Obama Visits Afghanistan The Same Day Dismal Jobs Report Released


A bomber jacket? Really? At least Bush had actually served and flown in our military.

Obama traveled to Afghanistan on a “surprise” visit.

President Obama personally thanked U.S. troops for their service during a surprise trip to Afghanistan on Friday as casualties mount since the president escalated the war last year.

In a speech to several thousand troops inside a hangar at Bagram Air Field, Obama declared that the troops are making important progress in the country and will succeed in the U.S. mission.

“We’ll never left Afghanistan be a safe haven for terrorists to attack America,” he said, adding that he didn’t need to tell them it was a tough fight and difficult days are ahead.

That “surprise” had been planned for a month, and occurred on the very day the new unemployment figures were released showing a rise in unemployment. Quite convenient for him to be out of the country on this day seeing as how those numbers are released on the same day every month and a visit like this will knock the bad news off the front pages.

Allah doesn’t think this to be the reason tho, he believes its because there is going to be a lot of bad news coming out of Afghanistan soon.

Between then and now, we’ve had Karzai call for Petraeus to abandon his battle plan and learned that peace talks were being carried on with a Taliban impostor. So, yeah, the troops probably can use a little pep talk. Especially since next month’s Pentagon strategy review is almost certain to show less progress than hoped for when Obama first ordered the surge a year ago.

I think it’s a little of both. Time it for bad economic news and try to show support for a war that desperately needs that support. Given all that I am glad he paid the visit tho. Our troops deserve it.

He said during the speech the following:

As we do, we continue to forge a partnership with the Afghan people for the long term. And we will never let this country serve as a safe haven for terrorists who would attack the United States of America again. That will never happen.

So that begs the question…if the strategy does look like it’s going to fail, as it does so far, will he do what is needed to turn it around? Bush had the courage to back a new strategy when the old one didn’t work out. I don’t have much faith Obama will however. Does anyone believe he will order an escalation of the war? Nope. He will most likely steer the US towards turning tail and running, ensuring our paper tiger status in the world. Especially seeing as how he is on record saying victory isn’t our goal in Afghanistan.

Exit note...check out this part from Obama’s speech:

When so many other institutions seem to be shirking their responsibilities, you’ve embraced your responsibilities.

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Exit note…check out this part from Obama’s speech in Afghanistan to the troops:

When so many other institutions seem to be shirking their responsibilities, you’ve embraced your responsibilities.

🙄 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🙄


Can’t Obama do anything just nicely?
You know, without taking advantage of the situation for a cheap political shot?
I wonder which ”other institution” Obama was referring to?

I wonder if he wore his Nobel Peace Prize…

Too bad he didn’t bring any of the questionaires about DADT for men in combat to fill out.

Although the White House claims troops are OK with it, the results were quite skewed away from combat troops.

Here is a different take:

If Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is repealed and you are working with a Service member in your immediate unit who has said he or she is gay or lesbian, how, if at all, would it affect your immediate unit’s effectiveness at completing its mission … [asked only] of respondents with combat deployment experience since September 11, 2001.

Here are the responses in three different contexts:

In a field environment or out at sea.

11.4% very positive or positive
44.3% very negative or negative
32.9% net negative

When a crisis or negative event happens that affects your immediate unit

12.5% very positive or positive
29.4% very negative or negative
16.9% net negative

In an intense combat situation

12.4% very positive or positive
30.6% very negative or negative
18.2% net negative

Much more here:

Liberal media spin is here:
According to this news report:

The survey found that some two-thirds of troops don’t care if the ban is lifted.

(Not once they’ve seen action.)

corporate profits and the stock market are doing well but I guess thar is just because of his socialism

How To Ruin A Photo Op: Obama Poses With Troops As U2 Love Song with the chorus “You look beautiful tonight” Blasts On Live Feed.



A LOVE song?!

Why not a FIGHTING song?
Or, at the very least, a PATRIOTIC song?

Dear John,

That would be ‘in spite of’.

JR aka Just Retarded, the stock market is hardly an indicator of how well the economy is doing.

As for “corporate profits” courtesy of Aye on another thread:

Nothing surprising there.

Businesses are showing as much of their earnings on this years’ books as possible to avoid next years’ higher tax rates. Our business is doing that too.

