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Jared Loughner = Bill Ayers [Reader Post]

Jared Loughner is the Bill Ayers of today. To make my point, I show the following common threads of behavior by both.

Attacks U.S. judges with intent to Kill. Check.

Burns and or desecrates the flag of The United States of America.(Jared burns, Bill stands on the U.S. flag) Check.

Calls America a terrorist nation. Check.

Hates domestic law enforcement personnel such as policemen. Check.

Anti-Semitic tendencies. Check.

Favorite book is the Communist manifesto. Check.

Belief that the U.S. government is illegitimate. Check.

Wanted to maim and Kill as many as possible Americans with indiscriminate attacks. Check.

Both are not registered Democrats or Republicans. Check.

Hated George W. Bush, Check.

There is one difference. One got away with murder and the other will not. Jared Loughner is a hard core far-left , America hating, Despicable piece of human garbage. Bill Ayers is the Darling of the left within the Democrat Party. As for the main stream media/left wing spin machine which also includes many major national Democrats, you OWN Jared Loughner.  With all of those anti-U.S. Screeds over the years attacking George Bush and U.S.policy in general you bred and inculcated Jared Loughner with hate for the United States of America. This means You Keith Olbermann, YOU OWN Jared Loughner! Rachel Maddow, YOU OWN Jared Loughner! Michael Moore, You OWN Jared Loughner! ABC, CBS, MSNBC, The Nation Magazine, Democracy Now, The New York Times,and let’s not forget Bill Ayers, YOU OWN Jared Loughner. He is just your kind of guy!

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