Internet ‘Star’ Becomes Ultimate ‘Douchebag’


This man is a complete and utter coward…and asshole.


This woman was nothing but respectful while trying to earn a small living, and instead gets verbally assaulted by the likes of this douchebag. You could tell the verbal assault was getting to her but she handled it well. Kudos to her.

Oh, btw…the douchebag is

Adam M. Smith of Tucson AZ, CFO of Vante.
Mobile: (520) 403-5045
Email is ‘amsmith77@yahoo’, YouTube name is ‘amsmith77amsmith’
University of Arizona Tucson – Adjunct Lecturer

(h/t Ace)


That didn’t take long, the douchebag removed the video….working on a getting a copy as we speak.


Original video is back up via Underground Vulgarian


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Must of had one the catheters installed that his employer helps manufacture. Explains his asshole attitude.

Protesting the CEO for exercising his free speech is one thing. Harassing lowly workers of the company is completely out of line. It would be nice if a police officer would give this jerk a ticket for using his cell phone while driving. (Yes, even in a drive-through it is still considered driving.)

Bryan Preston at PJMedia reaches an interesting conclusion based on today’s 10X normal business at Chick-fil-A and the through-the-roof business at Whole Foods.

Three years ago the LEFT boycotted Whole Foods and a lot of conservatives discovered it.
This week the LEFT called for a boycott and shaming of Chick-fil-A and, again, a whole lot of business came their way.

Maybe this was Obama’s ”plan” to ”fix” the economy?
Lefty boycotts; the way to get America back on its feet.

@Nan G:

Traditional marriage folk could counter attack: Theye get every Republican politician to announce that they will not allow any gay bar licenses or renewals in their city/state because “we don’t accept their values”. The far-left will all start frequenting those establishments and have their sexual orientation changed. They then take themselves out of the gene pool. Voila! a few generations later the far-left movement is extinct.

Whenever I meet or hear of jerks like this guy, I look at it this way:

I used to think jerks like this guy had no use on the Earth. Then, I realized that if we didn’t have jerks like him, we wouldn’t appreciate the really nice people like we should. So, thanks to this jerk, the next time I meet a really nice person, I will appreciate them more. So, this jerk is serving a useful purpose on the planet, and he is serving it quite well.

Wow, she really did a great job. Maybe it’s time to choke gay-owned businesses in return?

One wonder why these groups weren’t protesting Obama until his recent flip-flop “evolution”on gay marriage.

@DrJohn: ##7
Maybe it’s time to choke private companies that are partly owned by the US government.

A plain and simple example of the irrelevance of the Left’s protected social groups. Mr. Smith, a self-professed person of conscience, expects his pseudo-elitist nattering to define any argument of his choosing. Sad to see that as a part-time lecturer at U of A,Tucson, he can infect others with his own intolerance and biased world view. It is partly amusing to hear the fringe and counter culture call for tolerance and acceptance, when they have none for the beliefs of others. One wonders that Smith’s shareholders might find his time better spent on his corporate duties,instead of being a contemptible, obnoxious, mouthy shill for the LGBT agenda. Smith might stop to realize those lines around the Chik-Fil-As will look a lot like the lines around polling places on Nov. 6th. It is a mistake on his part and those like him to underestimate the tardy,but wrathful response of the heartland when it is aroused.

The left by and large is made up of cowards who wet their pants if really confronted.They only have courage if they are hiding behind some government protection or confronting some delicate person like this beautiful young lady. They basically are all ass-holes!!!

Does anyone know the name of the young lady? I would like to write her a little note of encouragement. Chick fil A should give her a bonus for great customer service under trying conditions … dealing with leftist douches….

Adjunct Lecturer

That means squat.

@cathymv: #7
You can send the letter to the business. They will make sure she gets it.

I thought I’d help Adam further his career so I emailed a copy of the video to his company.

I suppose you people listen the “douchebags” like this all the time: Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, and the rest.

