Obama Dithers


Unscripted Questions And No Teleprompter Cause Our President To Look Befuddled

North Korea assaults South Korea with an artillery barrage; Obama frets over the Six Part Talks and figures we shouldn’t reward bad behavior with money.

But we should feel confident that the President’s closest advisers are more than capable to handle any emergency while the Chief struggles with indecision. Here we have some of the president’s own.

National Security Adviser Tom Donilon: He just rose to his current post in October, replacing Jim Jones. Prior to his tenure in the Obama administration, Donilon was chiefly … a Democratic operative. And a lobbyist for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, for six years. Aren’t you glad a Fan-Fred lobbyist is advising POTUS on dealing with the wildly unpredictable, violent, and dangerous Kim family in North Korea?

Vice President Biden’s National Security Adviser Tony Blinken: Blinken’s national security resume is arguably a little stronger than Donilon’s, having worked around the national security apparatus a bit more than Donilon has. On the other hand, VP Biden calls Blinken “one of the smartest guys I’ve ever worked with,” (coming from the man who opposed the surge and wanted to divide Iraq into three separate states and leave them for Iran’s pickings, that’s quite a statement!) and he has the unabashed endorsement of violent-fantasy prone rabid left-wing blogger Spencer Ackerman, who calls Blinken an “energetic progressive.” Seriously.

Senior White House Coordinator for Weapons of Mass Destruction, Counterterrorism and Arms Control Gary Samore: Among the chief architects of the controversial START treaty, which, according to its opponents like the Heritage Foundation, is tipped to heavily favor the Russians against U.S. interests. Samore also does a good job of misunderstanding the roots of strife in the Middle East. Hint: Arab states attacked tiny and barely armed Israel repeatedly before “arms control” was even a glimmer in Nixon’s eye.

US Ambassador to the United Nations Dr. Susan Rice: Where to start? How about Rwanda. Rice was in the Clinton administration’s State Department when that genocide occurred. She reportedly learned a lesson from that, which was that the U.S. should have intervened. But for some reason that same lesson didn’t apply to Iraq, where the U.S. had actual security interests at stake and from which Saddam Hussein threatened the region and the world. She appears to be one of a long line of “progressives” who advocate for U.S. involvement in international crises in inverse proportion to our national security interests that might be at stake (such thinking elevates Darfur above, say, Iraq). She was John Kerry’s senior foreign policy adviser during his 2004 run for the presidency.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: She boasts an undeserved reputation for international competence; her tenure at State got off to a rocky start with the Russian “reset” faux pas (which was an attempt to placate KGB man Vlad Putin & Co by taking a cheap shot at former President Bush while she was on foreign soil) and has only gotten smoother in direct proportion to her silence. That’s because like her boss, when she does speak, she tends to go around making apologies for the very nation whose interests she is supposed to represent.

We have nothing to fear, President Obama is confident that he can charm and win over our antagonists with campaign speeches and apologies for America’s transgressions in the past. He just needs to recapture the mesmerizing charm and momentum of the 08 election.

If all else fails, we have our Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who not only had Saul Alynsky as a mentor, but was married to a president.

There are three basic ways we can look at this latest incident, we can ignore it and hope it goes away, we can have confidence in our administration, or we can be fearful. It is hard to have confidence in the man shown in the above video. Our best option is to hope we survive the next two years and destroy the Democrat party in the next election, excluding California of course.

America’s presence in the world is being diminished by the president’s flaccid and impotent responses to provocation. Aggressors are emboldened when hostile overtures are met with an outstretched hand and ingenuous threats of sanctions. The US was once a great nation; however, such notions are forgotten by enemies and allies, when our leader’s implied mantra is, ‘we capitulate so that we may exist in peace’.

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Barack Obama: Captain Obvious

Did you mean Captain oblivious?

First NKorea bombards SKorea in an obvious preplanned attack. Today China and Russia dump the Dollar as their trade currency…..the writing is on the wall and our enemies smell blood in the water.

