Newt’s Ex-Wife to Drop “Bombshell”….MSM Newsroom in a “Civil War” Over When To Air Interview


The media’s long knives are out once again, and apparently it’s causing a war inside the network:

According to a breaking headline on Drudge Report, Marianne Gingrich — ex-wife of GOP candidate Newt Gingrich — dropped what sources claim is a game-changing bombshell about the former House Speaker — one that could “end” her ex-husband’s career. The interview, conducted last week by Brian Ross, is now causing major waves at the network, according to sources.

According to these sources, a “civil war” has since exploded at ABC on exactly when the confession will air.

The war behind the scenes? Some in the newsroom think it would be unethical to run this story before the SC primary.

I don’t believe it for a minute. This was leaked for a reason and that reason is to ensure the most liberal Republican gets the nomination….and then they go after him.

The MSM is fully behind Obama, fully behind the Democrat party. We all know what would happen if some kind of scandalous information came out about Obama. There wouldn’t be a “civil war” in the newsroom….it would just go away.

Civil war my ass.

A knowledgeable ABC source tells me it seems likely that the Marianne interview will run tomorrow.

Must of been a short civil war…


As for the “bombshell” itself, Allah has some guesses on what it might be. If he’s right then it’s nothing we haven’t all heard about Newt already.


Letter from Newt’s daughters to ABC

The failure of a marriage is a terrible and emotional experience for everyone involved. Anyone who has had that experience understands it is a personal tragedy filled with regrets, and sometimes differing memories of events.


Like I said, “civil war” my ass. Now they are going to try and directly affect the debate:

ABC spokesman confirms: Marianne Gingrich interview WILL air Thur on “Nightline.” Excerpts to be released earlier, i.e. before CNN debate.

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We know zilch about Obama’s single life.
His body man Reggie Love, had been photographed being teabagged by some guys.
And Obama misses him.
Obama used drugs….not just grass, but coke whenever he could!
Obama absolutely cannot write anything like his speeches or books.

I just cannot believe Newt’s legal divorces are make-or-break under these circumstances.
We all know divorces are ugly.
Look at the sealed facts Obama got released about his potential political opponent and a movie actress.

“Shall we try to kill him quickly, or will it be more damaging to let him stew in his own juices for five days?”

“Newt: Threat, or menace?”

The civil war rages on.

If it’s just more of the same (as Allah speculates) then I wouldn’t expect much impact, and I also think that ABC will have a little egg on its face for hyping it so much. However, notice that the interview is also described as a ‘confession’. And I doubt that Marianne would think that revelations of any kind of sleaze (whether it’s further adultery or even drugs) would be a one-interview career ender. I believe that she will claim that they were involved in criminal wrongdoing (maybe taking bribes, maybe something else). But unless she has hard evidence, I’m not sure people will believe her.
Anyway, if it’s two hours long and people actually watch it, it could leave quite a mark even without substantiated charges.

Slick was married, President, living in the Whitehouse, working and getting a hummer from Monica, and has a long list of indiscretions. He also lied to a Grand Jury Investigation and was found guilty. He was re-elected President and defended and given a pass by the MSM. Don’t want to hear any liberal wacho pushback about Newt!!

Yeah, we know Clinton was bad. But just because he more or less got away with it doesn’t mean we should lower the bar for our own candidates.

@bbartlog: I am in 100% agreement with you, sorry if I gave the wrong impression. My point was more oriented towards Democrats and the MSM. I do not know the whole Newt story but I am guessing not good. I am also guessing Newt won’t be the nominee. Thanks for calling me out on this one.

GOOD, we could use a president into group sex at nudist camps as long as all were drug free (no cocaine); otherwise woman, “Bring it on!”.

What a transparent piece of crap. Considering the same media, with GOP establisment’s blessing, has already anointed Romney, why would they consider “holding” any such info. Do any in the media believe that Newt will usurp Romney, what with the powers that be are behind him? Or even their parroted and outdated poll numbers? Or even that Romney’s has – to this moment – won only ONE primary, one caucus and two states?

This is BS, planted sans any documentation, merely to influence the SC vote. Pure and simple. They are desperate to crown Romney after Saturday, and figure they can “hint” at some unknown ancient scandal. Me? Holding out for the anyone-but-Romney candidate that can emerge post these original primaries.

