbons. Fox news and the right have co-oped the word patriot and American, and now the word “American” means war loving Christian white America. If you do not kowtow to their agenda then you are the enemy. This movie is nothing more than propaganda revisionist history about a self admitted racist who chose to kill people over being with his family.

Thomas Petsa: nothing heroic about a sniper….hiding behind a bush miles away shooting someone in the head aint heroic….a bloke charging towards an enemy under fire now that’s heroic..blokes landing in dunkirk seeing their mates getting gunned down knowing they might be next..that’s either heroic or dumb..snipers have got it cushy in comparison..

Chris Smith: Chris Kyle was a terrorist pawn for a corporate military. I spit on his service!

Chris Owens: From what I’ve read, it sounds like he was a serial killer moreso than a hero.

Shannon Love: Real ‘American Sniper’ was a hate-filled killer — why are simplistic patriots treating him as a hero?

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@Redteam: I never implied you had any pictures in your lovely La. home. You’re rather testy tonight.
You’ve secured–actually retired– the title of FA.’s leading conspiracy theorist.
Anticsrocks Welcome back. Hope you’re well. Join the fray.


No can do. She’s not from Georgia or Florida and it may be totally different where she grew up. I don’t have a clue how it is perceived in Texas. And don’t care.

Don’t you realize that all leftist elites, especially those from Loonafornia, think all us Southerners walk alike, talk alike, sound alike and are so monolithic that we all think alike? Just shows you how dumb they are.

@Rich Wheeler

: Sorry Bill but my guess is some sons and daughters of the south, cracker Conservs., have portraits of James Earl Ray and John Wilkes Booth proudly displayed side by side above the mantel in their double wides.

So you’re saying you don’t think I live in a double wide. You’re correct.

You’ve secured–actually retired– the title of FA.’s leading conspiracy theorist.

At least I don’t just follow dumbly along, not asking questions.


Don’t you realize that all leftist elites,

aren’t allowed to think for themselves. True. Toe the company line. At least they are all trying to congregate in Loonifornia, hope they all get there before the huge earthquake.

@Redteam: You definitely travel your lonely path RT.
Not even your sidekick o5 buys into all your conspiracy theories. Personally, I enjoy all your bizarre takes.
Any ideas on who shot RFK?
Who shot MLK JR?
Roger Rabbit?

@Rich Wheeler:

Any ideas on who shot RFK?
Who shot MLK JR?

I think it’s pretty well known. Since I don’t particularly care if you get a good laugh or not, I’ll just say, use your noodle. Think about who had motives. Think about who benefitted. Think about why you had to go to VietNam. Think about what might have occurred that could have resulted in you not going over there.
I know very few people who think ‘coincidences’ are not usually created, not accidental.
Just as an aside. Did you watch “Lie Witness News” on Jimmy Kimmel. They interviewed 7 people, on the street, that watched MLK Jr (at 93 years of age) make a speech in Washingon last Monday (that’s why it was MLK Jr day). All 7 were surprised to find out that he ‘actually did not’ make the speech that they thought they saw. And then they were surprised to find out he was killed almost 50 years ago. (Want to bet who those folks voted for in the last presidential election? )

@Redteam I ask you two simple questions. You say “it’s pretty well known” and start rambling like a lunatic.–Get a grip RT. LOL
Btw Think you’re conspiracy timing is off.
JFK assassination in 63 may have had bearing on V.N. RFK and MLK assassinations in 68 certainly did not.
Uninformed stupidity from randomly questioned citizenry is bad enough.
What excuses could our elected representatives like Bachmann and Palin possibly have?

@Rich Wheeler:

Btw Think you’re conspiracy timing is off.

Really? So what would ‘theoretically’ happen to the JFK killers if RFK had gotten elected in 68? MLK was because he was a Republican against the war. Nothing to do with JFK.

You didn’t appreciate my story about the Obama supporters that listened to 93 year old MLK make a speech last Monday? Strange….

Oh, and I’ve just gotta ask. What do you think about New England changing their name to the New England Deflatriots?

@Rich Wheeler: Actually, here in Texas, there is a bit more racial tension, hate and discontent since so many have moved from California, Michigan, Illinois and New York to escape the liberal oppression of these paradises. Like illegal immigrants, though, they escape what was infringing on their personal lives and taking most of their wages, come to Texas and try to turn it into exactly what they just ran away from. Unfortunately, as long as they serve up crap like Windy Davis, the governance of racial tension, hate and discontent will stay up north and on the left coast.

Don’t worry; we are keeping it at bay.

@Redteam: “Obama supporters?” you say. I’m more concerned about elected Repubs. like Bachmann, Palin and Santorum.
MLKjr voted for JFK in 60 and LBJ in 64(obviously)and supported RFK in 68. Not much of a Repub.

Deflatriots is good. Another conspiracy for you#6?? So far you’ve got JFK,RFK,MLKjr.,BHO#!(Kenyan birth?),BHO#2(Columbia attendance?). Any more? Anyone?

@Bill: Another Texan. Should have guessed.
Handicapping the race. I got Perry#8 and Cruz#12. Can you believe Romney (40%) so far ahead among Repub voters? Think Kasich of Ohio has best chance of getting nom. and beating HRC. What say you?

