Is Obama helping to build a global caliphate? [Reader Post]


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We have been musing on the Obama administration’s handling of the events transpiring in Egypt. Many of us would like to believe that Barack Obama is genuinely incompetent as has been suggested, but what if it’s something else? What if things are going precisely the way Barack Obama wants them to go? This is the basis for an an interesting article by Victor Sharpe over at American Thinker.

My fear is that Obama is not naïve at all, but he instead knows only too well what he is doing, for he is eagerly promoting Islamic power in the world while diminishing the West and Israel, however much innocent blood will flow as a result.

Sharpe believes, as I do, that the Muslim Brotherhood will eventually seize control of Egypt and Egypt will become the next Iran.

Inevitably, sooner or later, the Muslim Brotherhood will take power, usher in a barbaric Islamist power in Egypt that will control the Suez Canal, and show no mercy to its own people or its perceived foes.

Sharpe notes that Lebanon has fallen to Islamists and Jordan is likely next to succumb. Sharpe also sees the hand of George Soros via the International Crisis Group, of which Mohammed ElBaradei is a member.

Upon Mubarak’s departure, it was assumed that Vice President Omar Suleiman would take control, but he has made it known that Mohamed Hussein Tantawi (there’s that middle name again) would be the leader of a new military council. US diplomats have described Tantawi as “aged and change-resistant.” He is also described as being uncomfortable with the US’ focus on fighting terrorism and “resistant to political and economic reform.” And someone not happy with the loss of central power.

Yet if there is change in Egypt, it may not be what the West would like to see.

In July of last year, the University of Maryland commissioned Zogby to poll the people of Egypt. Here are a few of their findings:

* 85% of Egyptians hold an unfavorable attitude toward the U.S.
* 87% of Egyptians have no confidence in the U.S.
* 92% of Egyptians believe the U.S. is one of two nations that is the greatest threat to them (the other nation the Egyptian people hate is Israel)
* 52% of Egyptians hold an unfavorable opinion of American people
* 65% of Egyptians believe that Islamic clergy must play a greater role in the Egyptian political system
* 79% percent of Egyptians believe that it would be positive if Iran is able to acquire nuclear weapons

A Pew Research Center Global Attitudes Project poll conducted last year revealed the conflict between religion and democracy in Egypt and this is the fly in the ointment of freedom.

– 84% favor the death penalty for apostasy
– 90% believe in freedom of religion
– 59% would choose fundamentalists over modernizers
– 82% support stoning for adulterers
– 54% believe suicide bombing can be justified
– 82% have an unfavorable view of the United States (despite all the Obama apologies)

While George Bush actively encouraged democratic efforts in Egypt, Barack Obama cut off funding for those efforts.

“No matter what was said in private, or how forcefully, the public message sent by the Obama administration over the past two years was that democracy and human rights in Egypt was not a top priority,” Kessler writes. “When given the opportunity to use the biggest megaphone in the world–the voice of the president of the United States–the words were whispered, if said at all.”

The poll information is critical. Egyptians may claim to want democracy but the majority would choose fundamentalists to run the government and the vast majority favor killing those who would leave Islam. Some semblance of a democracy might even briefly appear in Egypt within months but ironically the democracy that offers freedom of choice might see the choice of a fundamentalist government and the end of freedom of choice and certainly the end of many human rights. It will be intriguing to see how the Obama administration handles it.

Back to Byron York:

Muslim opinion of Obama, who made outreach to Muslims a top priority and traveled to Cairo in June 2009 to address the Islamic world, has also dropped.

Then again, maybe Obama is trying to get back into their good graces by helping to build a global Islamic world.

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As they say, demographics is destiny. Most western nations eschewed large families for those extra summer homes or annual vacations around the world, thus they didn’t have the time or wherewithal for children.

Welcome to the nightmare of the fruits of the secular west: an Islamic future. Congrats, women, you did this to us.


@ Ivan, your post sounds pretty sexist. Do you use an active thought process or just type anything to get negative attention here?

I would prefer to put my money on incompetency as Treason is a very Serious Charge.
Incompetency is excusable given His background and extremely LIMITED level of experience.
Treason is not excusable.


Women used to be the gatekeeper of western morality. Then feminism along with abortion and the pill came along and destroyed the family and the institution of marriage.

Do you dispute that, OT?

