Seal Team Six Speaks Out On Obama’s Raid


Obama’s indifference to our troops in the field who actually put their lives on the line is typical of nearly all imperial leaders of history. However we cannot excuse this blatant callousness on the personalities of history; we have those who train beyond the limits of ordinary troops and who risk unspeakable savagery by maniacal enemy for whom our president and our Secretary of State have undeniable sympathies. For their commitment, they only ask for anonymity. They don’t wish to make speeches and show up on late-night talk shows with adoring celebrities fawning and slobbering over them. They only ask to be able to do their dark and often times bloody work in secret. The integrity of the mission is foremost, the survival of their comrades is important, but they also need to protect their families from reprisals from the same group Obama reaches out for; it is unusual for them to speak out, but our president’s behavior has compelled them to take a stand and expose Obama’s duplicity. In the final analysis, these anonymous heroes are concerned that our national security is being compromised by the president to score political points.


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Thank you Snook.

Given the Obama administration’s past behavior, I am also concerned what they will do should they lose the election. They are very fond of Friday document dumps. It wouldn’t surprise me at all for members of the administration to do a massive dump of our most vital national secrets on Dec 28th, and for Obama to issue them pardons on New Year’s Eve.

“OPSEC is not about politics or the election…. it is about the American way of life and those who go to defend it. We have a problem in this administration and we are wrong if we say nothing…… IT IS OUR CIVIC DUTY.”

The above statement, from Smith’s Facebook page, is a total crock. It’s entirely about politics and the election. Former Navy Seal Benjamin Smith is a self-described actor, model, and public speaker who has been represented by Patriot Promotions, a corporation in the business of marketing the services of such people for media work and political events. His article on the Patriot Promotions website indicates just how “non-political” he actually is. His organization, Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund Inc, is a political action committee. In addition raising money for the production this little swiftboating effort, they’ve raised a million or so to run “non-political” anti-Obama ads in several swing states.

Smith accuses Obama of duplicity. Smith should know all about duplicity, seeing as how he’s practicing it himself.


There is no reason for providing comfort to the enemy. Name one other president who leaked so many secrets. People have been killed because of the loose lips of the President. Greg os a jerk! The US has ececuted spies for less. This is what wikileaks is about nimwit!

There’s a new video and article on HotAir regarding Biden. Rudy Giuliani on Biden: “This guy just isn’t bright”– In this video Rudy Giuliani says that vice-president Joe Biden has become a “laugh-line” on late night TV. “Actually,” says Giuliani, “he’s not very bright“. How true. And, furthermore, Biden is the guy who was running for the Democrat presidential nomination back in 2008 and garnered only about 1% of the vote.

Now if only others would make a video where they tell about how stupid and inexperienced Obama is, perhaps even fewer people would support Obama. Already Obama is having a rough time getting donations for his campaign. Romney’s campaign is out-pacing Obama. And already “A new poll of four critical swing states by Purple Strategies, taken after Mitt Romney selected Paul Ryan as his running mate, shows Romney leading in three critical swing states — Virginia, Ohio, Florida.” —

The result is that Obama has been desperate for some time; leaking information and scandalously taking credit for the finding and killing of Osama Bin Laden, when it was George W. Bush who set in motion a determined plan to find and kill Bin Laden after 9/11. Obama is despicable. Obama is a liar.

And what does Obama’s inexperience and “drunken politics” get for America: “How nice: We’re stuck in the weakest economic recovery since WWII.” — article:

Without a doubt, Obama is fully cast as the Jimmy Carter of the 2012 election. People, voters, in the United States now realize that we need the business acumen of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. It is then no wonder that Obama can no longer raise money for his campaign; neither from Hollywood types, nor from newlyweds.

The question then becomes: Will Barack Hussein Obama leave the White House when he loses the election in November?

@Randy: Please document your assertions that Obama is responsible for leaks that resulted in people’s death, and that spies have been executed for less.
We have to be responsible for our assertions—we shouldn’t just say anything we want without evidence—that sort of behavior gives blogs a bad name. “Nimwit”.