Speaking of.. why aren’t they hot on the trail of Romney, overtly reluctant to release his tax returns? Right… they just want to save that crap for the general.

This is so obvious that it’s downright embarrassing to even appear in the MSM.

Newt’s already screwed having had 2 divorces and confirmed infidelities Maybe this will help ultimate “family values” conservative candidate Santorum be a legitimate alternative to Mitt.

rich wheeler: Newt’s already screwed having had 2 divorces and confirmed infidelities

Oh give it a breaK, rich. Divorce isn’t the equivalent of murder, embezzlement etc. It’s commonplace these days. So you may try to herd the hard nosed “family values” types that may care about this… few as they may be in this day and age. But it’s all lib/prog hype merely to boost Mittens, your favorite adversary.

@MataHarley: Well, they’ve decided to air it tomorrow night. Whatever they’re doing, it doesn’t look like it’s going to be sitting on the video and making people wonder what’s in it.

No surprise, bbartlog. I figure the entire purpose is to prevent any Newt momentum in SC, to benefit Romney… the perfect (as they will portray him) evil, soul’less, heartless capitalist as an Obama opponent. Personally, whatever it is, I don’t care. And considering Clinton’s behavior in the WH, it’s hypocritical for the lib/progs to care either. They’ll merely use it as a tool to shame the conservative “family values trump all” types. It’s a divide and conquer ploy, all to benefit Mittens.

Saint Francis of Assisi is a Democrat or he’s another of those hypocritical Idiot-Crats trying to keep us freedom patriots contained in their self designed Skinner Boxes. Sorry Mr. Constraint many of us Conservatives live well out of those little boxes you “Oh So Holy” Crats try to keep us pinned down inside. Divorce is not against the law but possessing and using unprescribed amounts of cocaine is against the law. Many coke blow-heads use – use – use never falling apart needing NA 12-Step drug rehabilitation and common sense dictates this White House no longer is virgin territory to coke-heads drawing lines then snorting hits. There are testing labs that perform case-by-case pre-employment urine tests to dedact drug usage but none of these services have been employed by O’BongPipe.

A news flash from THE EX WIFE??? Ha ha ha……Let me tell you about my ex, he’s a real jerk, how long have you got?

The professor at Legal Insurrection pointed out one of Romney’s advisors is in tight with Drudge and its not to far of leap to land on Team Romney using Drudge to influence ABC to release it “early” due to possibly being scooped with information that is already out there. The “civil war” pap is a joke. ABC had every intention of running it before the S.C. primary. They are faking some internal strife to be able to claim some type of ethical consciousness. Romney’s coronation will not be denied!

Unethical? These dirty tricks couldn’t happen to a more ethical man…lol.

Something for nothing does not exist, in nature or in human affairs.
Who is paying Marianne?
Is it George Soros (or his designated surrogates)?
Is it Mitt Romney (or his designated surrogates)?
She is not doing this for free, any more than the “witnesses” who came forth against Mr Cain did so for free. Any more than the divorce records of Tim Ryan were suddenly unsealed for free. These things do not happen by accident. Someone is “taken care of” to get this stuff out in public.
My presumption is that King Putt already has the means whereby to destroy Romney. The cabal of Chicago thugs has done their opposition research; they have their sources and their files; the greatest mudfest ever will come forth from “the Campaign” once Romney is nominated. Remember what happened to Herman Cain.
Therefore all putative opponents of Romney must be destroyed first.
Remember: our #1 narcissist knows how to destroy his opponents. The only track record he has is in sabotaging those who run against him. Ask any previous opponent.

Well, this explains a lot. If Gingrich is considering having Sarah anywhere near DC, the MSM will do everything in its power to crush him.

“Gov. Palin is somebody who I think was a very good reform governor. She was extraordinarily effective negotiating with big oil. She did a good job in the state of Alaska. I think she’s a very articulate leader of the tea party conservative movement. I was honored and delighted last night when she said if she were in South Carolina, she’d vote for Newt Gingrich. I hope everybody who likes her decides she’s right. And I hope they vote for me.