Any business with an accountant who is worth his salt would be doing the same things.

You should also recognize that during periods of economic uncertainty business owners hold down expenses (including payroll) and don’t make capitol expenditures unless absolutely necessary which does what?

That’s right…those steps increase profits.

Our company has enough current business and future orders right now to justify hiring two more people as well as purchasing $300K in additional equipment.

Are we going to do that? Not a chance. At least not right now. Too much uncertainty.

We would rather work our existing employees full time and keep our machinery at full capacity, and run things at a little longer than ideal lead times for our customers.

Obama the Clown returns from Afghanistan in time to declare that a deal with South Korea will add jobs. Never mind that he has said nothing about the bad news (unemployment rate now higher at 9.8%) Obama intentionally skipped out when he left the White House through the back door. Obama is a real degenerate.

Let’s get rid of Obama now.

Nan I wonder what the response to the question 40-60 years ago if Women or Negros was substituted for gays?

AdrianS “Obama is a degenerate.Lets get rid of Obama now” Good f–ing luck on that pal!

Semper Fi

My dad served in the field artillery during WW II dropping shells on the Nazis in Germany. He told me stories about the gay guys in his unit back then. Andrew Sullivan had an entry from a Vietnam era soldier. Seems two platoons were combined into one due to attrition (death, injury, rotations). The platoon leaders and the men were instantly split on who should walk point. The one platoon wanted their guy, a huge burly fearless White guy from Texas. The other platoon wanted their guy because he was the best in all of Nam: a small, thin Black guy from the back woods of Louisiana. The irony: both of the proposed point men . . . were gay!

As Admiral Mullen noted, gays have always served in the military and many of them have been openly gay . . . or at least notorious. The real question is how much they should be required to lie and hide who they really are due to the delicate constitutions of some of their straight brothers in arms.

The President (Commander in Chief) and the Sec. Def. (the civilian head of the military) and the Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (the military head) believe this law is dumb and needs to be done away with. The vast majority of the people in the military think doing away with it is no big deal at all. I fail to comprehend, therefore, the idea that the few people in combat positions in the Marines and the Army (a fraction of the military) should effectively have a veto on a policy question concerning a statute that affects the entire military’s operations, recruiting, retention, discipline and justice system.

Indeed, that is the irony — a decent percentage of our combat people are so put out by gays and lesbians that they think they can’t do their job. Or do I even have that right? Because one of the survey results said “people in my unit would have a problem with gays being open”; but when asked about the writers OWN opinions, the same group said, by about a 4:1 ratio, that they would not have a problem performing under those circumstances. I leave you with this quote from one service member:

“Gays and lesbians have been serving in the Armed Forces since the inception of our country. They love this country just as much as heterosexuals. They have been ‘outed’ while serving, humiliated in front of their peers, beaten up and given dishonorable discharges in the past (and even present day). This must end. This is NOT what our country is about.”

Amen . . . .

AdrianS —

Something about Obama has detached any element of common sense from your statements. Obama did not announce his trip to Afghanistan . . . FOR SECURITY PURPOSES! If you want Air Force One shot down, the best way to risk that is to put out a public bulletin that a slow moving blue and white plane will be arriving at Bagram AFB at 2:45 p.m. Obama “left out the back door” the same way Biden, Cheney and Bush before him “snuck out of DC.”

Your commentary about the South Korea trade pact also shows how friggin unhinged you are. I seem to recall that about two weeks ago Obama’s Asia trip was “a failure” according to you cons because Obama and SK did not sign off on the very same agreement then, due to SK objections to a US tariff reduction proposal. Now two weeks later, they agree to what we wanted. A normal person would call this a good thing for the US; but your incoherent criticism of the deal underlines exactly what Obama is up against dealing with you cons — unthinking opposition to anything and everything he does, no matter how good it is for the country as a whole.

Heh, photo op fail, is the NYTimes perturbed with the manchild or something? 🙄

President Obama walked out to greet the troops on Friday during a surprise visit to Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.


Sad that after – what? – 7 years, it is still unsafe to motor 35 miles from Bagram air base.
I had no idea Obama was that close to seeing Karzai.


Has there really been ANY progress?

