Straight Out Of A Marx Movie


What do you do when you offer a toast to the Queen of England in front of a hundred people and everyone ignores you? Like our Buffoon in Chief, you realize you have made an ass of yourself, put your glass down and wait until their national anthem is finished.

Obama doesn't respect national traditions; especially, those of the US and England, but in case any of his handlers read these lines, instead of letting him make a fool of himself, remind him that no one reads a note card to say a toast and no one talks when the British National Anthem is being played. It is a little late now, the whole world considers him a classless slob, but it would be nice if he would refrain from embarrassing the country more than necessary.

Did any of you see the bust of one of England's national heroes, a gift from England, that Obama unceremoniously sent back to the Queen or did anyone ask if the Queen managed to listen to listen to Obama's speeches he gave her as some kind of joke gift?

Here is the song with the lyrics. You will notice that the title is God Save The Queen.

Obama subscribes to the Julius Cesar School of Personnel Selection and believe me it shows.


Act 1 Scene II


Let me have men about me that are fat;
Sleek-headed men and such as sleep o' nights:
Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look;
He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.

I realize that most of you handlers must not have the experience, manners, or class to perform your functions as a result of Obama hiring substandard people to help and advise, but these skills can be learned by literate people if you apply yourselves.

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Would it be fair to say that when an entire philosophy becomes nothing more than a personal reaction against one individual, it has little contemporary relevance? Or is that just what one might conclude about conservatism from FA’s tedious parade of personal attacks on President Obama. Is the message I’m supposed to take away from this post that a mistake made on some archaic protocol is the antithesis of conservatism? Or should I just bask in that warm fuzzy feeling of a sharing hatred of a man? But even when you dress it up with Shakespeare, something devoid of a higher purpose than mean-spirited ridicule still comes off as cheap (Billy S deserves better). As someone interested in the topic of conservatism, even if from a critical perspective, I do enjoy the infrequent posts here that don’t focus on the President, but weeding through them has become increasingly tiresome (don’t let that stop you, Dr. J).

P.S.: Mr. S, if I may be so bold, please consider concentrating your prodigious writing talents in better places, like your always fascinating personal history. The Obama snipes are just pee in the pool and, from a purely literary standpoint, will date your work. You are more interesting without the baggage, not to mention, more likable.

My My such bland sensitivity, there was something strange which needs attention, where were the girls? Without prejudice the rap music artist Common, the poet and singer of “Communism” a hail to an escaped to Cuba killer of a New Jersey State Trooper, was welcomed by Bamzilla to the White House yet when it comes for the young girls the special occassion to curtsy and meet the Queen of England they were rejected twice; which, to a young girl, is unexcusable and unforgivable. Any father, with or without sentiment towards monarchy, would, given the slightest chance, have his daughters there because every daughter believes she is a princess and all daughters love being near a queen.

Any shots of Mooshell scratching her ass?

I think Obama is the worst president that the USA has ever had, that he is an illegal, and that he wants the USA turned into some kind of dictatorship that he will be the head of.  I have also said that I am a “neutralist” when it comes to new things to me.  I hadn’t seen the video before you posted it in your story because I didn’t want to.  Since there seem to be such a big fuss about it, I watched it twice.

Looking at it from a “neutral” view, I don’t see any BLAME for anybody.  There might have been a MISTAKE by Obama for pausing too long.  He could have felt a belch coming and tried to hold it back, or there might have been a MISTAKE by the conductor for not waiting long enough.  There’s enough serious gaffs from our Gaffer-In-Chief for us to complain about that I let the little ones like this go.

If it is a major gaff to the British, then they will let our Gaffer-In-Chief know.  He might have already gotten his education in British protocol and tradition.  Something he doesn’t care about.  Maybe he was briefed on protocol before the trip, but I am guessing he was thinking more about when he will wear his crown and missed a lot of what he was told.

As silly, and archaic as royal pomp and circumstance might seem to us on this side of the pond, the British are very particular when it comes to protocol and their queen. As you note Skook, the Obama handlers and hanger-on-ers, didn’t do the basic homework for his day in the Queen’s sunshine.

