Say What? 2/1/2011 edition. [Reader Post]



Finally, Democrats stopped with the crazy talk and the violent rhetoric.  Just kidding.

Democrat Rep Jim Moran: “It [Republican victories in November] happened … for the same reason the Civil War happened in the United States.  Southern states, particularly the slaveholding states, didn’t want to see a president who was opposed to slavery.  In this case a lot of people in this country, it’s my belief, don’t want to be governed by an African-American, particularly one who is inclusive, who is liberal, who wants to spend money on everyone and who wants to reach out to include everyone in our society. And that’s a basic philosophical clash.”

Belknap Democratic Chair Ed Mallard, speaking of Republicans: “They’re going to hang themselves.  And we’re going to help them.”

MSNBC Vice President Bill Wolff: “MSNBC does not have a political agenda. The idea that we’re beholden to one side or the other is ridiculous.”

Charles Schumer: “The fact that five senators are for privatizing Social Security shows we’re not crying wolf here.  This is a serious movement to undo the most successful government program of the 20th century.”

Danny Glover: “Think about that violence now in relationship to what has happened in Tucson. You know, even though we know that this young man is just deranged in some way, there’s the side that drove him to that act, with the kind of vitriol, the kind of nasty, just villainous violence that is happening. The violence that happened even during, you know, town hall meetings.during the healthcare crisis, the healthcare debate and everything, all this kind of violence. Then you take, again, that, the war, the wars-King talks about that, how that violence-that violence comes home. That violence comes home to haunt us.”

Nancy Pelosi: “President Obama was a job creator from day one.”

Pelosi, with regards to Obama being in the middle: “I think that’s where he’s always been.”

Van Jones: “Here’s how you know if you live in a society where there’s social justice: Would you be willing to take your life . . . write it on a card, throw it in a big pot with everybody else . . . reach in at random and pull out another life with total confidence that it would be a good life?”

Chris Matthews, who regularly beats up on both Palin and Bachmann for supposed in accuracies of quotes he has pulled out of context: “We’re looking at the map of the world right now and where Egypt sits in the world. It’s so strategically located. It has, of course, the Nile River.  It has, of course, the Panama Canal.”

Sen. Tom Harkin: “If the people elect these crazy TEA party people, and they come in here and they vote to do all these wacko things, I say, give ‘em rope; give them a lot of rope, then the American people will find out and we will have a real election the next time around.”

President Obama: “Combat operations in Afghanistan have ended.”

Chris Matthews on Michele Bachmann’s TEA party response and why her doing it is a bad idea: “don’t know what to make that. that’s balloon head. we treated slaves as three-fifths of a person. it went to the civil war. we had compromise after compromise to avoid a war. we went to war. slavery continued through the 1860s and only ended because of that war. here’s this woman that you made your spokesperson saying that somehow the founding fathers dealt with it. that’s the one thing they did not deal with. that was the horrible compromise that was at the heart of our constitution. why do you put someone like this forward who is a balloon head? who knows no american history. it’s a ridiculous decision you guys have made. do you know how little this woman knows our history?”  By the way, any person who says slaves were treated as three-fifths of a person in the constitution does not know anything about constitutional history.  Matthews calls her a balloon-head at least 3 times in this panel “discussion.”

Chris Matthews: “Leading off tonight: Unrest in Egypt. Proving the Iraq war wasn’t needed, these protests in Egypt, as well as in Yemen and Tunisia, are all aimed at dictators supported by the U.S. The demonstrations have not yet turned anti-American, but they could. These are the events the Bush administration hoped to encourage by lying about weapons of mass destruction and invading Iraq. A live report from Richard Engel at the scene coming up. And we`ll stay on this story throughout the hour as events warrant.”

Charles Schumer: “We have 3 branches of government: we have a House, we have a Senate, we have a President; and all 3 of us are going to have to come together and give some.”

President Obama: “Health reform is part of deficit reform.  We know that health care costs, including programs like Medicare and Medicaid, are the biggest contributors to our long-term deficit. Nobody disputes this. And this law will slow these costs.”

Phone message left by unknown person for Maine GOP chairman Charlie Webster: “I wonder if Mr. Webster might survive a nine millimeter but doubtful he’d survive a 50 cal.  There’s a lot of 50 cals in Maine.  He should change his tune because a lot of people are really mad.”

