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It’s all in the terminology. It is said that the black community prefers “African-American”. Hyphenated Americans are not and according to blacks that were polled on a recent Hannity audience participation program in which ALL the participants were black, that sentiment prevailed among the vast majority of them. As a matter of fact the majority found that “African-American” was, to them insulting, preferring to be called just Americans. Since it appears that the community we see in the media everyday refuses to identify as Americans, they then must identify with something or somewhere else, hence they seize upon “the motherland” Africa although none have ever even come close to visiting there or attempting to live there since they would be just as much failures there as they are here and they know it. There is no welfare state, no EBT card, no 60″ TV, no free cell phone or any of the other luxuries afforded them here in America.

Quite the contrary actually. Most of the areas of Africa that these people long for and identify with are tribal, meaning that one has to contribute to the tribe or starve. In other words, you work for the benefit of others first and then yourself. Sounds kinda socialistic doesn’t it? But here in America, edging ever closer to socialism, that tribe exists only because of the work that others do. They survive on the work of others. They don’t contribute to the “collective tribe” that is the American citizenry.

We can’t use the terms colored, negro, black or American to describe them so the inaccurate terminology of “African-American” has become the politically correct way to describe them.

Too bad that the left has so totally indoctrinated them that they cannot even describe themselves as Americans.

Celebrating Stupidity And Evil

Like the flotsam and jetsam
of life’s most inconspicuous
Lives that never really began
Vile creatures so innocuous

now in a political whirlpool
playing the everyman’s fool
now caught in the torrent
of false rage they torment

Rush the tempo of hatred
Vile evil seeks an excuse
To dance with the inbred
and set the demon loose

The racist needs not a reason
To unleash hatred and lunacy
Stupidity declares open season
For those who lack logic fluency


Having admitted my ignorance to many of the details of this case, I don’t get the impression that this is a story that ever should have been about racism. Please fill me in as to why I am wrong, if I’ve missed something that points to Zimmerman as having had his actions and behavior influenced by racial stereotyping and prejudice.

Here is one black man’s take that might address some of your questions.

Tonight a Florida man’s acquittal for hunting and killing a black teenager who was armed with only a bag of candy serves as a Rorschach test for the American public. For conservatives, it’s a triumph of permissive gun laws and a victory over the liberal media, which had been unfairly rooting for the dead kid all along. For liberals, it’s a tragic and glaring example of the gaps that plague our criminal justice system. For people of color, it’s a vivid reminder that we must always be deferential to white people, or face the very real chance of getting killed.

It is a complicated thing to be young, black, and male in America. Not only are you well aware that many people are afraid of you—you can see them clutching their purses or stiffening in their subway seats when you sit across from them—you must also remain conscious of the fact that people expect you to be apologetic for their fear. It’s your job to be remorseful about the fact that your very nature makes them uncomfortable, like a pilot having to apologize to a fearful flyer for being in the sky.

If you’re a black man and you don’t remain vigilant of and obsequious to white people’s panic in your presence—if you, say, punch a man who accosts you during dinner with your girlfriend and screams “Nigger!” in your face, or if you, say, punch a man who is following you without cause in the dark with a handgun at his side—then you must be prepared to be arrested, be beaten, be shot through the heart and lung and die on the way home to watch a basketball game with your family. And after you are dead, other blacks should be prepared for people to say you are a vicious thug who deserved it. You smoked weed, for instance, and got in some fights at school (like I did)—obviously you had it coming. You were a ticking time bomb, and sooner or later someone was going to have to put you down.

During these times of racial mongering I think about the young white girl who was born in Africa and insisted she was African-American a few years back in public school to the point that she was disciplined because other Americans of African heritage who were born in the US resented her trying to horn in on their community of “African-Americans”. A black writer once wrote about going to Africa and not being treated as a fellow African as he thought of himself, but as an American. We can’t escape our Americanism regardless of our heritage.

Now we should ask ourselves, if Zimmerman would have had an Hispanic last name to match his apparent ethnicity or if Zimmerman had been black, would this case have been but another of the many violent deaths that befall young men who ascribe to the gangland cultures.

I am now going to work and will be unavailable to answe charges of racism and ignominy.


Here is one black man’s take that might address some of your questions.

Why would this man’s opinion make the ordeal about race? The tape of Zimmerman talking to the police showed Zimmerman said he thought Trayvon was black. What the gentlemen in the opinion you posted believes is that Zimmerman knew Trayvon was black and stalked him with no other intention other than to kill him specifically because he was black. Really?
Zimmerman was stupid; that’s not against the law. Getting out of your car and following someone while talking to the Police isn’t against the law. Zimmerman was obviously in a struggle, evident by the photos. During that struggle he felt that he was in danger, pulled his gun and killed Trayvon Martin. Sad and unfortunate, but no illegal.
My thoughts and prayers are with Trayvon’s family over the loss of their son. Also because I understand some idiots have made death threats against them.
The same for the Zimmerman family, since I understand another set of idiots have made death threats against him and his family.

@Tom: Twenty years ago, this point of view would have been more valid. But today it’s just ignorant and immature. My fear is that some with a socio-political agenda have brainwashed too-many into a sustained victim mentality, and many “well-meaning” whites get their identity by the thought of fighting against bigotry (not aware of their own).

Besides, the goal is equality without regard to race (or should be). Any attempt at making a protected class that is continually told they are victims is evil, and should be resisted.

