Donald Trump The Fraud


I’ve been amazed at some of the support given to Donald Trump from readers and Republicans throughout the country. The man is a joke people. A complete and utter sham. Stop wasting precious time and support for this fraud.

A new poll supposedly shows that he is leading the pack….not so fast:

PPP took a sloppily-designed poll and is spinning it to make Republicans look as crazy as possible. This may be comforting to partisan Democrats (like, say, the people who work at PPP), but there’s no reason for the rest of us to take it seriously.

Mark Levin points out in the below audio how disingenuous it is for anyone to excuse the donations he gave to Democrats because “that’s what all businessmen do.”


February of 2010, as the Tea Party movement gained steam and we were fighting for every vote he gives money to Anthony Weiner. A year before that he gave to Schumer, Hillary Clinton, and Charlie Crist. Levin points out there was no money given to Rubio.

And this is the person Republicans want to get behind.




…and the storyline that he puts out…we’re all supposed to go gaga for, is that he’s a businessman, he’s got businesses, this is what you do. I don’t understand what that means? That means, did you get something in return for these contributions? Because that’s a crime. So what do you mean, you do these things, this is what a businessman does. What does a businessman do? Make unprincipled contributions to some of the most left-wing losers in the nation who are undermining our country?

This is the new Tea Party candidate?

Why? Because he has the gift of gab? Because he talks tough now?

Explain how any of you can support a guy who says this:

“We must have universal healthcare,” wrote Trump. “I’m a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one. We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by healthcare expenses.”

The goal of health care reform, wrote Trump, should be a system that looks a lot like Canada. “Doctors might be paid less than they are now, as is the case in Canada, but they would be able to treat more patients because of the reduction in their paperwork,” he writes.

The Canadian plan also helps Canadians live longer and healthier than Americans. There are fewer medical lawsuits, less loss of labor to sickness, and lower costs to companies paying for the medical care of their employees. If the program were in place in Massachusetts in 1999 it would have reduced administrative costs by $2.5 million. We need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan, as many individual states are doing.

On top of that he has full blown Bush Derangement Syndrome….I mean the list goes on and on.

As Beck said earlier about the birther argument…please just stop it.

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I thought it was Democrats who got sucked in this easily.

He may be fraud (I think he’s definitely a RINO), but he’s doing something that the Republican’s are too scared to do.

The birth certificate thing has legs, but the GOP is too scared to follow-up on it because they think (incorrectly) that it makes them look crazy. It doesn’t.

There’re a lot of smart people that think that O’Bama is the fraud and that there’s a reason that he doesn’t want anyone to see his birth certificate.

FTR, I think it may well be true that O’Bama is not eligible to hold office due to either not being born on American soil or because of his parentage. There are millions just like me.

Let Trump do the hard work, until it’s time to nominate someone that can win.

He may be a fraud or just a RINO, but at this moment he is performing a service to this nation, let him keep at it for a while yet. I doubt he will actually run but the moonbats seem to think he will and that he could beat 0bambi. In the meantime, the Republican party seems to be having a bad case of coniptions over it too. Maybe, if we can get a real Conservative in the running, we can get somewhere. The key is to let him keep the lefts attention for a while.

Curt , I am really glad to see someone come out and call it the way it is. What a fraud he is. He is doing a service as a democrat in attacking BO, but please don’t call him a Republican- which he is not.

Trump is getting so much press for one reason and one reason only. He’s the candidate that the main stream media WANTS the GOP to nominate. They will do their best to make sure that we don’t get a quality candidate nominated to run in 2012, just like they did in 2008. They will give all of the spotlight to a sham artist and ignore the candidates that bring a true conservative message and would have a chance to beat Obama. All the while, we pick up their heavy load, and give him even more press. Then, when he gets the nomination, they will turn on him and tear him apart. Even if he doesn’t get the nomination, he will already have spent millions tearing down whoever does manage to beat him, and leave a nice trail of destruction through the GOP for Obama to follow right through to re-election. It’s a vicious circle.

Trump is attacking Obama on many fronts which few others are doing. Some of the attacks are giving the MSM heart burn. While he’d make a far better President than President I-Vote-Present because almost anyone picked off the street at random would be so, he won’t get the Republican party support. Won’t happen. Biggest reason is that he’s not a politician and has no history with the Republican establishment.

