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Screw You! I am Outta Here G.O.P. [Reader Post]

To whomever this may concern

It’s been a relationship that has been on the skids since 2010. I tried to make it work, but after I saw that I was the only one making any concessions in our waning relationship I realized that you no longer considered our relationship worth saving. Instead of wasting each other’s time let me just pack up my vote and get the hell out of here. Goodbye Republican Party. It was fun while it lasted.

Mike Henkins

Whew! That felt good! I have been wanting to write that letter for a while now. I can’t believe I waited this long! I should have done it right after the election in November 2010. I knew then that it was over then but I was hoping things would change, but it didn’t. The Republican Party has done nothing but insult me and my Tea Party friends. I mean look! These bastards are going after Allen West now! Allen freakin’ West man! You know what really jumps my tracks? These same Sons of Bushs are the first ones to cry about the need for “party unity”. Un-flippin-real!

I will tell you what’s going to happen. If Romney gets the nomination they are going to come to us at first with hat in hand asking for our time and money to “help defeat Obama.” When we roll our eyes and slam the door in their faces, they will tell us they don’t need us anyway, their new best buds, the Independents, will help out. After they realize that the precious Independent voter isn’t going to waste their time helping out, they will be back again. They will finally get the message after you sic the dog after them. That’s when the crying starts. They will drag out the old “if you don’t vote for Romney, your voting for Obama!” crap. Of course they expect you to fold with this inspiring message. This will be repeated over and over until Election Day. Heh! “It’s your duty!” blah blah blah. Whatever.

The day after the election, when Romney and his little pack of clingers are all out looking for jobs they will point trembling snot covered fingers at us, yelling “It’s all your fault!”. It will have nothing to do with their candidate. It never is. It’s always our fault. No matter how many times they lose, it’s always somebody else’s fault. But this time nobody is going to be listening anymore. At least not me. I am glad to be rid of the back stabbing bunch of posers and two faced liars. Buh-bye!

Well, I have to get back to life. If you see the G.O.P. tell them not to call. I am changing my number and they can keep the cat. Hated the thing anyway.

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