Race is all relative these days. Examples:

Barack Obama: mom is white, dad is black. Empirically, he is bi-racial, neither white nor black. But in keeping the slave-days “on-drop” rule (something we all should reject), he “passes” for black visually, so that’s what he is. It also made for a better story in getting votes. Conservative African Americans? Not so special, apparently. That’s prejudice, bigotry, and subjugation.

George Zimmerman: mom is white, dad is latino. He is also bi-racial. He “passes” for latino. But when he shot a 6’2″ assailant in self-defense, his “whiteness” was used by racists to change the application of the laws, feeling justified by past offenses against African-Americans.

The article you cite isn’t a valid reason to keep racism alive. I understand the guy’s frustration, but it also reveals his own bigotry in treating any run in with a white person as racial. He’s assuming what the white person is thinking based on the color of his skin. He assumes whites are “panicked” when he’s around. That’s racism, and not the responsibility of a random white person to have to hold as a burden.

Both Caucasians and African Americans have attained the highest level of achievement, in every area possible: actors, musicians, business people, Presidents. The identity sustained by some that blacks are continually oppressed isn’t in the data. Poor people have problems getting out of poverty, and the numbers for African Americans are pretty bad. That’s a poverty issue, not a “the white man is oppressing us” issue.

Every non-profit I see or get involved in that helps inner city African Americans is run by white people — mostly white money comes in, and mostly white effort coming from the Burbs. White people give a damn about black people, and you can track this empirically by the millions. I don’t care if the guy above has a chip on his shoulder and gets nervous around white people. That’s his issue to sort out, period.

I hope the Zimmerman verdict helps people like you think twice about continuing the false narrative of white against black cultural warfare. African Americans have killed in self-defense and not been charged. The law is equal, and the after-the-fact charging of Zimmerman is racial profiling. It’s not rooted in reality, and is patently racist. Stop propagating racism, Tom.

@Rides A Pale Horse:
I refer to myself as a “Nothing American”.
It allows me to explain that, naturally, nothing comes ahead of my nation.

“This time we’re doing it right… This time we’re not burning down our communities. This time we’re going out to Whitey’s suburbs and burning down HIS community. We’re going to make Whitey feel the pain.”

And their little fantasy would have all of the white folk standing around waiting to be shot. While they walk down the street, guns blazing, every bullet finding a cracker.
No, we won’t be behind cover, firing on them as they showboat down the street with their little noisemakers.
I promise…

I love the narrative from the left… Trayvon was just an innocent little boy, skipping home with his candy and iced tea, when the big, bad racist gunned him down for no reason.
Completely ignoring the testimony from his girlfriend, that he had made it to the backdoor of his house when he decided to backtrack and beat up on the cracker.
At that point, George wasn’t hunting him, he was hunting George.
Found him, too. Attacked him, even.
Was immediately awarded the coveted Darwin award.


What the gentlemen in the opinion you posted believes is that Zimmerman knew Trayvon was black and stalked him with no other intention other than to kill him specifically because he was black. Really?

I respectfully disagree that that’s his point. I think he’s actually acknowledging that GZ’s response to TM’s race is actually quite commonplace in America, and not necessarily indicative of active racism. But if we can’t acknowledge the simple fact that black American male’s are viewed through a different lens than American whites or females, and that this places them in a precarious situation of being inherently suspicious AND responsible for defusing the suspicion regardless of whether it’s warranted, then we’re learning nothing from this. I’ve seen students on the bus dressed just like TM who put their hand in their backpack and pull out Plato’s Republic, or “The Economist”. People see the hoodie first, almost always.The parents of black males have every right to be scared shitless about their plight, the fact that their children can be placed in a situation where they have no room for error, or they’re dead. And if that happens, they way they dress, or any type of trouble in their past, will be drudged up to prove they had it coming.

GZ’s failure – one of many of his failures that night – was not acknowledging this reality before assuming the responsibility as armed neighborhood watchman. My opinion, is that Zimmerman likely thought that any confrontation he would find himself in would be unambiguous. He would catch a criminal in the act of committing a crime, and and he would engage this person. He seems to not have considered a more ambiguous set of circumstances, where he might see someone who appeared suspicious, but was not actually engaged in a crime. We are really doing our law enforcement a huge disservice if we don’t acknowledge that they handle situations like this every day without anyone dying. GZ was not a trained law enforcement officer, after all. GZ wasn’t defending himself against a home invader. GZ wasn’t defending himself from a car jacker. GZ was actively seeking a confrontation: that was the entire point of why he was out that night, to stop a criminal. So I thnk we should expect a lot more from a person who puts himself into that situation. And I think we should expect a lot more from the laws of the State of Florida, or any state. There’s something wrong with a law that gives an armed individual that much latitude to make poor decisions and errors of judgement that result in the death of someone else who wasn’t breaking the law.


Your article is simply a prime example of the type of person Frederick Douglas talked about; just another carpetbagger who makes his living off the problems of black people. He keeps repeating how George Zimmerman is “white” although GM is just as white as our current president, since he is 1/2 white, 3/8th Hispanic and 1/8th black. George Zimmerman is just as much a minority as is Barack Obama, Jr. Obama is also, according to the new standards, a white black (or black white).

It is a complicated thing to be young, black, and male in America. Not only are you well aware that many people are afraid of you—you can see them clutching their purses or stiffening in their subway seats when you sit across from them—

Pure poverty pimp hyperbole. I present you a different scenario: a 50 year old white woman is riding an empty subway car late at night on her way home from work. Two young male adults enter the car; one is in clean, pressed khakis and a polo shirt. The other, wearing baggy pants with 6″ of his boxer shorts showing, tattoos all up and down his neck and arms, gold rings in his ears and on every finger. The neat and clean young man is black, the gangbanger is white. Does any rational thinking person think that 50 year old white lady would prefer the gangbanger sit next to her on that subway car? Will that woman be guilty of profiling? Certainly, but not “racial” profiling, but behavioral profiling, something police departments do every day of the week.