@Liberal1 (objectivity): #17
I’m guessing that you would complain to the waitress if you got a bad meal in a restaurant. She didn’t cook the meal, and the lady in the Chick-Fil-A window didn’t have anything to do with the owner’s comments. If you are going to camplain about something, complain to the right person. It still amazes me how you liberals defend each other’s right to make a fool of yourselves.

I wrote a letter to this guys boss saying how stupid he acted and if he worked for me I would call him in and say ” what the hell were you thinking ” . He could boycott, he could write to Mr. Cathy at Chick-fil-a and voice his opposition but to berate that young girl was just plain classless !!!

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

yeah, remember that time that Rush went to La Raza’s drive thru and got his free agua and then harangued the gal working there asking her “How could she live with herself?”

Yeah, it’s just like that.


direct email for that CFA:

drop ’em a line and let them know that regardless of position on the subject, that gal deserves big kudos for maintaining her calm with such a petty little drive-by thug.

By liberals logic on this matter we should start showing up at local Progressive offices and asking them how “they can live with themselves” for working at a corporation who supports “hate” (i.e., political stuff we don’t agree with)

Folks, I know how tempting it is to want to lash out at this neanderthal for the boorish behavior he displayed in the Chick-fil-A drive thru however….I do NOT find it appropriate to contact his boss regarding something that he did, presumably, during his non-working hours.

Unless this dingleberry was actually representing his employer in some way when he did this then his behavior is irrelevant to his boss.

While Mr. Douchenozzle deserves to be heaped with scorn, ridicule, and a searing case of herpes for the way he treated that young lady, we shouldn’t involve his employer.

In the grand scheme of things, is hassling this guy’s employer over his employee’s views more respectable and honorable behavior than the way Mr. Pantywaste hassled the young lady over her employer’s views?

He is a CFO? Would you trust him after reading this:

What an idiot. I am 99% sure it’s the same guy. Lives in Arizona and is in deep financial trouble.

And this:

Well, well,well….seems like liberal former fat cat investment bankers are a big part of the problem. Now he is going down in flames.

@Smorgasbord: You mean “to be A$$holes”

In the article written by Curt he published that he was the CFO of VANTE . The video he did went viral so I’m pretty sure my letter is not going to be a complete surprise to him.

Remember the grandma on the school bus that took the abuse from the jr. high jerks? She ended up raking in a half million dollars. Maybe we could get the ball rolling for this young lady. Just a thought.


I actually spoke with her this morning, and is how I found out about the video. I was at that Chik-Fil-A last night waiting a well worth the time 1hr 45 min for dinner. I can’t remember her name off the top of my head, but I think it is mentioned in the Video. She was very nice to talk to.

@Budvarakbar: #24
I ain’t a religious person, but I don’t like to HEAR cuss words, so I don’t use them. I have been to almost all of the Tea Party rallies in Washington DC, and some in other places, and I have never heard cuss words, threats, or anything negative. We policed ourselves. Whenever someone brings a person down to THEIR level, they win. Let’s not let them win.

He is a CFO? Would you trust him after reading this:


What an idiot. I am 99% sure it’s the same guy. Lives in Arizona and is in deep financial trouble.

And this:


Well, well,well….seems like liberal former fat cat investment bankers are a big part of the problem. Now he is going down in flames.

@malize: thank you, I wrote a nice letter of commendation on her conduct.


He wasted somebody’s time at their job, it’s only fair he receives the same treatment.


I do NOT find it appropriate to contact his boss regarding something that he did, presumably, during his non-working hours.

That’s what James Holmes’ psychiatrist thought as well.

@John Cooper:

The straws are in the third drawer on the right.

Feel free to grasp at as many as you like.


And why not? He involved HER employer, didn’t he?