Don’t shoot the messenger OT if you don’t like the message.

The truth sucks, huh?

@ Ivan, I do not subscribe to Your assumptions. I was always the Gate Keeper of My Own Morality.
I refuse to Debate Abortion or Feminism here. I never had an Abortion and I have never shown Women dis-respect. The Destruction of the Family or the Institution of Marriage is pretty broad in Speculation so I don’t think that I could throw any blame out here.

My Marriage did not last because of frequent Failures in Foreign Policy that required my Deployment…Often…so I served the Nation better than my Spouse. Career Military runs into that “conflict of interest”. I was a Soldier before I was a Husband but My Daughter chose to be with me at the age of 6 and stayed at the ranch with my Father and Grand Father when I deployed. Now that is more info than You asked for but it is the Truth. My Daughter believes that She chose wisely so I reckon that She gave me a Passing Grade on being a Father.

The Truth can be an ugly thing if it conflicts with your Values. But better the truth than someones talking points that fall short of the Truth.

Silly paranoid article. No Obama is not. Obama is just inept. I suggest the author of this drivel stop watching Glenn Beck.


Thank you for your service.

Let me ask you, how many children did you have?

OT, I have to side with Ivan to the largest extent. It absolutely and undeniably boils down to good people not having children and so many who have children don’t REALLY raise them. The blame however I do not throw all this on women as they are an equal player. That observation sees the massive fault in our society and it IS bringing our ruin. I can discuss this for days on end but if you just do scant research the facts will overwhelm anyone. The Roman Empire made this mistake too. Though most never enven have a chance to learn the truth of it the Romans thought it wise not to have “so many” children and those they had were often tended to by others. Meanwhile those the Romans ruled over multiplied and guess what happened! The Romans could not sustain their own culture as their numbers did not keep up with, pretty much, anyone elses. That is a fact. It’s much like America is today.

I have a Daughter that is in her Second year at the US Air Force Academy. She wants to be the Air Forces Female Chuck Yeager and I support that choice. She, like myself, is an only child. I never treated her differently because of her Gender. She learned to ride Horses, Shoot a rifle and pistol, Fly Fish and plays Concert Quality violin. She saddle broke her Horse without anything more than advise that She asked for,
is in the Top 10% of her Class and has my Respect for Her accomplishments.

My Service to the Nation was My Choice. The Constitution and Our Way of life are worth Defending and passing on to the next Generation. That is what separates US from some Third World Nation. Currently 3% or less of Our Population are in Service. Never have So Many owed so much to so few in Our History.
It ain’t perfect but it is the best thing going on the Planet.

Raising Children requires more than just providing, Food, Clothing and an Education. Being too busy to do the right things as a Parent such as the teaching of Moral Values, the Value of a Work Ethic, an Education of a Quality that will be of Service to the Child in this very Competitive World. Too many Folks just had Children and allowed Schools or the Juvenile Justice System to raise them.

You may have a Quality vs Quantity argument here. I won’t engage in that.

The points made in the above are valid. I have never thought that Obama was not a very smart cookie. I think he is. His membership in Jeremiah Wright, Jr’s church prove that. Why? Inner city Chicagoans are not very trusting of outsiders but Wright had a strong following among the locals because he pimped and pandered to their victimology viewpoints. Where better for Obama to gain street cred among locals than at a church where they were told that all their problems tracked back to whites?

US approval rate in Egypt has falled from 22% in 2008 (under George Bush) to 17% in 2010 under Obama. There is a reason for that. Do you think that Obama did not understand that when he cut by almost 90% the amount of money that went to humanitarian organizations in Egypt (you know, the ones that distributed food and other necessities) that was not going to create a crisis, one that could not be left to go to waste. And what about the numerous Muslims (some with really shady backgrounds) that have been appointed to high positions within this current administration or this administration’s seemingly nonsupportive Israel policy?

Are those who surround Obama inept, like Clapper, Napolitano, Brenner? You betcha. But they are there for one reason; they are “yes” people who will execute Obama’s agenda, no matter what it is.

Do not sell Obama short. He is a man who knows what he wants, the problem being what he wants is not what rational thinking Americans want.