Liberals from the past:

Joseph Stalin: “Life has become better, comrades, life has become merrier!”


Tom McClintock: “The two principle promises that were made in support of Obamacare were, (1) it would hold costs down; true or false?”

Chief actuary Richard Foster: [long pause; a nervous laugh, and then he says] “Um, I would say false, more so than true.”

McClintock: “The other promise that…if you like your plan, you can keep it; true or false?”

Foster: “Uh, not true in all cases.”
_______________________________________ asked Academy Award-winning actor Richard Dreyfus the following: “MSNBC’s Ed Schultz said of, has said of Dick Cheney, `he’s an enemy of this country, in my opinion, Dick Cheney is an enemy of this country. . Lord, take him to the promised land, will you?’ And there’s been other quotes, specifically in the media. I wanted to get your reaction to that specifically. Is that something that you think should be rejected by a civil society?”

Dreyfuss said, “No, that’s not uncivil. That’s actually kind of a beautifully phrased way of saying something that could be uncivil.”


Rush Limbaugh: “Why are they granting these Obamacare waivers? I thought this law was a panacea. I thought the president said that if you like your health care coverage, you keep it… Is it only if you have a waiver?”

Sarah Palin on the SOTU address: “And his [Obama’s] theme last night in the Speaker of the House was the ‘WTF,’ you know, ‘Winning the Future.’  And I thought, ‘OK, that acronym, spot on.’ There were a lot of ‘WTF’ moments throughout that speech, namely, when he made the statement, Greta, that he believed that we can’t allow ourselves to, I guess, eventually become buried under a mountain of debt. That right there tells you he is so disconnected from reality!”

Dennis Miller: “What the hell was Al Sharpton even talking about?  It sounded like Professor Irwin Corey explaining the infield fly rule.  And, you know, he’s going to get carpal tunnel from flipping the race card on you that many times in one interview.”

Conservative at Luntz focus group, speaking about Obama’s SOTU: “I feel like I am taking crazy pills.  Is he talking about cutting spending?  Are you kidding me?  All this guy’s done is, spend, spend, spend.  In that clip he says we need to live within our means.  What is he talking about?”

Rush: “I’m listening to all this Sputnik business from Obama and I’m thinking, ‘Wait, pal, aren’t you the guy that wanted to turn NASA into a Muslim outreach arm of the federal government?'”

Jim DeMint: The President will propose freezing spending at record high levels. Our debt crisis demands spending cuts, not a freeze. When a car speeds toward a cliff, you hit the brakes, not cruise control.”



We got ourselves a Digglanche….thats the reason for the spike in traffic and the dozens of moonbats parading around in the comments. Fun times!

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I like DeMint’s analogy. Hitting the brakes is what is needed, not turning on cruise control.

After reading this from Florida Judge Vinson’s ruling:

The defendants have acknowledged that the individual mandate and the Act’s health insurance reforms, including the guaranteed issue and community rating, will rise or fall together as these reforms “cannot be severed from the [individual mandate].” As explained in my order on the motion to dismiss: “the defendants concede that [the individual mandate] is absolutely necessary for the Act’s insurance market reforms to work as intended. In fact, they refer to it as an ‘essential’ part of the Act at least fourteen times in their motion to dismiss.” [Emphasis added]

I came across this:

Five South Dakota lawmakers have introduced legislation that would require any adult 21 or older to buy a firearm “sufficient to provide for their ordinary self-defense.”

The bill, which would take effect Jan. 1, 2012, would give people six months to acquire a firearm after turning 21. The provision does not apply to people who are barred from owning a firearm.

Nor does the measure specify what type of firearm. Instead, residents would pick one “suitable to their temperament, physical capacity, and preference.”

The measure is known as an act “to provide for an individual mandate to adult citizens to provide for the self defense of themselves and others.”

One individual mandate deserves another.

Liberal Debate Mantra: If you have no argument, If there is no way to substantiate your argument, If you are losing the argument = Then “Attack” the person or (persons as a group). Add “non-existent” violence while “attacking” Tea Party group(s). ‘Know’ without ‘proof’ , the reason (must be all that vile right wing talk) why a mad man shot 19 people….. Stunning isn’t it ?

A Gallup poll just released found that 71% of Americans want the GOP to consider Tea Party ideas. The number was 88% for Republicans and 72% for Independents. The left still claims the Tea Partiers are the radicals. Based on the poll, it’s obvious who the real radicals are.