Obama left the country during the November election, then he leaves just before the dismal jobs report comes out. Could it be that this kid is so spoiled rotten that he hasn’t learned how to accept rejection on anything.

I don’t know if he was spoiled as a chile, but I know he has never mingled with the WORKING CLASS people, unless you count his Baskin-Robbins experience in Oahu, Hawaii. The one he was supposed to have worked at before he was issued the Social Security card he is using now which is for FOREIGN STUDENTS. There doesn’t seem to be a record of him having any other job.

If he was spoiled as a child and never had to work for a living, I can see why he turned out the way he did and can’t take any rejections. I wonder where he will fly off to just before November 2, 2012.

@Nan G: #6

A “patriotic” song is one about the country you are loyal to. If they played any of our King-in-Chief’s patriotic songs they wouldn’t be American.

Nan G. —

read three books recently that explain the problems we have in Afghanistan:

“Obama’s Wars” by Bob Woodward

“Three cups of tea” by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Rein

and “War” by Sebastian Junger

If you read any two of these books, what will stand out is the fact that so much was let go during the Bush administration. This exceedingly poor, ethnically diverse and divided country was left to drift. Obama added about 70,000 more troops in Afghanistan; some of the military people wanted up to an additional 60,000 on top of that, but we just don’t have the bodies.

The Afghan people are surrounded by corrupt politicians, and by al Qaeda and Taliban nuts who are more than happy to kill anyone who cooperates with the government to get basic services; and an active war waged by the US and NATO allies, which frequently results in civilians being caught in the crossfire. It is a gawd-awful mess there, and there are no good answers on how to get things under control . . . and that is not even mentioning the fact that Pakistan is an even bigger problem, with worse bad guys there than in Afghanistan.

So, no, Obama cannot drive 35 miles in a convoy and you would not want him in a helicopter, either. And with the number of Taliban suicide bombers in Kabul, you would not want him there, either. Before they added the 70,000, the main bases were being attacked, and outposts overrun, whenever the Taliban wanted to. Soldiers on base went to the john in full battle gear, and carried there guns everywhere. They use ambien to sleep and many of them are on anti-anxiety meds. It is 24/7 mayhem potential. Now with the additional people, the bases are not under attack as much, and the troops are actually venturing into previously Taliban held territories; but that is where the casualties come from.

It is simply a mess and the best that we can realistically hope for is for Afghanistan to be an inert poor and corrupt country.

Smorg —

You wrote:

Obama left the country during the November election, then he leaves just before the dismal jobs report comes out. Could it be that this kid is so spoiled rotten that he hasn’t learned how to accept rejection on anything.

That is the biggest piece of nonsense I have seen here since . . oh, yesterday.

He did not leave during the midterms, he left after them. And even if he had left during the midterms, then so what?

Obama cancelled his spring trip to Indonesia (the largest Muslim country) then decided to tack it on to visiting India (the largest democracy on Earth), negotiating with the South Koreans (trade agreement completed yesterday), and going to the G-20. That is HIS F-ING JOB! To travel and meet people and deal with problems! You don’t stop doing your job because of midterm elections and you certainly don’t stop because of the “mandate” delivered in a low turnout, non-presidential election.

You do realize, don’t you, that jobs numbers come out EVERY FRIGGIN MONTH?! So the fact that he “missed one” . . . wait . . . how did he “miss” this one? He spoke about it when he got off the airplane! What difference does it make if he talks about the job numbers from Bagram instead of the White House?

Please explain to me why he should NOT HAVE visited the site of a continuing war to see how things are going? In fact, if he did not visit Afghanistan at Christmas time, you cons would be complaining about that, too! So in your con eyes, he simply can do no right, no matter what he does! This is simply you cons in full wingnut effect.

@B-Rob: #19

Thanks for correcting the fact that Obama left AFTER the election. I commented that he left to pout. I can’t help but think it was the same thing this time. He knew ahead of time what the job outlook would be. He doesn’t know how to accept rejection.

Have you noticed that even when Obama is talking about the troops his tone never changes. He talks like a robot. I want a president that shows emotions in their voice.

@Silly Rob: You said:

Obama added about 70,000 more troops in Afghanistan…

Correct me if I am wrong (hey, it happens once in a while), but Obama hasn’t added 70,000 MORE troops to Afghanistan. He has increased troop levels, but not by that many.