So the proverty pimps will play on the race card, declaring there was no justice for Trayvon. They will advocate riots, and demand the federal government get involved. But where were they on the last trial “of the century” when a black man was accused of the brutal slaughter of two white people? And when O.J. Simpson was found innocent of the slaughter of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, where was the rallies held by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson demanding justice for Nicole and Ron; where were the riots, the burning of cars, the throwing of bricks into store windows?

In 2007, two young adults, one just 4 years older than Trayvon Martin and the other 6 years older, were raped, tortured and murdered. Those two young adults, minding their own business as it was claimed Trayvon Martin was doing, were white and the five people that murdered them were black. Did Jesse and Al hold rallies demanding justice for Channon Christian and Christopher Newsome? And have the poverty pimps ever apologized for their actions in the Duke La Cross case considering that the woman Jesse Jackson said he would pay for her college education, is currently sitting in jail for killing her boyfriend?

The Zimmerman case was not about race, no matter how much the author of that piece of trash wants to make it. But when there is a chance to earn a buck from promoting racial division in this country, you can bet Jesse and Al are on the job because fools like you will buy into the falsehood.


There’s something wrong with a law that gives an armed individual that much latitude to make poor decisions and errors of judgement that result in the death of someone else who wasn’t breaking the law.

You seem to subscribe to the mind control police. If that is the case, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Toure, Louis Farrakhan and every one the of the New Black Panthers need to be locked up, without the possibility of ever being released into the public again.

@Nathan Blue:

Twenty years ago, this point of view would have been more valid. But today it’s just ignorant and immature. My fear is that some with a socio-political agenda have brainwashed too-many into a sustained victim mentality, and many “well-meaning” whites get their identity by the thought of fighting against bigotry (not aware of their own).

Nathan, my opinion is that this tragedy actually belies your observation completely. This ‘get over it’ attitude flies in the face of reality. I keep hearing there was no racial profiling, only behavioral profiling. Okay, would a preppy, white kid doing the exact same thing as TM that night have aroused equal suspicion? “These Izod polo-wearing kids always get away with it!” I find it highly, highly unlikely. Once we admit race likely played a part in GZ’s judgements that night, then Cord Jeffferson’s observations become easier to understand. Black men carry a stigma of suspicion that has a statistical impact on their safety, as TM discovered. This stigma isn’t GZ’s fault, just like it wasn’t TM’s fault, but this is the reality, and it should be addressed, not brushed aside.

@Nathan Blue:

Besides, the goal is equality without regard to race (or should be). Any attempt at making a protected class that is continually told they are victims is evil, and should be resisted.

I agree with the goal, but ignoring reality and pretending we’ve achieved it, and that the dilemma faced by black parents isn’t real, doesn’t help get us there.


Okay, would a preppy, white kid doing the exact same thing as TM that night have aroused equal suspicion? “These Izod polo-wearing kids always get away with it!” I find it highly, highly unlikely

Of course you find it highly unlikely. It doesn’t fit the racist narrative you want to build.

But I suggest to you that if “preppy, white kids” had been breaking into homes in that complex, and a “preppy, white kid” fit the m.o. of the perps, he would have been profiled on his behavior in the same way. But to admit that would destroy your whole “Trayvon was killed because he was black” meme.

Cord Jefferson is simply another proverty pimp trying to make a name for himself. Perhaps he fancies himself heir apparent to Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.


I agree with the goal, but ignoring reality and pretending we’ve achieved it, and that the dilemma faced by black parents isn’t real, doesn’t help get us there.

I would suggest to you that Darryl Green’s parents had much more to fear than anything done by a “creepy assed cracker.”

@Tom: And pretending we’ve not done more than we have is the issue. You’re holding onto something that isn’t real. As I said, poverty is the issue now, not race. And bad decisions are bad decisions — you can’t give one race more allowance than another. That’s called racism.

What you’ve ignored is the large contingent of people who do NOT see the goal of equality as how I described it. They only see one race-offense after another an have no goal other than the perpetuity of their crusade. It will never end — they will find racist acts when there are none (like the Zimmerman case).

keep saying that TRAYVON was unarmed, an edged of a concrete slab really?
stop saying that lie, it’s not helping you with your friend also.
he punch him on his nose broke his nose the other fall from the push and


I respectfully disagree that that’s his point. I think he’s actually acknowledging that GZ’s response to TM’s race is actually quite commonplace in America, and not necessarily indicative of active racism.

That would be a valid argument. I might not completely agree with it, but valid nonetheless. However, the opinion piece you posted starts off like this:

Tonight a Florida man’s acquittal for hunting and killing a black teenager who was armed with only a bag of candy serves as a Rorschach test for the American public.

No matter what comes next, the introductory sentence lays the groundwork for many to disregard the remaining prose.

Over at Twitter there is a whole lot of racial hatred against whites by blacks over the Zimmerman case.
Odd, because whites had nothing to do with the act.
It was an Hispanic versus a black.
Only a few early reports falsely claimed Zimmerman was white.
Gee, from his name he might even have been Jewish!
His dad shares Bob Dylan’s real name, after all.
But even after it turned out that wasn’t an accurate description of George Z., he was STILL being called a new thing: a white Hispanic.
As recently as during deliberations the NYTimes used that.
This whole thing is one false narrative layered over another one.
I turn on the news and see one black woman after another who believe Zimmerman killed a poor boy who was simply walking home after going to the store.
Amazing ignorance.
And the media feeds it.

