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Former Occidental College mate: Obama an “ardent Marxist-Leninist”

In between the establishment GOP elected elite and their fellow pundits, all in an uproar about Newt’s rise in the polls, and the Ron Paul supporters pouring on the steam pushing their guy… let’s have another type of fun, shall we? After all, these are the days when people like Palin and Cain are tried in the court of public opinion based on past confessions and accusations. It would be a pity to leave Obama out of our new age justice system.

Seems that an old story is rebounding via Selwyn Duke over at the New American today. An old Occidental College contemporary of Obama’s three decades ago – John Drew, himself a self-described Marxist at the time – says that Obama was an “ardent Marxist-Leninist” during his years there, and as of today, Drew doesn’t think he’s changed one iota.

Drew doesn’t believe the President has changed, either, and I agree. I explained why in a follow-up to Kengor’s piece, writing:

Some may say that a person can change markedly over a 30-year period. This is true.

…Yet a transition from flat-out “Marxist-Leninist” to someone who rejects the red menace is a pretty big change, don’t you think? In fact, wouldn’t such a personal evolution — some might say revolution — be a kind of conversion? I think so.

…There’s an interesting thing, however, about conversions.

You hear about them.

You see, a conversion is a sea change, a rebirth, a turning point in your existence. You may become, as Christians say, a new creation, and you’re at least a reformed old one. And you reflect your new state of being and often want to voice it.

And those around you will know about it.

As for this writer, everyone who knows me would say that my religious conversion was a seminal point in my life.

Now consider something. Barack Obama is one of the most famous, most discussed individuals on the planet.

But we have not heard about any soul-changing conversion in his life.

Not a whisper.


Nothing that could reconcile the flat-out Marxist-Leninist Obama was in his college days with the man he supposedly is today. There’s no one who says, “Yeah, he was a radical guy in his youth, and I just couldn’t believe how he became disenchanted with his old ideas.”

At the time, Drew…who says he “…was a more nuanced Marxist”… attempted to convince Obama that old style Communist revolution was unrealistic for Western nations. Obama, disagreeing, considered Drew a “reactionary”, and would have none of that nonsense.

But, as referenced above in his article today, Mr. Duke was not the first to report on John Drew’s emergence with his not so surprising revelation of Obama’s penchant for Marxism. That would actually be American Thinker’s Paul Kengor, who, in his article one day shy of a year ago, called John Drew “Obama’s Missing Link”. Drew surfaced about a year before Kengor penned the article, contacting him after reading an piece he had written on Frank Davis and Obama. Apparently, like so many these days, he had something he wanted to get off his chest.

Drew had some significant experiences to share, and he e-mailed me just before I turned in my final manuscript. I concluded that he was legitimate (no question) and recorded his testimony at length.

Drew was a contemporary of Obama at Occidental College and a Marxist himself. In fact, Drew was a well-known campus communist when Obama was introduced to him as “one of us.” “Obama was already an ardent Marxist when I met in the fall of 1980,” said Drew, going on the record.

Drew is certainly cognizant of the gravity of his statement. “I know it’s incendiary to say this,” he adds, but Obama “was basically a Marxist-Leninist.” He noted how Obama, in Dreams from My Father, stated that when he got to college, he attended “socialist conferences” and “hung out” with Marxist professors. But what Obama did not explain or clarify, says Dr. Drew, is that Obama “was in 100 percent, total agreement with these Marxist professors.”

At the time of that writing, Drew admitted he did not know the POTUS today, so could only comment on the Obama college student he knew. But after three years of Obama in the WH, that no longer appears to be the case. The decades ago discussion about the feasibility of modern day Communist revolutions – and which one was the more radical – bears repeating verbatim.

Drew doesn’t believe the President has changed, either, and I agree.


In fact, Drew states that while he was a more nuanced Marxist who tried to convince Obama that old-style communist revolution was unrealistic in the West, the future President would have none of it and considered Drew a “reactionary.”

So what say ye? Since we’ve crucified past GOP candidates and conservatives, based on little more than an accuser from the past, coming forward, shall we do the same to Obama? While Selwyn Duke didn’t equate the trial-by-media mentality into which we have evolved, he did touch on that observation indirectly in his piece…

Perhaps we don’t have proof beyond a reasonable doubt that would stand up in a criminal proceeding for either of the above propositions. But asking for it is unreasonable and irresponsible. In the court of public opinion, there must be no higher burden than in a civil court: a preponderance of the evidence. And a preponderance of it in the President’s case points to a simple conclusion: Barack Obama is likely a communist or communist sympathizer.

Have fun… it will give everyone a chance to vent their frustrations and anger out on someone who isn’t a GOP candidate for a change.

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