“Certainly, she’s one of the people I’d call on for advice. I would ask her to consider taking a major role in the next administration if I’m president, but nothing has been discussed of any kind. And it wouldn’t be appropriate to discuss it at this time.”

I’ll say it again, I am disgusted with the GOP field. If McCain hadn’t chosen Palin, I would have written someone else’s name in for prez. That’s where I stand right now. Since 3 out of 4 State that voted for Obama are about to choose our nominee, there better be one kick-a$$ VP. And if they had any sense, they would be doing what Dubya did and start saying who their advisers are.


This struck me as rather cold for a mother, who has two daughters out there campaigning for their father, to possibly ruin h relationship with her daughters to do what? Get even? Add her mark to this country’s future?

As far as who is destroying who, the Chicago pattern allows for anyone opposing Obama to be destroyed, at whatever stage of the process necessary. Destruction alleviates the threat of competition.

Well, the daughters are going to handle the press issues on this, probably isn’t what Marianne or Brian Ross hoped for.

Missy, this was Marianne, Wife Number Two, who was interviewed. The daughters came from marriage number one. The first wife has not spoken out against Newt.

I’m hoping the daughters do carry the day, but I’m sure the LSM will try their best to take Newt out for Dear Leader’s sake.

You know, I’m back and forth on Newt almost daily. If anything, this maneuver means someone out there thinks Romney may not be so inevitable after all, which makes me swing, once again toward Newt.

I really don’t give two cents about the sex life of somebody else, my concern remains that Newt is still a Neo-Federalist who won’t do anything to promote personal liberty or shrink the national hemorrhoid that is the federal government.

Man this is entertaining. Where is the Tea Party? Where are they? Is this their guy? Or is it Bachmann? Or Perry?

The Republican Party fooled all of you with their talk of “limited Government” back in 2010 and now their foisting on us the likes of Newt, Mitt, Cain, etc.

Total bullship. This two-party dog-and-pony show is laughable.


You are right, I got them mixed up. His daughters are well spoken and aren’t intimidated from the couple of interviews I’ve seen the do. If this latest issue was serious, I doubt it would be passed to the daughters to handle. I’m sure Newt already knows exactly what she is going to say.

THE Soothsayer
you said my word yes BRING IT ON,

MISSY hi, nice to have you back.

@mathman: It isn’t “da won” that is so cleaver and devious — please do not give the SOB that much credit — it IS the rabid Internationalist bolshevik / moo-slime cabal that is behind him — and that reaches far beyond Chicago — and the shores of this country

Early excerpts don’t suggest anything terribly surprising. Newt wanted an open marriage… how is that much different than his already-known suggestion to Marianne that she should just tolerate his affair? If that’s all they have then I expect that the votes lost due to people being reminded of his character will be more or less balanced out by the votes of those who are pissed off at ABC trying to manipulate the SC primary outcome.


Bees #27 Beautiful- Great laugh to start the day as I watch Rick Perry say– bye

Mata #14 I’m a bit suprised you are so dismissive of “the hard nosed family value types ” in your party.These Social Conservs. are a major reason I’m a Dem.

ah… there’s nothing worse than a mistress scorned for a new mistress…LOL Marianne, the first “other woman”, wants to whine about Newt’s latest other woman?

Cue the violins.

Funny, she did a big interview with Esquire in 2010… no bombshells there. Just the intimate scrutiny of a man who always had lofty goals, achieved success, but was always treated as an outsider by the beltway, and has his own demons and battles to fight. All humans do.

Just as corporate raiding is legal, so are divorces. Many may consider both these activities as flawed character traits. If my choice was based in comparing the ethics of these two character flaws, I’d choose the man with the divorces over the corporate raider. At least his character flaws were confined to immediate family/mistress circles while the corporate raider may destroy the thousands of lives of those he’s never met.

But there’s four left standing. Thus far, the anointed one has only won NH. Santorum won the IA caucus, which doesn’t allocate delegates. We’ll have to see with SC, but it looks like there’s a movement out there that is determined to ensure it’s only a race between Romney, Paul and Santorum.

If this drops Newt down in the polls, it will be the third time he’s been declared politically dead… yet he still keeps coming back, and never says never. In the long run, either the establishment will win out and stage the Romney coronation as planned, or the anyone-but-Romney distaste remains strong enough to buck Romney, and install someone else. But they will learn that squashing Newt won’t be as easy as it was with Cain.


