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Occupy Wall Street Notes & Tidbits….

The New Yorker asked some random OWSer’s a few questions, this one is indicative:

And Dana Loesch took one of the #OWS Journolister’s to task when he said (paraphrasing) “…well Fox did it too! They helped the Tea Party.” When asked to produce a link to evidence that Fox helped out the Tea party:

…The three people who read Media Matters valiantly tried to throw a besieged Boehlert a rope with the kooky argument that any Fox coverage of the tea party was equal to NBC’s Ratigan writing talking points for Occupiers. One asserted that 9/12 was a Fox event; it was not. In reality, Fox ran as far as it could from 8/28 and was one, if not the only, network to not report on 8/28 at all. This argument is invalid however, because it assumes that the 8/28 event was a tea party when it was not; the purpose of the 8/28 event was American unity. I was in DC covering the event; I saw not one Gadsen flag.

Another tried to insist that 9/12 was also the same as an NBC anchor writing notes for protesters and reporting on said protesters–except 9/12 isn’t a political group, it’s a community group. From the site itself:

The 9/12 Project is a volunteer based, non-partisan movement focusing on building and uniting our communities back to the place we were on 9/12/2001.

[…]It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.

On your right to disagree “In a free and republican government, you cannot restrain the voice of the multitude; every man will speak as he thinks, or more properly without thinking.” George Washington …

There is only one group endorsed by the Nazi Party, supported by communists, a group that has scored over a thousand arrests, a group where felons are arrested with guns, a group that threatens to kill people, a group where they desecrate the flag and defecate on cop cars, spit on uniformed Coast Guard members, and that group is the Obama-endorsed, cop-killer endorsed, Pelosi-blessed occupy movement for which NBC’s Dylan Ratigan served in some capacity as an editor while reporting on them.


Feeling left out with nothing to protest? Do your own:

Coming home from work tonight, I decided to “occupy” one of the elevators in my building. I got in, pushed all the buttons at once and then wouldn’t get out until people paid more attention to me.

On a GOP sidenote….did we dodge a bullet or what when Christie declined to run?

Chris Christie weighed in on the Occupy Wall Street protesters yesterday asserting that they “come from the same perspective” but have “different solutions.”

“What they are saying is, that ‘Government is not working for me anymore, government is not being fair and government is not helping me the way it should,'” he added.

Christie said that he didn’t agree with the solutions of the Occupy Wall Street protesters, but said, “I understand why they are angry.”

Oh really? The OWS crowd wants to take my money and redistribute it to others to help pay off school loans and other crapola. The Tea Party wants NO help from the government. Quite the contrary they want the government to leave them alone.

That’s coming from the same perspective?

And having just watched the debate I’m left to despair about 2012. Cain’s gitmo answer has me backpeddling on the guy big time. Perry just doesn’t do it for me, and Romney is Obamalite. Still plenty of time left but ugh….I need a drink

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