I gird my teeth several times a day. Oh, wait…that’s “gird” not “grind”. Girding means…uh…um…what does girding mean anyway?

Wow, Americans are ridiculous.

The response to Chris Matthew’s remark shows unbelievable Constitutional illiteracy. Slaves were counted as 3/5 of a person for the purpose of representation. And they still couldn’t vote. Google it if you have to.

Well Arthur, if you are in America feel free to leave. If not then stay out. We have enough left wing idiots here.

You’re seriously presenting Chris Matthew’s response to Michelle Bachmann as “crazy liberal talk?” The woman thought that the founding fathers fought against slavery, they did nothing of the sort! This is akin to Palin’s complete ignorance of Supreme Court decisions and general inability to speak in complete sentences. I don’t care that Palin and Bachmann are conservative (there are many conservatives I agree with on a number of issues), I care that they’re at best ignorant and at worst mentally challenged.

In days of old (and in modern sports) men would ”gird their loins” for battle or competition.
It protects from hernia.
Women also used to wear girdles to look thinner.

If you’re going to quote people to make fun of them, get a transcript and supply a link. I’m so tired of this meme that liberals are all “tax and spend,” while so-called conservatives have proven, administration after administration, that they’re “spend and spend.” Yet all the while telling us how irresponsible Obama is. Ah, screw it. There’s no point in talking to people who look at you blankly when you ask them to justify their self-contradictions.

Yeah, these weren’t nearly as funny as I was hoping for. And like “Concerned” said, the response to Bachman was NOT unreasonable. Her warped version of history wasn’t simply a misspeak or an error of a name or date- she got entire chapters of history dead wrong. HUGE concepts completely in error, and nobody on the right challenged her on it? That’s creepy.
Sure, its funny when somebody uses the wrong word or mixes their metaphors- but the Tea Party Queen is dangerously ignorant of her country’s history.
She is an elected official and that’s a genuine concern.

@anticsrocks: That’s right because doing nothing has always helped the bottom-line. Good news is that it looks like the conservative plan might actually be to do nothing.

If you own a store and you are losing money. There are two choices liquidate the business or spend money to try and make a come back. Irresponsible spending can be a problem but spending must be done. If any conservatives were actually proposing a solution then at least that’d be something but they aren’t.

Stop being scared of low-wage illegal immigrants and start worrying about our big jobs being moved overseas, Stop blaming consumers who want to own homes, cars or survive an illness and look at the predatory lending practices of big business and banks, and stop thinking that healthcare is a bad thing. You might fear it but look at drug prices in Canada, look at the mortality rate of infants, look at the lifespans of Americans.

CONCERNED , why should I take your word on your comment?

DamMockRaceSee, yes THAT is why this GOVERNMENT is not doing their jobs,
only the jobs they are not suppose to do, and it’s also lousy.

Take my word about what?

*face palm*
Ok, number one, put dates on quotes to show us you aren’t just pulling these quotes from before the shooting, rendering your point moot.
Number two: get a BA in history, Stalin’s quotes have nothing to do with your point. You could post the transcripts of every speech of his, it will still have no bearing on post-Arizona shooting politics.
number three, calling someone a balloon head isn’t violent.
number four, you missed a great opportunity to nail Democrat representative Cohen. Seriously, don’t let me do a better job at this than you.
number five, President Obama speaking about combat in Afghanistan has no bearing on your point. But if it does, why not respond to what he’s saying with some facts… you have any? You may be right,about whatever uncommunicated thing you are trying to say about Obama’s comment….but we have no way of knowing that or what the point IS.
Number five: Why put in things conservatives have said. You are making them look bad. Isn’t that against your point?

Well spoke ‘concerned’. What’s worse is that Palin and Bachmann are fairly representative of level of intelligence that can be expected from anyone on the right. So sad.

My fav all-time Conservative quotation : “We did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush’s term” Dana Perino, Bush’s Press Secretary, on Sean Hannity’s show. Needless to say, Hannity had no reaction of any kind, nor did his lackey. HAHAHA. Fox Network, gotta love ’em.

Holy crap, Gary! 🙂

Moved to a dedicated server in the nick of time it looks like….handling the traffic well.

“By the way, any person who says slaves were treated as three-fifths of a person in the constitution does not know anything about constitutional history.”

