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Flip-Flopper Romney In Ohio

Reminiscent of flip-flopper Kerry. First he’s for it:

My friends in Ohio are fighting to defend crucial reforms that the state has put in place to limit the power of union bosses and keep taxes low. I stand with John R. Kasich and Ohio’s leaders as they take on this important fight to get control of government spending. Please visit for more information.

Then he’s neither for it or against it….just agnostic I suppose:

Campaigning in Ohio today, Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney stopped by a Republican Party phone-bank making calls in support of Gov. John Kasich’s government union reform referendum, but refused to endorse the actual referendum. CNN’s Peter Hamby called the scene an “incredible moment in politics.”

Kasich already signed his government union reforms into law in March of this year, not long after Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker won his battle against government unions. But Democrats, with the help from the AFL-CIO, placed a referendum on next week’s ballot Issue 2, that would repeal the new law. A vote for the referendum would keep the law, a vote against would repeal.

One more example of “finger in the wind politics,” as Perry described it today.

The liberal rag TPM says it’s because the bill is going to lose:

Of course, there seems to be a fairly simple explanation for Romney’s hedging: the bill looks to be going down hard. Quinnipiac’s polling showed that repeal forces have a 25 point lead at the moment, and a recent Public Policy Polling (D) survey showed a 20 point one.

And with the law seemingly going down in flames, it’s probably not good political maneuvering to come out hard in support of it. Romney was shown in a recent PPP survey to be in a good position in Ohio, with the pollster even going as far to say that if the election was held tomorrow, President Obama would lose the state to Romney.

That certainly sounds like the Romney we all know but then why even show up at that phone bank? Why? Because he wanted it to appear as if he was supporting the referendum without having to SAY that he supported it so when he gets nominated Obama and pals can’t use it against him. That’s how confident he is that he will be nominated I believe.

This is the kind of man that is THIS close to being nominated by the Republican Party.

Why take a stand on an issue when you can just hedge your bets. It’s not like this issue is important to conservative voter’s right?

Drew at Ace of Spades HQ makes a great observation. Romney may very well get the nomination because of the “Anyone But Obama” voters

…But the question has been, will people volunteer for him and do the other things that help put a candidate over the top. Why would Republicans in Ohio who are working their butts fighting the good fight here come out and work for a guy who won’t support them?

Exit quote:

“I’ve been on team Romney for a year and a half, two years,”

…“I think he’s the most qualified and I’m sick of personalities. I don’t need a rock star president and I never did, and I don’t care about celebrity. I think he’s the smartest, most capable and knows the most about the economy and can hopefully do something to fix our recession.”

– Meghan McCain

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