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

Lib1, in case you haven’t notice, it IS Obama’s administration and the buck stops with him. He is responsible for his administration consequently, he is responsible for the leaks that are currently putting our military in more harm’s way than necessary.

Even Dianne Feinstein is concerned about the leaks coming from the Administration, but when she voiced those concerns, she got slapped down by the Administration’s lackies.

There is more to the killing of ObL than we will ever know, at least during Obama’s reign. It always bothered me that after Blabbermouth Brainless Biden shot his mouth off about SEAL Team 6, 25 members of SEAL Team 6 were killed in a helo shooting just a short 3 months later. The mouthpiece Obama media didn’t want to delve into those killings for some reason but there were a lot of things about that helo crash that caused eyebrows to raise.

One of these days the crap that this administration has done to usurpt our national security will all come out. At that point, we need to go back to the practice of tar and feathers.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): Obama is the commander in chief. He can only delegate authority, never responsibility. If there are leaks from the administration and the administration (President) fails to stop those leaks, then the administration is responsible. Allowing highly classified information to be leaked to the media is the same as providing that information to the enemy. Obama failed in his responsibilities and people died!

@Greg: Politics or not, the facts they present are true. Obama made the OBL kill about himself and the leaks have set back GWOT, which is the main point of their contention. Are you denying that none of this occurred? OPSEC leaks kill and the leaks were politically motivated which is probably the reason why we haven’t heard anything from those two “special prosecutors” or whoever they are.


Smith is not the only member of the group. My friend Scott is in that video….next week he’s holding a special screening of the video…..this is not some new theory or idea, ever since the bin laden raid, the military (especially special ops) has been basically begging the administration to shut up!!

“What has occurred, alongside this and other related actions by special operations forces and the intelligence community, is the public unveiling of classified military and intelligence capabilities for political purposes, thereby posing a serious future threat to the lives of the intelligence and special operations personnel involved in such actions, as well as the exposure of intelligence gathering methods and future special operations missions.

In addition, in perhaps the most egregious display of ambition over country by a sitting President in modern times, the President of the United States mounted a media platform on a Sunday night at 2345 hours to announce to the voters that OBL had been killed.

This naked grandstanding came despite the fact that DEVGRU (SEAL Team Six) and other operatives had recovered huge amounts of intelligence material, quite probably with information that could have been converted to actionable intelligence, to include dozens of flash drives, computer hard drives and documents that without doubt contained massive amounts of information on the names, locations and operations of Al Qaeda worldwide.

This may have been our sole opportunity to utterly and completely destroy Al Qaeda. But before any of this treasure trove of intelligence could be analyzed, without any thought as to consequences, and before any other terrorists could be seized, BHO ran to the stage and announced it to the entire world. In a few brief moments of selfish grandstanding and political opportunism, our Commander In Chief lost the single opportunity to exploit intelligence that, had secrecy been preserved, might well have crushed Al Qaeda once and for all.

Within a few minutes of that announcement, every AQ terrorist moved into another rabbit hole where they could not be found, so they could continue their murdering of American soldiers and innocent civilians across the globe. How many have died since that date? ”


As related in this utube video, years of hard work goes into developing actionable intel. Developing sources through trust requires the agent to place himself at risk as well as his source. When the processes used to plan a strategy is revealed, it is not only the intel experts that are placed at risk, but otheir families, friends and anyone who may be in the vicinity of them.

Violating OPSEC is a Court Martial offence in the military. OPSEC violations in the military are usually by accident or carelessness. Violating OPSEC to keep your political job while selling out the military and the intelligence services not only affects future operations, but it causes information held by an intel cell to keep that information tighter. They will not share it with others who should know because of the loose lips. This puts our whole country well down the road to setting up the intel conditions that could have prevented 9-11. This President and his administration is creating the conditions for another 9-11 with his leaks.

@retire05: This comment is full of right-wing bias in its verbage, i.e., the administrations lackies, Obama’s reign, etc. This is the kind of language is used when I was a twenty-three year old left-wing radical—a type of rhetoric which I’m glad to have outgrown.

