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AG Holder Admits To Racist Interpretation Of The Law

Shabazz Eating Cracker Babies

Eric Holder Maintains: A Strict Interpretation Of The Law Would Demean “My People”.

Attorney General Holder became upset Tuesday with claims that his Justice Department failed to enforce the law against members of the New Black Panther Party because they are Black. Frustrated over criticism since the 2008 election violation and a case the Justice Department had already won, but inexplicably withdrew after Holder was sworn in, against two club wielding Black Panthers in front of a Philadelphia polling station on November 2, 2008, as they were intimidating voters and making racist threats. Eric Holder is now being accused by Rep. John Culberson of Texas of failing to cooperate with a Civil Rights Commission investigation into the handling of the case.


“There’s clearly evidence, overwhelming evidence, that your Department of Justice refuses to protect the rights of anybody other than African Americans to vote,” the Texas Republican said. “There’s a pattern of a double standard here.”

Holder took personal offence at a comment read by Culberson stating that former Democratic Civil Rights Activist Bartle Bull, said the incident was the most serious act of voter intimidation he had seen in his career.

Holder replied in a manner that left no doubt that he does not indeed represent the American people, but “his people”.

Holder’s “People” That He Protects So Valiantly From Prosecution

“Think about that, when you compare what people endured in the South in the 60s to try to get the right to vote for African Americans, and to compare what people were subjected to there to what happened in Philadelphia—which was inappropriate, certainly that…to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line, who risked all, for my people.”

Holder failed to mention that one of the Panthers has made repeated remarks about killing “Crackers” and “Cracker Babies”. Although no one was attacked, injured, or killed; White people had no way of knowing whether they were going to have their head split open by the nightstick. It is a fact that the man with the nightstick has talked openly in public of killing Whites and unless I am mistaken, that is considered intimidation. Intimidation is the threat of physical harm and the intimidation was there and those Whites who walked into that polling station did so under the threat of attack if they didn’t vote correctly, the Black Panthers and their violent history is a standing threat to all Whites, regardless if Holder wants to admit the threat is there. That my reader is intimidation and the new standard of polling stations according to Attorney General Eric Holder.

Holder played the race card to make everyone aware that his late sister-in-law was a part of the effort to integrate the University of Alabama. He tried to divert the focus of his criminal behavior by pointing to civil rights abuses of the past; thus he justifies Civil rights Abuse in the present.

“To compare that kind of courage, that kind of action, and to say that the Black Panther incident wrong thought it might be somehow is greater in magnitude or is of greater concern to us, historically, I think just flies in the face of history and the facts.”

During a period of questions and comments previously in the meeting, Culberson maintained that race is now institutionalized within the Holder Justice Department since race now influences the decision making process. Culberson:

“There’s clearly evidence, overwhelming evidence, that your Department of Justice refuses to protect the rights of anybody other than African Americans to vote, there’s a pattern of a double standard here.”

Equal Protection Under The Law?

In the face of being an outright racist, Holder denied everything:

“I would disagree very vehemently with the notion that there’s overwhelming evidence that that is in fact true. This Department of Justice does not enforce the law in a race-conscious way.”

Unequal Representation Under The Law

Of course we Americans are left wondering why the Holder Justice Department refuses to cooperate with a Civil Rights Commission investigation if their actions are above board and not in violation of the law. Perhaps Holder feels that “His People” cannot commit Civil Rights Violations and neither do they need to comply to the Civil Rights Law itself. Leaving us to wonder why he is only conducting the law in reference to “his people” rather than the American people. We may now assume that Whites are no longer protected by Civil rights and the Holder Justice Department or should we say The African American Justice Department.

The Democrats, Eric Holder, and President Obama assume that if they delay this process long enough that it will go away; however, there is no Affirmative Action in the enforcement of Civil Rights Law. Mr Holder should realize this matter will pursue him until he either quits or is impeached.

Shabazz has parlayed his death threats into a Rap Music career, thanks to Eric Holder he is trying to elude Rap Bunnies instead of the police. Check it out if you are into Murder and Mayhem.
Thanks Mr Holder for being such a positive influence on our culture.

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