When you toast the Queen, you are required to make a simple “to the Queen”, then Shut Up and people respond, “The Queen” . . . no reasons for you toast, no speech, no how-great-though-arts, no how-good-you-looks, no my-how-pretty-your-hat-is, nothing.

It was obvious that the Queen wasn’t amused. . . . . Not that we should care, but come on, how about a little preparation. And he brought some notes for his “toast” ???? How infantile.

Obama is surrounded by goofs. . . . . Some leader.

@Skookum: #7

No humor intended. I just meant there could have been any number of reasons King Obama paused when he did: He could have lost his place in his obviously unrehersed toast. Where is a TOTUS when you need one?

This also helps confirm my guess that Obama seldom, if ever, reads his speeches before he reads them on the TOTUS. How do you read someone else’s speech all the way through and not know it, unless you haven’t read your first.

Either I agree with you most of the time, or you agree with me most of the time. Either way, we are usually on the same page on almost everything. Keep up the good writing and patratism.

I see a business opportunity here. Someone should design a wine glass TelePrompTer. The electronics in the base of the glass would project the image of the toast on the side of the glass facing the speaker. We have the technology!

You expect more of a narcissist?


Translated: Waaaaaaah! Quit picking on my hero!

Sorry tom boy, but as he is the smartest president eva and…the president, he is held to a standard. When he can’t get even the most simple tasks right and embarrasses the country, we talk about it. We Conservatives aren’t real big on your leftist double standard of giving someone a pass because of their political bent while attacking the opposing party.

I find your post particularly hypocritical as you appeared on the Tucson shooting thread and REFUSED to even mildy criticize your leftist cohorts who were smearing the entire Conservative movement, just so you could falsly claim we were using the tragedy to smear the dem party. The congnitive dissonance on your part is staggering. Look up the definition of projection and spare us your thinly veiled, pseudo-intellectual whining.

Obama… Marx brothers… Karl had a brother?

A servant become king! (the phrase is really with the word slave but to keep you liberals from turning off your hearing aid, I will use the word servant) When the little shot becomes the big shot he is actually more dangerous than the tyrant! Seriously folks we all make slips now and then, and when President Bush made an occasional slip he was called stupid, ignorant, and even a jerk by the news media and commentators. However this president makes it a practice to ignore people, disregard customs, and to even publically disregard people. No other president has ever acted this way, at least not in my lifetime. Obama and Jihadist Hillary have succeeded in one thing, and that is both by action and word alienated the relationships that the international relationships and security stand on. The actions of this administration is clearly the actions a cute (for lack of better words) mixture of ignorance and EGO! Without question his performance in International relations is -0%- . This was made so clear when he spoke in front of the United Nations sharing the platform with a cocaine and terrorist king (Chavez) , a insane dictator (Khadaffi), and the other nothing more than an reincarnation of Hitler (premier of Iran), then after congradualting them on their appearance…. as if the United Nations is his private little club, and procceeds to tell the world…..the worlds problems is you don’t know what the hell you are doing …so follow my leadership… and I will tell you how to fix the problems. You want another example of the servant become king…. “The Great Healthcare Bill” How much money was spent on this and how many times was it presented and it is still being worked on! If the people of the United States have said clearly “We do not want this bill!!!” If he really believes in it that much let him finance it out of his own pocket and stop wasting billions of our tax dollars on his socialistic idea. It really takes a administration that is totally affixed on their agenda and do not care or respect anything that “the people” want. Where is democracy and diplomacy? They are very absent from this administration, both nationally and internationally! Bush may not have been as polished as he should have been and even some of his actions may deserve to be called dummy at times, However we are now dealing with a egotistical manic who serves an agenda and not the American people! Our nation has only been riddled by disasters, like the BP incident, and the biggest disaster in the BP was the non-functional Government who did not say enough is enough….Had it of been President Bush in office the liberal media we would still be hearing about all of BP incident. I am sorry but increasing food stamps by more than 300% is not a good stimulus package! By the way when you greet the Mexican ambassador on their independence day… it is called Cinco de Mayo! and not Cinco de quatro! Gentlemen the list and incidents will get bigger as we go, because what happened with the queen of England is only a reflection of his bigger self awareness and ego which blind him and those with him the the true state of everything around them! I would call this incident with the Queen …just another “REFLECTION”among many more to come!

