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Our Constitution Is Under Assault

I, CJ Grisham, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

With those words, I became a Soldier in the United States Army.  I joined the Army with long, purple hair. Because my head still had a slightly purple tint after my first shaving, I got my first Army nickname – Barney.  I would later earn the nickname “Chcknhawk” for beating the crap out of the biggest guy in the platoon during pugil sticks (I’m all of 5’5″ tall).

This was taken at my second reenlistment ceremony at Ft. Stewart, GA

Needless to say, I understand the oath I was about to take before I took it.  When I vocalized each of those words, they meant something to me.  “I will support and defend THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES,” the document that is now under attack in this country by the very people responsible for upholding it.

Since this administration (and even during its campaign), the first amendment has been under fire.  Liberals have been trying to get talk radio legislated into oblivion.  Opposition to homosexual behavior is beginning to gain protection under so-call “hate speech” provisions.  You can’t even joke with police officers or TSA agents about just about anything anymore without getting detained on some nebulous terrorism charge.

While the second amendment has always been under attack by the left in this country, the recent Tucson shootings, during which a psychopath almost killed Democratic representative Giffords, have provided a spring board to creating more gun control while the emotional impact is still fresh in everyone’s minds.  The Obama administration is seeking to reinstate so-called “assault weapons” bans that would ignorantly and foolishly ban magazines or clips that hold more than 10 rounds.

President Obama has nominated one of the most anti-gun former FBI agents I’ve ever heard of, Andrew Traver, to head up the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE).  I’ll ignore the obvious question of how someone like that even became a special agent in charge of a major field office – oh wait, it was in Chicago!  Never mind.  He doesn’t think Americans should be allowed to even own “assault weapons” because “they’re dangerous.”

In November 2009, NBC interviewed Traver and reported: “Traver says the power and randomness of the heavy caliber, military-style weapons make them so dangerous not only to people, but to police. They’re so powerful, body armor can’t withstand a hit, and they’re so difficult to control, their bullets often get sprayed beyond the intended targets, striking innocent victims even when they’re in their own homes.”

So, “heavy caliber, military-style weapons” are “dangerous” and uncontrollable? I happen to be a second amendment loving, gun toting, bible thumping, rightwing extremist combat vet, so I put his theory to the test.  It should be noted that prior to making this video, I leaned the guns up against the trunk of my pointed directly at me as I sat in a chair behind the car.  After about 10 minutes of have three very different “assault rifles” aimed at my head, I rightly concluded that these guns weren’t dangerous just sitting there.  They didn’t seem very out of control just sitting there.  There is no such thing as a dangerous weapon, just dangerous men!  Maybe what Traver meant was that in the hands of a person, they are difficult to control.  Let’s see:


The TSA and just about every federal, state and local law enforcement agency is stomping on our 4th Amendment rights.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Yet, every time you want to exercise your right to travel by plane, you are subjected to the possibility of an intrusive search.  Aaron Tobey had both his 1st and 4th amendment rights violated when recently trying to fly to a funeral.  I hope he wins his lawsuit, but the TSA doesn’t care about the rulings of judges, which adds the 5th amendment to the list of constitutional demolition.  I refuse to provide ID at “DWI/DUI Checkpoints” as well.  When I get pulled over, I don’t let law enforcement search my vehicle if the stop was a result of a traffic violation.  I have nothing to hide.  I don’t even drink, smoke, or do drugs (except the Vicodin prescribed for my back injury from combat).  I’m Mormon!  I’ll go to outer darkness for doing those things.  😉

I could write an entire post on 10th amendment violation that have been going on for decades by BOTH major parties.  State sovereignty is under attack as much as the Constitution is.  Since the states pretty much sit back and let the feds run their business, the feds think it’s okay.  Now, they’re trying to pass a federal law that would limit the minimum age for driving to 16 before a LEARNER’S PERMIT would be issued.  Drivers would have to wait until age 18 before they received an unrestricted license.  And, if during that time they get a ticket for speeding or driving under the influence, it could be later!  If states don’t comply, the feds will withhold money from the states that the states sent to the feds to begin with!  I say to the states: just stop sending them 10% of what you send and make up the difference!

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act also violates the 10th amendment sovereignty of individuals by mandating that they purchase some form of health insurance or face huge fines.

The 14th amendment is violated every time an amnesty bill is passed into law and illegals are suddenly given free reign on our social programs.  The IRS is seizing property without proper judicial due process.  Liberals continue to push for reparations for all sorts of minorities, another violation of the 14th amendment, despite the fact that not one American citizen alive today was a slave.

By refusing to prosecute the Black Panthers, the administration is allowing segments of our society to violate the 15th amendment, which liberals apparently think only applies to blacks!

It sickens me as a patriotic American to see the Constitution that I swore an oath to treated like toilet paper.  Our leaders in Washington passing these “laws” take a similar oath, but aren’t required or penalized for ignoring it.  I didn’t swear an allegiance, oath, or true faith to any public official.  I swore to obey lawful orders and I will do that till the day I die.  It’s the reason why I think these idiots refusing to deploy should be thrown in solitary confinement until their legs turn to jelly and they forget how to breath.

I love this country more than I can intelligently state here.  In spite of efforts in Washington to the contrary, this is the greatest country on earth!  Even though our debt is the largest in the world, our economy is now in third place, and we have resorted to bowing to leaders of country that produce the same people trying to kill us, I will never feel differently.  And I will never WILLINGLY surrender ANY of my rights so long as there is a breath to take!

What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? – Thomas Jefferson

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