You’re a moron:

Mr. “Concerned” as a low flying troll, you’re full of it. John Adams, as a founding father, wrote parts of a civil law in Massachusetts, 1780, that abolished slavery in that state. He was an avowed abolitionist. John Quincy Adams, his son, gave Lincoln the idea of the Emancipation Act to be used as a war power. He was an avowed abolitionist and a spear head of the new Republican Party. Read about the Adams family, you moron, and no, I’m not talking about the sitcom you probably studied from.

Some pretty amazing quotes. Good to know the guy next in line to be Senate Majority Leader doesn’t even know what the three branches of government are. Don’t they swear to uphold and defend the Constitution? Isn’t that considerably more difficult when you have not read it?

@oil guy from Alberta:

Michelle Bachmann’s statement was that they fought slavery until it was ended. Are you saying an examination of our founding fathers would yield evidence that most of them did actively fight against slavery as a significant amount of their political activity?

I would never argue that the founding fathers were for slavery. I know for a fact that Benjamin Franklin wrote essays in support of abolishing slavery (something I learned reading his biography and autobiography). However, in no way could his contributions have been seen as “tireless.”

Your demeanor isn’t very conducive to a conversation. (That means you’re an asshole).

Well lookee here. Some intellectually inferior leftists have stopped by to vomit their stupidity on the site and then run away.

Incomplete sentences? You must..uhhh…be… uhhhh…talking…uhhh uhhh…about …obama.
What is it about leftists that scares them so much about strong women? Why must they spew unfounded hate against them? So much for their claims to be for the equal rights of women.


If you weren’t a drive by troll you would see that many here were not happy with the behavior of the GOP when they controlled Congress. You also deliberately ignore how the Dems have spent us into the biggest deficit ever. No surprise considering your kind doesn’t face up to reality too well.


Ummmmm, where did anyone say the plan was to do nothing? Do you not understand even the most basic of metaphor? Obviously not. I’d say you couldn’t possibly be that dumb, but you are a leftist.
Love the racism card too. Does it ever occur you reality challenged, elitist snobs that maybe we have a problem with ANYONE being here illegally? FYI, I’m a Latino. So much for you racism claim, eh? BTW, how about you stop being so afraid of capitalism? Just because you can’t cut it doesn’t mean we cannot.


Helios, try lurking here before posting next time. That way you won’t embarrass yourself with stupid questions. Then again, you probably will anyway considering what you’ve shown of your intellect.

@Ford Perfect:

Ummmm, yeah. That is why the Dems got their butts kicked in the midterm, but still think they lost due to messaging.

@John Q Public:
Yes Bush had a terrorist attack on his watch…thanks to Clinton and the dems. Go ahead and continue blaming Bush for everything. It worked so well in the last election. Buwahahahahahaha!

Mr. Public here’s my all time Obamaism. “My uncle helped to liberate the camp at Auschwitz”. Let me guess that his uncle was a political commissar of the Red Army. This would fit the political theme of his family perfectly. For brevity’s sake, this quote is one of many.

@Hard Right:

Sarah Palin is a strong stupid woman. I don’t care that she is strong, I care that she is stupid. Your confusion in our opinion of Sarah Palin is because you don’t realize how amazingly stupid she is.

You also confuse criticism for hate. I have no problem with Sarah Palin being a private citizen – I fear greatly what would happen if she was elected president.

Oh, like wow. What, like a convincing, like arguement. You had like, so much proof she’s, like stupid.

You try to mask your hate with criticism. Unfortunately for you we’ve seen it before and even though you can’t face something about yourself you don’t like, we can and call you on it.


DamnMockRaceSee: If any conservatives were actually proposing a solution then at least that’d be something but they aren’t.

Ah, talking points, they just flow don’t they, so easy, so, so easy.

Let’s see what those conservatives are actually doing… about the reduction of nondefense discretionary spending to 2008 levels.
End federal funding for presidential elections, reduces the budget deficit by $617 million over 10 years, resolution already passed in the House.

Proposals from Rep. Eric Cantor’s site:

Obtain Refund of Funds Owed to the U.S. by the U.N. Tax Equalization Fund
Approximate $180 million in one time savings
Obtain Refund of Unspent Contributions to International Peacekeeping Activities
Approximately $86 million in one-time savings
Prohibit Economic Assistance to Countries Who Hold More Than $50 Billion in U.S. Debt
Savings of potentially $46 million over ten years

From Canter’s speech to the Heritage Foundation

“….in our first month we have cut our own budgets by 5 percent in the House.