Big difference.

WASHINGTON, March 24, 2010 – This summer will mark the first time since 2003 that the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan will overshadow the American presence in Iraq, the top U.S. military officer told Congress today.

Driving the eclipse is the 30,000-troop surge President Barack Obama announced for Afghanistan in December, roughly a third of which is in place, and with 18,000 of the additional forces expected to be in Afghanistan by late spring as troop levels in Iraq continue to drop. – Source (American Forces Press Service/Defense.gov)

auntiesrocks —

Let me get this straight . . . you are citing a newspaper article from 8 1/2 months ago to “prove me wrong” in the number of troops that have gone to Afghanistan since Obama took over in 2009 and as of December 2010 . . really?

We had about 30,000 troops in Afghanistan as of late 2008. Bush informally approved an additional 40,000 in late 2008 but did not execute it, probably so that Obama’s hands were not tied. Obama signed off and executed that increase in early 2009. In November 2009, he approved an additional 30,000 on top of that (plus a 10% “bumper” if necessary), after a few months reviewing what the mission would be. His current trip to Afghanistan to visit the troops (which, oddly, most of you cons seem to oppose . . . more on that later . . . ) is part of the one year review he scheduled when he made the surge decisions in November 2009. This is all covered in “Obama’s Wars”, Bob Woodward’s book about the decision to surge troops and Obama’s interactions with the military. You have read the book, haven’t you?

What I find odd about the con criticism of the troop visit: the main objection seems to be that he went on Friday, the same day a terrible, horrible jobs number came out. Huh? We are in the midst of a war, with people losing their lives on a daily basis, but the president is supposed to NOT TRAVEL TO THE WAR ZONE because unemployment jumped 2 tenths of one percent? Really? You cons actually believe that the president’s commander in chief duties should be suspended because the unemployment rate returned to where it was about three months ago? OK . . . .

I am willing to bet that had Obama NOT visited Afghanistan, then you cons would be clamoring about “Obama does not care enough about the troops to visit Afghanistan before Christmas!” he simply cannot win with you people because you are seeing everything through a pejorative and conspiracy theory refracted lens.

Smorg —

You now contend that Obama left the country “to pout.” You don’t think the G-20 summit had anything to do with him leaving? Or his desire to make the India and Indonesia trip that he had to cancel last spring because of the Gulf oil spill? You don’t think the desire to “kill two birds with one stone” by linking the India and Indonesia trips with the G-20 trip in the same region had anything to do with it? You think, I guess, that he just had this thing put together on the fly at the last minute when he started to see that the GOPer cons would win a lot of seats . . . .

This is what you actually, really, truly believe?

C’mon, Smorg! I understand you making ridiculous statements just to get a rise out of people. But PLEASE tell me you do not actually, really, truly believe that Obama’s trip was just about you GOPer cons . . . please do not tell me that you folks are actually, really, truly that egocentric, narcissistic, and deluded to think that Obama’s world and his actions are all about you . . . .

Smorg wrote —

Have you noticed that even when Obama is talking about the troops his tone never changes. He talks like a robot. I want a president that shows emotions in their voice.

I think this is fascinating. You are obviously seeing whatever you want to see. Whenever I see Obama WITH the troops, he is smiling and they are smiling. They seem to really like him, and you hear a lot of “hoo ahhs!” during his speeches. (Personally, I think that is one reason you cons get so incensed every time he visits the troops . . . their reaction to him destroys your internal talking point that “the military hates Obama and he hates them” . . . ignoring the fact that he did pretty friggin well in 2008 with troops and military families, including winning military heavy states like NC, Virginia and Florida . . . but I digress.) No, when Obama is WITH the troops, he is pretty light.

When Obama talks ABOUT the troops, he is pretty friggin somber. I am willing to bet that the Dover Air Base “coming home” ceremony that he attended in 2009 (before committing to send additional troops to Afghanistan) weighs heavy. He always refers back to the personal sacrifices the soldiers and their families have made.