Smith, Adam M appointed personnel // 520-621-4862
Adjunct Lecturer, Finance
PO Box 210108
Building: McClelland Hall (#108)
Room # : 315R

@Aye: In most of the jobs I’ve had, what I did when I was “on my own time” was definitely a concern to my employer. In the military what Adams did would be called “conduct unbecoming”. In the nuclear industry, his behavior would have called into question his “fitness for duty”. In politics, making an ass out of oneself like Adams did would be career-ending. Frankly, I can’t think of ANY industry where having an employee bully a young woman wouldn’t be of concern to the boss but your mileage may vary.

I really have to wonder about the sanity of people who choose to broadcast their hate and bigotry to the world on YouTube; It reminds me of the type of things that mass murders do to gain attention.

Bottom line is that I think assholes like Adams should not be tolerated in a civilized society.

@John Cooper:

Now John, you and I both know that when you’re in the military you’re held to a higher standard. You are, in essence, representing the military at all times even when you’re on leave or during non-working hours. But Adams is not in the military so he cannot be held to military standards.

Nor is he involved in the nuclear industry although I find it difficult to believe that bitchin’ out the girl at the local drive thru would violate the standards of that industry. Finally, as far as I know, he’s not running for, or holding, political office.

So, your point on all of those things is moot.

Help me understand this though. A nitwit goes to drive thru window and makes a complete azz of himself and then posts it on the Interwebz for all to see. No laws were broken. No community morals or standards were violated.

Yet, somehow it’s okay to contact the guy’s employer to tattle on him about what he did? Really?

Explain to me how trying to intimidate/harass/embarrass Smith via intimidation thru his employer is a Conservative value.

Exit Question: Along the same lines, I suppose you’d be perfectly fine with someone attending an anti-Obamacare rally or, perhaps, a town hall meeting in which he bitches out the Congressman, and then having some busybody contact that person’s employer to rat them out?


Along the same lines, I suppose you’d be perfectly fine with someone attending an anti-Obamacare rally or, perhaps, a town hall meeting in which he bitches out the Congressman, and then having some busybody contact that person’s employer to rat them out?

If you hadn’t noticed, the left already does that and worse. It’s long past time that we conservatives started fighting back. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting sick and tired of the wimpy “turn the other cheek” attitude which is so characteristic of the Christian right.

@John Cooper:

If you hadn’t noticed, the left already does that and worse.

Never said that the left doesn’t already do this sort of thing. Don’t attempt to construct a straw man.

The question that I posed was would you be fine with it if the other side did the same sort of thing? For whatever reason, you didn’t attempt to answer that question.

You also didn’t attempt to explain how intimidation via employer meshes with Conservative values.

Finally, you say that assholes like Adams shouldn’t be tolerated in civilized society. Lots of people might agree with you. Of course, lots of people might also think that Dan Cathy is an asshole who shouldn’t be tolerated in civilized society.

Free speech and that whole First Amendment thing can be a very unpleasant thing sometimes. However, the only way I can protect my rights is to work to ensure that jerks like Adams get to enjoy theirs as well.

@Aye: You’re really into straws today for some reason. Did you know that Chick-fil-A gives you flex straws with your drinks? I’ve never seen any fast food restaurant do that.

If you think “conservative values” consist of hunkering down and submitting to whatever abuse the left decides to dish out, then I’m not for it. Personally, I’m for the survival of civilization.

You claim “lots of people might also think that Dan Cathy is an asshole”, but they would be wrong. I hate to break this to you, but there IS such a thing as right and wrong. I hadn’t realized you were into the moral equivalence thing.

In the spirit of “Karma’s a B*tch”:

Exec Bullies Chick-Fil-A Worker, Then Promptly Gets Fired For It

Here’s the press release from Vante announcing that Smith is “no longer an employee of our company,” effective immediately:

Vante of Tucson, AZ Regrets Actions of Former CFO

Employee Has Left the Company

TUCSON, AZ–(Marketwire – Aug 2, 2012) – The following is a statement from Vante:

Vante regrets the unfortunate events that transpired yesterday in Tucson between our former CFO/Treasurer Adam Smith and an employee at Chick-fil-A. Effective immediately, Mr. Smith is no longer an employee of our company.