Nan G
that’s why I told TOM to shut up,
he kept inflaming the blacks uninformed ,

In Oakland, CA., (leftist) organized a march that devolved into window smashing, fire setting, police car attacking and tagging.
Notably the unionized (leftist) police could not manage to arrest anyone!
Look at that as a pattern in the future.
The police are NOT going to protect your property or your life.
LOOK at those signs. this is where those signs came from.
ANSWER is an American communist organization pretending to be anti-imperialist.
ANSWER characterizes itself as anti-imperialist, and its steering committee consists of socialists, civil rights advocates, and left-wing or progressive organizations from the Muslim, Arab, Palestinian, Filipino, Haitian, and Latin American communities. Many of ANSWER’s lead organizers had ties to the International Action Center, and Workers World Party at the time of ANSWER’s founding.
See #8 at:

The people marching who were handed these signs are dupes, useful idiots and expendable.


There’s no doubt that the essay is raw and angry. I still thought it was worth sharing as it relates to Wordsmith’s query above. Thanks for be open-minded enough to read it.

@Nan G:

In order to make race a factor in this case, the left, along with the lapdog press, had to downplay George Zimmerman’s own ethnicity. He was no longer a Hispanic, and a minority, he was either “white” or “white Hispanic.” This could prove to be a big mistake. It showed that no matter who you are, no matter what your ethnicity or color, being black trumps all.

If I were a Hispanic running against a black in any political race, I would be asking Hispanics “Are you a “white” Hispanic and therefore not considered a minority? If you are Hispanic, victimized by a black, will your ethnicity be diminished to promote the agenda of Al Sharpton?”

We are told by the left that we must have immigration “reform” because a) it is the “civil rights” issue of the decade and b) it is the “moral” thing to do, indicating that any opposition to legalizing 11 million lawbreakers is nothing more than racism. But Hispanics are not stupid. They know that they just got kicked to the back of the bus in the name of “racial” justice for Trayvon and that being black, according to the race hustlers, trumps being Hispanic.

The left plays a dangerous game here. Hispanics already outnumber blacks as a voting bloc. And groups like the NAACP, et al, run the risk that they alienating themselves out of any power they still hold because Hispanics do not suffer from white guilt. We are on the verge of seeing a cat-scratching fight with one group wanting to remain top dog and the other group saying “Not so fast”


Pure poverty pimp hyperbole. I present you a different scenario: a 50 year old white woman is riding an empty subway car late at night on her way home from work. Two young male adults enter the car; one is in clean, pressed khakis and a polo shirt. The other, wearing baggy pants with 6″ of his boxer shorts showing, tattoos all up and down his neck and arms, gold rings in his ears and on every finger. The neat and clean young man is black, the gangbanger is white. Does any rational thinking person think that 50 year old white lady would prefer the gangbanger sit next to her on that subway car? Will that woman be guilty of profiling? Certainly, but not “racial” profiling, but behavioral profiling, something police departments do every day of the week.

That’s perfectly true in the scenario you’ve given, but it doesn’t change the fact that a black teen, on average, will engender more suspicion of the type TM received than a white one. What seems to underlie many of your posts is this idea that a person like TM brings it upon himself because of his choice of dress, because he doesn’t choose khakis and polos. Or that it’s his parents fault for not ‘raising him right’, for letting him walk outside, dressed like millions of other teens. He can’t change his race, but you expect him to compensate for it in other ways, to signal to all the nice ladies that he’s “not one of the dangerous ones”. Let me ask, if a white man who drive Harleys and wears leather is profiled as a criminal, is he doing something wrong by embracing his freedom to express himself as he sees fit? Whose problem is it, his or the person who stereotypes him? If a white Southern man wears a Lynard Skynrdt t-shirt with a confederate flag, it is his fault if he’s perceived as a racist? Is he now responsible for how other’s perceive him too? Some people preach giving the benefit of the doubt, and embracing American freedom of expression, but only selectively, it seems.

@Nathan Blue:

And bad decisions are bad decisions — you can’t give one race more allowance than another. That’s called racism.

I don’t think I have. I think I’ve simply described the situation as it exists. You can’t address a problem if you refuse to even see it. Let me ask you this, because it goes to the heart of why many people are upset today. Do you think a black teen is more or less likely to be the object of the suspicion that he’s up to no good than a white teen, all other things being equal?


yes that is a good point, the HISPANICS ARE PROUD AND now realize that the one they vote for is not on their side, he won’t take their interest in any issue, he is for the BLACKS, HE TAKE THEM OUT OF JAIL HE PROTECT THEM NO MATTER HOW CRIMINAL THEY DO
and the SPANISH will get on our side next time, SPECIALLY WITH

Nan G


That’s perfectly true in the scenario you’ve given, but it doesn’t change the fact that a black teen, on average, will engender more suspicion of the type TM received than a white one. What seems to underlie many of your posts is this idea that a person like TM brings it upon himself because of his choice of dress, because he doesn’t choose khakis and polos.

OK, you want to discount the way black kids, mostly from the inner cities, dress and boil it down to a matter of “choice.” Then let me ask you this; you find yourself broke down on the LA Freeway with a flat tire. Two cars pull over, one with a Hispanic kid, about 17, with tats all up and down his arms and neck, wearing “gangsta” droopy pants and a bandana tied around his forehead, and a black kid, also 17, dressed in an Eagle Scout uniform or even pressed khakis and a polo shirt, and both are around the same size. Are you going to tell me that your first impression would not lead to making a choice in which one you wanted to help you?