Yes … Dumping the dollar has nothing to do with underlying problem that began with tax cuts for the wealthy amidst an unfunded “W”a(R) of choice. The u$ will go into the crapper, ’cause it has to in order to pay for all the borrowing which was done, to pay for the tax cuts, the “W”a(R)z and the subsequent melt down in the Markets in 2oo9. Obama is the caboose on this train …

Whatever mistakes Obama makes, and I feel there have been some significant ones, happen against the backdrop of the NeoCon-Corporatist 8 year reign, who I believe accelerated the decline of the American Empire and the rise of the Chinese.


Hey snerd, the thread is about the Korea issue. Do try to keep up.

Hard Wrong …

I was responding to Liberty Tree’s ‘log’, as it were. What have you got against Liberty’s ‘Dollar Dump’ point anyway … ?


This guy has no freaking idea what he’s talking about.

Sarkozy’s look at the end says it all…


Them and the rest of us…

Jeebus….. with slobbering like that. It’s amazing he could control the drooling.


Snerd Doesn’t Gronk, you thought you saw a chance to derail the thread with one of your deranged and endless attacks.
Like I said, this thread is about Korea. Take your meds already.

Bronze …

Sarkozy’s look at the end says it all…

Wait a minute … Is the right now using the effete French for corroboration? No more ‘Free-dumb Fried’?


Wait a minute … Is the right now using the effete French for corroboration?

-Snerd Gronk , Age 12

People are exhibiting behavior inconsistent with the stereotype you have constructed for them. If you had a functioning intellect, you would find the stereotype invalidated.

I have seen this sort of moronic turn from leftists before. For example, discovering that a man falsely accused of racism is demonstrably friendly and respectful to minorities, simply results in further accusations that the man is too stupid to be a competent racist.

Against my better judgment I listened to the youtube video. my response is huh? what the heck is he saying and did he even answer the question?

Hard Write …

Snerd Doesn’t Gronk …

In a word … It’s a start, but word play … ‘It’z hard work …’

About Korea … Whatever responses are available to this president, they have all been degraded by the previous president Cheney, i.e. two “W”a(R)z, which have de-fanged saber rattling as a tool, the coffers are more than ‘trickle-down’ bare and the country is ‘wedge-issue’ divided, loss of the international moral high ground, etc.

So what is a ‘radical-liberation-theologist-Christian, Kenyan-black-muslim-terrorist, Bolshevik-Nazi, Socialist-Fascist, fella to do …. eh!?


Actually Snerd, I don’t think he’s a Muslim, a Kenyan, or a Nazi. A socialist and follower of black liberation theology, yes.

SureMan …

For example, discovering that a man falsely accused of racism is demonstrably friendly and respectful to minorities results in further accusations that the man is simply too stupid to be a competent racist.

Good point … I am wondering if I can borrow the incompetent Obama accuses here and use it to argue against the Beck-(R)-ism that Obama is a racist … !?

In any case, as to your stereotyping point, ‘f(R)ee-dumb fries’ wasn’t my creation, as it were.

Before the Great Re-Branding of the (R) party with a 25 letter alphabet (no “W”), the effete French were the constant ‘old Europe’ foil used against any criticism of American militaristic preemption. It is therefore somewhat ironic that when Obama is represented as inept in his response to a military situation, someone on the (R) side would use the French as corroboration …

Maybe I missed the memo, and the ‘Potatoe’ is no longer political …


Obama is in deep do doo and he knows it. It is written in on his face. N. Korea and Iran are mounting a concerted multi pronged attack on the west. Look for a major flare up from Lebanon when the Hariri assassination Indictments get handed down implicating Hezbollah and Syria. There will be additional N. Korean attacks on the south and a sumultaneous attack on Israel from several fronts with Rockets and “martyrdom” operations. And Obama is sending the U.S. Navy into the Yellow Sea now? WTF will he do if we get hit with torpedoes?
Obama is a kid going to the playground with marbles and jacks to play with when the big boys waiting for him have Loisville Sluggers, chains, knives and glocks…. Just saying.

Obama has no answer to aggression against an ally we have sworn to protect. The UN is not going to save you Bambi, better gird your loins. The buck stops at your desk, deal with it.