I disagree with the attitude that if someone disagrees with anything that I believe in, he’s not worth supporting. On the other hand, while there are certain things I really agree with Trump on and others I completely disagree on, I personally find Trump objectionable as I’ve stated on an earlier post, but his ego-mouth-running-ahead-of-his-brain attacks on Obama are more than just entertaining. Some of them are landing and beginning the bleeding. People may not like Trump, but they inevitably harbour some respect for some of the things he says for the very simple fact that he is wealthy. They also watch his show, where he lords with imperious demeanour over people who have in the past or currently been successful themselves.

My guess is over the coming weeks, his hirelings will find specific talking points that will embarrass Obama – that will be useful, then as a serious candidate surfaces with momentum, Trump will fade into the background – perhaps supporting him/her so that he can get access to the White House in future and hold an episode of Apprentice on the Lincoln Bedroom.

There are really solid, well grounded, intelligent people in the Republican wings. One will rise to the surface, and all the others will rally. It’s not Trump.

For Trump it’s about his ego. For Obama it is now about a serious pot of gold waiting for him after a second term. He knows Clinton is using the hundreds of millions raised in his foundation as a personal piggy bank. Obama wants his.

Thanks for posting this Curt.
Folks, don’t think he won’t run. If he thinks he has an actual shot at winning his ego will compel him to do so. What does it tell you that obama wants him to run? Even he can see that that Trump would insure him a second term.

Well, he is stiring things up! No one else has the guts to do that. The convention is a long ways away!

Apparently he’s stated that if he doesn’t get the Republican nomination he will run as an Independent. That will split the anti Obama vote and will give him a second term and we will continue our downward slide.

I never bought into this guy. For cryin out loud his last endeavor was the Miss America contest. I’m a Communications Director for a state agency. I deal with egos of politicians on a daily basis. The nutballs well they’re pretty easy to spot. Like I said in the last post. Let Sarah bring them to her. She has the wits to face em down. Just let her have her fun.

On April 7th I posted a comment about why I could not support a Trump run for office.

But even as communists founded the idea of having and using ”useful idiots,” I think occasionally it turns out we, on the right, find one.
And Trump is one.
His own hubris makes him too dangerous to be in office, but just look at what he’s done.
He’s got the whole country all upset that only people with TWO American citizen parents should be president.
There’s even a move afoot to change that aspect of the US Constitution.
Maybe that movie, Demolition Man, was prescient.
Maybe there will be a President Schwarzenegger!

I hope Tramp-man does run in 2012 he will have to show all his business dealings, we all know he
says he’s a very rich man, I bet he’s in debt up to his flaky hair.
I truly can’t believe anyone would throw there vote away on him..
Anyone who has been to his casino in Jersey has to know he’s as cheap as his rooms are, one more thing
I bet he has bed bugs in that mop if his, ha, ha, Tramp-man I hope you do go for it so all the world can see just how
cheap you really are. I heard someone call you a man whore on television the other day..

Dr John I’ d call it desperation. The ONLY Repub. ticket that can beat Obama is Romney/Rubio.

I like Trump because he is taking it to Obama, but me thinks Obama may be in on this one. Think about it. Trump is really a distraction from the more serious stuff going, i.e., the budget, etc. I watched his interview with Hannity and I did not come away satisfieed. Personally, I think he is collusion with Zero and trust me, if Trump splits the Republican vote, make no mistake Obama will end up in the WH again. Most certainly, we CANNOT afford 4 more years of this guy. America WILL NOT survive. Why don’t we as conservatives back a more viable candidate like Herman Cain or Allen West?

Trump donated to liberals? He does work in a liberal state. I don’t know if there is anyone out there that Levin likes, plus I hold little stock in him anyway. Any conservative that completely dismisses the libertarian wing of the party the way Levin does is just a purist. “My way or the highway.”
Romney owns Romney care and the Evangelicals will not vote for a Mormon. Plus the man has flip-flopped more than Obama.
Santorum has the same problem, as much as I like him, Evangelicals will probably not vote for a Catholic.
Pawlenty is an elitist. He said Palin and Bachman were on the other end of the spectrum than serious candidates such as him and Romeny. Daniels??
There is nobody out there right now. At least Trump is in the mix and saying things that need to be said. If nothing else, I like him for that. One of the best points he makes is concerns our trade deals. Allow State department people to negotiate trade deals against the business people other countries bring in. There is not a single trade deal we walk away from on top. And both parties allow the same hacks to do the negotiations time and again.
I’m tired of business as usual. I’m tired of seeing an R replace a D, and a D replace an R and the only thing that changes is the arguments.

playing devil’s advocate, could it be that trump is actually playing for the other team? It appears he is getting far more press than anyone else. I am afraid this may be a ploy to disrupt any chance the Republicans have of getting barack, barry, steve or whatever his name is out of office. Meaning there are a lot of ignorant and unintelligent voters in the U.S. that will go with Trump because he is a celebrity (saying he even made it to a primary). I just don’t understand the preoccupation people have with celebrities but they do.