America has much larger problems than what Newt’s Ex-Wife might have to say. Given 50% divorce rate in our country, gay marriage, and infidelity in the Whitehouse, I would say no one or political party has a moral high ground. Especially the amoral MSM. I would suggest America and especially our media focus on our problems such as unemployment, our national debt, scandals in the Whitehouse, failure of 0-bamacare as the answer to our healthcare, and our economy. These are issues have impact on all Americans and which 0-bama promised to make better but has failed. Sadly Democrats along with the MSM will do anything and everything versus focus on the real issues. Pathetic!!

@Richard Wheeler: I’m a bit suprised you are so dismissive of “the hard nosed family value types ” in your party.These Social Conservs. are a major reason I’m a Dem.

This blanket perception of each party isn’t something I subscribe to, rich. Not all Democrats/liberals are die hard progressives like their leadership, and not all Republican/conservatives make all their decisions based on social issues such as abortions… i.e. “family values”. You have overt communists and Marxists in your party, and the Republicans find themselves the home to equally despicable types like the KKK and skinheads.

My point? Both are a potpourri of individuals… some likeable, some not. But no two are alike. That you allow a segment of the Republican party to dictate your voting registration, while pretending to celebrate “diversity”, is somewhat sad.

I don’t dismiss the correct observation by the family values voters that the family core this nation used to honor is being triaged down in import. Certainly there are families left, but even they rarely have the family dinners, vacations, and family time that was more prevalent in the past. Our family used to gather in front of the TV to watch various shows together… Disney’s Wonderful World of Color, etc. That’s not likely to happen today. All the kids have their own TVs in their rooms, or their noses are down, furiously tweeting, or spend endless hours in the gaming world.

But Congress and a POTUS cannot regulate human behavior, or mandate a return to old family values. Yes, public school curriculum and education can contribute to that laissez faire attitude towards a traditional family, but they follow along behind the culture that is presented via the entertainment world of films and TV. Most of the controversial issues start first in the streets with demonstrations and demands of focus groups, not in the halls of Congress.

Divorces used to be frowned upon decades ago… whether you were Catholic or not. Then the boomers came to town, and divorce and a more flamboyant lifestyle became more acceptable. While Congress and a POTUS may respond with federal benefits that reflect this cultural change, I don’t consider central government the initial driver of cultural change. But I’m sure that many with family values here will disagree… the beauty of the nation. Individuals and their rights to hold their own beliefs.

But today’s economic reality may dictate that even family values is too much a luxury demand of a candidate, if that candidate isn’t also convincing in plans to return to a nation that encourages entrepreneurship and is fiscally responsible.

BTW, hasn’t anyone noticed that this is not only convenient distraction for SC’s primary, but is likely to wipe out all interest in Obama killing the Keystone Pipeline jobs?

Of course, the admin will be blaming it on Nebraska’s governor… but considering the general cavalier approach of the central government towards eminent domain, only the truly ignorant will buy that excuse.


Or, the doublespeak he has going on with Valerie’s Iran.

Obama says U.S. will not take hostile action against Iran

Mata I celebrate diversity but not when it comes to allowing govt. to dictate what is acceptable in the bedroom or between consenting adults.I don’t believe govt. should have a say in what adults read or watch or put in their bodies. Certainly govt. should not have any say in our religious beliefs or declare OUR nations religion.
I’ll amend my #29 to say the evangelical,too often hypocritical,right is not the reason I’m a Dem.(described at length in other posts),but it is the MAJOR reason I’m not a Repub.

Even though I can’t vote, I was helping Michele Bachmann. Its the North Dakota influence and the pipeline.
My mom who resides in Dallas was helping Perry. She can vote and is disappointed that Perry is throwing in the towel.
My employees are split between Newt and Santorum. The pipeline is a no show and so am I. North Dakota needs that pipeline or their boom is curtailed or possibly finished.
I see Nazi tactics from the WH and MSM. ” They came for the rich and I could care less. Then they came for me.” Its divide and conquer. Hitler got rid of Roehm of SA( brown shirts). Von Fritz and Blomberg( chief of staff and army commander) were cashiered by Hitler. All three were blamed for homosexual and infidelity escapades. Roehm was executed. Destroy your political opponents. History repeats itself. The WH is desperate and will stop at nothing.