When it comes to having good kids and raising them right quantity simply multiplies quality. We have 7 kids here and I couldn’t care less if they choose to fly to the moon or conquer the Seven Seas. What I insist on is all of my children growing up to become good parents. All those worldly accomplishments are a major distraction. One person is just one person even if they are some kind of magnificent example of what ONE person can do. That verses a multitude of detractors is most likely worthless to the next generation. So, there we have it, generational thinking can change everything…..however slow it is sure.


You can be a facilitator of anything if Your Values, Policies or lack of Perception or Loyalty allow it.
You can create conditions Favorable for most anything to happen if Your level of Experience is not up to Your Tasking.

53% of American Voters selected a guy that has neither the Experience or Ability to hold the Job so I cannot argue rationality here. The Sad part is that they also selected the Most Economically and Constitutionally Illiterate Congress as well. That is not a good combination. The State of the Economy and the Current Level of Public Debt that has increased Irresponsibly over the past Two Years is the proof. Domestic and Foreign Policy failures result from incompetence, they just don’t happen all by themselves.

@ pbunyon, If you put the right things into them at home that is the recipe for Their success. Where I was born and raised in Rural Montana there were large Families that by necessity had the Work Ethic, Moral Values, an Un-Cluttered Education and succeeded to raise some great citizens.

I acquired my Education because of the Conditions of My Employment, the Military. I succeeded because my Parents raised me with Their Values, the ones that worked despite the distractions “out there”. I never Flew to the Moon, won a Nobel Prize or held any Public Office but my conduct served as an example to my Daughter like My Parents example did for me.

Quality is what You put into raising Children and You will not be disappointed in the result. If the Parent(s) fail to set an example or put the quality in, the Society is not served well for Your having reproduced.

It’s by design whether Obama knows what he is doing or not. The Powers That Be are heavily invested in the collapse of America the Corporation because it does not fit the more lucrative trend of a world wide single economic system. I believe Islamic extremists have become the useful idiots to that end. I think Obama is also an incompentent yes-man. In my opinion he does not even know what is expected of him until it is time to act. He too is told what to do.

OT, it appears we agree. I just wish you would have, or could have, had lots of kids. Maybe your daughter will fill your home with grandkids. If that is “in the cards”, wouldn’t it be great?

@ pbunyon, At this point NOTHING that She would do would surprise me. Hopefully She will make wise choices based on the Values that She holds dear. She was offered several full ride scholarships to State Schools as well as ones out of State. I guess that while She lived with me between Deployments I took her to too many Air Shows and She watched those Fighter Aircraft with awe. Then later She saw a Female Fighter Jock pull off her Helmet, an F-15 Pilot and her next Question was…”Dad can I do that?” I told her that if She had a Goal, devoted Herself to achieving it and was willing to study and work hard it was within Her grasp. She took my word on it and it is in Her hands now.

As for Grand Children, that is up to her. It would not be a great surprise if she had several. She has always been very selective on her male companionship through school so I’m sure that she will exercise her best judgment on that. There is room at my table for Grand Children and on my spread in Montana there is room for Houses to be built as well.

Nothing that Jana would do would surprise me. She reads the postings here but cannot by policy post anything. The USAFA has rules regarding that.


While is is admirable that she can attend the USAF Academy, she, like so many other western women, has opted to go the “professional” route and not engage in her primary responsibility which is to have children.

Women in the west, in aggregate, have done what your daughter is doing. Society pays a price for that, and therein lies the warning of “demographics is destiny.”

Women have NO business being in combat. To put them in harms way cheapens them. Their primary duty to the Republic is to be good mothers as the men can’t raise/birth the next generation.

As a woman I can assure you that it is not always a woman’s faulty she does not have large broods.
It’s not as easy as some here believe to find a mate willing to support such things. Just look at how many single parent homes there are, with the majority held by women. Muslim women are forced to stay in bad marriages, at least we here in western societies can, for the most part, get out of them.
Also, Democratic entitlement programs encourage the destruction of the family.

As for Obama, he is neither naive nor inept. He wants America to undergo a ‘fundamental transformation’ . The alpha dogs in his life were either Muslim or Communist. You’d be hard pressed to get an American loving, free marketeer outta that litter.

If it’s not on purpose and he’s just incompetent, how would the out come be any different. Everything this guy has done has had a purpose. Insulting England right out of the chute, threatening Israel, looking the other way on the street protests in Iran, siding with a man deposed by his own supreme court and deposed by law. How I ask you could the results be any different? Jimmy Carter did the same thing in Iran, and his later life showed proof positive of his HATRED of Israel. On purpose or not how can you tell.