Having been around some of his businesses in the past and watching his dealings with local distributors, I can’t say I would be enamored with a Trump candidacy for many reasons. Having said that, I wish other Republicans (Sarah and Bachmann excluded from this statement) would show the balls Trump has in not only attacking this Marxist leaning president but also the other horrible things being pushed as part of the President’s agenda. Thank God someone out there is bringing it to the forefront and in this case it’s someone with enough “celebrity that even the disinterested are paying attention! Not sure what it will bring in the end, but it is refreshing to see someone who can actually stir the pot pretty good!

Is there a Cabinet position anyone here would like to see Donald Trump head in a future Republican administration? Just asking. BTW, Next up in Donald Trumps attacks on the POTUS will be information regarding his social security number issued in Connecticut that was likely fraudulently obtained for POTUS Obama. Any other potential candidates other than Sarah Palin have the “cojones” to bring this serious potential felony charge up for all of the voting American public to see? The White House Ministry of Information/MSM talking heads literally go into absolute panic mode when this subject is brought up by desparately shouting and interrupting even the mention of such blasphemy!
Donald Trump is far from the ideal Republican that would represent the best that America has to offer, but I give him major kudos for bringing the atack to the man and showing the rest of the field how it’s done.
BTW, the Palin hater, Carl Rove is setting his sights on Trump now, what does that say?? Do we really want to nominate milqutoast Massachusetts health care Mitt Romney? A sure loser in the gemeral election.
I still believe Sarah Palin has a shot, but there are many. many Murkowski Republicans who will do thier damnest to destroy her chances because she will clean house of all the RINOS. They would rather see a second term for POTUS Obama, the dismantler in chief.
Mark my words, POTUS Obama has as his most imortant mission if reelected is to de-fang and dismantle our entire forward defence posture globally, thereby critically weakening America permanently.Would a potential President Trump do that? I don’t think so.

I can’t stand Trump’s arrogance, plus he is a professional bankrupter. I’m liking the way he’s sticking it to Obama right now, I just don’t think he belongs in politics. I’ve never watched his show because of his personality that I can’t stand. He and Obama are neck and neck in that department.


Trump will destroy Palin the half-governor, Newt the hypocritical preacher, Romney the socialist, etc., etc.,

Trump speaks the truth on all subjects from abortion to trade with China.

Trump said we should deploy troops on the border. Palin wants to give US citizenship to illegal aliens!

Trump will stick it to the Chinese-I haven’t heard the fertility goddess or any of the other bought and paid for hacks for China say the same thing. All Republican candidates have been bought and paid for by the Chinese.

Trump is an outsider, unlike Huckabee, Mitt, Pawalty and Newt who have all be corrupted by their association with the Republican/Washington machine.

Trump also has experience with bankrupt corporations which is what is needed with our failed government.

Trump will bust the unions.


Trump isn’t afraid of the media-Newt, Palin, and Romney are deathly afraid of them!

Trump is a birther-the rest of the Republicans are not.

TRUMP in 2012.

@rich wheeler:

Dr John I’ d call it desperation. The ONLY Repub. ticket that can beat Obama is Romney/Rubio.

Romney is a socialist. You’re either ignorant or a socialist for supporting him.

Which is it?

I’ve not only suspected subterfuge from the beginning, but with the less than informed, so called “conservatives”, flocking to his side and fawning over his face time, an entire fiscal movement has now laid themselves bare as an easy target for ridicule. It begs saying, with friends like Trump, who needs enemies?

Ah yes… I can see his campaign slogan now… “Trump Change”….

@Ivan, are you suffering from 10 second memory ability? You constantly preach the same BS, never seem to recollect past political stands of regulars here, and act like every comment by one of the regulars is the first you’ve ever seen. rich is an admitted liberal, which all of us here know…. including you, were you capable of retaining anything but the same ol, same ol.