Or that it’s his parents fault for not ‘raising him right’, for letting him walk outside, dressed like millions of other teens.

Martin was a troubled teen. His Twitter texts show that he got kicked out of his mother’s home and sent to his dad’s because of some trouble at school. Kicking your 17 year old out is a hard decision for any mother, Tom, and I would warrant that Sybrina Fulton now regrets that decision. Troubled kids don’t need to be left on their own to wander the streets at night. They need parental control and most important, guidance. As to his clothes, unless you can show where he had a job that allowed him to purchase his own clothing, I suspect his parents paid for those clothes. There is a word in the English language that all parents should know when it comes to buying clothes that will give a bad impression to the public, which includes members of all races and ethnic groups; “NO.”

He can’t change his race, but you expect him to compensate for it in other ways, to signal to all the nice ladies that he’s “not one of the dangerous ones”.

Martin was no longer a “child.” He was old enough to join the military, with parental approval. He was at an age where many his age are going off to college in a state not their own and are expected to act as adults. But there is this whole culture in the black community, especially with the youth, of not “acting white.” It has been going on for a long time, and Charles Payne has talked, a number of times, about getting the hell beat out of him in school because he studied, dressed in clean, pressed clothing, and got good grades because he “acted too white” for his fellow black students. But Payne had a smart mom and she knew that the “dress for success” philosophy works.

Let me ask, if a white man who drive Harleys and wears leather is profiled as a criminal, is he doing something wrong by embracing his freedom to express himself as he sees fit? Whose problem is it, his or the person who stereotypes him?

Oh, I don’t know; maybe we can blame the groups that created the stereotype in the first place, the Banditos and the Hell’s Angels. You want to discount human nature that often relies on first impressions. Sorry, Bubba, ain’t ever gonna happen.

If a white Southern man wears a Lynard Skynrdt t-shirt with a confederate flag, it is his fault if he’s perceived as a racist? Is he now responsible for how other’s perceive him too?

Odd selection on your part considering that many Southern blacks have Confederate battle flag stickers on the windows of their pickups. I saw a lot of them when I was in Mississippi. My guess is you assume all [white] Southerners are racists, no matter what they are wearing.

Is he now responsible for how other’s perceive him too?

Most certainly. We all are.

Some people preach giving the benefit of the doubt, and embracing American freedom of expression, but only selectively, it seems.

You can embrace American freedom of expression until the cows come home, but you will still be judged by the impression you portray to others. And if you are claiming that you are innocent of having first impressions of people you don’t know, you’re either lying to just stupid.


Do you think a black teen is more or less likely to be the object of the suspicion that he’s up to no good than a white teen, all other things being equal?

It’s not as cut and dry as you want to make it. Put that white teen, driving a fancy car and cruising the neighborhoods, with his earrings and gansta clothing, in a black neighborhood and ask the residents what they think he is up to.

@Tom: Your point of view is the real problem. You’re not letting people act for themselves and accept the consequences. You want me to assume that the average white person is fearful of the average black person. That’s racism, not “calling it as it is.”

By the way, I’d be careful with the “scenario” argument style. There are those who will flip that around on you (as I’ve already read), and it’s all based on conjecture, not on real people taking real actions.

It reminds me of The Dark Knight, when the joker plants the ferry bombs and assumes the innocent or the guilty will condemn the other. I trust in the good of people to make the right choice, and don’t agree with condemning people based on the color of their skin, white or black. You’re trying to combat racism by become racist. Doesn’t make sense.

@Nathan Blue:

Your point of view is the real problem. You’re not letting people act for themselves and accept the consequences. You want me to assume that the average white person is fearful of the average black person. That’s racism, not “calling it as it is.”

Of course that’s an absolute distortion, a strawman. I noticed you couldn’t answer my question, by the way. Perhaps you don’t want to deal with an inconvenient statistical truth, that black males die violent deaths at a much higher rate than any other demographic. You don’t have to be curious as to why, but to bulldoze right over it to keep your viewpoint intact is another kind of dishonesty.

It reminds me of The Dark Knight, when the joker plants the ferry bombs and assumes the innocent or the guilty will condemn the other. I trust in the good of people to make the right choice, and don’t agree with condemning people based on the color of their skin, white or black.

One of the multiple fallacies your’re peddling is this concept that because any particular individual isn’t tied to a particular fate, that means that any aggregate observation is moot. That’s like saying that because Frederick Douglass escaped from the South and lived a productive, fruitful life, there was no slavery problem. You essentially expect blacks to ignore factual statistical evidence about their safety because any particular black can mitigate the danger by making “the right choice”, a choice that a white person doesn’t even have to consider. That’s a double standard.

You’re trying to combat racism by become racist. Doesn’t make sense.

One type of racism is the more passive variety of the person who pretends a problem doesn’t exist, or refuses to acknowledge it, because the status quo favors of pleases him.

@Tom: Judging by the intellectualization defensive posture — big, needless words and all — I’d say I hit a nerve.

I answered your question and you are ignoring my answer. I said that I don’t assume something about what someone is thinking or going to do based on the color of their skin. To clarify (as I seem to have to), I don’t assume a black youth is up to no good because he’s black, and I don’t assume a white person will think a black person is up to no good because they are black . . . because the person is white. Get it yet?