@ Ivan, I dare YOU to tell her that. Hitler had the Same idea on a Woman’s role in serving the Fatherland.

I will go on Record as being One who desires Affirmative Action based on Race, Age or Gender be nullified and tossed out as irrelevant. The Israeli Military does not discriminate. Part of the Missions in both Iraq and Afghanistan was the training of Police Officers, Male and Female. It is ongoing as we exchange text here.

Combat? Air Combat requires Skills that are NOT Gender specific. Ground Combat has different requirements but some of the best Intelligence Officers I served with in Afghanistan were Female
and did well at their tasks.

Try to Tell any Female that her job is just raising kids and that alone. Then duck!

Glad I was shown this website about 8 posts ago. I’m a bit of a conspiracy theorist myself. Although I think its important to make a distinction between “theory” and fact, something Al Gore followers are beginning understand as his theory’s are coming under scrutiny.

I’m becoming a legal American citizen right now. The U.S. & its freedom granting constitution embody the values I live my life by. In as much we are a good fit. I am optimistic those values will be a guiding light through the darkness of adversity. I believe the principles the United States of America was founded on will overcome every obstacle weather it be incompetence, or some unspeakable crime. God bless America!

@ Zac, That Faith and a lot of tolerance and firm holding of the Founding Father’s Principles will get You through any challenge that you confront. The tolerance portion of it will be required to deal with the fools that are resident in any Society. America seems to have a very vocal minority of them, the Fools, and your ability to just drive on despite them will be in your favor.

Being an American requires an understanding of the Founding Father’s Gift to you. The US Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the opportunity to be All You Can Be regardless of what others are doing. If you can identify a goal, work harder at it than anyone else and treat others as you wish to be treated You will succeed. But You must already know that…

Old Trooper: Sir your wisdom means a lot to a 24 year old soon to be American.

@ Zac, that and 5 Bucks will get You a Latte at Starbucks. You would be amazed at what a hand full of rat droppings from some Career Politicians mouth passes for Wisdom & Knowledge these days. Those “Nuggets of Wisdom” are very Pricey when You look at the Cost of their Foolishness to the Tax Payer adds up to!

Their Pensions alone are a Kings Ransom regardless of their actual contribution to the collection of bad laws and irresponsible spending that result from voting Fools into Office.

OT said:

@ Ivan, I dare YOU to tell her that. Hitler had the Same idea on a Woman’s role in serving the Fatherland.

Oh, isn’t that nice? The old “I’m losing the debate so I’ll compare my opponent to the Nazi’s” tactic. Is that the best you can do?

Of course it is. You are put in the unenviable position of defending the feminists mantra which is that women are just as good at any job as a man. Congrats OT, you’re a liberal and you didn’t even know it. Stop with the faux respect for our founding fathers. You’d be a like a fish out of water back in their day.

When I said that it is the duty of a woman to be a mother first above all I had in mind what the Spartans, not the Nazis, believed. Motherhood was exalted in Sparta. The Spartans knew what we have obviously forgotten: No offspring no future. Demographics OT, demographics, is destiny. I’m sure you were aware that any Spartan woman who died in childbirth was accorded the same glorious funeral as a Spartan soldier who died in combat.

Combat? Air Combat requires Skills that are NOT Gender specific. Ground Combat has different requirements but some of the best Intelligence Officers I served with in Afghanistan were Female
and did well at their tasks.

What I find laughable is your acceptance of the Soviet attitude which believed women should fly fighters and be snipers or AAA gunners! You’d make a terrible man of the 1770s, but damn if you wouldn’t fit in Stalin’s Soviet Union!

I guess you’re for abortion since the Nazis also banned it’s practice, right?

Old Trooper: Sir I see that there is some rat droppings falling from Ivan’s mouth as we speak. I’m glad he isn’t running for office.


Please buy and read: “The 5000 Year Leap”.
You will be a better American for it.

Patvann: Thanks!

@just me 95:

As a woman I can assure you that it is not always a woman’s faulty she does not have large broods.
It’s not as easy as some here believe to find a mate willing to support such things. Just look at how many single parent homes there are, with the majority held by women. Muslim women are forced to stay in bad marriages, at least we here in western societies can, for the most part, get out of them.
Also, Democratic entitlement programs encourage the destruction of the family.