However Newt and Rick Sanatorium (sic) wants to dictate to you in your and all Americans in their bedrooms but do what they like in their own lives and bedrooms. Breath-taking shameless hyprocrites. Let’s hope Bill Clinton is enjoying Newt getting his just desserts.

@Richard Wheeler: I celebrate diversity but not when it comes to allowing govt. to dictate what is acceptable in the bedroom or between consenting adults.I don’t believe govt. should have a say in what adults read or watch or put in their bodies. Certainly govt. should not have any say in our religious beliefs or declare OUR nations religion

I’m sorry rich, but are you under the impression that conservatives *want* the central government in our bedrooms? Or that we want them to ban reading material, or dictate religious beliefs? If you do have that impression, you’ve been spending too much time on Obama’s site, HuffPo or DailyKOs. Because conservatives want exactly the opposite.

As far as what is put in our bodies… I certainly think there is a case to be made for minimal health/safety standards for food and drugs. And if you want recreational drugs legalized, then you should be a Ron Paul supporter… he’ll give you lots of tax income for that.

@Missy, always nice to see you back here. Can’t say as I’m surprised at Obama doublespeak/fence straddling. It’s a art that he, and Mittens, have mastered. Debates between those two would result in a few hours of learning… well… nothing. Just competing “soaring rhetoric” and platitudes.


Just desserts? You do realize it was perjury and obstruction of justice that did Clinton in, not the sex.

Gaffa: However Newt and Rick Sanatorium (sic) wants to dictate to you in your and all Americans in their bedrooms but do what they like in their own lives and bedrooms. Breath-taking shameless hyprocrites.

What the heck are you talking about? Marriage/civil unions is not about prohibiting same sex activities. It’s all about how to dole out federal monetary benefits. Frankly, I wish the central government were completely out of the marriage definition game… traditional or same sex. When there’s no benefits to fight for, the issue goes away. In the past ages, people weren’t required to get marriage licenses for a religious based ritual. Why now? Because the feds have used that as a ticket for financial handouts.

In reality, for the central government, it’s less about morality than it is about money. Individuals may have their own personal preferences, but no conservative wants the federal government to dictate what any one may do in the privacy of their own home for sexual activity. What a bogus red herring.

It’s the same for abortion. Individuals are all over the map in personal beliefs. A Gallup poll last summer showed that a hefty majority of responders supported some limitations on abortions… i.e parental consent for minors, advising girls of the risks involved, no partial birth abortions, a 24 hour cooling off period before the abortions are performed, etc.

As far as legality, 62% wanted first trimester abortions legal, and the later in the pregnancy term, the support goes down. Needless to say, if you use the polls and general acclimation to abortion over the decades, only a minority are demanding a repeal of Roe v Wade… which isn’t likely to happen anyway.

What’s not so high in approval is federal funds for abortions. In other words, the majority of American aren’t likely to get up in arms if the next door neighbor chooses to get an abortion, but they don’t want their tax dollars paying for it. And that is the quintessential conservative stance…. get the federal government out of this crap.

None of the above issues has jack to do what what is being done in the privacy of anyone’s bedrooms. Therefore the leaps you take to assume skewed logic where none exists is what’s “breath-taking shamless”.


I’m not looking forward to have hubby come home tonight, he’s going to be spitting nails over this nonsense. I try to keep him calmed down, I tell him it will be all over with before we get to vote in the primaries anyway, if it’s Romney, I will probably have to live in the other house.

If you assert “MAJOR reason I am not a Repub” which asserts that there be other reasoning giving concern that that there must be an alternative. Social Network blogs use various political term identifiers; some being, “Very Conservative, Conservative, Liberal, Very Liberal, Other Point Of View”. They never use Racist- Affirmative Action, Socialists, Occupy, Democrat, Progressive, PETA, Rosie O’donnell, Union-Labor, Communist, Welfare-Abortion which are better identifiers so as to improve someone’s place and argumentability. Allow me to interject terms “Jacobin, Cretin, Superiorist” as accurate indicators of Left-Wing stupidity. There are those that openly wear “I Love Animals” or “I Want Clean Air” buttons like that stup loves animals or a clean environment more than me. I recommend continue living in grannie’s basement til she throws you out.