The way I look at that particular incident was that the SEALS were on a mission, and they got shot down with grenade launcher—or some such weapon. Of course, the right-wing media would see a connection between Biden’s words and the incident—and in fact any journalist searching for story that could increase readership would revel in such a story.

Let me say, there’s a different between coincidence and correlation. If it could be shown that the enemy had known that there were SEAL team members on this helicopter, and that’s why they shot it down, and Biden was responsible for supplying this information before-hand (either intentionally or unintentionally), then you might have a case.

But to blame Obama’s administration for a wide range of needless military deaths is unfounded.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): And do you believe that if Biden hand not told the media the location of the base Seal team 6 were operating from, this would still have happened? The Taliban manufactured a situation that required insertation of the Seals. They radioed when the team left the base and they had previously scouted out the most likely landing place. They staked out the ambush sites and sent grenades into the helos when they attempted to land. This is a result of a lack of OPSEC. This was no accident. It is because of incidences like this one where our military and intel experts get killed that apawned the utube video. You never did out grow you liberal activist ways. You just got older and likel never bothered to change your tie dyed T shirts.

The main problem with going after Obama and his Administration for its leaks of information is that, by fiat, at any time, Obama can declare any information, no matter how sensitive, to not be top secret.
As such, to go after him on allowing the leakage of secrets, is like fighting slime with knives. It cannot be done successfully.
Obama can declare the goalposts moved in any amount, at any time.
What happened was egregious.
And what happened was done for pure political gain.
But all we can do is try to SHAME Obama and his into not doing it anymore.

I’m sorry, but that’s the truth.
And, generally speaking, shame works well against Islamists and their sympathizers.


You can’t handle the truth.

@Greg: Ohhh, insight from Mr. “in and around”, how delightful…Nice to see that regardless of the result you’re quick to take the side of the non-mil, makes sense…

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

If you have outgrown liberal language (no proof of that exists) then you have simply resorted to creating “plausable deniability” to every wrong headed action this administration does. And it is clear that you don’t know the particulars of the deaths of 25 SEALs with your “or some such weapon” comment. Sadly, being totally uninformed has never stopped you from opining on any subject, has it?

There were questions about the whole SEAL Afghan operation from the event itself, why the Taliban knew the location of the SEALs, to the very helicopter the SEALs were on.

Obama is claiming full credit for taking out ObL. Nevermind that it was under the Bush administration that Intel learned of the currier that ran messages to the ObL compound. Nevermind that hundreds of Intel people had devoted years of their lives to learning the location of ObL. Nevermind that Obama never gave credit to anyone but himself (I, Me, My).

But explain this: what kind of CIC sents a SEAL team into the mouth of the beast and then goes to play golf? What kind of CIC had to be called off the golf course by Leon Panetta because the operation had started? By the time President Zero got to the Situation Room, the SEALs were already in Pakistan. How long do you think it takes to fly a stealth UH-60 Black Hawk from Afghanistan to Abbottabad? Do you think that FDR was sitting around playing bridge and drinking scotch with his friends on D-Day?

So explain Obama’s actions on that day. Explain how a man, who feels a responsibility for the soldiers under his command, can go play golf during such an important mission.

Now, reality gives us one of two answers: a) Obama could not care less about the safety and security of those he just sent into harm’s way or b) Obama did not know the operation had been put into action and was clueless that Panetta had ordered it and Panetta called Obama off the golf course to give clueless Obama cover.

My guess it was both, a) and b).

Now, I don’t expect an answer from you because giving answers to questions is not what you do. Your whole purpose is to try to provide “plausable deniability” to cover for a man who should have NEVER been elected POTUS and who has proven he is not up to the job.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): We have to be responsible for our assertions—we shouldn’t just say anything we want without evidence—that sort of behavior gives blogs a bad name. “Nimwit”. What a POS….You’re the poster child….Personally, any comments from you regarding MIL/LE are a joke at best…Stick to your airsoft chatrooms and blogs…

and continue your expose, by telling how OBAMA FIT IN THERE, DON’T YOU LIKE TO BALANCE THE TWO SIDES of the story you have the nerve to tell, to discriminate about the best of this NATION,

there are no coincidence inside a warzone, that is where the extreme on the battle is decided,
to end lives, and no coincidences are allowed to play.
there are chain reactions all the time,

@retire05, #16:

Obama is claiming full credit for taking out ObL.