Just me 95, Yes, I know what you mean. God knows the majority of “men”, and I use that term loosely as today a “real man” is gauged by how many women he had bedded, not how many children he has fathered, are more interested in their toys-sports cars, vacations each year, porn, sports-than doing what was once considered normal.

It’s a lamentable situation that western men and women threw away thousands of years of wisdom and culture for material objects and “free” sex.

Oh well, as bad as the women have it in Islamic nations they will inherit the earth as feminism has made millions of western women infertile in the brain.

@ Ivan, Your superior Intellect and Witty comments are breathtaking. I think that We are done here.
This is after all a Family Website and I am an Officer and a Gentleman by Act of Congress.
I quite frankly don’t know Who or What You are but there is Professional Help for You if
You seek it. It won’t come looking for You!

OT fitting in, in the Soviet Union…
Ummm. Nope, can’t see it. Even when I squint.

Some people have a hard time accepting that some women like to kick ass before settling down, kinda like many men do.
-I know, astounding, isn’t it?

Don’t worry Ivan, the Mormons will keep the breading going while Miss OT blows up some of the savages that might someday breed and kill her’s and your future kids.

As far as the TOPIC goes, Obama does not think a Caliphate will ever happen. (That’s a right-wing scare-tactic, doncha know.) He honestly only thinks this is a lefty-leaning people-power sort of thing that will forward the cause of Utopia under the UN.


At least the “droppings” I leave here come from my mouth, Zac. Yours tend to eminate from another orifice.

Ivan: You aren’t half the man Old Trooper is. You say stupid things to people that you wouldn’t say to there face, from a safe distance at your computer-that is cowardly.

-I’m ending our conversation.

Hey Ivan, I know that it is the Cold & Flu season. Are you going a bit far on the Medicinal Brandy tonight?

What My Daughter chooses to do with Her Life is quite frankly none of your Business. You are at Your Rude Quota and have surpassed Your Ignorance goal by at least 50%. But my patience is wearing a bit thin and exchanging insults with Fools is not on my Agenda.

Have Fun!

@ Patvann, Just another good reason for the US to drop UN Membership and request that they abandon that piece of Prime Real Estate in NYC and relocate to Mogadishu or some Third World Hell Hole so they can be closer to the Problem. It is a matter of Focus. They will get an Up Close and Personal view of what they perceive as a trouble spot and enjoy the 5 Star Accommodations and excellent Cuisine that Mogadishu is Famous for.

@Old Trooper 2:

Hey Ivan, I know that it is the Cold & Flu season. Are you going a bit far on the Medicinal Brandy tonight?

Typical of a man who has nothing to offer intellectually. Hey OT, the last act of the desperate mind is the personal insult.

You are the one who decided to use the old leftist “nazi” comparison and you don’t like how I just made you look like some street bum who’s pi$$ed himself with your Soviet support.

You can dish it out, but you can’t take it.

Also OT: I didn’t start the rude comparison. You did.

You can dish it out son, but you can’t take it.

Gentlemen (and ladies), I would encourage you to purchase and view former Idaho legislator Curtis Bowers’ documentary titled, “Agenda: Grinding America Down.” The documentary offers several pieces of the whodunnit puzzle that you are collectively attempting to solve.

And Mr. Trooper, please thank your daughter for her decision to selflessly serve this great nation using her considerable God-gifted talents, skills, values and intellect. She is obviously one of America’s best and brightest. Much like her father, I surmise.

So I guess trashing a man’s daughter is no longer considered “rude”….Whoda thunk it?

I better tell my just-turned 18 y/o daughter to forget about college and that teaching career, and go get pregnant, so western civilization won’t collapse.

Well Dr. John it boils down to this, incompetence is easily proved while evil motives are not. The standard of proof is different for incompetence than evil. With incompetence all you need show are the end results no motive is necessary, with evil not only must you show end results you also must prove motive. Without the smoking gun of eye witness testamony or written admittion all you have is a conspiracy theory. We all know conspiracy theories no matter how believable are a dime a dozen.