You seem to be criticizing Obama because he is not “emotional” in the way YOU want him to be when you want him to be. But there are a few things you cons seem to forget about Obama the man. First, he was raised by a WW II vet from Kansas and his Kansas born wife. These would not tend to be outwardly emotive people. Second, he is not someone who reacts emotionally; we had that in the last president . . . and it did not work out so good, now did it?

Sometimes it really seems the far right as evidenced here would lose in Afghanistan just to bring down Obama. Shameful!

Semper Fi

@rich wheeler:

I “seems” that you are reading something into what you say is “evidenced here” that isn’t. Just what is “evidenced here” that would have you believe that anything that has been said, would want us to “lose in Afghanistan just to bring down Obama?”

Shame on you!

@B-Rob: #23

I have to go with my feelings.

You don’t think the G-20 summit had anything to do with him leaving?


Or his desire to make the India and Indonesia trip that he had to cancel last spring because of the Gulf oil spill?


You don’t think the desire to “kill two birds with one stone” by linking the India and Indonesia trips with the G-20 trip in the same region had anything to do with it?


You think, I guess, that he just had this thing put together on the fly at the last minute when he started to see that the GOPer cons would win a lot of seats . . . .


This is what you actually, really, truly believe?


But PLEASE tell me you do not actually, really, truly believe that Obama’s trip was just about you GOPer cons . . . please do not tell me that you folks are actually, really, truly that egocentric, narcissistic, and deluded to think that Obama’s world and his actions are all about you . . . .

I don’t belong to any party. I voted FOR George Bush the first time, but AGAINST the other guy the second time.

Most presidential trips are planned ahead of time. If this one was, he would have told us AHEAD OF TIME.

I wish Obama’s world and his actions were all about us. If they were, he would be lowering taxes. He would not have put ObamaCare through. He wouldn’t be trying to take YOUR 401(k) money and put it in the Federal treasury. He wouldn’t keep hiring more Federal employees in a recession when millions have lost their jobs. He wouldn’t be trying to take millions of acres of land and turn them into national parks (a lot of the land is privately owned). He wouldn’t be taking all of the vacations and golf trips he has. He wouldn’t be throwing all of the parties he does that averaged one every three days in his first two years. Does this sound like he is doing this stuff for us? Start thinking for yourself.

When he runs himself off of the cliff in 2012 are you going to be a loyal lemming and jump off with him?

@Missy: #26

For years the democrats said Iraq was a loosing war that can’t be won and we should get out. THEY are saying the same thing about Afghanistan.

Have you noticed that the liberals can’t remember what THEY said.

@B-Rob: #24

I was talking about his speeches. Show me one video where his tone of voice changes in the speech. There might me one. If there is, it will be a collector’s item.


It’s democrats that are wanting us out of Afghanistan, win, lose or draw. His base is spitting nails about it. Visit comment sections in the NYTimes, Politico, WaPo, or any big city paper, they’re mad, picking out candidates to run against him and are realizing he’s a weak leader.

Been really enjoying the commentary lately. 😉

@Missy: #30

It’s kind of fun being able to shove there own words back in their mouths, isn’t it?

No Dems will challenge BHO.guaranteed.The bloodbath will be the Repub.primaries.
Smorg. YOU are poster boy for those I referenced in post#25.

@rich wheeler:

You are on the wrong site, instead of worrying about the Repubs, best be calming down your fellow travelers at the places mentioned above. 😉


Reading through the comments at the column Frank Rich put out today at the NYTimes gave me quite a few chuckles, they are losing it. Even Menendez, McCaskill and Schumer couldn’t contain themselves. 😛

Rich, what is shameful is the flaming hypocrisy of folks like yourself. You know, the ones who wanted us to lose in Iraq all so you could reclaim political power.

All the folks I know want us to WIN in in Afghanistan. I suggest you go look at KOS, Puffho, or DUNG before you say something so stupid again.

@rich wheeler: #32

I’ve never been a poster boy before. How big is the poster? Where and when will the ceremony be? How many guests can I bring?

I have always thought that when we go to war we should go in strong, worry more about our losses, less about collateral damage, and get it over with as fast as possible, and bring our troops home with as few casualties as possible. Am I still the poster boy?

@Missy: #34

I don’t read or watch any of the propaganda media except the links on web sights like FA. Just think what they will be saying after the November 2010 election.