No he isn’t. What is happening is this: The political right keeps repeating that Obama is claiming full credit for taking out Osama bin Laden. Simultaneously, they’re trying to deprive him of any credit whatsoever. The suggestion that Obama–the Commander in Chief of our nation’s military forces–had anything at all to do with Osama bin Laden’s demise drives them totally ape shit. So much so that some have rolled out the story that he actually got in the way of the operation.

Obama has never made any statement that an honest, objective person could reasonably interpret as an attempt to take full credit for the operation. On the contrary, he has stated on many occasions specifically who deserves the credit for the successful operation. You can find such statements and expressions of thanks in the record in many places, beginning with his initial announcement on May 2, 2011 that Osama bin Laden had at last been eliminated.

The right wing propaganda machine has lied constantly about this. They’ve lied until people begin to think the lie is the truth. Would you care for some specific examples? Look here. And don’t go complaining again about “left wing sources”. These are direct quotes in black and white that can be found in many other places, if you want to take the time to check their authenticity. You can do the same with the direct quotes of Obama that appear at the bottom of the same article.


@Randy, #3:

I’ve never seen any evidence establishing that the Obama White House has been the source of a flood of critical national security leaks. I’m not aware of any facts suggesting that “people have been killed because of the loose lips of the President.” These are totally unfounded allegations, just like the repeated assertions that Obama keeps trying to take full credit for the successful completion of the Abbottabad mission. The fact that they bounce endlessly around an echo chamber doesn’t make them true.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): Hold on their Mr. idiot!! How about Reid accusing Romney on the floor of the Senate?? Show me his proof and I will show you the proof of this article. Otherwise shut your stupid mouth!!

@Greg: Hey Greggy, I have been asking you to prove Reid’s allegations on the Senate floor for weeks. Make a deal, I will prove the Seal’s accusations once you prove Reid’s accusations of Romney and his taxes. I’m waiting!!

@Liberal1 (objectivity): Oh poor poor baby!! Waa Waa Waa are these works too much for you?? Geeez some the krap spit out by liberals during Bush’s tenure make these comments look like a Sunday School Teacher said them. Please go back to your pacifier!!

@Common Sense, #24:

The only one who could conclusively prove or disprove Reid’s allegation is Mitt Romney. Maybe you should ask him for the evidence you seem to want. I obviously have none to provide.

In any case, that has nothing whatsoever to do with the swiftboating effort related to the totally misleading heading, “Seal Team Six Speaks Out On Obama’s Raid.”

No one “speaking out”–that is, appearing in Benjamin Smith’s swiftboating production–is presently part of Seal Team Six. No one speaking out was a witness to any of the events in question. Seal Team Six has not spoken out against their Commander in Chief. It’s highly unlikely that they will do so.


I have never said that Obama wasn’t right to go after ObL, but I suggest you listen to his announcement speech of the killing of ObL, and tell me how many times Obama use “I, Me, My” and compare that to the number of times Bush did the same on the capture of Saddam Hussein. You see, Obama is the one who tried to act like it was he who actually flew that UH-60 to Abbottabad and scaled the wall to take ObL out. No one has to put words in Obama’s mouth, he did it to himself. My complaint is that Obama, the malignant narcissist that he is, could not give those who came before him credit for what they did.

And please, do not insult my intelligence by linking me to a George Soros funded/supported Media Matter article.

So why don’t you answer the questions that Liberal1 runs from? What kind of CIC goes golfing when those SEALs he commands are going into harm’s way? What kind of a man is hitting the green as Navy SEALs fly from Afghanistan to Abbottabad? Do you really think FDR was playing bridge and drinking scotch while our troops hit the beaches of Normandy?

