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Obama-Appointed IRS Counsel Helped Develop Targeting Techniques Used Against Tea-Party Groups

Surprise surprise:

The chief counsel’s office for the Internal Revenue Service, headed by a political appointee of President Obama, helped develop the agency’s problematic guidelines for reviewing “tea party” cases, according to a top IRS attorney.

In interviews with congressional investigators, IRS lawyer Carter Hull said his superiors told him that the chief counsel’s office, led by William Wilkins, would need to review some of the first applications the agency screened for additional scrutiny because of potential political activity.

Previous accounts from IRS employees had shown that Washington IRS officials were involved in the controversy, but Hull’s comments represent the closest connection to the White House to date. No evidence so far has definitively linked the White House to the agency’s actions.

You can expect some fireworks tomorrow when the hapless Democrats attack the messenger instead of attacking the agency involved.

This news just confirms what we already know. It wasn’t some lower level employees who took it upon themselves to target tea-party groups. Instead they were following orders from DC.

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