We have renewed our moratorium on earmarks, eliminating billions of dollars in pork-barrel favors that have always been used to buy members’ votes on larger, more wasteful spending packages.

We have implemented new House rules that make it easier for Congress to cut spending and grow the economy. For example, all mandatory spending increases must be offset by spending cuts elsewhere in the budget. No more new taxes.

We have moved to repeal the health care bill because it threatens to bankrupt our country and serves as an impediment to job creation. We have already instructed our committees to start work on a replacement and that starts with patient-centered care with an emphasis on lowering cost and affording more flexibility and choice for all Americans.

He further explains:

We will also be asking our committees to look for the savings that we can achieve through the oversight process. The specifics will come from the committees of jurisdiction and the different agencies. Everything is on the table.

Then there’s this:

The Republican No Cost Jobs Plan

DamnMockRaceSee: If you own a store and you are losing money. There are two choices liquidate the business or spend money to try and make a come back.

Spend what money?????

DamnMockRaceSee: If you own a store and you are losing money. There are two choices liquidate the business or spend money to try and make a come back.

That was a heck of a comment, wasn’t it Missy? Rather than change the way they are doing things he goes straight to fold or throw more gas on the inferno. Who says dems don’t understand economics?

@Hard Right:

Sarah Palin Katie Couric Interview

I won’t refer to her North Korean gaff, because I think she just had a slip of the tongue in that case. I do have a critical mind.

Yeah I guess I’m the only one that sees her as performing poorly in that interview. I guess you’d say Katie Couric was being ruthless?

I love how according to your logic I can’t dislike any women without being anti-feminist.

@oil guy from Alberta, #27:

Obama got his family history a bit wrong. Actually it was his great-uncle, Pfc. Charles T. Payne. He served with Company K , 355th Regiment, 89th Infantry Division, which liberated the Nazi forced labor and concentration camp at Ohrdruf, Germany, on April 4, 1945. The 89th’s website confirms that Payne was there.

We really, really need to put in a requisition for some better moonbats….

Is this batch the best that the Left has to offer up?


1) Slaves were counted as whole persons. Only 3/5 of that total was used to calculate representation in the House of Representatives. Southern, slave-owning states wanted the entire slave population counted. Northern, non-slave states wanted slave populations not counted at all for the purposes of representation.

2) Multiple efforts were put forward by the Founders over a period of time in order to first limit, and then to eventually end slavery beginning with the three-fifths compromise in Philadelphia.

3) Conservatives aren’t offering any solutions to the reckless spending? You really need to wake up and pay closer attention there Van Winkledum.

4) Infant mortality rates are not a good means of comparison because the very basic idea of what is considered a “live birth” varies from one country to another. America counts every infant born alive as a live birth. Other countries do not.

5) Wanna know why American jobs are moving overseas? A) We have the second highest corporate tax rates in the world. B) Our gov’t has worked to create an environment of regulation and bureaucracy in which it is virtually impossible to establish, maintain, or expand a business profitably.

6) Can you show me which of the Enumerated Powers in the US Constitution gives the Congress the right to force all Americans to purchase health care? If so, you need to contact the Obie Administration because a certain judge in Florida slapped that idea down yesterday. In fact, Obie himself back in 2008 said that a mandate could not be used because, if that were the case, then mandated home ownership would have solved the problem of homelessness a long time ago.


Let me guess…you’re an Obama voter aren’t you?

Ah yes, the Katie Couric interview. That’s where she was interviewed for 8 hours and they edited out anything that would make her look good. Not to mention it was clear Sarah was peeved at how Katie was clearly persuing an agenda against her. You don’t ask the same questions over and over unless you are trying to get a reaction from someone. What you saw was what they wanted you to see. You fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

Actually, we know you hate strong, Conservative women, but who’s keeping track?


Indeed. Let me guess…you don’t believe in evolution do you?

I find your way of saying that slaves were not counted as 3/5 of a person as rather perverse. Just my opinion.

Multiple efforts are all well and good. The founders in no way acted tirelessly. The founders also certainly did not end slavery.