If you look at the video it appears Obama was trying to read from cue cards after putting them down on the table, just a bit too far away for his eyes.
(He normally uses the teleprompter, and when he holds cue cards they are MUCH closer to his eyes than the ones on that table.)
If he thought his cards were walking him through all of the proper channels of royal protocol, it makes sense he wanted to stick close to his script.
Too bad he hadn’t sat with an etiquette expert and INTERNALIZED the proper protocols.
He ended up basically (and inadvertently) cuing the orchestra.
But he also didn’t have the ability to roll with the changed circumstance and quiet down.
(Glad he isn’t REALLY leading any military actions!)
He embarrassed all of us, not just himself.
That’s the sad thing.

I finally realized why he Belched! Since he is a Muslim, and he is familiar with the customs of Nomads, which is to belch after eating a meal as to say the food was good! Amazing what studying in a Islamic school in a state that had offically broken all relations with the United States can do to a person! Way to go Barry!!!


I could understand your point if such occurred that once, but O’Bama, sic, seems to do it par for the course.

Naturally, you believe your Messiah is doing a a great job in office and plan to vote for him again in the upcoming election. You believe 20% (real)unemployment is of no consequence and that the economic recovery is in full steam and well on the way to full recovery, even though the last three quarters have shown only a 1.2% growth . (In Bush, Sr’s last year, the economy grew at 3.2% and the Clinton liberal campaign mantra was “It’s the Economy, Stupid).

You also believe that any criticism of your Messiah is simply racism and that those doing the criticizing have no basis of fact to back it up (that you want to hear). You also believe that the housing turn-down is recovering and that your Messiah, inheriting the banking collapse and other garbage created by the previous administration, saved us from ourselves with his brilliant policies.

You also believe that the giveaway ‘stimulus’ was the catalyst that added private sector jobs, though practically all of it went to government agencies, and that the resultant government hiring/spending, although temporary, started a surge that has propelled the economic ‘recovery.’

And lastly (at least on this post) but not ‘leastly’, as the list is loooong, you believe that we can spend our way into prosperity, and borrowing 1.6 trillion every year will soon lead us into economic heaven.

I think not heaven, as I can guarantee it has us on the path to hell.

You, like other liberals, have this very mindset. You don’t need any ‘convincing’ as your grip on reality is extremely tenuous at any given point in time.

It is my hope though, that at some point in time, the left will hopefully, pull their heads our of their arses….

What’s the big deal? After all, Liz is just a Queen! surely a person who has been portrayed by the MSM as something close to a Messiah or God-like could care less what a mere Queen or her country thinks!

As such, the Clown in Chief personifies the rapid fall of the U.S. from world leader to third world hack!

We were promised by the Obama during the 2008 campaign season that he would restore foreign respect for the U.S.. Well, Tom, that sure the hell ain’t happening. And although you may think that your Obamassiah can do no wrong, there is that whole “when in Rome” thing that goes on in diplomatic circles.

From tiny Honduros to Great Britain, Obama has proven to be an embassassment to the American people. We spend thousands and thousands of tax dollars to provide him with a protocol department. Either they suck at their jobs, or he is a slow learner. Funny, it was a American black man who refused to dip our flag to another nation, but it is a black American who dips himself to Muslim potentates. Obama is an embarrassment to that very black American who refused to bow to another nation.


And the queen looks like she has indigestion in all those photos with the O’Bama beside her. Quite understandable. Did your see Michelle’s afro??


Retireo5 Siemper Fi ! Retire your you are so right is just wants to make me give big HOO RAAAAAH! In fact I have served in both Militaries and Governments, and when you go before a committee, you have a exact protocol of how you answer every question and give every explaination, you are directed to what you focus on and what to avoid! It is not like being neighborhood activist who is dealing with people who don’t remember how to spell more than a 5 letter word or what the birthdays were of the six childrern they have three other women! When serving diplomactically you are dealing with people to their whole life has to do with public appearance and discipline. You need to show humbleness and have humility, neither of which I see in “Barry Boy” or as Michelle say’s “my husband a Kenyan native”.