Therefore whomever rich wants as a GOP ticket is irrelevant to me. And your question shows you not only can’t remember sheeeeeeet, but have little insight into personalities and strategy.

For these same reasons, anyone you personally endorse convinces me they are a guaranteed loser.

BTW, for you hard core birthers out there, beside themselves with Trump glee, CFP’s Judi McLeod has a warning for you…

Not only has Trump been a big Hillary fan, and unceremoniously dumped McCain support for Obama late in the 2008 election cycle, it turns out his “pit bull” political advisor is both a registered Dem and Obama voter. Are you birthers ready to have your dreams shattered, and hearts broken, when Trump’s “boots on the ground” in Hawaii announce… at a very convenient time of his choosing… that the POTUS is legit afterall?

As a conservative, who prefers to pick political issues and battles based on poor fiscal performance and embarrassingly inadequate CiC leadership, I say thanks for nothing. All is not right with this man. At best, I can hope he’s just playing a media game for attention to self. At worst, he could have the plan to divide the GOP, perhaps discredit Obama enough to get Hillary installed as the Dem back up saviour. Considering that there’s already an undercurrent by Congressional Dems to get rid of him, the latter is far from impossible.

Ivan, the most important thing to remember is that all of the aforementioned candidates you mentioned in your prior post, Palin, Gingrich, Huckabee, ET Al are Republicans and each and every one of them would make a great POTUS, especially compared to our current Commander in Chief. What is the eleventh commandment? Thou shalt not criticize a fellow Republican.Especially with personal attacks on thier integrity! Donald Trump has not uttered any critical remarks about the current Field. He has only nice things to say about them.
How do we spell WINNNER in 2012? TEAM! While Sarah Palin IS a living breathing example of Faith, fertility and womens empowerment, to call her a “Fertility Godess” in a derogatory manner is not how We spell “TEAMWORK!”
Sarah Palin has been instrumental in the resurgence of American values in politics and the dominance of the Tea Party! Do you have a problem with Nikki Haley or Marco Rubio?!? We surely don’t. Sarah Palin can be credited in thier victories as her as her early and much needed endorsments were crucial in thier primary victories against establishment Republicans who ” just didn’t get it”!
So Ivan, I am very happy with Donald Trumps broadsides against the POTUS, as you clearly seem to be, but GET WITH THE PROGRAM!

Ivan #20 #21 Never said I was for Romney/Rubio. I’ve described why they are only ticket that can beat BHO in Electoral College.

Blogforce So much for 11th Com., Trump is blasting Romney Today.As stated by Mata, O.T. and others, Trump’s candidacy is a sad joke and only helps BHO. Repubs are in trouble and it will only get worse if they don’t get behind Romney.

Aqua The distain of the Evangelicals for Mormans, Catholics, fill in the blank, is a major problem for your party.

rich wheeler, in the long run, the GOP will get behind “anyone but Obama”. Whether the party power elite pick a good nominee will be another story.

People like Ivan will not get behind a GOP nominee in order to stop Obama. Indeed, even if his beloved Trump pulled off a long shot and got the candidacy, he would abandon him just as quickly when Trump announces his investigative team in Hawaii could not prove Ivan’s birther beliefs in a court of law that would require evidence beyond all reasonable doubt. And as we’ve seen, there isn’t a justice in the nation that will willingly tackle even examining the evidence and setting a precedent that the current POTUS is not legitimate. When it comes to a he said/she said between Kenyan records vs US, they will always side with US records. That is already on record, speaking of the evidence he would not review, in an opinion by a justice already.

It’s an obvious losing strategy, but it gets those like Ivan all a’twitter.

Donald Trump’s dished dollars to Clinton, Rangel, Kerry, Reid, Lautenberg, Schumer and more Dems

Tea Party darling and “birther” blowhard Donald Trump hasn’t always put his money where his mouth is: The Donald has splashed campaign cash on a “Who’s Who” who’s who of liberal pols.

Trump shot to the top of GOP presidential polls by embracing debunked conspiracies about President Obama’s birthplace — but he repeatedly has opened his fat checkbook for a slew of Democratic stars, a review by the Center for Responsive Politics found.

The all-time apple of Trump’s eye is beleaguered Harlem Rep. Charlie Rangel, the once powerful once-powerful ex-head of the tax-writing Ways & Means Committee — and a GOP bogeyman.

The casino king has pumped $24,750 into Rangel’s war chest.