Hard Right ..
Actually Snerd, I don’t think he’s a Muslim, a Kenyan, or a Nazi. A socialist and follower of black liberation theology, yes.

Snerd …
OK … A couple of points then.

A significant and vocal element on the right think Obama is a ‘radical-liberation-theologist-Christian, Kenyan-black-Muslim-terrorist, Bolshevik-Nazi, Socialist-Fascist … I particularly like the irrational, ahistorical, Beck-(R)-ism, a ‘Bolshevik-Nazi, Socialist-Fascist …’ This element has significant sway over what the rebranded (R), its rhetoric and it’s stance as the Party of NO … Obstructionism of No negotiation, No new ideas, bent on destroying Obama!

On the other side are those anti-Corporatist who feel Obama is too much of a centrist (really, a sellout), who often throws away his best bargaining card preemptively, before the debate even begins, i.e. took the public option off the table at the outset, and just recently that he’ll consider extending tax cuts to Millionaires and Billionaires, before the debate even begins … Furthermore, he’s supporting a war in Afghanistan that has as much to do with a pipeline for oil from the Caspian as it does about the few al Qaeda left in that country. For most of the world those are not even close to a Hard Left positions, yet Obama is not even Left enough to support them.

So on the one side is the ‘radical-liberation-theologist-Christian, Kenyan-black-Muslim-terrorist, Bolshevik-Nazi, Socialist-Fascist’ argument and on the other Ike’s anti-Corporatist warning of the ‘military-industrial-complex’. Teabag-(R) vs (R) Ike, and Obama (apparently trying to find the middle of ‘the community’), isn’t even willing to move as far left as Ike! That’s where we are really at, I believe …

If true, then y’all (R)z are being Astroturfed and are soon to become as irrelevant as the Christian Majority, Ear Marks being the first test … can you say Sen Kyl? Can you say (R)z that opposed the Stimulus, then lined up for the $$$$?

If I am ‘right’ then get ready for ‘nuancing’ on what an Ear Mark is and isn’t, when an (R) uses them.


Can I just get back to community organizing? I’m really good at that.


You picked a perfect video to rattle the cages of trolls who’ll struggle to explain how it contains evidence of intelligence, knowledge, insight, rather than the obvious vacuity.

Hey, he foisted himself on America, so he’s fair game. Hypocrisy is such a disgusting affectation.

Meanwhile, . . .

Wen Jiabao buys Vladimir Putin’s fervent adoration in St. Petersburg by purchasing a nuclear reactor from Putin and his partners – strengthening a “fair and reasonable new order” for the world.

. . . Sure doesn’t look like anyone is getting China’s attention on little North Korean irritant. Well done White House.


-Snerd Gronk

Rather incoherent. Everybody did this, everybody did that. Always, never. Random shards and fragments.

You got nothing. Just a troll.

How long did Obama take to decide what to do in Iraq after he was told a surge was needed?
Hours? No.
Days? No.
Weeks? No.
It was MONTHS later.

If Obama can decide what to do about North Korea sooner than that with the lousy help he’s collected around him as advisers I will be surprised.

James Raider–

Vladimir Putin: would you buy a used nuclear reactor design from this man? I suspect that any alleged purchase is symbolic.

look the american people are awake. we know along with world leaders that o is an incompetent jerk. the best thing he could do is resign and retire to hawaii. sorry hawaii for that one! let him have his penison and perks if he will just LEAVE.

the trouble is just beginning for the lost one. i have a feeling that information he tried desperately to hide will be available for a price. jmo

Wm T Sherman,

” .. . any alleged purchase is symbolic.”

Hey, if your experience is community organizing, it doesn’t take much to fake you out with a hoax. 😉

Don’t you get a kick out of – “About trade settlement, we have decided to use our own currencies,” Putin in a joint news conference with Wen. . . . The renminbi trading against the ruble. Yup, that’ll show king dollar.

. . . What’s pathetic, is that these 2 goons think so little of Obama, that they they’ll play these idiotic games.

