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“Sarah Palin, once again, has found a way to become part of the story.” [Reader Post]

I am almost without words. (Almost)

Two blithering idiots from ABC News- Rachel Madcow look-alike Amy Walter and Michael Falcone – posted what has to be one of most offensive, biased and flat-out stupid articles in a very long time. Not since Hurricane Katrina has the media been so completely derelict in its reporting. And now they’ve just jumped the shark.

Just hours before President Obama is scheduled to speak at a memorial service honoring the victims of last weekend’s shooting in Arizona, Sarah Palin stepped in with her own message addressing criticism that has been leveled against her in the wake of the tragedy.

Oh, that Palin. She “stepped in” just before Obama was supposed to speak.

Her words, of course, amount to a rebuttal of those who have called her out for using violent images to “target” Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and other Democratic lawmakers during the 2010 election.

Ya think??? Everyone on the left short of Josef Stalin blamed Palin for the shooting.

In her video today, Palin tried to find a way to be both. She expresses great compassion and sympathy for the victims, praised our “exceptional nation” that is “a light to the rest of the world.” But she also used the address as a defense of herself and a critique of the media. Instead of trying to get beyond this controversy, Palin has put herself back in the middle of it.

Put herself back in the middle of it? When she did she get out of the middle? As recently as yesterday Rep. James Clyburn still was hammering Palin.

“You know, Sarah Palin just can’t seem to get it, on any front. I think she’s an attractive person, she is articulate,” Clyburn said on the Bill Press radio show. “But I think intellectually, she seems not to be able to understand what’s going on here.”

Their bottom line:

BOTTOM LINE: Sarah Palin, once again, has found a way to become part of the story. And she may well face further criticism for the timing and scope of her remarks. She is already taking heat for her use of the term “blood libel” (see today’s Tweets). In her video she notes, “President Obama and I may not agree on everything, but I know he would join me in affirming the health of our democratic process.” It remains to be seen exactly what Obama will say tonight, but White House aides say another goal of his address will be to lift the nation up in this moment, not sully it with politics.

I don’t recall anyone blaming Obama in spite of his violent rhetoric.

Stupid. Galactically stupid.

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