New York’s Democratic senators also have pocketed payouts from Trump.

Chuck Schumer banked $8,900, while and Kirsten Gillibrand has received $5,850.

Former Sen. Hillary Clinton collected just $700 — but also got a gold seal of approval.

“She’s very talented and she has a husband \[ex-President Bill Clinton\] that I also like very much,” Trump gushed to CNN in 1997.

Trump, who was an outspoken critic of President George W. Bush, funneled $5,500 into the coffers of Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), the failed 2004 Democratic presidential candidate.

He also showered $7,000 on the late-Sen. Ted Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), the so-called liberal lion of the Senate — and a partisan lightning rod.

He invested $116,000 in the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Ever the businessman, Trump also has routed money to Republicans — including President Obama’s 2008 campaign rival, John McCain.

Trump has coughed up $708,500 to 96 candidates running for federal office — Democrats and Republicans — since 1990, the center found.

Trump’s doling out to Dems has not aroused concern among conservatives or Tea Party members.

“I am a realist, and this is the reality of life as a businessman, who has to operate across national and international boundaries,” said David Webb, co-founder of New York’s Tea Party 365.

Trump stole the show at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference, touting himself as “pro-life,” and a hater of Obama’s heathcare law.

In Florida Saturday, Trump served up the red meat rhetoric at a Tea Party rally in Boca Raton.

But just a few months ago Trump spent big bucks to help beat back one of the Tea Party’s most celebrated 2010 Senate hopefuls — Nevada’s Sharron Angle.

Trump handed Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) $4,800 to help him win that race — boosting his total handouts to Reid to $10,400.

Trump has a history of playing both sides and anyone who does a bit of homework should know it. I could never in good conscience vote for an Opportunist of this type. We need Statesmen/Women, not Celebrities or overly ambitious Opportunists in Office.

Trump’s OpenSecrets donations history from the 2006 to present. A clear picture of a donor motivated by business sense, and not conservative political ideology.

Mata said:

Not only has Trump been a big Hillary fan, and unceremoniously dumped McCain support for Obama late in the 2008 election cycle, it turns out his “pit bull” political advisor is both a registered Dem and Obama voter.

And Reagan used to be a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat. People change, people, like Reagan, make mistakes.

Oh, I get it, you’ve never made a mistake, besides supporting the half-whit, half-governor?

@Old Trooper 2: We need Statesmen/Women, not Celebrities or overly ambitious Opportunists in Office.

Okay, I’ll be your huckleberry. Who do you support right now for the Republicans?

Trump, as a candidate, is just Pat Paulsen with worse hair and a thicker wallet.

OK, I’m sorry…you need to be over 45 to Get that one.

“I’ve upped my standards. Now, up yours.” – Pat Paulsen

Speaking of half wits, and your inability to know to whom you speak, @Ivan, you might want to go back thru the archives and tell me just where I have specifically promoted Palin for POTUS. Again, I’d vote for a piece of driftwood over Obama… and that may be what I have to do. But I’m not overwhelmed by any offerings out there, save to say that any one of them… including a piece of driftwood… would be superior to what we have now.


Ivan, are you suffering from 10 second memory ability? You constantly preach the same BS, never seem to recollect past political stands of regulars here, and act like every comment by one of the regulars is the first you’ve ever seen. rich is an admitted liberal, which all of us here know…. including you, were you capable of retaining anything but the same ol, same ol.

To be truthful, I don’t pay attention to EVERY poster’s opinion/stand at FA. Only a few garner my interest. Or is that some unforgivable sin?

Hey, you’re on the wrong side of 60 or close to it, I’m sub-50, for now, and have a life that extends beyond the pearly gates of Flopping Aces, Mata.

You also know my interest in this forum is intermittent. You, OTOH, have very little life and spend much of it hear.

Lo Siento, pobrecita!

Ivan the senile: You also know my interest in this forum is intermittent. You, OTOH, have very little life and spend much of it hear.

Well, Ivan… I’m “supposed” to live here since I’m an author. But unfortunately, I’ve had too little time to do more than weigh in on some subjects here and there, and have few postings for quite a few months now. Additionally it’s days and sometimes a week or so before I engage in a thread or two. So tho you’d like to think I have no life outside of the blog world, that is another of your self induced fantasies.

You must be senile if you think you can’t remember for even threads you comment on, argue with someone, then forget you ever did that. As far as “intermittent, you’ve got 126 comments since the beginning of March alone… 47 days, Ivan. I’d say that’s more than “intermittent”. Or perhaps you can’t even remember how often you’re here as well?