Am I the only one who suspects Snerd is schizophrenic? Some clozapine would likely do it some good.

HR #29

I thought that as well. The neologisms, the use of (R) in place of r…I’ve seen the writings of truly insane people, and these comments fit a lot of what I’ve seen. The inability or compulsion (or revulsion) when confronted with words that one WANTS to type, but cannot — at least cannot without adding to or caracaturing those words, because the bare words are dirty, or something — also leads me to believe this one might need meds. The random use of capitalization.

It might just be an education thing, but I’m leaning towards schizophrenia.

Taqiyyotomist, the lefties here show a type of mental illness, but it is a step down from what Snerd displays.
You see, I talk to many different people on an almost daily basis regarding their medications and I can usually tell when someone is taking anti-psychotics. It’s the benefit of experience. Snerd definitely fits into the chemically unbalanced catagory.

Captain Incompetence tries to impress Sarkozy who looked like he just swallowe a gerbil

Obama expanded U.S. sanctions against North Korea on August 30, 2010 with Executive Order 13551. That probably reveals more about the sort of approach he’ll take than his answer to the reporter’s question. A more direct answer shouldn’t be expected. The Chinese government also watches the news.

International sanctions might be steadily racheted up until the North Korean government’s behavior is perceived by the Chinese as being their problem, too. Kim Jong-il’s demise could be the point where changes will occur. Kim Jong-un may prove to be more easily persuaded than his father.

The nuclear carrier George Washington is joining the South Korean navy for exercises off the Korean penninsula, btw. I suppose that might be taken as an unspoken statement of position.

Nan, that was a rather tricky question, how about an easier one. How long did it take him to respond to the Gulf Spill where no one was shooting? All he had to do was follow the procedures that were already documented “burn the freaking thing before it spreads” and he couldn’t even do that. Pretty typical when you put an incompetent in a position of power, they are afraid of looking incompetent so they do nothing!

You can actually see the body language when Zero senses he’s been called out, the question being one that cuts to the core ineptness of his approach to thuggish states.

Look at the video at 0:26-28. Hard swallow, BUSTED!

After that, the rogue sticks to the old routine when he’s caught with his pants down – the filibuster, with lots of of “um’s” thrown in , to impersonate an intellectual…

Hey Zero – buy a clue, a competent chief executive would take the opportunity to see where he’s gone wrong, what assumptions he operated on were wrong, so that he can adjust and still produce a positive or at least neutral outcome. Of course, you’re far too rigid an ideologue for that, plus it takes modesty to admit you’re in error (same goes for the economy, etc.) – do ya think its time for a re-think, Zero??.

pathetic! the man is in so far above his head its shocking. 2012 cannot come soon enough!


If you have read Executive Order 13553, perhaps you can enlighten readers of FA as to HOW this order, “. . . reveals more about the sort of approach he’ll take than his answer to the reporter’s question.”

We won’t ask you to explain it’s likely impact on NK. That would be way too embarrassing. . . . . BUT, for pointing out the kind of feeble, and feeble minded slop that comes from an Administration out of its depth, AND for pointing to its ability to bamboozle its worshipers with vacuous documents like this one, . . . thanks.

@ James Raider, #36:


If you have read Executive Order 13553, perhaps you can enlighten readers of FA as to HOW this order, “. . . reveals more about the sort of approach he’ll take than his answer to the reporter’s question.”

Sorry. I posted an incorrect link in #33. It’s actually Executive Order 13551 of August 30, 2010 that pertains to North Korea. (13553, which I hadn’t read, has to do with human rights abuses in Iran.)

The reason the sanction measures in 13551 are actually relevant is because North Korea’s corrupt internal power structure is partially maintained by providing a stream of luxury goods to governmental higher-ups in return for their loyalty to the dictatorship–a significant element of control in a nation where much of the population is periodically on the brink of outright starvation.

In connection with the Order, a number of specific persons and organizations were targeted. They’re all part of the mechanism that facilitates the movement of money, the aquisition of goods, etc:

Greg, I’m still waiting for you to prove we Conservatives want the economy to stay bad. Like I said, I’m not letting you get away with your usual behavior.