Statics are often used to support what someone wants to believe — in this case, you and your narrative. Any adept analyst does not speak in absolutes, but rather correlations. You are sold on the idea that blacks are still being unconsciously subjugated by whites. That’s your opinion. Don’t invoke a cursory, and fallacious, take on some stats you gleaned from a blog as Gospel. You are racially profiling Zimmerman. You are assuming things about him based on the color of his skin.

If you were really serious about analyzing the data, you’d stop looking like a child on this post and start doing some real research. As I said, it’s about poverty, not race.

Your point of view is outdated and ignorant. In 1993, I would have agreed with you. But now, you’re blathering comes across as bigoted drivel. Time to move on and get a little more life experience before arguing, perhaps?

@Tom: All arguments aside, I’m curious as to what you think about this video posting:

Please don’t take this as some kind of “proof” or “justification” on my part. This guy is just voicing his opinion. I’m curious of yours for it’s own sake — no need to compare it to mine right now.

Concerning mine:
What the man’s testimony means to me is that there is a larger issue here, and blaming it on hidden white racism is actually propagating a cycle of poverty, crime, and violence in the African-American community. Many, many whites are giving time and money to help correct the issues in the black community — that is truth. But they are still outsiders, and change is has to come from within. I’m a big fan of Malcolm X , and agree that some efforts within the black community become undermined when it’s driven by whites. That’s what I see in the Martin case — a drive by whites against their own self-hatred of whites, and pushing a political agenda. The NAACP rides along, not knowing they are getting their cues from the white community. It’s exploitation.

That’s my issue. The outrage should be the continued poverty and violence in black communities. I’d rather put my efforts into helping that issue rather than joining a politically-motivated outcry engineered by greedy politicians and their press.

Look at the PHOTO at the bottom of the Article.

He DRESSES like CHE Guevara.. a KNOWN Terrorist and THUG / Killer
He ARMS and EQUIPS himself, like a terrorist and in a threatening manner.
He threatens violence against people he has never personally met.

And he says WE are RACIST, for LOOKING at him “in that way” (like he is a NUT, or TROUBLE, or untrustworthy etc) or THINKING that of him ???? REALLY???? This guy, thinks like GREG here does! BASS ACKWARDS!

@Nathan Blue:

Your point of view is outdated and ignorant. In 1993, I would have agreed with you. But now, you’re blathering comes across as bigoted drivel. Time to move on and get a little more life experience before arguing, perhaps?

Your condescending, avuncular concern is touching. I find your style of quite interesting as well. You have zero interest or curiosity about the viewpoint of others; you pose questions (while ignoring those posed to you) and if you don’t receive complete agreement, you start throwing around terms like “bigot”. Of course, you also seem to have misplaced the origin of this discussion, way back in the original post (remember that?) and my first comment, where I responded with one man’s response to the verdict, which I feel is fairly representative of a segment of the African American response. I am not African American, I cannot speak for African Americans, or feel how they do about this, but I can try to exercise a little empathy. I think the response I quoted holds merit, although nowhere have I given it a blanket endorsement. Some people (like the original poster) are actually curious about why people feel a certain way. Not you, of course. You’ve grown more agitated comment by comment, as people refuse to co-sign your arrogant, yet strangely vague and factually elusive, instance that you have the word figured out. You even have it down to the year (1993!) apparently, that racism died a quiet death, and now we should all just move along.

Statics are often used to support what someone wants to believe
If you were really serious about analyzing the data, you’d stop looking like a child on this post and start doing some real research.

I enjoy how you devalue objective data, and then insist it hasn’t been presented. Staggeringly hypocritical, but sort of a win-win strategy for you, huh? If you don’t like the statistical data, you can fall back on your completely unsubstantiated blanket dismissal of statistical, while continuing to maintain that no one has presented an argument backed “by research” (!). Do you mena like the ones you’ve been presenting, where only bigots think race is a factor in society after 1993?

I could list studies and data all day long to bolster the points made above. One common complaint in the wake of the verdict made my African Americans is how they are treated by the American Justice system compared to other races:

African-Americans, especially young black men, and especially poor young black men. African-Americans are 13 percent of the general population, but over 50 percent of the prison population. Blacks are incarcerated at a rate eight times higher than that of whites—a disparity that dwarfs other racial disparities. (Black–white disparities in unemployment, for example, are 2–1; in nonmarital childbirth, 3–1; in infant mortality, 2–1; and in net worth, 1–51).

In the 1950s, when segregation was still legal, African-Americans comprised 30 percent of the prison population. Sixty years later, African-Americans and Latinos make up 70 percent of the incarcerated population, and that population has skyrocketed. The disparities are greatest where race and class intersect—nearly 60 percent of all young black men born between 1965 and 1969 who dropped out of high school went to prison at least once on a felony conviction before they turned thirty-five. And the incarceration rate for this group—black male high school dropouts—is nearly fifty times the national average.


This article examines the impact of jury racial composition on trial outcomes using a data set of felony trials in Florida between 2000 and 2010. We use a research design that exploits day-to-day variation in the composition of the jury pool to isolate quasi-random variation in the composition of the seated jury, finding evidence that (i) juries formed from all-white jury pools convict black defendants significantly (16 percentage points) more often than white defendants, and (ii) this gap in conviction rates is entirely eliminated when the jury pool includes at least one black member. The impact of jury race is much greater than what a simple correlation of the race of the seated jury and conviction rates would suggest. These findings imply that the application of justice is highly uneven and raise obvious concerns about the fairness of trials in jurisdictions with a small proportion of blacks in the jury pool.

