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The Sun Shines Out O’bama’s Arse On The Emerald Isle

After nearly half a century of riding his Blackness, Obama has the overwhelming desire to reconnect with his Irish forefathers!

Ah, the proud Kenyan and spiritual leader of the Muslim world is wearing the green and sprouting shamrocks out the back of his trousers. His name now can take on an apostrophe and become O’bama, perhaps Seamus O’reilly O’bama. He has the ability to become anyone with his ghost writers. Perhaps Ayers can now write Green Dreams of my Irishness.

Aye lads and lassies the great shape shifter has changed course, now he can be known as the most Irish of all presidents: that Black Muslim identity is wearing a little thin with America and the rest of the world. So he becomes a new O’bama, if you have no past it is much easier. Now instead of wearing grass skirts in Kenya or bowing to Middle Eastern dictators while farting on Israel, a move that hasn’t been received well, Obama visits the homeland of the White Sheep of the family and enjoys his Irish identity that he has tried to ignore his whole life.

Bibi and Obama at the same age

Now that Ireland is in trouble, the same trouble that has affected the other Socialist governments of the Eu, the Irish will be very interested to hear of the O’bama Stimulus, of borrowing your self into oblivion, and other economic programs that have failed miserably in the US.

They will surely forget the bust of Churchill that was sent back to the Queen on his first day in office or the ghetto type presents from his personal DVD collection. The fact that he hates the British for bringing the land of his father out of the Stone Age will have little effect on the false gaiety of the occasion.

What has brought about this latest revelation? nothing else is working. He is being held at arm’s length by most groups within the US, so why not identify with the group you have categorized as an enemy, the White American with his overwhelming guilt at owning slaves 150 years ago. This may play into the Irish immigrants who fought in that war that would lose more American lives in an afternoon than were lost in all of Viet Nam. Yes, he can now show an affinity with White America and maybe buy some votes. Of course it is only about race; he has never not been about race. Only this time, instead of perceived White guilt, he brings us comedy. It will become known as Black Leprechaun Humor.

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