@Silly Bobby #22:

Obama’s Afghan Policy One Year Later
By Nick Ottens Published: December 5, 2010

A year after surging troop levels in Afghanistan by some 40,000, President Barack Obama proclaimed, on a surprise visit to Bagram Air Base after Thanksgiving, that American forces are now “on the offensive.” – Source

@Silly Bobbye #24: You said:

But there are a few things you cons seem to forget about Obama the man. First, he was raised by a WW II vet from Kansas and his Kansas born wife. These would not tend to be outwardly emotive people.

A few things we seem to forget about Obama?

Like his grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham arranging Obama’s mentorship by Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis?

Like the fact that his grandparents relocated 2,000 miles to Seattle in order that Obama’s mother might attend Mercer Island High School? And why is that important to understanding Obama?

Because: “In 1955, the chairman of the Mercer Island school board, John Stenhouse, testified before the House Un-American Activities Subcommittee that he had been a member of the Communist Party.

And further –

As with Obama, his mother’s generation of these pseudo-intellectual leftist high schoolers found a way to think of themselves as superior. How? By surrounding themselves with co-thinkers. The Seattle Times continues:

One respite was found in a wing of Mercer Island High called “anarchy alley.” Jim Wichterman taught a wide-open philosophy course that included Karl Marx. Next door, Val Foubert taught a rigorous dose of literature, including Margaret Mead’s writings on homosexuality.

Those classes prompted what Wichterman, now 80 and retired in Ellensburg, called “mothers’ marches” of parents outraged at the curriculum.

Dunham thrived in the environment, Wichterman said.

“As much as a high-school student can, she’d question anything: What’s so good about democracy? What’s so good about capitalism? What’s wrong with communism? What’s good about communism?” Wichterman said. “She had what I call an inquiring mind.”

And how did Obama look upon his grandfather?

But Obama looks down on him as well. With his grandmother pushing him to enroll in college, Obama demands:

“Is that want you’re worried about? That I’ll end up (a loafer, a good time Charlie) like Gramps?” Grandma shakes her head: “You’re already much better educated than your grandfather.” – Source & Source

And lastly Bobbye – you said:

Second, he is not someone who reacts emotionally; we had that in the last president . . . and it did not work out so good, now did it?

I think it worked out pretty well overall, at least as far as National Security goes. It is well established here on FA how I feel about his spending policies.


Hmm, old habits die hard. Appears he seems to gravitate to birds of a feather.

Just finished re-reading The Shadow Party, took notes and underlined quite a bit of the whole book, won’t forget as much this time. Will be going through the sources when I have time. Same people are surfacing in the book I’m reading now…Radical In Chief… just started the first chapter, lots in there, will be taking notes on this one too.

In Chapter one we find while Obama was at Columbia he published an article in the college paper SundialBreaking the War Mentality

Published the week he attended the 1983 Socialist Scholars Conference. The conference was headlined by none other than Francis Fox Piven(half of the Cloward-Piven Strategy team) who also served on the National Executive Committee of the Democratic Socialists of America(DSA). The Cloward Piven Strategy has the same goals as Soros(The Shadow Party), create and use groups within to bring downfall and then change the country to a socialist utopia.

Piven was “Widely recognized as preeminent theorist, strategist and historian of community organizing” with deep ties to ACORN. p. 3

She used the conference as an opportunity to put forward her latest innovation

“a voter registration strategy designed to radicalize the Democratic Party and polarize the country along class lines.” To be “carried out in collaboration with ACORN, Project Vote, and related organizations over the ensuing decades.”

from Piven’s papers archived in the Sophia Smith Collection–Smith College,

Records of the Conference are stored at New York University Tamiment Library

BTW Obama mentions attending this conference in his book…Dreams of My Father

From Piven’s “eloquent opening”:

“the man whose ideas….”helped people around the globe to struggle to make history.” With Marx’s help, said Piven, “common people became historical actors, and their history is far from over.” We must stand within the intellectual and political tradition Marx bequeathed, she continued, yet treat it not as a “dead inheritance,” but as a “living tradition–the creation of thinking, active people” who shape history inspired by Marx’s ideas, yet continually adjusting those ideas to “new political conditions.”