The actions of Mr. Smith do not reflect our corporate values in any manner. Vante is an equal opportunity company with a diverse workforce, which holds diverse opinions. We respect the right of our employees and all Americans to hold and express their personal opinions, however, we also expect our company officers to behave in a manner commensurate with their position and in a respectful fashion that conveys these values of civility with others.

We hope that the general population does not hold Mr. Smith’s actions against Vante and its employees.

There might have been a moral turpitude or behavior clause in his contract. It’s also true that a company does not have to retain someone whose behavior could damage the company’s name to the public. The fact that you do unsocial acts in your “off time” is no guarantee that the company can’t get rid of you for it. Of course, it’s also possible that this guys bully attitude was also exhibited at his place of employment, and this was the final straw.

The young girl showed a lot of class, in the equine definition and tradition. I am sure she will go far in her professional endeavors; she has the patience and resolve to be a good cop. I wish her luck.

The water boy : classless

Interesting comments… I think this guy was totally out of line. I guess it’s anyone’s call whether they should tell his employer, I don’t really see the rationale but I’m not always right.

The girl should be commended, and will probably get emails and other positive reinforcement for good behavior in an awkward or difficult situation. That tells me what Chic-fil-a really stands for as a company… if they expect their employees to respond politely and respectfully even when under pressure! Or maybe the girl has been trained well by her parents to be respectful or maybe both (I can’t tell which it is from the information provided).

Interestingly enough, I think the guy has the right to believe what he wants and say what he wants, so he also exercised his right to free speech yesterday. Just like all the folks that went in support of their free speech rights…

@John Cooper:

And, once again, you fail to answer the questions that I posed to you.

Obviously you cannot explain how intimidation via employer is a Conservative value. Yet, you’re obviously okay with it since you’ve engaged in the moral equivalence approach since the beginning of our discussion, justifying the bad behavior of one group by pointing out the bad behavior of another.

Congratulations on that.

Now, we discover via Ditto’s post above that Adams is no longer employed by Vante.

I cannot help but wonder how loudly Conservatives would be howling if someone on our side was terminated from their position of employment for expressing a political or social position.

@Aye: John – you make a good point. I think the guy acted like a jerk but you are correct, he has the right to say what he thinks. Things aren’t as simple as we wish they were…

@Aye: I noticed you slipped the word “intimidation” into your rant. So you think making an employer aware that one of his employees is into bullying young women and posting his behavior on YouTube is “intimidation”? That sounds more like good citizenship to me.

Maybe you should define what you mean by “conservative values” so I would better be able to respond to your question.

@Aye: “Obviously you cannot explain how intimidation via employer is a Conservative value. ”

This was not intimidation. Intimidation is a threat designed to influence behavior. This is what is known as a “consequence”. Big difference. The employer apparently thought Smith was enough of an asshat that they no longer wanted him associated with the company. What he did to that employee was wrong. Having an opinion is fine. Stating it is fine. Acting in an abusive manner to a person who is not in a position to speak their own mind in reply because they are acting as a representative of their employer is what is known as (and this gets a little technical) “just plain wrong”.

He was not fired for speaking his opinion. He was fired for verbally abusing the customer service staff of a fellow Tucson business owner. Those stores are not owned by the parent company, they are local franchises owned by a local small business owner. The owner of the franchise doesn’t speak for the franchisee. Mr. Smith was clearly out of line. You don’t get to be a jackass to one person because you don’t like what a DIFFERENT person said.

@Ditto: Great news! Now will the college where this little worm worked do the same? Nah, they’ll probably promote him…

Behavior like Adam Smith displayed should not be tolerated in a civilized society.

Didn’t Adam Smith write that book “The Wealth of Nations” about 200 years back?

@ Aye
Guess what my letter that you say should not have been sent was not even out of my mailbox when this guy got what was coming to him . He embarassed his company