@MataHarley: Boy, if ignorance was Au Mata, you’d be Fort Nox!

Anyone who has spent any time studying politics knows that one must butter both sides of the bread to get major RE deals done.


He’s got a NW of over $2 BILLION Mata, not some dog-catchers pension like some of the posters here at FA. He got hyper-rich because he’s smart, not like some of the frauds currently running for President who only get by on their looks and nothing else.


Again, I’d vote for a piece of driftwood over Obama… and that may be what I have to do.

Welcome to the party, Mata. If Trump declares, you’re going to end up voting for him.

He’ll run these faux-conservatives who are too afraid to take on the Dems and Obama out of town on the first mule available!

TRUMP 2012~!!!!

Again, you don’t know me well, Ivan. That “driftwood” may be third party just as easily. A Trump GOP nomination is already a losing proposition, and likely to result in a genuine O’landslide. So I’d have little ill conscious weighing on me by voting for what may be a better man. I am an independent, not a GOP/bot.

And I see you are happy to make excuses for your blind support. Interesting you support that “compromise” for Trump in money, but won’t support compromise for the GOP in just trying to get a six month clean up budget resolution thru.

Can you say hypocrite? So what was that about “ignorance” again, bozo? BTW, it’s Fort KNOX….

@ Mata
I’m not a birther, so the only thing that appeals to me when Trump brings up the issues is that it irritates the WH.
I also admit that I don’t know exactly what Trump is up to. At the same time, I refuse to be herded into the GOP approved candidate selection process. I know a lot of people that believe this script has already been written and Romney will get the nomination. To appease the base, he will pick a Tea Party favorite as a VP. If this happens, I believe Romney will immediately move the TP VP into a secure closet and go about business as usual. My optimism for this election is currently in the negative portion of the happy graph.

Irritates the WH? Aqua, I’d suggest it’s quite the opposite.

Obama told ABC News interviewer George Stephanopoulos that Donald Trump and others are doing themselves no favors in persisting on the issue of the president’s background.

“I think that over the last two and a half years there’s been an effort to go at me in a way that is politically expedient in the short-term for Republicans, but creates, I think a problem for them when they want to actually run in a general election where most people feel pretty confident the President was born where he says he was, in Hawaii. He doesn’t have horns,” Obama said in the ABC interview.

“We may disagree with him on some issues and we may wish that you know, the unemployment rate was coming down faster and we want him to know his plan on gas prices. But we’re not really worrying about conspiracy theories or– or birth certificates. And so– I– I think it presents a problem for them.”

There’s not much I agree with this POTUS on, but this surely is one of those rare moments of harmony. Obama has the majority of the MSM media behind him, relishing the open opportunity for ridicule. They, like so many, fully accept affidavits of officials, short forms, hearsay, and aren’t familiar with the challenges that pull the BC into question. And that’s the way it’s going to remain, like it or not… whether the allegations are true or not.

As I’ve said many times before, the improbability that any challenge to his legitimacy – based on the body of evidence and not legal standing to bring the complaint – is before the courts is high. And even in the long shot that it did, it would not result in a final opinion until well after his possible second term, and the damage has been done. Nor would he serve any time, for he’d be granted a Presidential Pardon johnny on the spot. Perfect alibi in that event… hey, he was a baby and believed whatever he was told about his birth place. He would certainly not be personally aware of his location on his first breaths outside of the womb.

I agree. Look, after these last budget negotiations, I am pretty much through with professional politicians, as are many of my other Tea Party friends. We need an experienced realist, not an ideological purist. Does Trump fit that bill? The jury is still out on that question, but we owe it to ourselves, to our nation and to our precious Republic to give the man a chance to tell us what he intends to do if elected president.

There is one thing I am totally convinced of, Trump will tell us exactly what he now believes in and what he will do as President . And if he should be forced to change his campaign promises, as all presidents do from time to time, he will tell us why and I have the feeling the country will be better as a result.

Actually, the real problem with Trump, as I see it, is his stated intention of running as an Indenpendent should he fail to get the Republican nomination. What’s the deal there? With Trump runing as an Independent in the general, won’t that help Obama? Or will it?

ex animo

While I can understand concern about the integrity of Donald Trump, Obama has lowered the bar of respectability for the Oval Office so much that I don’t understand why people make an issue with Trump.