With the lower standard of proof also comes a greater number of people who will believe that Obama is incompetent versus evil. Why is that important? Because conservatives while being open to accept the idea Obama is evil don’t constitute the voting majority. The independents and moderates aren’t so inclined constitute the swing vote and thus any message the GOP puts out there must cater to the greatest number of voters.

There is a third reason and probably one of the most important one of the three. Liberals will always defend their candidates with deep pockets and true belief when their message is attacked. To a liberal, the messenger is the message and the message is the messenger. However, even a liberal can not abide an incompetent person… Remember, to a liberal the message is ALWAYS infallible, the messenger is not. Hence, when the public rejects the candidate of their choice, they never believe the message has been rejected just the messenger. Incompetence to a liberal is when the messenger doesn’t convince the voting public to go with the message, their failure was not being persuasive. Hence, Obama’s ludicris remarks that he didn’t explain ObamaCare enough. When a messenger is characterized by incompetence liberals want NO connection between their message and the messenger and thus the messenger dies on the vine as it were. E.g. recent ones – John Kerry, John Edwards, classic one – Jimmy Carter. You notice the Dems never seem to choose the same front runner for consecutive elections cycles. Ann Coulter did a great essay on that a few years ago. Tarring and feathering Obama as an incompetent boob is such a negative that liberals can’t give their all to this guy. Moderates and Independents are more pragmatic and are turned off by ideologues who don’t produce results. Obama is an ideologue and his actions defy the results they want. Go with incompetence, it works for everyone.

BTW- this is also why corrupt administrations/governments are frequently also incompetent, their corruption leads to the resulting failure to do their jobs as promised or expected. In fact, I’m hard pressed to think of one example of a corrupt government that is competent in getting things done.


As far as the TOPIC goes, Obama does not think a Caliphate will ever happen. (That’s a right-wing scare-tactic, doncha know.) He honestly only thinks this is a lefty-leaning people-power sort of thing that will forward the cause of Utopia under the UN.

That’s a very astute comment.
I used to read the Belmont Club blog long before Richard Fernandez made his name known and moved to the Pajamas Media site.
He is from the Philippines.
As such he has seen 1st hand how Leftists and Islamists interact with one another.
He wrote a great piece about it called, The Ichneumon Wasp, named after the real critter that Alien was based on.
Yup, Patvann, you pegged them.

The Islamists quietly money launder, arms purchase and organize while the Leftists meet with them hoping to befriend them.
Kind of like hoping the crocodile eats you last.
Once the scales fall off their eyes the Leftists get really scared of their Islamist ”partners.”
Well, all I can say is, ”what took ’em so long?”

I’m going to post a link to all the countries on earth’s Total fertility rates.
Remember, your country needs 2.1 babies per woman for a ZERO population growth.
Over that and your population is expanding.
Under 1.8 and it will take years to begin to start growing again because of lost ground.
Under 1.3 and nothing will reverse the shrinkage.
Your country is doomed to be taken over by others.

So, we, in the USA, are right at a ZERO growth rate.
Most of Africa and the Middle East are growing.
Most European countries are shrinking unless you count immigrant births.

Ever read the biography of Osama bin Laden written by one of his gagillion siblings?
In it we learn that he was born to an out-of-favor, lesser wife, way down the line from firstborn, and that his dad never got his name right the first four or five times he tried to…..when he tried to.
(Well, he had 49 brothers and a whole lot of sisters!)
There’s insight into a whole culture where many boys crave the attention of their father but never get it in that book.
And it helps us understand Islam’s cannon fodder attitude toward their people’s children.

In China and the USA each child is like a new product to be developed and advertised, to be protected and nurtured.
There’s nothing wrong with that.
Obama has, however, leveled the playing fields in Iraq and Afghanistan, forcing our troops into one-on-one fights instead of allowing our superior technology to simply clean the enemy nests out.
Why do that?
So that Americans lose their stomach for fighting, is my guess.

Only time will tell which.
But definitely one or the other.


Some questions for you Ivan:

1) How many children have you fathered?

2) Did the woman you married go the “professional” route, working while getting an education then, later, establishing herself as an educated professional in her field of expertise, or did you keep her home uneducated, barefoot, pregnant, and busy changing diapers?

3) If a woman’s “primary responsibility” is bearing, birthing, and rearing children, then where do the fathers of those children fit in? Are men merely sperm donors who, after a bit of physical intimacy and orgasm, are then free to head back to California while the little woman stays in New Mexico to raise the brood?