A couple of observations:

One – I played the video more than once and listened carefully. Obama never actually answered the question. He didn’t even come close.

The question was “What has the policy towards Iran and North Korea done except give them more time to advance their nuclear ambitions?”

Obama talked at length about what North Korea has done in the last few months, and he talked at length about the members of the 6 party talks issuing stern rebukes.

Two – Is it just me, or does President Sarkozy look completely bored? Check the 3:00 mark to the end of the video.

@ Hard Right, #38:

Opinions can be argued about endlessly, but they’re not something that can be conclusively proven or disproven. I can’t prove that GOP strategists would prefer that the economy remains sluggish until the next election, any more than you can prove that they would be delighted to see every indicator turning positive and unemployment rates steadily falling by the middle of next year.

To me this is more proof that Obama is not in charge. There are others who are telling him what to do and say. I have said different times that when a liberal speaks on their own and doesn’t read a script, they do one of two things:

(1) They babble on and don’t say anything. Obama is the Babbler-in-Chief of babblers.

(2) They tell the truth. Remember Pelosi’s, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it?”

…‘we capitulate so that we may exist in peace’.

Maybe the USA should do like we are asking Israel to do for peace and give up some of our land in the name of peace. The more land we give up, the more peaceful we will live. It is working for Israel isn’t it?

We can give New Jersey to North Korea, half of California to China and the other half to Russia and then we can have world peace. The way to world peace is pieces: Here a piece, there a piece, everywhere a piece piece.

Our best option is to hope we survive the next two years and destroy the Democrat part….

I’m hoping Obama isn’t in office for the next two years. Since the democratic party has finally admitted that they didn’t verify if Obama is a legal citizen before they chose him to run, I hope he is out long before two years. What is the penalty for impersonating a president? How well does an illegal president do in prison?

@Nan G: #25

Obama did the same in Afghanistan. More soldiers have died in Afghanistan in Obama’s two years than died under Bush’s eight years. Remember how the propaganda media kept track of each soldier who died under Bush? Not so with The One. The worse part was that after taking months to decide on the extra troops for Afghanistan, he figured that it would be like planning a vacation and the troops would be sent over right away, only to find out it would take several months to set up the logistics to get supplies set up to take care of the extra troops once they were over there. Doesn’t he talk to his Joint-Chiefs-of-Staff?


Smorg After reading the last 2 paragraphs of post #41 one must assume you are delusional.

Please have a couple of stiff drinks with your turkey.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

@rich wheeler: #43

I was being sarcastic. Most of our presidents have been saying that if Israel gives up some land (actually sand) to the Palestinians that there would be peace between them. We shouldn’t ask another country to do something we wouldn’t do. Each time the Israelis did give up land, the Palestinians would use the new territory to launch rockets from a closer range.

Most truck drivers would gladly give up New Jersey and California, so it wouldn’t be much of a loss. The next piece for peace for the USA would be New York.
I just stumbled on a name for it: Piece For Peace. If a county is having a problem with an aggressor county, just give them a piece of your country, like we keep telling Israel to do, and you will have peace through piece.

Please have a couple of stiff drinks with your turkey.

My turkey doesn’t drink, neither do I. (I’m being sarcastic again)

It’s probably already been said, but it’s plain to see that Barry is completely unable to provide an answer which has not been previously written for him by his Soros provided handlers and read off a prompter.

The man wouldn’t make a high school debate team wiith all of his uhhs, ahhs and simple nonsense.

