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FA at WUWT: Is there STILL too much recent warming to explain by solar activity? [Reader Post]

Readers of my occasional pieces here at FA might be interested to know that I’ll be doing some guest blogging over at Watts Up With That (“…the world’s most viewed climate website”).

I had a short piece before Christmas, and a serious piece on Sunday. That one critiques the numerous solar scientists who claim that, because solar activity had no upward trend since the 1970’s, solar activity cannot be the cause of post-1970’s warming.

Actually, solar activity from 1940-2000 was the highest since 7000 BC. Most of these solar scientists accept that there is a close correlation between temperature and solar activity over the geologic record, so they accept that high solar activity must create a temperature forcing, but they are at the same time trying to claim that steady peak levels of this forcing CANNOT cause warming. Only if the levels KEEP going up can warming be created.

That’s impossibly stupid. It’s the same as saying that you can’t heat a pot of water by turning the burner all the way to maximum and leaving it there. No, you have to gradually turn the heat up, as if it is the act of raising the level of the flame that heats the water, rather than the level that the flame is raised to.

My post shows just how many solar scientists are invoking this stupid-science as a way to say that modern warming must be due to some other cause than the sun, something like CO2 perhaps, as the people who control all the research money insist. Stupid AND corrupt, though I tone down my language a bit for Mr. Watt’s sake.

We’re a little more plain spoken here at FA, but Anthony does good, and I’m grateful for the chance to put my understanding of climate issues out to his wide readership. If you’re curious, click on over and read the rest.

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