I agree, conservatives do almost nothing but suggest cuts to spending. What bothers me is which cuts they want to make. And until hard fact proves otherwise, we need to be open to viewing tax cuts as another form of spending.

High corporate tax rates don’t matter when mega-corporations can push money around and avoid paying what they’re supposed to. Obama JUST proposed lowering the tax rates along with closing these loopholes – something he has been met with opposition by on both sides. That’s not a conservative or liberal problem, that’s a problem with politics per se.

Nothing in the constitution lays it out word for word, but that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily unconstitutional. And wasn’t it the insurance industry lobby getting into bed with politicians (liberal and conservative alike) that resulted in the individual mandate? And another thing, what’s wrong with being unconstitutional? That’s what amendments are for – it’s not as if we’ve never sought fit to use them before.

@Hard Right:

Where’s the unedited version? I’ll watch.


You lefties are nothing more than parrots. You can do nothing but spew the same uniformed and self aggrandizing talking points.

If you knew Aye, you wouldn’t have asked such a stupid evolution question of him.
You can’t argue with what he said, so you have a problem over how he said it? That’s pathetic.
We do nothing but suggest cuts to spending…except when we suggest cuts to taxes. Little FYI, your claims that tax cuts are really spending has been thoroughly disproven thanks to hard facts and history.

So because in your opinion it doesn’t specifically say the mandate is unconstitutional, you think it isn’t? And you call us ignorant . So why don’t we try a Constitutional amendment instead of ramming it down people’s throats? Oh I see, it’s because elitist narcissists like yourself are “doing it for our own good.”


concerned: Are you saying an examination of our founding fathers would yield evidence that most of them did actively fight against slavery as a significant amount of their political activity?

Considering the 13th amendment wasn’t passed until 1865 and considering the progress the Founders made in eliminating slavery in their own states and other territories, I would say they did actively fight slavery.

In fact, based in part on the efforts of these Founders, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts abolished slavery in 1780; Connecticut and Rhode Island did so in 1784; New Hampshire in 1792; Vermont in 1793; New York in 1799; and New Jersey in 1804. Furthermore, the reason that the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Iowa all prohibited slavery was a federal act authored by Rufus King (signer of the Constitution) and signed into law by President George Washington which prohibited slavery in those territories.

Here you will find names, quotes, etc. of the Founders that spent “a significant amount of their political activity” abolishing slavery, some, up until they died. BTW, I’m pretty sure that….”stupid woman”….Sarah Palin is well versed on the history of our Founders.

Here’s a tutorial for you.

This is what the Constitution said with regards to slavery:

No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, But shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due.

It should be noted that Thomas Jefferson did in fact try to get it eliminated from the Constitution through excise of the slave clause but failed because of opposition. Too bad he failed because it was the biggest flaw in the Constitution and went against its principles. Also take note that the Civil War did not abolish slavery. The 13th Amendment did.

Without getting into a long drawn out history of the Civil War, keep in mind it was not fought over slavery alone although that was a big factor. Among other things, it dealt with the issue of states’ rights over rights of the federal government, there were also two very different economies, and the country had unprecedented expansion and growth in terms of land area, population, and the economy during the first half of the 19th century. A fairly high percentage of Northerners, including prominent generals like George B. McClellan, fought because they wanted to preserve the Union. They cared less about slavery and were actually quite racist. Southerners believed they had a Constitutional right to secede. The South during the latter part of the war gave freedom to slaves who fought for the Confederacy, which was a policy advocated by Robert E. Lee, who was a slave holder himself. Unlike the North, Southern units were integrated. Following the war, the two sections of the country almost went to war again and mind you that was after slavery was abolished and Blacks were given the right to vote etc. Some historians believe that slavery was in fact crumbling and would have went away because of the expansion of the Southern economy to other crops besides cotton and through modernization with the use of machinery. There was also dissension against it in Southern cities. Anyone advocating the idea that the Civil War was fought solely to free the slaves is mistaken.

Now back to dealing with this blizzard.

Mr.” You Don’t Have To Be Concerned” – Let me deconstruct your strawman and your drivel. I’ll make it very easy for you.
Bachmann generalized and made it easy for low flying gotcha buzzards. Your question is too easy. Learn your history about the founding fathers and you will find abolitionists. Now to remove the straw- the words most and significant. Should be some and notable.” The pen is mightier then the sword”. John Brown used the gun and died for it. The Two Adams used the pen(father-son).
Now the drivel. As a low flying troll you expect to do a fly-by and not get your ass paddled. As more working people come on site expect a lot more. Go back to Kiddie Kos.

