H.R. 6566: Mass Fatality Planning and Religious Considerations Act‏ [Reader Post]


Make what you want with it. But H.R. 6566 Mass Fatality Planning is indeed an actual bill in committee. Seems most likely it won’t see the light of day. However I can’t help but to take pause.

The timing is a bit ominous considering Homeland Security recently bought 1.4B of ammo and then another 2oo million in sniper rounds (not too mention other govt agency purchases). For perspective, I went back ten years looking for Internet noise about DHS ammo purchases, here’s what I found.

  • In 2009, 200 million rounds purchased
  • 2008 nil
  • In 2007, 200 million rounds purchased
  • In 2006, 1,280 pounds of ammunition, silencers, machine gun assembly kits purchased
  • In 2005, a five year contract to procure up to 65,000 SIG SAUERs was awarded
  • 2004 nil
  • 2003 nil
  • 2002 nil

The recent 1.4B purchase is a huge unprecedented outlier for the agency. Allow me now to juxtapose the above with this current Swiss news article. It’s google translated so pardon, but the point remains clear. Switzerland (one of the most neutral countries on the planet) is creating and mobilizing four NEW military police battalions in anticipation for future unrest. The badly translated headline, “Switzerland is gearing up: In case of emergency exercises are possible threat scenarios played out. VBS chief Ueli Maurer does not exclude that the army in the next few years is used.” The point: bureaucrats and gov’t agencies the world over seem to be preparing for something.

Does the potential DOOOOM equal a Mad Max style apocalypse, pfft no. The State will always exist; it’s not going away. However, Camden and Detroit are vanguards to potential outcomes and prime examples of worst case scenarios if we drive over the fiscal cliff or shit hits the fan – any future crisis will reminisce to something like the Argentinian economic collapse of 2001.

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One major difference between the 2001 Argentinian collapse and the next one IF the USA is involved.
Good Argentinians left there and came here.
(We got a local influx and they are all doing well nowadays.)
Where can good Americans run away to?
Little islands here and there?

@Nan G:

Canada for me. Dad was born there. Maybe they’ll take me in.

Alternatively, Montana. Or Idaho.

Or maybe just duke it out with ’em at home and go out in a blaze of glory. There may be nowhere safe from the NWO.


In the last 3 years 35k Americans have moved to Calgary. Its mostly oil patch people.Esso(Exxon) has bought a location to put their Canadian headquarters in one central site. You folks keep this socialism crap a stirrin, Exxon Houston will probably move here also.
Its more than scuttlebut.

@Nan G: How are you defining ‘good’, e.g., good Argentinians, good Americans, good Christians?

@Liberal1 (Objectivity):

How are you defining ‘good’, e.g., good Argentinians, good Americans, good Christians?

If you have to ask ….