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House Passes Pork-Laden Sandy “Relief” Bill

I asked a few weeks ago whether we would see a change in John Boehner or not after he gave a great speech in accepting the majority leader of the House.

We received the answer today when he brought to the floor a bill he knew the majority of Republicans opposed.

A bill that is anything but a “emergency relief” bill.

“According to the Congressional Budget Office, more than 90 percent of this money won’t even be spent this year,” Rep. Tom McClintock said. “That’s not emergency relief.”

Nope….it’s all pork. The majority of Republicans knew this and wanted that crap gone.

The House approved a $50 billion Sandy relief bill Tuesday evening, after several hours of contentious debate in which scores of Republicans tried unsuccessfully to cut the size of the bill and offset a portion of it with spending cuts.

Members approved the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, H.R. 152, in a 241-180 vote. Among Republicans, 179 voted against it, and just 49 voted for it, a protest against a bill that many conservatives say is too big and provides funding for things other than immediate relief for New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.

Taxing the rich this year netted Obama’s government 60 billion. Total amount allocated for these Sandy “relief” bills? 59 billion.

26 billion went to actual Sandy relief. 33 billion went to pork.

I’m happy 179 tried to hold the line but this is just pathetic.

Spending will never be cut, and we are heading down a road that has a very unhappy ending.

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There was a lot of chatter last year before the fiscal-cliff vote that Boehner wouldn’t bring bills to the floor that didn’t have the support of a majority of his own caucus (the so-called “Hastert Rule”). Fast-forward a few weeks and he’s now allowing votes on bills that face supermajority opposition from the GOP. Looks like he’s feeling awfully good about his leverage after being reelected Speaker. Presumably tonight’s vote was his way of signaling to the tea partiers in the caucus that, if push comes to shove, he’ll let Democrats pass a debt-ceiling hike with help from Republican centrists too.

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