Did you notice the look Queen Elizabeth gave him? He was so caught up in himself and reading the cards (which we were never allowed) that he did not notice none of them even turn to him when he announced the toast…Which is a custom of England and Europe that when someone is making a toast you slightly turn toward them but not as to turn your back to those around you. But even more so unless you are the head of the dinner you never offer a toast without asking permission first from the head of the dinner. The simple fact is you can’t learn to dance by just listening to music!

Esdraelon, yeah, the photo of Michelle Antoinette was pretty funny. Bet she was fit to be tied. I understand she isn’t the most pleasant person to ever come down the pike.

J.V. protocol IS part of foreign policy. It is how you show respect to the nation you are dealing with. To ignore that protocol is to insult the nation, be it Great Britain or Saudi Arabia. But an American president bowing so deeply to a foreign dignitary is just not done, nor is running your mouth during that nation’s national anthem.

When you end a toast with “God save the Queen”, ALWAYS that is the end of the speech, a speech that consisted of two sentences that Obama could not give without the aid of a cue card.

OBAMA represent himself and not the AMERICANS, he went there because of the MUSLIMS ,

@Skookum: #9,

“. . . . first hand experience in this Royal pomp and circumstance.” LOL, actually, a partial yes but not from political “position” or “status,” – as you probably know, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, has earned much cash over the years by pimping out Buckingham Palace, himself, and whoever else you could pay for, for business meetings and dinners. It made for a very useful business venue in London for a mediocre meal along with a little “pomp and circumstance,” and all Europeans liked it including the French. . . . And I use the word “pimping” accurately – the pimps on the streets of New York have nothing on Philip and his senior rep. It was rather pitiable. Cash will buy many things, including a little pretend pomp and circumstance, along with Philip and friends. At least when Clinton pimped out the Lincoln bedroom, he didn’t take the cash himself. 🙂

The Gaffes In Chief should have had his ceremonial arse in Joplin, Missouri.
Mark Levin had a Fema official state in an interview that they were moving into Baton Rouge, 72 hours before Katrina hit. They couldn’t get closer or they were to be victimized also. Mississippi got it worse than N Orleans. Nagan and Blanco were to give the go ahead, but the response was zero for much too long. Many victims did not evacuate and Bush was blamed by such a congenial press corps. Today, the Bamster gets the third and ten treatment- PASS !

Esdraelon # 24. I’ll answer your question with another. Which one is the plant?

And speaking of Marx:
Lech Walesa, Poland’s Solidarity-era leader, ex-president and 1983 Nobel Peace Prize winner said Friday he would not accept an invitation to meet fellow Nobel winner US President Barack Obama.

Recall that Lech Walesa actually risked his life to get Poland away from Marxism.
He EARNED his Nobel Peace Prize.
What a brave and remarkable man.
He despises all Marxists from deep in his soul.
But he is polite.

Lech said:
“I expect this meeting would only amount to a photo opportunity,”

I have heard it two ways.
1. Obama signed the Patriot Act extension in France.
2. Obama’s name was put on the Patriot Act extension via an ”autopen.

No news source for the first option, but I heard it on msnbc.

An interesting point – while I don’t know the protocol around a ‘state’ dinner held where the Queen is present, I do know the protocol at a Regimental Dining-In night at a Royal military unit such as a battalion of the Royal Australian Regiment. At the end of the dining and before any speeches the assembled mess will make toasts in order – the Loyal Toast and the Regimental Toast. The Loyal Toast being – Gentlemen, The Queen. At which all face the Queens portrait which is on the wall behind the head table flanked on each side by the national flag and the Queens Color (Regimental Color), raise their glasses and respond ‘The Queen’. A toast of loyalty.