@Alfonso Bedoya: Actually, Tom and Dick would make a better President than the current one!

We are to believe that Trump has transformed from a committed Liberal to an ultra-Conservative in less than two years. Let us suppose that Trump Is Obama’s point man. A man who will win the nomination or mount an offensive as an Independent, a move that will assure a win for Obama; does this sound like a man who is truly upset with the direction of the country.

Unless a candidate can delete his past with unlimited funds from a benefactor like Soros, no one will have a perfect record; obviously, Trump needs a warehouse instead of a closet to hide his dirty laundry. Please note the propaganda bureaus have not released any negativity towards Trump up to now. This will change once he has the nomination. His dirty laundry will make him look so pathetic that even obsessed Republicans will be indifferent to voting for the Donald. In this age of dirty tricks the Democrats are capable of buying and election and making Republicans look like fools and what better way than to have Donald make a half hearted run and then recieve the payback in government contracts for the next four years.

Yes Reagan was a new deal Democrat before he read “Witness” by Chambers and learned of the Stalinist influences and spies that were close confidants of FDR and scattered throughout the Democrat bureaucracy, but Reagan was an honorable man with principles, who realized that Socialism and the promotion of Socialism and its Elitist hierarchy was a moral tragedy. Trump is hardly honorable and up until recently was quite comfortable with the Socialists and being part of an Elitist hierarchy.

There are many honorable Conservatives out there who could chart a course for fiscal responsibility for this ship of state. We must remember the TEA party is the one force that has just now begun to apply the binders to this runaway Socialism. If we desert these principles to embrace a dubious Conservative who has been in bed with the Socialists until just recently, we may be throwing our future away.

Well, I for one, cannot possibly vote for Trump in the primaries if he stands by his statement that he will run as an Independent if he fails to get the Republican nomination. While I appreciate his candor in this regard; does he really think anybody in the Tea Party or the Republican Party is going to support him as an Independent in the general? Does he seriously believe he can pull a Charlie Crist and win?

ex animo

What a bunch of soothsayers we have here.

I don’t know that any Republican supports Trump, unless there has been some primary held that I didn’t know about. Nor do I see why any of you bash him over his ego (yes, it is large) but can you name just ONE person who ever ran for POTUS that didn’t have a huge ego? Or do you think that Obama is a humble sort of fellow?

I would like to remind you of the last Republican offering. An absolute RINO who was for amnesty for illegals before he was against it and who was not a warrior of conservative values, but a man who prided himself on crossing the aisle (read, caving to the left like Ted Kennedy). When your biggest supporter is Lindsey Graham, that tells me all I need to know about you.

It seems a lot of you are falling into the same trap that the left leaning press gave us about McCain, how he was the front-runner, the man of the people, yada, yada, yada; that is until he got the nomination and then they turned on McCain like a snake in the grass.

I am not a fan of Donald Trump, but I am glad he is making an issue out of the secrecy of Barack Obama who promised absolute transparency. And I don’t mind giving Trump a voice. He is free to run (since he meets the criteria for POTUS) but that also doesn’t mean I would vote for him.

But what else is offered? Retreads like Huckabee and Romney? Please, spare me. Trump would have to go a long way to match the ego Huckabee has. If you think conservatives will get behind Romney care, or Huckabee’s dismal record in Arkansas, you are fooling yourselves. Stop being lead around by the nose by the MFM and James Carville’s polling group.

We need a new face, and someone who is willing to level with the American people about the dire straits we are in. Someone who will acknowledge the threat that radical Islam poses, that is already inside the gate (think Nidal Hassan). Who understands that we are spending ourselves into becoming Greece.

Trump’s announcement that he will run as an Independent is in effect holding the nomination for ransom. “If you don’t give me the nomination, I will use my money and run as an Independent and Obama will win”, this is what Trump is saying and promoting. Is this man honorable or does he have the interests of the country foremost in his plans? Hell no! he is promoting Trump and Elitism.

Those who inherit wealth often have feelings of entitlement. Trump is a perfect example of the non self-made man. He inherited his wealth and figures that he should be a celebrity and the leader of the Free World because he has inherited the mantle of Elitism. If he decides the Republican nomination is his, we better go along with the idea or he will spoil everything, like a spoiled kid about to throw a tantrum.