You see, the Marxist you helped put into the White House is a poseur. He is nothing more than Valerie Jarrett’s puppet who dances when she pulls the strings. It was Jarrett who kept anyone from going after ObL for weeks after Intel knew where he was. After seeing the photos of the Situation Room on that fateful day, I will continue to believe that Obama was overruled by Leon Panetta, et al, to take ObL out.

And why do I have to give Obama credit for anything toward the ObL killing? Do you give George W. Bush credit for digging Saddam Hussein out of a hole? Obama didn’t create the intel, didn’t carry out the mission, and I suspect, didn’t even give the “Go” order.


As to Reid’s false claims about Romney’s taxes, perhaps he should have checked with John McCain who recently said that he reviewed Romney’s tax returns during the 2008 election campaign cycle. Reid is a disgusting liar and maybe someone should ask him how he managed to make so much on a land deal in Nevada that was crooked at hell.

@Greg: Greg, it was Reid who made the accusations regarding Romeny’s taxes and not Romney. It was you who supported Reid’s statement on the floor of the Senate. Romney has nothing to prove and Reid does. I assume you’re not going to provide any proof and try to double talk our way around my request. You always have and I’m not expecting any different here,

@retire05: rGreg will not provide any proof to any of his claims and accusations. I have asked him to support Reid’s accusations on the floor of the Senate from the day Reid made it and Greg supported it as truth. All Greg does is try to deflect the request like all good wacho liberals do. Still fun to watch him weasel!!

@Greg: Greg, if I use your warped logic then 0-bama needs to prove he nor his administration did NOT leak the information. Therefore I will wait for this.

@retire05: Yeah — the fab photo of the situation room — the twit was sitting down in the far corner looking like the classroom dunce — all he needed was the dunce cap to complete the pic. — hey sonny — just sit over there in the corner and let the adults carry on — damm putrid commie rat

@retire05, #27:

What kind of CIC goes golfing when those SEALs he commands are going into harm’s way?

My guess would be a stressed out Commander in Chief. Have you noticed how quickly the office ages the people who hold it? Obama has been no exception.

And please, do not insult my intelligence by linking me to a George Soros funded/supported Media Matter article.

I expected the conservative blinders would instantly close.

The article consists mostly of direct quotes. They’re the words of Eric Bolling, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Sean Hannity, Charles Krauthammer, and Karl Rove. Then you’ve got direct quotes from Barack Obama, which serve as evidence that the aforementioned are completely full of it. George Soros isn’t quoted. Neither is Rupert Murdoch.


Team Six has not spoken out against their Commander in Chief

That, that right there leads me to believe you were never in the military, if you were, IF, were unable to integrate with a team who understood things bigger than them and not the individual…And if by a slim chance you and your “in and around” time were true, it’s low hanging fruit like you that will take any opportunity to slight the military on behalf of Dear Leader because your time was sub-par…..Just because you are not a current/active member of a unit does not negate the blood, sweat and tears you’ve shed with them..

Maybe Ben Smith should be speaking on behalf of male models, out of work actors, or paid guests available for FOX News spots and Tea Party events.

@Budvarakbar: That photo ooked like Obama was photoshopped into the room. He is so much smaller than everyone else!

@Sua Sponte, #34:

Just because you are not a current/active member of a unit does not negate the blood, sweat and tears you’ve shed with them…

True enough. But it doesn’t qualify you to speak with authority concerning recent events that you have no personal knowledge of, or to presume to express opinions about the Commander in Chief on behalf of active duty personnel who aren’t at liberty to either agree with you or contradict you.

For all we know, the men who actually participated in the mission totally support the Commander in Chief who later flew across the country to privately thank them in person, and would like for Smith to take his politically motivated smear video and stuff it.

Greg proves post after post that there is no cure for stupid! The point here is that Obama is the commander in Chief. He is responsible for everything. He has the power to constrict every sphincter in the administrative branch. By not using that power, he authorizes any and everyone to leak any information that could help him politically. Obama is responsible and no one else for routine security leaks of high level intel. That is in his job description. If Obama cannot control the leaks, then he is unable to fulfill the duties of the job and he does not deserve another 4 minutes let alone 4 years! Greg continues to miss the point of the post!


