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2nd Amendment Rights Reenforced In Louisiana

Louisiana Tells Their Liberal Judges To Stuff The Practice Of Legislating From The Bench Where The Sun Don’t Shine.

Conservatives stand for less intrusion by the state into their personal lives, and while the rest of America was voting on Obama or Obama Lite, Louisiana was voting on making the right to keep and bear arms “a fundamental right,” and thus threw a wrench in the gears of Liberal Judges who insist on legislating from the bench.

The amendment, “Lousiana Right To Bear Arms, Amendment 2 (2012) passed with a 73.45% to 26.55% margin. The amendment strengthens the 2nd Amendment by banning or eliminating “language within the Lousiana Constitution prohibiting concealed weapons,” it also mandates “any restriction of a [gun] right requires the highest standard of review by a court.” Thus it abolishes the right of a judge to implement anti-gun legislation or impede gun-rights on personal feelings.

The passage was a magnificent strike for Constitutionalists on a day when Liberalism was proclaiming victory.

It is a victory for Lousiana, that will set the standard for many more states with a preponderance of judicial legislators writing Liberal laws from the bench; however, more importantly, it reminds us that the bench has been corrupted by judges who seek to corrupt the system by implementing Liberal policy and legislation from the bench. It is a form of Liberal tyranny and now is the time to move forward take back the fundamental system from these unscrupulous judges and let them go back to deciding individual cases, and not writing legislation from the bench.

It is time to regain the spirit of the early Americans. Honest Liberals will not concede the possibility of national enemies within their ranks.

General Gage to Lord Dartmouth,

“The trials we have had show the rebels are not the despicable rabble too many have supposed them to be; and I find it owing to a military spirit encouraged among them for a few years past, Joined with uncommon zeal and enthusiasm. They intrench and raise batteries —they have engineers. They have fortified all the heights and passes around this town (Boston), which it is not impossible for them to annoy. The conquest of this country is not easy; you have to cope with vast numbers. In all their wars against the French they never showed so much conduct, attention, and perseverance as they do now. I think it is my duty to let your lordship know the true situation of affairs.”

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