Jim Webb for Prez. Semper Fi

@Rich Wheeler:

Not even your sidekick o5 buys into all your conspiracy theories.

#1) I am not anyone’s “sidekick.”
#2) I see that you have resorted back to your old leftist ways of trying to drag others into your dispute with someone. Too bad you’re not man enough to handle your own disputes, but need to seek the approval of others even when they are not involved, by trying to solidify your position by association. If I have a dispute with you, or Redteam, or anyone else, I am a big enough person to handle that on my own, unlike you.


I need to correct you on something; yes, racial tensions may be greater in Texas in the last few years, but that is applicable to the whole nation, not just Texas.

Also, voter registration and voter counts have shown that although Texas has been seeing an influx of people moving here from the failed Democrat states, like California, Texas has become even redder. Romney took more votes in 2012 than John McCain took in 2008and Obama lost votes in Texas in 2012 compared to 2008, losing even two border counties where the vote is mostly Hispanic. Those people moving here seem to understand that the failed policies of their former blue states don’t work.

@Rich Wheeler:

“Obama supporters?” you say. I’m more concerned about elected Repubs. like Bachmann, Palin and Santorum.

I understand that you in Mexifornia are used to jaded news, but I think someone should inform you that Bachmann, Palin and Santorum are no longer “elected” Republicans.

@Rich Wheeler: Those Democrats supported civil rights, as did most Republincans.

I think Romney is favored because he has already been through the Obama wringer and, what is the best they came up with? He’s rich (which would certainly back-fire on any Democrat, especially Hillary or Warren and he carried his dog on his car roof. The rest was media bias. I think it’s going to be a pleasing contest.

@retire05: “no longer elected” no kidding.
Sorry 05 –you are most definitely RT’S sidekick.

@Bill: “a pleasing contest.” That’s classic. More like a pi–ing contest I think.
Who would you like to see get the nom?

@Redteam: Pretty clear Sirhan killed RFK.

Clear that he was there, but evidence is that two guns were fired in the room and he only had one. The other gun, reportedly, is the one that fired the fatal shot.

Back when I was in college I took classes from DeWayne Wolfer, the criminologist who headed LAPD’s investigation into RFK’s death.
One evening class he actually bragged that, for the peace of the Kennedy family, he threw away the gun involved in the crime.
No follow-up investigation from that gun would have been possible.
Wolfer was forced into retirement for this.

Rosy Grier (IIRC) tackled SS after seeing the shot fired that hit RFK.
Anyone else with firearms was part of security detail.

@Rich Wheeler:

Sorry 05 –you are most definitely RT’S sidekick.

How so? Because you, a Mexifornia leftist liberal claims it is so? Sorry, your opinion has all the weight of a feather.

@Rich Wheeler:

Jim Webb for Prez.

As long as your party stays under the leadership of a left wing ideologue (Obama) who continues to pull it farther to the left, Webb won’t stand a chance in the primaries because he is a moderate. Your party deeply wants Hillary or Warren so they can try and get the same mileage out of the gender card they got out of the race card in 2008. A party that is out of ideas and in dire need of new leadership. Webb would be a step in the right direction but it probably won’t happen.

@retire05: “leftist liberal” Is there any other kind?
“Mexifornia” They say there are “only steers and queers in Texas”—probably more than a few racists and bigots as well.

@another+vet: Jim Webb has a fighter’s chance IF he wants it bad enough. Nobody thought he could beat Conservative George Allen Jr.–but he did.
HRC, because she’s a woman, will be hard to beat.
How bout Nikki Haley?
How do you handicap Repub. Primary?

@Rich Wheeler:

“Mexifornia” They say there are “only steers and queers in Texas”—probably more than a few racists and bigots as well.

What do you have against steers or queers? And do you really think Texas has anything that can equal the Castro District in San Francisco?

Probably are a few racists and bigots as well? IOW, you don’t really know. You just are pissed because conservative Texas is kicking the hell out of liberal Mexifornia economically.

@Rich Wheeler:

How do you handicap Repub. Primary?

I’d give the early edge to Jeb. A definite improvement over what we have in the WH now but that isn’t saying much. The country needs to look past the Bushes and the Clintons. The country needs an outsider not another groomed establishment pick.

@Rich Wheeler: It won’t be Romney, my guess right now is Perry. It also won’t be Bush.

@retire05: 62

I need to correct you on something; yes, racial tensions may be greater in Texas in the last few years, but that is applicable to the whole nation, not just Texas.

Yes, happened about the same time as the racist muslim entered the white house.

@Nanny: 67

One evening class he actually bragged that, for the peace of the Kennedy family, he threw away the gun involved in the crime.
No follow-up investigation from that gun would have been possible.

Thanks for that info. Yes, the info was that the ‘fatal shot’ was not fired from Sirhan’s gun. But for some reason, it’s suited the left’s purpose (at that time)to blame it on Jew haters. Truth is foreign to them. They don’t care.

@Rich Wheeler: 70

and queers in Texas

Whaaaaat? you let a few get out of Loonifornia?