But it doesn’t qualify you to speak with authority concerning recent events that you have no personal knowledge of, or to presume to express opinions about the Commander in Chief on behalf of active personnel who aren’t at liberty to either agree with you or contradict you.

And there’s where you’re wrong and in over your head…

The people making the most damaging allegations weren’t actually there to witness what really happened.

Hey, sorry you didn’t have what it takes to be a part of a team, thankful though in that it probably saved lives…So if a member were part of hundreds of INFIL/EXFIL and all in between, then there is one they are not part of, they can’t speak out/coment on it unless they were there?…You’re a clown and have confirmed my previous statements…

@Greg: Still waiting for your proof on Reids accusation. Any chance or are you hiding something??

@Greg: Simple question, which branch of the Service did you serve in and when? I served six years in the Navy as a Hospital Corpsmen/Operating Room Technician during Viet Nam. Guess which branch and rate the Marines get their medical support?? I know these are difficult questions but I expect an answer.


Ann Barnhardt:

Ann’s website is, as of now, completely linear, with no links to individual posts, and about a two week limit.

In other words, it’s up to others to archive her writings, and a few others do this, which is why I linked to “TexasFred’s” site. I don’t know what he stands for, other than a simple Googling of “The Execution of SEAL Team SIX”, but I don’t see, at first glance, any crazy, wild-eyed neo-nazi links at his site.

Another site, “Rense” archives Ann’s writing, but I won’t link there for many reasons, such as the one I mentioned.

The intro, then read the whole thing, all at my previous link.


You’re damn right I said it.

On May 5th I had an email conversation with a retired military man with spook contacts. All were in total agreement that the Bin Laden episode was pure theater. The SEALS were sent into a compound as evidenced by the lost chopper on site. But Osama Bin Laden wasn’t in that compound. Osama Bin Laden has been dead for years. Bin Laden had a genetic condition that caused renal failure (this genetic condition is common among deeply inbred Saudi arab muslims). Bin Laden had been on dialysis BEFORE 9/11. Dialysis is difficult enough for people in first world countries who can have it done in outstanding facilities. Bin Laden was having it done either in caves or in homes post 9/11. People in renal failure having dialysis done in fricking caves do NOT live for ten more years. Period. There was no dialysis equipment found in the compound the SEALS raided on May 2. Of course there wasn’t. Bin Laden wasn’t in that compound because Bin Laden has been dead for years.

This is why the “body” was declared “positively identified” faster than any known DNA testing process in existence – and this DNA testing was carried out not in a lab mind you, but inside Chinook and/or V-22 Osprey helos en route to the USS Carl Vinson. The body was then dumped into the Indian Ocean in a mad dash to ensure that “burial” took place within 24 hours of death in order to “honor” musloid burial traditions. Not a single picture of the so-called “Bin Laden corpse” has ever been released – and never will.

The entire Bin Laden episode was stagecraft. It was pure theater that was designed to give Obama a boost in the polls and give distraction and cover. Distract from what? Cover from what?

April 20, 2011: The release date of Dr. Jerome Corsi’s book, “Where’s the Birth Certificate” is announced as May 17, and pre-sales begin on Corsi’s work is known to be extremely thorough and meticulous. Within hours, Corsi’s book is #1 on – fully 28 days before its release. The Obama regime is panicked.

April 27, 2011: In order to diffuse and undercut the Corsi book, the Obama regime releases a PDF image purported to be a scan of his original long-form Hawaiian birth certificate. Within hours, thousands of graphic designers, many of whom are self-professed Obama voters and supporters, isolate and demonstrate with dozens of objective proof sets that the PDF released by the Obama regime is not just a forgery, but an astoundingly incompetent and obvious forgery.

April 27 through May 2: The Obama regime is now in a blind panic.………

There’s the cliffhanger. And the whole Right-o-sphere was just given the fakest of forged documents ever, in the world’s history of forgeries, by the White House’s very own dot-gov website, where the PDF remained available for months, to anyone who wished to download it — and examine it.