Obama has been slammed for bowing, now his protocol shonks allow him to propose a toast of loyalty to a foreign monarch. They should all be sacked. Maybe he ignored them because it seemed a cool thing to be doing. The honor of proposing the loyal toast at a regimental dinner is bestowed on usually the junior sergeant of the unit at the dinner. I find this even more amusing. Perhaps the Queens protocol people were indulging in some sophisticated urine extraction …. I am chuckling inside.

@oil guy from Alberta:

Um……well, I was thinking ‘vegetable’…that’s a ‘tomato tree’ isn’t it? 🙂

@Nan G:


TOM, you mentionned; Is that suppose to be the message I will bring;
NO, we did not hire you as a messenger, you don’t fit the profile we want to carry our message,
so don’t even bother, we don’t believe you here so don’t expect to be believed any other places,

Autopen = “plausible deniability”. With a straight face, he can tell his supporters, “I never signed it!” They’re stupid. They’ll believe it.

There are a lot of great (and funny) comments [and Posts] here at Flopping Aces and I must say I have enjoyed reading every one! In fact I keep coming back because I enjoy them so much…a lot of intelligent, common sense and funny people here… just sayin’

If it wasn’t for all the past intentional partisan put down’s by Obama and his Administration geared toward the Conservatives and those sitting on the fence….I almost wanted to feel sorry for Barry, but then his past [Words and Actions] hit me square in the face… the narcissist in Chief as usual thinks it’s “All about him” . Barry should be seeking out more answers [from people who actually know the correct answers] instead of thinking he [or his dimwitted advisors] knows everything …I think they call that humility…. seems he shows more of that in the presence of Muslims and Muslim dictators. Could it be also that Barry believes in [Barry’s ‘exceptional-ism’] and has a problem with [” American exceptional-ism” ] either way, he’s embarrassing himself, America and the rest of us who care….

This is what happens when you throw the Traditions of one’s own Country’s [America] into the fire… you get burned… With Barry’s embarrassing moments – I must say God works in mysterious ways…LOL


Very well said! when he gave money to Al Gore for the Greenhouse effect we had the worse two years of Winter in more than 70 years, and now floods due to the fact of those winters in all of the delta states and more than 180,000 people who do not get aide because they didn’t vote for him. Somebody needs to tell him food stamps will not stop the flooding of the Mississippi river that the green house effect of the liberals did not forcast!

Dr. Sanity drops some wisdom about leftists (and Tom is a prime example of what she speaks about)


“…The ideology of the political left in all its various iterations–socialist, communist, radical environmentalism, progressive; call it what you will– is, at its core an essentially narcissistic and self-indulgent pursuit of power, with all the unhealthy psychological attributes that implies

This is not to suggest that narcissism or sociopathy exit merely within the political left. Clearly it does not. But, having made that qualification, today’s progressive leftist is steeped in and encouraged by an ideology that rewards only feelings and not critical thinking or truth; fantasy and not reality; and good intentions instead of actual outcome in the real world. The seven deadly sins of narcissism outlined above lead the the poor, innocent and unsuspecting lefist into cognitive dissonance in his thinking patterns and wreak all sorts of misery and spiritual destruction on the people who are the targets of the leftists’ supposed goodwill.
But they neither care nor notice, since the primary determinant of why they do what they do is to make themselves feel good; to escape for one brief moment the emptiness of their own individual souls and the self-hatred and rage that motivate them…”

Okay, I am coming into this discussion late, but as some of you know, I was a guest at my local hospital recently.

(Update: They gave me six months to live, and if I can’t pay the bill, they’ll give me another six…)

The above mentioned event in Britain is just another example of what happens when you don’t do your homework. Obama was clearly not prepared and whoever is his top adviser should have made sure he was prepared. One would think that toasting the Queen of England might be important enough to, oh I don’t know, PRACTICE maybe??

Typically US Presidents spend massive amounts of time reading in preparation for whatever upcoming meeting/event/foreign ceremony is looming. I would hazard a guess that Obama does less of that than most Presidents in recent history.