IT happened to my niece, she was married just a few years, she helped him and hire a secretary to help him,
while she was also working, then she caught him,by surprising him one day, she came crying and we talked,
she went back to talk trying to save her marriage, he wanted to stay married and ask to keep his mistress, she said noway, get out now, he left, she start to cut all his pants and threw out all the clothes with the pants down from the second floor of his mother house they where living in, ask the mother to call him to get his clothes, that’s the end, her boss took her on a trip around the world, it help her to heal.
she never saw him after,

edit; the moral of the story, watch where your pants are always


It is never surprising that a non-conservative does not know or understand what conservatism truly is. In my view, liberals tend to view conservatism as originating from the government and extending to the individual, and limiting the individual by use of the government. The opposite is, in fact, the truth. We desire, as individuals, conservatism originate from the individuals, and extended to the government, to limit government in their control/effect on the individual. In other words, the core value of conservatism is to conserve the individual’s liberty and freedom.

And when liberals make this mistake, they tend to assign positions on issues to conservatives that we just don’t have.

Liberals, on the other hand, tend to be all over the map when it comes to an individual’s liberty and freedom. They want government out of individual’s bedrooms, out of women’s bodies, or away from people’s vices, and at the same time, they want government to control our money, dictate what foods we can eat, control what firearms we can own/buy, dictate what we can build on our property, influence what kind of vehicle we should have, control our media content, control how our workplace is organized, etc.

People like Rich do not understand what a true conservative is and what they stand for. Instead, they listen to what others tell them constitutes a conservative, and so the “evangelical” who wants to “outlaw” homosexualism gets labeled a conservative, and the result is that anytime someone like Rich hears about conservatism, he thinks of that person as a homophobic biggot.

The definition of what constitutes a conservative then is changed to something that is completely different from the truth.

how smart of you to have 2 houses, when things get hot, one move out
just until it cools , great idea, better than accusations to destroy one reputation, which is the lowest action to do in a couple’s life

@johngalt: Welcome back. I was wondering you have been. What it boils down to is conservative=everything bad and liberal=everything good.

Perry is out and endorses Newt. Mitt leads Newt in S Carolina by 1.5 %( 2 polls from Real Clear Politics) and will tighten some more. What are the nazis( small case) in the WH and MSM going to do? In another poll the precedent has slipped nationally. I know that national polls are irrelevant as of today. Plenty of intrigue coming up. Lots of fun watching this gong show.
I watched Newt blow a hole in the Dem race card this morning on NBC. Newt might just win S. Carolina.

@another vet:

I stated on another topic that I have been away due to college football season. I have an addiction to it and during the season, little else can hold my attention.

You have boiled down the liberal views on conservatism/liberalism to it’s result. I was explaining the reason why the result is what it is. The real question is, for liberals, that if you are completely wrong about what constitutes conservatism, then what else are you wrong about concerning politics?

I will wait patiently for Rich to admit to being wrong on conservative values. I realize I will wait a long time for it, but I’ll wait nonetheless because I like him.

@Richard Wheeler: I don’t know how you can believe what you say and be a democrat. The reasons you cited, along with some others, are the main reasons I gave up on them long ago. Every time you turn around they want to regulate, tax, or dictate everything we do. If you really believed what you say, you would a Libertarian.

@johngalt: I can’t say I follow sports that much other than the Black Hawks. As for college football, if I were to follow it and root for a team it would be ASU. Getting back on topic, it’s funny how long ago conservatives of today would have been considered liberals and the liberals of today conservatives. It would be hard imagining someone with modern liberal views supporting the Revolution and not the king since the king represented big government.

Mata and John Galt I am referring to the self proclaimed Social Conservatives in the Republican Party. Am I to believe “true” Conservatives disown many of their beliefs discussed above.

Soothsayer I’m one of those “superiorists” living large in San Clemente Cal. When do you expect to graduate from high school?

Semper Fi Enjoy the debates and Mrs.Newt 2 of 3