@Redteam: Wishful thinking on your part. Perry at 4%–I got him seeded 8 Behind Jeb, Mitt, Huckabee, Paul, Kasich, Walker,Rubio. In front of Christie, Carson, Haley, Cruz, Ryan, Pence, Blunt, Santorum and Huntsman.
Don’t tell Rosie he tackled the wrong guy. So you’re saying Sirhan wounded RFK but kill shot came from elsewhere?
Conspiracy #7? Ruby’s killing of Oswald. Your take?

@Rich Wheeler:

beat Conservative George Allen Jr.–but he did.

actually the liberal(redundant)press and micaca defeated Allen.

How bout Nikki Haley?

She has Obozo’s problem, not a NBC. or don’t you care?

@Rich Wheeler:

Wishful thinking on your part. Perry at 4%

At this time in 07, Obozo wasn’t on anyone’s calendar. 0%

@Redteam: Whenever you lose it’s ALWAYS the fault of that damn lamestream media. Repubs. oughta grow a pair and take some responsibility for their losses.

Every Repub. knows who Perry is–remember he was the front runner, for a minute in 2012, before his disastrous debate. That’s his problem–people know him.

@Rich Wheeler:

President Barack Obama will not meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he travels to Washington in March, the White House said Thursday,

Ooooh, wittle Obozo is gonna pitch a temper tantrum. Bet he ‘met’ with the illegal immigrant at the SOTU message. What a classy guy!

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Headline/Obama-not-meeting-Netanyahu/2015/01/22/id/620089/#ixzz3PaJGQogN
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

Whenever you lose

I don’t lose when I’m telling you the way it is. I realize it’s hard to tell Socialists anything, but since I don’t lose, it must be your loss.

@Rich Wheeler:

That’s his problem–people know him.

Contrary to the reason the US is in trouble now for electing someone they didn’t know (and still don’t) anything about.

@Rich Wheeler:

President Barack Obama will not meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he travels to Washington in March, the White House said Thursday,

Ooooh, a temper tantrum. Bet he met with the illegal immigrant at the SOTU address.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Headline/Obama-not-meeting-Netanyahu/2015/01/22/id/620089/#ixzz3PaJGQogN
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

@Redteam: Obama got elected because he was unknown.
Perry won’t get elected because he is known.

Ain’t Politics Grand.

@Rich Wheeler:

Obama got elected because he was unknown.

I said that. And that he is still unknown, except we now know he’s a racist and a very poor president.

@Rich Wheeler:

Who would you like to see get the nom?

I think I would like to hear what they all say, first. For the Republicans, the issues will designate the candidate, not the media.


What do you have against steers or queers? And do you really think Texas has anything that can equal the Castro District in San Francisco?

We have Turtle Creek and the Design District in Dallas. It is said that if you drop your keys on Cedar Springs, you better kick them over to Mockingbird before you bend over to pick them up.


We have Turtle Creek and the Design District in Dallas.

Rich, you read that? Better close the door or you’ll lose more.

@Redteam: Weren’t you the guy who said if you call someone a racist it makes you a racist?
Steers and queers–That’s Texas. Was it Will Rogers who said—To find Tex.head west till you smell S–T Then turn South till you step in it. Turn too soon you’ll end up in the great state of La.
BTW Nikki was born in Bamburg S.C. and that’s good enough for me.

@Rich Wheeler:

Was it Will Rogers who said—To find Tex.head west till you smell S–T Then turn South till you step in it. Turn too soon you’ll end up in the great state of La.

Will Rodgers? LMAO. Now you’ve taken to making up Will Rogers quotes. Pathetic.

@retire05: My apologies to you and Will– now who was it who said–Give a Texan an enema and you can bury him in a matchbox?

@Rich Wheeler:

BTW Nikki was born in Bamburg S.C. and that’s good enough for me.

So you’re voting for her?

@Rich Wheeler:

Weren’t you the guy who said if you call someone a racist it makes you a racist?


now who was it who said–Give a Texan an enema and you can bury him in a matchbox?

Sure a lot of Texas envy coming from the Left coast.

@Redteam: Nikki- She gets the nom I’ll vote for her.
Fat chance

@Rich Wheeler:

now who was it who said–Give a Texan an enema and you can bury him in a matchbox?

It’s a take off from old cowboy folk lore. The actual comment was ” There was a cowboy in Texas that was so big they couldn’t find a coffin to fit him in so they gave him an enema and put him in a shoe box.”

You think your jokes are funny? How about this one: California, the land of fruits and nuts.

@Redteam: Will did say “There isn’t any finer folk living than a Republican who votes the Democratic ticket.” Still hope for you RT—When Webb gets the nom.

@Rich Wheeler:

Will Rogers also said: “I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.”


How about this one: California, the land of fruits and nuts.

But, but, but, that’s not a joke!!!

@Rich Wheeler:

Nikki- She gets the nom I’ll vote for her.

I won’t

@Redteam: You don’t lose?? You sure pick losers like K.C, , LSU and the Broncos–now you’re picking Perry. You got nothing but losers RT