This is not meant as an “I hate Obama” comment. I am merely pointing out what others have said above. He ran on many, many promises; among which was the promise to elevate America’s standing in the world. As I said, one would think that this sort of ceremony would be important enough that he ought to have practiced it and at least memorized his toast. Especially with his IQ being off the charts and what not.

Historian Michael Beschloss was interviewed Monday on Don Imus’ radio show and he made the claim that President-elect Obama’s IQ is off the charts and that he is the smartest president we have ever had. Here is the meat of the conversation:

Historian Michael Beschloss: Yeah. Even aside from the fact of electing the first African American President and whatever one’s partisan views this is a guy whose IQ is off the charts — I mean you cannot say that he is anything but a very serious and capable leader and — you know — You and I have talked about this for years …

Imus: Well. What is his IQ?

Historian Michael Beschloss: … our system doesn’t allow those people to become President, those people meaning people THAT smart and THAT capable

Imus: What is his IQ?

Historian Michael Beschloss: Pardon?

Imus: What is his IQ?

Historian Michael Beschloss: Uh. I would say it’s probably – he’s probably the smartest guy ever to become President.

Well, one would think that the smartest guy to ever be Prez would be able to handle memorizing a mere 26 words…

@anticsrocks: #42

Can you imagine Obama letting ANYBODY tell him how he should act in ANY situation. He is too buisy converting the world to do his bidding. He hasn’t got the time or the will to adust to someone else or another country, especially a country that he considers his enemy.

The Los Angeles Times published a fawning rationalization for Obama’s flubbed Toast.
The writer agreed with Michael Beschloss that Obama is smart.
So smart that his mouth cannot keep up with his brain.
Thus all of the ”uh’s” and “um’s” and “er’s.”
She called them the stammering of a genius, or something.
Yeah, right.

Some journalists are vetting the autobiographies of your Won and only, finding too many holes in the narrative.
Corsi released his book about the birth certificate and Esquire magazine tried to kill the sales of it with their “satire”. Corsi can win this lawsuit because there is much monetary harm. The second birth certificate is a complete fraud and the FBI will be investigating this computer generated fiction issued from the White House.
Wake up people. How many times can the Media sell you the Brooklyn Bridge?

@Nan G: Nan G,

I always use a phrase at work to get my folks to pay attention to their data entry and system responses as they have a tenency to get lax as some of the stuff is redundant. I call it “fingers ahead of the brain disease”.

In this case we have brains ahead of common sense disease or worse.

There was a time when this little brat was at attention before a parent or priest trying to double think before uttering a word. When the sound eventually expressed from my mouth the adult reaction was immediate and sharp “You’re lying!”

SMORGASBORD, hi, I was wondering, with what we see going on in the MIDLE EAST, IF THE FBI
AND THE SECRET SERVICES CIA, are monitering the calls coming from the leaders of GOVERNMENT TO THERE, I’m sure the people would like to know the source of those uprisings in multiple places,
and where the incitment began, because there is those factions in AMERICA going way up to the influencial step of the ladder in GOVERNMENT.


antics, I noticed one very important aspect of that excerpt from the interview on Imus. That is, that the apologist never nails down a number, or even a range of numbers, relating to Obama’s intelligence. This happens regularly regarding people who worship him. They never pin any specifics on Obama. It is all general statements that critics cannot compare to anything else in order to verify the claims.

That Obama is claimed to be the “smartest person ever” to become President is one of those statements. How do we know that? Has anyone seen his transcripts from college? Is there some secret document showing his IQ, passed only amongst his liberal apologists?

We get that same kind of treatment here, regarding some of our liberal visitors. General statements that mean nothing, and can be compared to nothing, yet we are supposed to take it on faith that the statements are true.

And when someone does criticize Obama or his actions, they get jeered with charges of racism, or that they are merely engaging in personal attacks on Obama. Tom, above, shows this example quite well.

P.S. I hope that you are feeling better.

THE soothsayer, hi, that is funny, on your 47,
and the way you expressed it is so smart,
I can see the child thinking of a solution,while the adult spoke,
and to say you lye was a trick of those in authority which don’t want to compromise it,
I even saw myself in that child at times.