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This country will not recover until Obama’s boot is lifted from our throats [Reader Post]

So you thought the economy was bad before? You ain’t seen nothin’.

After the Deepwater Horizon oil spill Interior Secretary Ken Salazar unveiled the Obama policy for businesses in the US:

So the administration has embraced the violent imagery of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar who said administration officials would keep their “boot on the throat” of the energy giant to make sure the company does all it can and more to address the problems caused by its uncontrolled ocean gusher.

Holding a “boot to the throat” of business has been exactly what this administration has done. Now Barack Obama transitions from President to dictator.

And here comes the deathblow for the United States economy. Obama is ruling by edict that which he could not achieve legislatively.

WASHINGTON — In the next weeks and months, Lisa P. Jackson, the Environmental Protection Agency administrator, is scheduled to establish regulations on smog, mercury, carbon dioxide, mining waste and vehicle emissions that will affect every corner of the economy.

She is working under intense pressure from opponents in Congress, from powerful industries, from impatient environmentalists and from the Supreme Court, which just affirmed the agency’s duty to address global warming emissions, a project that carries profound economic implications.

Obama is proving that he has not learned from his failed stimulus, nor from his imposition of Obamacare, nor from his

knee-jerk over-regulation of banking.

Banks are less able or willing to lend than before the recession. Since the recovery started, banks have reduced money they make available through credit card lines from $3.04 trillion to $2.69 trillion and have reduced home equity credit lines from $1.33 trillion to $1.15 trillion, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Policy makers, meanwhile, are reluctant to do more to stimulate economic growth. The Federal Reserve has already pushed short-term interest rates to near zero. Two rounds of quantitative easing that including purchasing $1.425 trillion in mortgage bonds and $900 billion in Treasury debt helped to stabilize the economy but failed to spur a vigorous recovery.

He has not learned from his clumsy and obvious attempt to manhandle Boeing into obeying the demands of unions, even though unions have crippled Boeing repeatedly.

Boeing first sought to build the new plant near its existing facility in Puget Sound, but negotiations with the International Association of Machinists broke down when the union refused to agree to a long-term no-strike clause. The IAM had struck four times since 1989, costing Boeing at least $1.8 billion in revenue.

Barack Obama cannot issue new regulations fast enough, and those regulations are having a strong and negative effect on the economy:

“In fiscal year 2010, federal agencies promulgated 43 major new regulations,” the letter said. “These regulations ranged from new limits on ‘effluent’ discharges to new rules for Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations. The new limits on ‘effluent’ discharges from construction sites will cost $810.8 million annually resulting in the closure of 147 construction firms and the loss of 7,257 jobs.”

The Obama administration estimated the cost of the 43 new regulations to be approximately $28 billion — “the highest single year increase in estimated burden on record, resulting in thousands of lost jobs,” the letter said. “This new burden is on top of the $1.75 trillion estimated burden of existing regulations.”

Obama is determined to achieve his personal vision, no matter what the cost to the country.

Ms. Jackson said she intended to go forward with new, tougher air- and water-quality rules, including those that address climate change, despite Congressional efforts to override her authority and even a White House initiative to weed out overly burdensome regulations.

The first of these new rules is expected to be announced Thursday, imposing tighter restrictions on soot and smog emissions from coal-burning power plants in 31 states east of the Rockies. The regulation is expected to lead to the closing of several older plants and will require the installation of scrubbers at many of those that remain in operation. One former E.P.A. administrator, William K. Reilly, who served under the first President George Bush, is a sometime adviser to Ms. Jackson. He said she was taking fire from all sides.

Not enough fire, obviously.

Electricity costs will skyrocket, as Obama promised. Jackson is addressing climate change even though is far from a settled issue. A generation ago the same scientists were promising a new ice age.

Rep. Edward Whifield (R-KY) had this to say:

“It is unprecedented the number of major regulations this administration is putting out,” he said, “and I can’t tell you how many calls and meetings and letters I have asking, ‘Is there any way to slow E.P.A. down?’ “”What’s troubling to us, is that President Obama on the one hand is saying we have to be really careful about these regulations and consider the impact on jobs and the economy, but over at the agency they’re just going full speed ahead with minimal attention or analysis on job impact.”

Ed Lasky has characterized Obama’s actions as a “war on cheap American energy” and he is right.

Barack Obama’s EPA has been on a crusade to kill off efforts to boost America’s domestic energy supplies. We are now among the least attractive nations for energy companies seeking to explore and develop energy supplies. The American people are waking up to the man-made disaster that Barack Obama has created. Three quarters of Americans now think our oil and gas resources are under-exploited. Yet, Barack Obama and his Democratic allies are doing all they can do kill carbon and jam down our throats ruinously expensive and uneconomic green schemes that benefit their donors.

And John Hinderaker at Powerline defines the goal of Obama’s efforts:

The cornerstone belief of American liberals is that the United States is too rich and too powerful. And, if you want to make America poorer and weaker, the easiest way to do so is by preventing the development of our energy resources. Such a policy hobbles our economy and causes massive transfers of wealth from the U.S. to other countries, many of which are hostile. Liberals think this is all to the good, but pretty much every other American disagrees.

For your entertainment:

Obama promises to cut government imposed business regulations

President Obama published an article in The Wall Street Journal’s opinion column in its Tuesday edition calling for a government-wide overhaul of business regulations. Instead of giving a well choreographed and planned speech, the President wrote a declaration promising to cut unnecessary and outdated restrictions on businesses. Obama acknowledges in the piece that some of the government regulations in place have stifled growth and aided to a sluggish economy. The Administration, therefore, hopes to seek a balance with a designated review of what needs to be adjusted and removed so that the economy, and small businesses in particular, can thrive.

Obama blames everything and everyone else for the poor economy, including jet owners and ATM’s.

Businesses are pleading for relief

From rules on greenhouse gas emissions to labor agreements for construction projects, business owners and industry advocates testified on Thursday that federal agencies had imposed unworkable and excessive regulations that are eliminating American jobs and driving work overseas.

During a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing, business representatives bemoaned a host of regulations the Obama administration had imposed during the past two years. Some witnesses criticized labor rules they claimed prevent companies from bidding on federal contracts. Others blasted the paperwork burdens associated with the new health care law.

But, no matter the rule in question, the complaints echoed a similar refrain — the cost and time associated with complying with federal regulations were strangling the private sector.

“If regulatory burden continues to grow we, along with all other private sector companies, will no longer be able to compete in the world market,” said Michael Fredrich, president of MCM Composites, a small Wisconsin business. “Jobs will not be created and new businesses will not be formed. You will suffocate the system that has produced everything we enjoy today. It is that simple.”

but no relief is in sight.

Obama has crushed the housing market. He has crushed the financial markets. Now he crushes the energy market.

There will be no recovery while Barack Obama is President.

There can be no recovery while Barack Obama is President.

Barack Obama is the reason there is no recovery.

Only when Barack Obama is gone will there be be a robust recovery. Obama’s boot must be lifted from all of our throats.

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