You dismiss the idea that people, consciously or unconsciously, take race into account regarding safety and danger


Extensive work over the past decade has shown that race can bias perceptions and responses to threat.
In Study 2, White participants showed a pronounced bias toward shooting Black men but a bias away from shooting Black women and White ingroup members, providing evidence of a behavioral threat-related response specific to outgroup men stereotypically associated with aggression. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.


This paper considers the process by which individuals estimate the risk of adverse events, with particular attention to the social context in which risk estimates are formed. We compare subjective probability estimates of crime victimization to actual victimization experiences among respondents from the 1994 to 2002 waves of the Survey of Economic Expectations (Dominitz and Manski 2002). Using zip code identifiers, we then match these survey data to local area characteristics from the census. The results show that: (1) the risk of criminal victimization is significantly overestimated relative to actual rates of victimization or other negative events; (2) neighborhood racial composition is strongly associated with perceived risk of victimization, whereas actual victimization risk is driven by nonracial neighborhood characteristics; and (3) white respondents appear more strongly affected by racial composition than nonwhites in forming their estimates of risk. We argue these results support a model of stereotype amplification in the formation of risk estimates. Implications for persistent racial inequality are considered.

You dismiss the fear of black parents that it’s statiscally more dangerous to be a young black male than any other race:

Youth Violence

Among 10 to 24 year-olds, homicide is the leading
cause of death for African Americans
; the second
leading cause of death for Hispanics; and the third
leading cause of death American Indians and Alaska

Homicide rates in 2010 among non-Hispanic, African-
American males 10-24 years of age (51.5 per 100,000)
exceeded those of Hispanic males (13.5 per 100,000)
and non-Hispanic, White males in the same age group
(2.9 per 100,000).

Just the tip of the iceberg. Feel free to dismiss all this data as just fancy numbers that are “used to support what someone wants to believe”. I’ve found that ignoring objective data is typically the recipe for that outcome.

In the case of Zimmerman shooting Martin, more was needlessly made out of the racial aspects of the case than needed to be. And done by the likely, usual suspects, all in an effort for self-aggrandizement, self-promotion, and had nothing to do with any sort of “justice for Trayvon”.

Consider, GZ merely “thought” that Martin was black, when asked that question by the 911 operator. And GZ’s name itself, without actually seeing the man’s face, gives the picture of an affluent white man.

The media twisted the first fact, cutting and mangling the audio so as to change what was actually said. In so doing, it is now near impossible to change that first impression that many blacks across the nation had on hearing NBC’s altered audio, or hearing the second hand accounts from people describing the audio. And what you have is now a group of people who will never actually look at, or listen to, the actual evidence without the preconceived notion that GZ specifically targeted Martin because of race.

As for the second, the name appeared many times in the news media before the face was ever shown. That likely was not part of the manipulation by the media, but it certainly helped in that the initial reports, and thus the second hand accounts given to others, was of an affluent white man specifically targeting a black teenager based on nothing more than the color of TM’s skin.

GZ was guilty of something that night. He was guilty of being stupid enough to get out of his car and attempt to follow TM, despite being told not to.

However, that stupidity doesn’t deserve the honor of being attacked and getting beat up. And that is the point that none of the racist, black leaders, the prosecutor herself, the media, nor the thousands who’ve protested in support of TM will ever acknowledge.

A case that should be discussed only in terms of the self-defense law and it’s application in situations quickly and purposefully devolved into one mainly about race and race relations, without any proof or factual evidence that that was the case at all.

that guy is a terrorist and should be arrested on the spot for saying that, TRAYVON said
you will die, and he proceed to do it,
those are human turn mad, TRAYVON WAS THROWN OUT OF HIS SCHOOL AND HE WAS MAD FROM IS ARRIVAL TO HIS ATTACK, GEORGE ZIMMERMAN could have never thought that GUARDIAN job was so dangerous,

Nathan Blue
oh my that’s terrible, are you all that TOM SAID, HE IS PROBING EVERY ONE

@Tom: I couldn’t read any more of your . . . um, rebuttal after reading the word “avuncular”.

We’ll just have to agree to disagree, and I’ll have to admit that I find your point of view horribly ignorant and troubling. You’re here looking for a fight, not helping society at large come to a consensus. Sorry if you thought you smelled blood in the water, warranting your deluge of statistical “facts”. As I’ve said, I don’t find your abilities to analyze data skillful enough to engage in thoughtful dialogue. If I had time, and thought you were worth it, I’d show you a larger set of data that includes yours, and how a sane and objective look would come to better conclusion of what to do, beyond saying “Zimmerman is half white, so he’s racist!” You’re beating a dead horse . . . skeleton, really. You have a sociopolitical hook in your mouth and you expect me to take you seriously.

It’s well documented that the statistics for African-Americans and Latinos are much worst than those for Caucasians and Asians-Americans. You can cherry pick any study you need to “prove” a point. Real objectivity (which is escaping you) requires some maturity, not proof-texting a study and saying “ha! you can’t argue with this!” Really? Perhaps some more education in critical thinking is in order.

So it is a win-win for me, because I stopped discussing this a few posts back in favor of informing you that you’re off base, as a courtesy to you. Normally, I just ignore ignorance. But the damage being done to the black community and the white community by second-rate analysts who have already made up their minds is starting to dissolve the diversity of culture and strength of spirit in the US.

Your end is what concerns me — I’m not sure you have one beyond mindlessly “beating” those you’ve labeled as enemies.

@ilovebeeswarzone: Bees, it comes with the territory I guess. Can’t say I have all the answers, but I serious question the direction that some in the government and culture are trying to bulldoze people into.