“The Get Bin Laden Plan” was actually, in my estimation, supposed to have happened right around NOW, during election time. That “compound” where some Bin Laden look-alike was, wasn’t a “hideout.” It was a prison, and a game piece to be used whenever Obama wanted to use it, for a bargain. (“And wait! We’ll throw in some stealth tech for you to sell to China, calling it a Whoopsie!, and a lot of intel, and whatever else the Ummah wants us to give them for the remainder of My Term. I’ll even keep our troops, those icky, icky people, in your country, train your troops with the finest Western military strategy, outfit your troops with the finest technology and GPS and weaponry. Just as long as, when I say, we enact the “Get Bin Laden” plan.” — Obama)

But some idiot kid with a (probably pirated) copy of Adobe Illustrator was picked to create, FROM SCRATCH, “Obama’s Birth Certificate”.

The only thing they could do to stop the wave of news that was about to hit was to enact the plan to “Get Bin Laden” RIGHT THEN. Right after this bit of theater, Obama and Co. started the leaks about SEAL Team Six. Which you NEVER EVER EVEN MENTION.

This man is diabolical.

And, click my nic for her site, and bookmark it.

If you want to see someone with no fear, YouTube.

@Common Sense, #41:

I was a U.S. Army EM, and spent all of 1970 on the ground in the Republic of Vietnam. I was a 72B20, trained at Fort Gordon, complete with a security clearance, and spent a lot of time in a fortified ComCenter, but also did my turns watching the concertina wire perimeter at night from a sandbagged guard tower. I know what incoming rockets sound like, and know what happens where they land. Which proves what? I’m one of around 3 million aging men who also did their time in the RVN. I don’t see how it’s pertinent to the current topic. It shouldn’t increase or lessen my credibility, either one.

“On May 5th I had an email conversation with a retired military man with spook contacts. All were in total agreement that the Bin Laden episode was pure theater. The SEALS were sent into a compound as evidenced by the lost chopper on site. But Osama Bin Laden wasn’t in that compound. Osama Bin Laden has been dead for years.”

Ann Barnhardt should talk to her doctor about having her medication levels adjusted.

A great number of our Democrats in Congress are actual real-life Communists.

Every level of government, every branch, and every agency, has been intentionally infiltrated with them, and with agents of the Ummah.

The U.S.A. has no more secrets. There is no more OPSEC. Aside from some lucky small ops that nobody knows about until after the fact — small ops which somehow, no Devout Muslim or Communist has gotten wind of — it’s all known by our enemies. No more secrets. And, oh, but the Communists and Muslims certainly have theirs. Ask Stanley Ann. Or her mother. Or Frank Marshall Davis. So many secrets, and thanks to the demonic MSM, anyone who dares to Question is “Nucking Futs”.

I am very glad that the Lord is returning. I just hope He does so before the next Great Leap Forward is enacted by these folks. The numbers will eclipse those attained by these Progressives’ idol, Mao, if they get their hourly wish.


Right on cue!

Anyone who has questions is in need of medication.

Forcible confinement.

And, par for this course, physical elimination would come next. And will, if you folks get to the level of power you desire.

40 million citizens murdered by the State in four years?


Maybe you can avoid the seemingly inevitable death-camps and mass graves, and just MEDICATE all the people who wish to be free.

Nah. What would be the fun in that? Killers Stealers Destroyers gotta Kill Steal Destroy.


complete with a security clearance

Which all comms/crypto have to have, so that’s not a golden ring, but with that, you would believe that you would be the first to have issue with team/ops revelations instead of shilling for the administration and sharpshooting members…

I know what incoming rockets sound like, and know what happens where they land.

…here’s a cookie….

I don’t see how it’s pertinent to the current topic

Yes, we all see how you would be unable to understand the pertinence, which rolls right into my previous statements…

It shouldn’t increase or lessen my credibility, either one.

Guess what, it does high speed, it does, especially when you chime in when never having been part of a team and feign ignorance at the impact on a team….