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How Obama Enabled The Russian Seizure Of Eastern Europe

Our president promised us skyrocketing energy prices and a new era of “Green Energy”. So far, he has been able to deliver an ever-increasing price for energy, and with the crisis in Eastern Europe, we can anticipate a continuing rise in energy prices. In an administration known almost exclusively for corruption and for its ability to lie, it is at least reassuring to see a “smidgen” of truthfulness.


However, it’s Obama’s combination of national self-defeatism as an energy policy and of enabling our enemies that has become more bizarre with the passage of time. His refusal to allow drilling on public lands prevents Americans from participating in the current energy bonanza and allows the Communist countries to accumulate the energy wealth. Our sanctions are impotent compared to the power that could be exerted by increasing our natural gas exports to Europe, natural gas that is still under the ground. Thus America’s once-great wealth and political leverage (of the type needed to slow down the military might of Russia) is being pissed-away while Obama looks through the rose-tinted glasses of green energy idealism, or is their a more sinister reason for this destruction of America’s economy and the granting of untold wealth for our former enemies who are now once-again assuming the stance of belligerents.

Russia provides natural gas to Europe, it is a main source of Russia’s wealth and helps finance these military excursions into Europe. When you control one of the main sources of a continent’s energy you have the edge, especially when winter is only six months away and the world has just experienced a record cold winter, there is an obvious advantage over people. The Europeans don’t want to think about Russia shutting of their natural gas during these winters if global warming’s discontent. If only we would have sacrificed more of our energy production to the world and let Russia and China control even more energy wealth, we would not be experiencing these drastic global warming winters.

When Obama promised the Russians a greater flexibility after the 2012 elections, his energy policy was already in place.


The same energy policy that gives Russia the upper hand by controlling Europe’s major source of natural gas. If we were exporting our untapped natural gas reserves instead of broiling birds in mid-air, we would have a means of controlling the threat of Russia’s domination of Europe; since, natural gas export is one of Russia’s main revenue producing sources. Thus our sacrificial willingness to impair our economy and allow the Russians to reap the bounty of America’s stupidity, is facilitating Russia’s annexation of Eastern Europe in the name of saving the world from Anthropogenic Global Warming. Unfortunately, Obama’s plan does nothing for the cause of global warming, but it does redistribute America’s wealth to our enemies, the same enemies who once respected us as a formidable power in the world.

Now, while our leaders agonize over issues like gay marriage and amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, our president assures us that his sanctions will make Russia come to its senses and pull back the tanks, jets, and troops massed on the Eastern border of Europe. Yet, Russia knows our fiscal resources are drained, our military is reduced and focused on gay equality, and Americans are war weary after winning two wars and having Obama piss-away hard fought victories. They also know, Obama has promised them a greater flexibility in regard to their nationalistic endeavors. The road to Russian supremacy has been cleared by our regime; they would be stupid not to exploit the opportunity of Obama’s passivity and weakness.

While China builds its carriers, we wait for their nationalistic desires to become apparent. Hopefully, by then, we will have appeased the gay community and arranged for our children to be indoctrinated by gay promotion throughout their education, and we can finally say, we no longer care if Democrats vote for dead people and it is discriminatory against those who commit voter fraud to be required to show a voter ID; perhaps then, we can prepare for WW III, the inevitable war that is just beyond the horizon.

Please Notice The Soviet Propaganda In A Photo Of Obama’s Front Man Jay Carney’s Family and Tell Me We Aren’t In Serious Trouble
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