Now Concerned sees why the other trolls ran. They don’t have the I.Q. points to do anything but post and run, and they knew it.

@Hard Right:

Do you honestly think you and Aye are providing me with some kind of information I didn’t have? From my viewpoint your information is the same uninformed narcissism.

The answer to my question is highly relevant, more so than his.

Present me with those facts then Hard Right, please.

I’m an elite narcissist because I believe in the power of the amendment? I guess you could do without the Bill of Rights?



That, in and of itself, goes to show what a bad idea it is for you to go around calling Palin and Bachmann, et al “ignorant”, “stupid”, or “mentally challenged.”

I find your way of saying that slaves were not counted as 3/5 of a person as rather perverse. Just my opinion.

You are, of course, entitled to whatever opinion you may wish to have. You are not, however, entitled to your own very special set of facts.

What I stated regarding the three-fifths compromise is, in fact, a historically based reality.

The founders in no way acted tirelessly.

OK…Mr. Interwebz smart guy….which of the Founders worked toward ending slavery, then grew tired and ceased their efforts in that regard?

The founders also certainly did not end slavery.

Straw man.

Nothing in the constitution lays it out word for word, but that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily unconstitutional.


The US Constitution serves to specifically lay out the powers of the gov’t. If a particular power is not given to the Federal or to the State, then those powers are reserved by the People.

And wasn’t it the insurance industry lobby getting into bed with politicians (liberal and conservative alike) that resulted in the individual mandate?

Another straw man. The genesis of the mandate is irrelevant. The constitutionality of the mandate is what we’re discussing.

And another thing, what’s wrong with being unconstitutional? That’s what amendments are for – it’s not as if we’ve never sought fit to use them before.

If that’s the approach that your side of this issue wishes to take, then you should take that approach.

Pass an Amendment that will allow the Fed Gov’t to mandate the purchase of health insurance… Then, and only then, would the gov’t have the authority.

Of course there is no way that such an Amendment would ever make it out of Congress and then get ratified by the requisite number of States. Especially since over half of the States were Plaintiffs in the suit that was decided yesterday.

But, by all means, have at it.


I never contested the opinions of the founding fathers. Only the degree of their actions. I would still contend they hardly worked “tirelessly.” Tireless, to me, implies an exhaustive overwhelming amount of their time went to this, and I have still yet to see evidence to that extent.

Obviously we are providing you with information you are ignorant about.
As for the tax arguemnt, this site has a search feature. Use it. We’ve had this conversation with a better class of leftist than you.

Reading comprehension not your strong suit? I’ll use small words for you. You are an elitist narcissist because you take positions meant to make you feel good about yourself and no other reason. Facts mean nothing to you. You look down on those that disagree with you and project your own failings onto them-such as being ignorant. You have shown your ego exceeds your knowledge. Because you think you are superior to others you have no problem forcing them to live by your beliefs.

As for the Constitution, if the founding fathers had intended for the Commerce Clause to be used to give government the power to do whatever it wanted, they wouldn’t have bothered with the rest of the Constitution, genius.

This is from Michelle Bachmann’s speech:

Bachmann went on to say that while slavery was still tolerated when the nation began, the “very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States,” including John Quincy Adams.

“tirelessly until slavery was no more” they certainly did not work until this point. In no way is saying that the founding fathers did not end slavery a straw man argument, it is exactly the representation of fact in the face of an utterly incorrect statement.

She did not say the worked tirelessly. She said they worked tirelessly until it was ended. This is clearly not true.

@Hard Right:

A better analogy would be. Family’s on a really tight budget, barely making it yet they included an allowance for little Obama. He blows his allowance and, money borrowed from pals on campaign signs for class president. He gets elected, empties the class treasury for thank you slurpees for his pals, then lifts cash from dad’s wallet to pay the treasury back, now little Obama has his hand out for his next allowance and a raise. He deserves neither.

I’m not sure by what stretch of the imagination Joseph Stalin could be classified as a liberal. I guess I’ll give Mr. Kukis the benefit of the doubt, and file that one under humor.


Now you’ve done it. Calling him ” little” will bring out the cries of racism.
Sounds like Obama’s father should have spanked him.

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