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The high cost of the illegal invasion

Barack Obama and democrats in Congress have all but sent up rockets inviting illegals to invade the US.

In truth, false messages are being sent to American voters, while the incoming wave of refugees are getting the real message loud and clear. The same Washington Times article includes a quote from an unnamed Administration official who admitted “more than 50 percent of children who illegally cross the border alone will be allowed to remain in the United States.” A 50-50 shot at getting your kid residency plus benefits in the United States looks pretty good to people trapped in the violent squalor of Central America, stuck between corrupt governments and trigger-happy drug gangs. And really, that’s a ridiculous under-estimation of the odds of success. The real “repatriation” rate for families traveling with children won’t crack 10 percent, and it’ll be even less for unaccompanied minors.

democrats are big on largesse but they never talk about the elephant in the room- the cost- and the cost is onerous.

The cost of harboring illegal immigrants in the United States is a staggering $113 billion a year — an average of $1,117 for every “native-headed” household in America — according to a study conducted by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

The study, a copy of which was provided to, “is the first and most detailed look at the costs of illegal immigration ever done,” says Bob Dane, director of communications at FAIR, a conservative organization that seeks to end almost all immigration to the U.S.

This is the big one

The single largest cost to the government of illegal immigration, according to the report, is an estimated $52 billion spent on schooling the children of illegals. “Nearly all those costs are absorbed by state and local governments,’ the report states.

Because this is borne directly by local property tax payers- ONLY. There is no way an illegal alien with four children is going to be able to contribute anywhere near the costs of education his dependents demand from local property tax payers.

The cost of illegals is often equal to the budget deficits of states:

Moreover, the study’s breakdown of costs on a state-by-state basis shows that in states with the largest number of illegals, the costs of illegal immigration are often greater than current, crippling budget deficits. In Texas, for example, the additional cost of immigration, $16.4 billion, is equal to the state’s current budget deficit; in California the additional cost of illegal immigration, $21.8 billion, is $8 billion more than the state’s current budget deficit of $13.8 billion; and in New York, the $6.8 billion deficit is roughly two-thirds the $9.5 billion yearly cost of its illegal population, according to Jack Martin, the researcher who completed the study.

Illegal alien supporters employ a pretzel logic:

But FAIR’s critics said the report wrongly included American-born children of undocumented workers in its study.

“The single biggest ‘expense’ it attributes to unauthorized immigrants is the education of their children, yet most of these children are native-born, U.S. citizens who will grow up to be taxpaying adults,” said Walter Ewing, a senior researcher at the American Immigration Council. “It is disingenuous to count the cost of investing in the education of these children, so that they will earn higher incomes and pay more in taxes when they are adults, as if it were nothing more than a cost incurred by their parents.”

But it IS a cost incurred by their parents. It is not erased.

The news is not getting any better. The current illegal invasion is expected to cost us an extra $2 billion next year. Despite that, the Obama administration continues to send more than $4 billion per year in fraudulent tax credits to illegal aliens.

This bombshell dropped on Monday in Washington, D.C., causing outrage throughout the halls of Congress, and now beyond, to the “genuine” taxpayers who have been robbed all across America.

Investigative television reporter Bob Segall of Indianapolis NBC affiliate WTHR TV Channel 13, was contacted by a long-time central Indiana tax preparer, who blew the whistle on a multi-billion dollar tax fraud about which the IRS has done nothing, according to the TV news show video segment that aired on Monday.

“There is not a doubt in my mind there’s huge fraud taking place here,” he said, slowly flipping through the pages of a [heavily redacted] tax return.

“We’re talking about a multi-billion dollar fraud scheme here that’s taking place and no one is talking about it,” he said.

The scheme involves illegal immigrants that are filing tax returns, claiming child credits for multiple dependents under their support in “their” U.S. household, and collecting enormous cash refunds–such as one persons tax return that showed income of over $14,000, who collected a cash refund of over $10,300.

Lately Obama has been whining about Congress not taking up immigration reform. democrats continue to rely heavily on the stupidity of their supporters who believe there are no immigration laws now. One has to wonder why Obama can’t use his pen and his phone to simply not enforce the laws which he insists are hamstringing his efforts to take action.

The truth is he has no intention of deporting any of these future democrat voters. I would not be surprised to see him declare them eligible to vote before November.

One blue dog democrat claims Obama is “one step” behind on the immigration crisis. No, he’s not. This is the plan.

If liberals really care, let them take their money with them to Central American countries and pay to make things better for the children there. Otherwise, the illegals will not stop coming.

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