What is most significant about the LOSER is his “lack of presence” . . . he is totally 100% a community organizer . . . it is impossible for him to take any immediate action period. He voted PRESENT 110 to 120 times when in the Illinois Senate . . . he continued this protocol as a US Senator . . . now he is basically doing the same thing. Where decisive action is required HE will do exactly what others have done before him or nothing at all. For the simple reason that now that he is alone in the highest of all positions, when he will be evaluated on his performance, he can not see any course of action, he is a very, very frightened man. Even when conditions deteriorate to overall crisis, he will dither and abdicate his decision making powers, in hopes that things will finally develop into his preconceived notions of when the time is right for him to step forward and rescue the “collective”. He is waiting for one and only one thing . . . “The time when NO one can evaluate him”. That means that once he sees the ability to take absolute control he will do so . . . the only problem is . . . that in a democratic country that situation will never arise. He is a Democratic Socialist .. . these are the slyest most deceitful under the table card sharks that ever existed in the politcal world. They work via secrecy and double entendre . . . lies are NOT lies . . . but methods and practices . . . ways of organizing and advancing the hidden agenda. HE lives for controversy . . . and We the People are giving him exactly what HE wants. He is waiting for the hand of Aces . . . once he has them . . . he will Flop them on US . . . and then the party will begin. Even if the hand is FOUR Aces of Spades! For He is stacking the deck!


Opinions can be argued about endlessly, but they’re not something that can be conclusively proven or disproven.

So it is not only about opinions, but of the hidden actions, which may appear as NO ACTION at all.

This is the mark of the Democratic Socialist clear and simple. There is nothing about O-bummer that can be proven or disproven. We just simply do not know. I might add that NEITHER do YOU! I suspect, no, I know, that the way Oback-up thinks is muchly the way you think, your posts here on FA indicates that. Is this a bad characteristic or just a sign of someone that I would really dread working with? Probably the later. It is a quagmire of foul odor and half dead who come forth at the steps of the living to drag them deep in to sloth and lethargy. Beware the wormtongue and recognize the one that is under the influence of such as he will be unable to voice his words or take actions.

Often appears like he has an earpiece embedded in his head and strains and delays to try to hear the words he is being fed to say. If this explanation is not the case, we are in big trouble because it is more than obvious he doesn’t know what he is talking about, along with everyone else. It’s excruciating to listen to him attempt to answer anything, even yes and no questions (the answer never comes).

Some say he is brilliant, with unmatched intellect and a superb orator…I’m sorry, I just don’t see or hear it. I think we’ve been punked and he really is a blank slate.

Actually, seeing him struggle so makes me feel embarrassed for him and our country.

The island that was fired on is right up there “on the front lines” of the territories, the boundaries of which both North and South Korea dispute. I make that point for this reason: It should EXPECTED to be a target of aggression at some point SHOULD aggression ever break out, no differently than with the DMZ. It’s “on the front lines.” Now, I’m ex Army. I KNOW FOR A FACT that we deploy equipment in potential Hot Zones (as well as, of course, while engaged in actual combat) that can instantly “backtrack” where an artillery round that landed, came from. We literally….. constantly search the skies for that. I therefor suspect that South Korea knew precisely where those artillery units were, yet chose a rather muted return fire approach which quickly ended the minute The North ceased shelling the island. BALDERDASH! Those units should have been completely destroyed, even if it took 48-hours of non-stop bombardment to do it. I noticed that the South’s Defense Minister resigned (was canned) after the incident and I suspect this is why. I think it’s time for both The South and the USA (Obama–the CIC) to immediately warn North Korea of “The New Normal Response” should there be a repeat of this lunacy. That “New Normal” means “The minute you start firing is the minute you chose to lose both the equipment and the personnel that manned it and the materiel that protects it.” And personally, I wouldn’t stop there. Just imagine the response by America if Canada started raining hot iron down on Bar Harbor Maine.


Yes, he is an embarrassment to the country . . . and damn, we thought George W could not speak in public.

O-bum-bler is concentrating so hard on listening to himself speak, so self-conscious about what he might say, he stumbles, pregnant pauses, and just totally loses everyone in a gobbley-goop of syrupy nothingness.

I keep thinking, “Get it out” . . . “Say it” . . . then the realization . . . “The MAN knows not of what he speaks” . . . Any second I expect him to say “G-D America” and jump up and walk away flipping us all the one-fingered salute.

Watch his eyes, they glaze over and glance about . . . HIS MIND is NOT focused on the questions … He is struggling to gather thoughts that JUST do not come together in any rational or logical process.