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J Eric Fuller is getting a psych exam. Why didn’t Jared Loughner get one? [Reader Post]

Democrat Eric Fuller has a psychiatric evaluation on his schedule.

Fuller, wounded in the Tucson shooting, visited a “Town Hall” gathering In Tucson held by ABC News. The area Tea Party leader Trent Humphries was speaking when Fuller became agitated and threatened Humphries with death

Fuller then swiveled in his chair, raised his camera and took a photo of the pro-gun speaker, muttering, “You’re dead,” according to Joel Tranter, who was sitting behind him.

And he had a message for those in attendance:

As police officers approached to escort Fuller outside, he turned and shouted at the audience: “You whores!”

Before the Town Hall meeting began, Fuller was engaged in some self-promotion.

Fuller, age 63, is a political operative who specializes in gathering petitions for ballot initiatives. Before the program began, he passed out business cards to people sitting around him that read:
“Expediting Initiatives since 2006
“J. Eric Fuller
“Political Circulator.”

J. Eric Fuller made baseless accusations which were parroted by an unquestioning and incurious Politico:

One of the wounded in the Tucson, Ariz., shooting that left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords critically injured is blaming Sarah Palin, House Speaker John Boehner, Fox TV host Glenn Beck and former Nevada GOP Senate candidate Sharron Angle for the tragedy.

“It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first target,” Eric Fuller said in an interview with Democracy NOW.

Fuller has an interesting history. A Navy vet, Fuller is described as being involved in practices which involve a separation from reality.

He apparently has some kind of fascination with hypnosis as revealed by his page on, “the fastest growing hypnosis community in the world.”

Fuller had voiced strong opinions in his online community:

I use extraordinary persuasive charisma to interest blase, apathetic, oblivious and at times hostile voters to listen to the voice of justice and consanguinity. My experiences encountering public figures and many affluent travelers in person has led me to believe that we all are to blame for George W. Bush.

Fuller’s page at has this under “About me”:

He lists his webpage as “” and a “thorn king” is listed on the Huffington Post.

Non-deep pocket with a lot of heart. Began life as a computer operator, military service leading to non-physical disability, unable to resume career, left main stream and lived in small towns for a decade studying library books and piano, moved into Tucson in 1994 and worked as a Chauffeur for most of 10 years, presented state-wide initiatives at libraries, worked elections, in ’09 worked at the Census Bureau as a field rep and a clerk. Non drinker for one year, non smoker for 40 years.

“Non-physical disability.” Does that mean mental disability? Hmmmmm.

Fuller paid a visit to the home of Jared Loughner’s parents on Friday

“So I thought I’d come over here and try to forgive them,” he said. “I know that sounds crazy.”

Jim Moret of Inside Edition asked Fuller why he went to the Loughner home:

“I wanted to start with an apology,” says Fuller

Moret asks, “Wait a minute, you want to apologize?”

Fuller responds, “Yes, because I said mean things about their son.”

Fuller had told reporters that Loughner was an “unhinged lunatic.” Loughner’s parents never came out to speak to Fuller.

So now Fuller has to undergo a mental evaluation as he threatened the life of Trent Humphries. That begs the question – Why wasn’t Jared Lougher order to undergo a psychiatric evaluation following the death threats he made?

Loughner made numerous death threats. The Pima County Sheriff’s not only knew about it, they assured the targets of those threats that Loughner was being well managed. Loughner purchased his Glock in November of 2010. That same month Loughner had two tattoos of 9 mm bullets placed on his shoulder. The person who placed the tattoo said of Loughner:

“That’s a Columbine candidate.”

It seems everyone in Tucson knew Loughner was a problem.

Except for Sheriff Clarence Dupnik.

Now is good time to revisit Arizona gun laws. Among the prohibitions is this

– It is unlawful to sell or transfer a firearm to a “prohibited possessor.”

Under the definition of prohibited possessor one finds this:

A prohibited possessor includes a person found to constitute a danger to himself or others pursuant to a court order and whose court ordered treatment has not been terminated.

If Sheriff Clarence Dupnik had done his job and hauled Loughner to court for making death threats as has been done with Eric Fuller, Jared Loughner would not have been permitted to purchase a gun and Christina Green, Judge Roll and 4 others would be alive today.

Left wing media bias note: Christiane Amanpour and ABC News have scrubbed the Fuller threat from their report.

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