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The cat’s officially out of the bag as Hollywood execs “out” their political bias on the record

What fun! I get to play gossip entertainment news columnist on the Internet! Heaven knows, since the media’s been great at blacking out real news, having more fun with the triple crown of sex scandals – Schwarzeneggar, Weinergate and John Edwards – instead, I can’t be too far out of the mainstream of what the public wants to read, right? I mean really… what possible value is there in covering the tanking US economy and growing dangers of the US foreign policy?

But hey, since we’re off in LaLa land for tabloid news, I might as well add my two cents worth. And in this case, it’s not much been a secret to anyone that Hollywood – and especially TV execs – are decidedly liberal. In fact, that may be the quintessential understatement of the century. But it does give one a grin when Hollywood finds themselves unwittingly on camera, spouting their various degrees of hatred for all things conservative. What’s more, they weren’t even tricked by underground, fledgling cyber journalists.

But as of today, the cat’s out of the bag, and Hollywood’s powerhouses have officially “outed themselves” as political tools to conservative columnist, Ben Shapiro, for his new book – “PrimeTime Propaganda”. What may be the most humorous of all is that they were unaware of Shapiro’s own conservative views while agreeing to be filmed.

Shapiro said the executives felt comfortable talking about politics with him because they assumed, incorrectly, that he is on the left.

“Most of them didn’t Google me. If they had, they would have realized where I am politically,” he said. “I played on their stereotypes. When I showed up for the interviews, I wore my Harvard Law baseball cap — my name is Ben Shapiro and I attended Harvard, so there’s a 98.7 percent chance I’m a liberal. Except I happen not to be.”

uh ahem… that’ll teach them to be educated only by reading lib/prog rags…. Do you think any of them are feeling the fool? Well, some apparently are as Caucus for Producers, Writers & Directors members, Lionel Chetwynd and Norman Powell, have quit because of the embarrassing remarks.

At the Hollywood Reporter’s article linked above, Shapiro’s already provided seven YouTube’s of teaser soundbytes… a drop in the bucket of the arsenal he has in stock. It’s a plethora of who’s who names in the article, all with long running TV successes over decades. I’ll let you just click and read, as it’s magnificent to take it in all at once. Still, he’s holding back some for more prime impact… such as the rant about Hannity for when he appears on Hannity’s America. And those about Ann Coulter at the release of her next book. Still, there’s enough leaked out at the onset here to titillate advance book sales… a sort of yin to Bernie Goldman’s yang in his exposé book, “Arrogance”.

But wait… life gets more interesting as Huffpo diva Arianna Huffington’s megabucks merger between AOL and Huffington Post appears to be going down in flames. Lack of experience in managing such a large enterprise is only scratching the surface for the reasons. And to boot, she’s not only made the enemies list of many, but apparently is keeping names and taking notes on a few herself. Paranoia is running amok.

Large parts of the org recognize the strategy is bad for the business but everyone is afraid to speak out. Arianna is rumored to have created an enemies list across the company and has directed her loyalists to collect dossiers on other managers across the company and report back on conversations. Her list includes several key business, sales, technology, and marketing executives she wants to eliminate and replace with her people. Anyone who disagrees, even if backed by data and clear rationale’s – goes on the enemies list. Facts don’t matter.

The upshot of a failed merger is that it could be the demise of that lovely little lib/prog stomping grounds, Huffpo, as we know it. But reading thru some of the comments, it appears many have been leaving HuffPo already. Well, that’s okay… maybe the Air America group needs some company in the depths of obscurity. Still, it’s a pity we’ll only be left with iconic DailyKOs as mocking fodder. Could it be that while Arianna thought she’d be raking in the bucks on the backs of her non-paid contributing columnists, she is actually getting paid back in negative karma?

Oh the world can work in magical ways on occasion… and it could be that Hollywood has just provided us with a ton of entertainment they weren’t planning on programming.

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