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Jesse Jackson elevates protestors to unemployed, and in foreclosure status

Below is a video of Megyn Kelly today, interviewing Jesse Jackson… a man who hates being left out of the limelight. Highlights? All of a sudden, all those protestor are unemployed teachers, with homes in foreclosure. OMG… the sob story, the BS, the extent to which Jackson will go, no matter how embarrassingly false.

The only layoffs that would be occuring as a result of this budget/legislative battle would be the fault of the AWOL Dems, living on donation funds by the Democrat party and progressive fundraisers. And, in fact, as Madison’s own blogger, Thomas J. Mertz at AMPS points out, there’s no shortage of layoffs that have already been going on. What he doesn’t mention is that all are totally unrelated to this hyped up event. oops….

What they are about is budget problems… the very same budget problems that Walker and the legislature are trying to address.

Then we have Clinton’s former Sec’y of Labor, Robert Reich, praising the rise of what he wants to call “The People’s Party”. According to Reich’s hyperbole, the method of passage used for this bill exposes Walker as all about busting unions, and not about the budget. Of course, the problem with that is that the bill was passed pretty much in it’s original form, since Wisconsin’s Fiscal Legislative Bureau noted, after consultation, that most of the issues could not be considered “appropriations” in nature.

But then truth is the first casualty of political propaganda.

Frankly, I’m nauseated at the entitlement privileged protestors – employed, being paid and blessed with guaranteed, extraordinarily high pension packages – screaming in the streets for more when so much of the nation is unemployed. As far as Jackson’s claim, he may want to square that batch of lies with the fact that unemployment in Wisconsin is at 7.4%… the envy of so many other states.

Needless to say, Jesse’s lost it with his rhetoric and outright lies. Not really anything new on the news front. But I’m sure there are many out there who will be willing to buy this stolen watch for a pretty price.

Another more than interesting highlight. Kelly corners Jackson not once, but twice, on using rules to pass O’healthcare. Jackson apparently feels the “goal” justifies the means for O’healthcare, and immediately returns to his “social justice” arguments.

So… here’s your laugh for the day. The new sob story that is the poor, abused public sector in Wisconsin.

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