@Nathan Blue:

All arguments aside, I’m curious as to what you think about this video posting:

Are you really? It seems like what you’re really interested in is labeling me “ignorant” and a “racist”. It’s tough to win with a person like you. You call me ignorant, then ask for the basis of what I’m presenting, and then refuse to read it, and call me ignorant again. Do you really think that’s a winning debate strategy? There are people who are truly interested in how other people think, and there are people who are only interested in how they themselves think and consider all other viewpoints annoying static. You fall into a third category, that of a person who feigns interest in the opinions of others, but just barely, because you believe it will maximize your opportunities to pontificate. So forgive me if I seem skeptical.

What the man’s testimony means to me is that there is a larger issue here, and blaming it on hidden white racism is actually propagating a cycle of poverty, crime, and violence in the African-American community.

If someone claimed there was “hidden white racism” afoot, I certainly missed it. You seem to be attributing causes to thing that I’ve merely pointing out the existence of. Example: I point out the fact that young black men die violent deaths at a much higher rate than other races. That’s a simple fact. Your rebuttal is, no, it’s really about poverty, not race. Okay, where did I say it wasn’t, at least in part, about poverty? But even if you’re correct, that doesn’t change the statistical racial aspect. It doesn’t make it less important to a black parent. But you would prefer that a fact like this not be discussed, because it’s inconveniently complicated where you prefer a much simpler explanation. The truth is, rather than debate a fact, you’d prefer to censure it. You don’t believe in an open discussion when it runs counter to the political narrative you’re peddling.
At the most basic level, you seem to be confusing racism and race. You’re so caught up in this game of being defensive about perceived claims of racism, and then lobbing bombs of your own, that you’ve crossed into a fringe position of denying that a person’s race can have any impact upon him or her whatsoever. It’s a ridiculous notion to expect black parents to ignore troubling statistical pattens that impact their children because they offend your sense of a racism free nation.


Funny your elipses chopped-out this part of your linked, highly racist editorial:

“You can think what you’d like,” he said, a smile creeping up his face. “We can also call the police right now and sort this all out, because y’all aren’t supposed to be here and this is private property.”

I wanted to hit him in his fucking face. I wanted to take his flashlight from his belt and smash his teeth out, giving him a real reason to call the cops, a reason besides the crime of eating a sandwich in a parking lot.

But I was a 20-year-old brown kid in Virginia. It was late. I was with a white girl. I felt embarrassed, and the thought of being surrounded by more inquisitive white men with pepper spray and tasers and handcuffs and guns only made my face hotter. And so I apologized. “I’m sorry,” I said. “We didn’t know this was private property.”

“Well, now you know,” he said

Kinda like what Trayvon lacked the self-control to stop himself from doing, eh?


If someone claimed there was “hidden white racism” afoot, I certainly missed it

I assume it is safe to say you are referring to “white” racism toward blacks.
So how about this:

Racist views are based, Tom, on one’s attitude of superiority against someone of another race.

It doesn’t make it less important to a black parent.

That in itself, could be considered “racist.” Are the concerns of black parents different than those of white parents, or Asian parents or Hispanic parents?

It’s a ridiculous notion to expect black parents to ignore troubling statistical pattens that impact their children because they offend your sense of a racism free nation.

And the troubling statistical pattern is that their black children have a greater chance of being murdered by another black than by a Hispanic, an Asian or a white. You want to ignore the FBI stats that show black on white crime is committed in greater numbers than white on black crime and that black on black crime is the greatest threat to black children.


You’re either operating at a very low cognitive level, or you think you’re cleverly twisting what I’ve written. It’s not clever however to write drivel sentences that are riddled with logical fallacies.

I assume it is safe to say you are referring to “white” racism toward blacks.
So how about this:

Irrelevant conclusion. I’m clearly discussing the conversation contained in this thread.

That in itself, could be considered “racist.” Are the concerns of black parents different than those of white parents, or Asian parents or Hispanic parents?

False equivalence. I never wrote that the concerns of white/Asian/Hispanic parents are different. I wrote that it is logical for black parents to react to data that affects black children.

You want to ignore the FBI stats that show black on white crime is committed in greater numbers than white on black crime and that black on black crime is the greatest threat to black children.

Argument from fallacy. I never made any statement of the sort.


I’m glad you read the article. Do you really think there’s something “funny” about the fact I edited down an article that I also provided a link for, so that all were free to read it in its entirety (like you did)?


I might have typed that you had linked to a “disengenuous, obfuscating pile of elephant feces of a Racist Tirade that you could not even begin to fully understand,” but I was being polite so as to not hurt your feelings.

My main point was that the author of the whining drivel is not only an unrepentant racist piece of garbage, he also has those same violent impulses that caused Trayvon to find his “limit.” And that fact whizzed right over your blunted, little head. 😉


I appreciate your frankness, and your taking the time to respond. So what causes these “violent impulses”? Why would you state that this man and TM both have them? Are they inherent or learned? Please elaborate.

@Tom: Glad you finally understand there is more to reality than a simple dichotomous perspective of things, even if you can’t grasp it quite yet.

there are people who are only interested in how they themselves think and consider all other viewpoints annoying static.

The above is you. I’d quit if I were you. You are starting to appear truly stupid.

@Nathan Blue:

The above is you. I’d quit if I were you. You are starting to appear truly stupid.

How original. At least you quote quality copy, even if you can’t write it. I guess I’ll quit now in the face of your overwhelmingly vague insistence on something, and the fact that I’m an ignorant racist. Well done. Your trophy’s in the mail.

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