I wouldn’t overestimate the businessman title he likes to throw around; if you inherit billions and invest in real estate you have winners and you have losers, with a little bit of luck you don’t lose your entire fortune. All wealthy Narcissists surround themselves with sycophants who compliment and praise for chump change. The tales of greatness from loyal employees are apt to be calculated to impress the gullible.

@ Skookum: I agree.

I would seriously consider Donald Trump as the Republican presidential nominee. But I will not vote for him in a Republicn primary if he stands by his statement he will run as an Independent should he fail to win the Republican nomination. Does Trump seriously believe people are going to vote for a loser who couldn’t win his primary contest and now, because he has big bucks, he deserves another shot at the apple? Give me a break! All he will end up doing is getting Obama elected for another four more years, and what Tea Party members wants that?

ex animo

Mata said:

And I see you are happy to make excuses for your blind support. Interesting you support that “compromise” for Trump in money, but won’t support compromise for the GOP in just trying to get a six month clean up budget resolution thru.

Ugh, hey Fort Knox, do you not know the difference between Trumps own personal/financial spending and THE TREASURY OF THE UNITED STATES? Taking care of the financial well-being of the United States Finances is a SACRED DUTY, one the Republicans have taken lightly and have shown themselves of doing in a manner consistent with someone who took an oath.

Trump walking away from a bad RE deal is his business, not mine.

Can you say hypocrite? So what was that about “ignorance” again, bozo? BTW, it’s Fort KNOX….

Nothing hypocritical in my position as I’ve pointed out.

What I do see here, though, is your continued making excuses and shilling for the Republicans. You’ve just given up any pretenses of being “independent” or being that of a “critical thinker”. You’re a bot. A kool-aid drinking RNC shill.

Shame on you.


So, Curt, why not enlighten us with whom you would consider as the optimum candidate?

I can hardly wait as I suspect I know which retard you’re going to say you support.

OK ..seriously you think theres better than Trump? Like Twit Romney has a clue? And Plouff on TV saying “There are better qualified candidates”……REALLY, you mean better qualified at practicing business as usual, career politicians that are all out for themselves.
I support Trump…EVERY candidate has something we disagree with…I disagree less with Trump.

He’s a competent business man (successful) who negotiates billion dollar deals to his advantage (OUR advantage if elected). This also gives him an edge in foriegn relations (OBAMMY has NONE!).

He understands this country IS A BUSINESS and must be run like one….
I agree with Trump that we should get paid for our involment with other countries, why should we shoulder 90% of the mission in cost of finances and more importantly LIVES.
WE are paying for THIER freedom….just stupid, the politicians get the kickbacks on that one.!

Beat down big business……GE for example: 9 week layoffs in NY, temporary lack of works, no pay raises for cost of living and sacrifice of the employees 3% pay increase, minimal new hires. YET Jeff Immelt gets a salary raise from 3 MILLION to 15 MILLION, GE paid $0.00 in taxes last two years and posts record profits. Wheres Obammy on that one?….Oh I forgot Obammy hired Jeff Immelt as his nations jobs consultant for ANOTHER multi million pay check. The same guy who constantly tries to send jobs overseas.

Yeah, good call fellas…wake up and smell the dogcrap…its our current government.
VOTE TRUMP and get this country straightened out!

And Plouff on TV saying “There are better qualified candidates”……REALLY, you mean better qualified at practicing business as usual, career politicians that are all out for themselves.

EXACTLY! Notice that the Dems in the White House are actually afraid of Trump by their shrill reaction to his attacks.

The Obama campaign doesn’t care about any of the pathetic, loser Republicans as they know said Republicans have no balls, both figuratively and literally.

Look at who they fear and it is Trump.

Donald Trump has proposed a one-time 14.25% tax on net worth.

Hey, I’m decidedly left-of-center, but I’ve never suggested a tax on money that’s already in a person’s piggy bank. Are Trump’s supporters actually listening to this guy?


When did he say that? 1992?

YOU all should check the link from plainjane at the POST name; TRUMP IS A JOKE,
I say he cook himself right there in NEW YORK, and no way to support him after this one

@Ivan, #54:

When did he say that? 1992?

I guess that was back in 1999. Here’s an article about it from November of that year. He was thinking about running for president back then, too.


I guess that was back in 1999

You know Reagan used to be a big liberal, right? I haven’t heard Trump utter those words in recent memory.

Sorry to call you out on your BS call, but it had to be done. 1999. Come on, as Vin Scully says,”What have you done for me lately?”

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