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I Agree With The DNC, Romney Is A Flip-Flopper

It’s been a long time since I’ve agreed with anything the DNC has put out…if ever. But I can’t find much fault with these new ads they put out:



The Obama flip-flops are legendary, as is Romney’s which just goes to show you, Romney is Obama-lite and no choice at all if given the nomination.

As for the candidate who is giving OLite a run for his money, Newt Gingrich, he picked up a few endorsements today. First up is Maryland Congressman Andy Harris and according to the Gingrich camp there are more to come today.

So with Newt surging in the polls you knew it wouldn’t be long until the MSM brought out the daggers.

You have the WaPo asking for dirt on the man, and Politico has a slew of articles like this one ready to go I’m sure.

To be honest, it’s hard for me to believe that Gingrich is more conservative then Romney. He did approve of the individual health care mandate, believes that man is causing global warming, and wants an immigration strategy that pretty much is amnesty.

So why support him? Tina Korbe puts it well:

In the first place, Gingrich has owned up to at least a few of the mistakes of his past, both personal and professional. As he has taken responsibility, he has demonstrated a rare humility that qualifies him for power in a way arrogance never does. Shaped strongly by his study of history (as is impossible not to notice), he approaches policy from a perspective that does — as he claims — seem to combine consideration for the international, economic and social implications of any given decision. Gingrich would make mincemeat of Obama in the debates as not even the polished Romney could — and, if any independents are unfamiliar with him from his tenure as Speaker, they’ll be impressed with his broad policy grasp, just as Republicans have been newly impressed during the primaries. He hasn’t made his career by tricking liberals into voting for him nor by telling liberals they need a guy like him in office. When he reaches across the aisle to achieve reform, it’s to achieve conservative reform. The difference between Romney and Gingrich can, perhaps, best be summarized with a single statement: Mitt Romney’s signature legislative achievement was Romneycare, while Newt Ginrich’s was welfare reform.

But if he does get the nomination his past WILL haunt him during the primary. This may not be a great way to beat Obama.

So in the end it’s Newt or Romney and the GOP screws itself over again.

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