Piven’s papers, Box 84, Folder 7

Needless to say the book is about Obama and his ties to socialists, and the groups they have spawned. Skimmed through it, it’s heavily sourced and like I said, same names and organizations are already surfacing in the first chapter alone.

Bush reacted emotionally? Suuure he did braindead. 🙄
Pushing the same leftist talking points as usual I see. Bush was “emotional” while obama is calm, cool, and intellectual. You lemmings are so easy to lead over the cliff since you believe anything you’re told by “leading” lefties.

Obama is indifferent and incompetent. Those are hardly qualities to admire

@Missy: #40

In Chapter one we find while Obama was at Columbia he published an article in the college paper Sundial–Breaking the War Mentality

Fox News interviewed 400 Columbia students who attended the same year as Obama said he did and none of them remember him. Obama’s photograph does not appear in the school’s yearbook. One student said he was in the same political science, pre-law class as Obama said he was and he doesn’t remember Obama.


– Yep, Obama was molded in the socialist/Marxist ideology from the beginning. I am hoping Santa brings me Radical in Chief this Christmas.


Kurtz researched him for 10 years before writing this book, the information that relates to the Conference is from information he took from the Conference info stored in the NY college library and so far, from Pivens papers. I know many believe he didn’t attend, but, he did write that column for the college paper and attended the Conference that week. Doesn’t mean he attended the college, but it looks like he was in some way connected. Will know more as I delve. 😉


There’s a lot to digest. I followed a blog Kurtz had until he closed it down to the public. He was under enormous pressure and threats. Getting even now. 😉

How would you like to be one of the unlucky service members forced to sit and listen to this guy talk? Thankfully I never had the discomfort. None of the soldiers there look like the are enjoying it.

@A^2: #45

I noticed that too. Even when you hear shouting, the ones behind their King-in-Chief, didn’t. I do have some questions:

(1) Who was doing the cheering?

(2) Were any Christian symbols moved or covered up like he usually has done if they are visible to the camera?

This reminds me of the Marines who were ORDERED to jog with then president Clinton. None of them volunteered. They had agreed ahead of time not to smile while they ran with him.

Different times that I see King Obama it reminds me of some of the Tea Party protest signs I have made. I like to make mine funny, but after I finished the one below and looked at the two bottom pictures, I almost cried, and still well up a little when I look at it, because this is what I think Obama intends for OUR free USA, especially when I hear about him having Christian symbols covered up or moved.


Smorg. “Christian symbols moved or covered up.”Canned cheering? Birther.

Tearing up at Tea Party rallies.You’re priceless Smorg.

@rich wheeler: @rich wheeler: #47

You’re reading things the way you want to again. This is one thing that happens when you are taught by liberal teachers. You really should go into politics or teaching. Please show me where I said:

Tearing up at Tea Party rallies.

What I actually said was:

I like to make mine funny, but after I finished the one below and looked at the two bottom pictures, I almost cried, and still well up a little when I look at it, because this is what I think Obama intends for OUR free USA, especially when I hear about him having Christian symbols covered up or moved.

It really bothers when I see where our country is going. Are you willing to be a loyal subject to your king and donate your 401(k) money to Obama like he wants? It is in the works right now. If some or all of your property is in the areas King Obama wants to make Federal land, will you gladly donate it to him without a fight. It is in the works right now. If you are as loyal as you seem to be, you will. Good lemmings follow their leader off of the cliff. Will you follow him off of the November 2012 cliff?

That just gave me another idea for a Tea Party sign: You and your leader going off of the cliff together. Priceless.

Smorg Obama hasn’t asked and I don’t intend to donate my 401k money to him.Did you know average 401k up over 35% since BHO took office.

Did you forget ‘”King Obama” was democratically elected with an 8.5 MILLION vote plurality.

This is a great country we all love.It will survive BHO and you’ll get your chance in 2012 to vote him out.It will be interesting to see who the Repubs. run.

In the meantime instead of calling me a lemming suggest you do more than blindly follow the far right websites that are your admitted staple.There is much more to see and read.

@rich wheeler:

Obama hasn’t asked and I don’t intend to donate my 401k money to him.

They’re not likely to ask….just seize control.

Because, after all, your new gov’t overlords always know what is best for you.