Good grief! Bless you Jana! I have no doubt that you have taken the source of this nonsense into consideration and have already let it roll off to some trash heap somewhere or have had a chuckle over it. Yes, you protect and defend them all, because of you, your father and and the rest of our best, these cyber clowns are free to make fools of themselves.

OT, the local yokel is but a gnat, guess we will have to take the curmudgeon title away from wheeler and bestow it on….what’s his name. Always treasure the moments when you let us have a peek into Jana’s world, if only everyone of us could have a Jana this country would be what it should be. Questioning your parenting skills or Jana’s life’s goals is what it is, dumb! As far as large families go, I have 65 first cousins and must say, there are no carbon copy kids residing under the same roof, they aren’t robots, they have minds and dreams of their own.

Patvann, where in the world have you been? Probably can’t tell us anyway, sure is good to see you here again!

Zac, welcome to Flopping Aces and a big heartfelt welcome to our country! The weather here has gone from tons of snow and sub zero… to sunshine and warmth. Yesterday all of us old duffers were getting out and about, we all had our happy faces on while greeting each other after a hard, cold winter that’s not over yet, we are just getting a little needed break. Then this morning I log in to see you are becoming one of us(not and old duffer), an American citizen! gives me another day of cheer! Welcome, welcome!!

I have listened to OT2 for a long time. We do not always agree on everything, but I can never challenge his view of World affairs that require more incite than the MSM. He has my respect for he has walked the walk. No one can accuse him of being politically correct. You only get the straight stuff from OT2. I, too, have been there and done that. (Not as a variety as OT2, but challenging never the less!)

I raised my two sons mostly by myself. Both have turned out well. I attribute my success to always setting an example for them. I always explained why I never took the easy way out of a situation when it compromised my principles.

The issue here that no one is addressing is the postmodern philosophy that has become part of our daily lives. While this philosophy is complex, it can be understood by a few examples. No one is personally to blame for their actions or situation in life. Society is to blame. Parents are encouraged to leave the education of their children to the postmodern society. Do as I say, not as I do!

Postmodern philosophy became the mode after WWII and became main stream during the Viet Nam War. The feminist movement is a result of that. The attitude of our elected officials who are supposed to represent us in Washington treating us like ignorant children is another example. Now we have a chief executive officer with no experience determining the future of our country in the future world. He surrounds himself with a dunce of an assistant (Biden) and a bevy of others who will not provide perspective on his actions and decisions.

He may be incompetent and his actions indicate that. On the other hand, he is a post modern citizen who truly believes that his visions are the only vision that is right!

DrJohn, I believe that would be termed “circumstantial evidence” in a court of law…

( Quote from Obama’s book: Audacity of Hope: ‘I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction..’). Need I say more? I’ve been accused more than once of taking this out of context. If however one reads his entire book they would see this man’s Leftist Socialist / Muslim leanings. It’s there in his own words and has been demonstrated in his actions over his career. so yes, Dr. John. In my view Obama is helping to build a global caliphate. Remember, actions supposedly speak louder than words. when one’s actions are in lockstep with one’s words and hard core ideology, disasters like the one the world is facing now come to fruition. Unfortunately most of this has come about because the electorate either chose to ignore the signs or did not take their responsibilities as citizens seriously, thus allowing themselves to believe the lies and propaganda. To many civilizations have fallen to false messiahs (couldn’t think of a better word. didn’t really want to use that one per say).

To all of the people who wish that Glenn Beck was wrong, or paranoid, remember Henry Kissinger’s statement, “Just because you are paranoid does not mean noone is after you.”
Just because the scenario Beck (and others) describe, that of a “Caliphate”, has not come to pass (yet), does not mean that he is wrong in making the connections. And it is not only Barrie who wishes for this, but the others,(leftists, socialists, Marxists, and Anarchists) even though their end games are different, can and will put their differences aside in order to bring down Capitalism, because all of these people, everyone of them, is an abject failure at being a Capitalist, and cannot compete in the world arena without some sort of a “socialist” crutch.
Personally, I would just as soon turn the whole Middle East into a sea of Glass- beginning the minimization of our problem vis-a-vis the muslim situation.
That might even solve Ivan’s population problem a bit, no?

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