The TSA And Sexual Assault


The Stupidity And Incompetence Of Napolitano’s TSA

We all know that Muslim women will not be subjected to sexual assault by the perverts of the TSA; Political Correctness will protect Muslim Women and their virtue from TSA agents groping their most intimate feminine organs. The Obama/Napolitano wisdom or lack of wisdom is supposed to keep us safe, even if Muslim women are infinitely more likely to be carrying explosives than American women. When your president has a great sympathy for Muslims and especially the modesty of potential female Muslim terrorists, why should we expect less? After all, he has an image to must maintain in the Muslim world.

Unfortunately, many American women have been raped in the past and will surely feel that the pernicious sexual assault by leering pervert TSA agents is more than enough to make them hysterical. A response that may cause them to be shot or tasered by TSA agents who are anxious to assert their authority and power. A hysterical reaction is considered more than enough to be shot by TSA Agents, their power is not to be questioned and your rights against unlawful search and sexual assault are no longer valid, unless of course, you are a Muslim woman. In simple terms resisting the perverts of TSA and their legalized sexual assault is sufficient to be tasered or shot, they now have the right to grope any woman beneath her clothing, excluding Muslims of course, or resort to violence to insure submissiveness.

In the US, 31% of rape victims develop Post Traumatic Shock Syndrome during their lifetime and more than 10% still have PTSD today. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that 13% of all American women have been raped. That means that 3.8 million women have PTSD today. They estimate that 683,000 women are raped yearly, approximately 211,000 will develop PTSD annually. Is it not reasonable that some of these women might become hysterical with the TSA perverts sticking their hands down women’s underwear and expecting them to stand perfectly still while following instructions?

Let us not forget how easy it is to get shot by the TSA, if you have a panic attack, excluding Muslims of course. Muslim women have been advised by CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relation that because of religious reasons, they have the right to only allow pat downs on the neck and head; presumably, if they were planning on blowing up an airplane, they would either be sporting and hide the explosives on their head or neck: if they are devious and no one would ever accuse a Muslim terrorist of being devious, they would hide the explosives in a no touch area of their body under the bed sheet.

El Al, Israel’s airline has a flawess record ad a real security system with professionals, not political hack and pimps that play Obama’s, Yes Sir, Yes Sir, Three bags full game. Below is a portion of an interview with Isaac Yeffet, retired head of security for El Al; he describes a well disciplined and trained security force that is not from the dregs of society that just happened to be in the right place at the right time to get a job.

CNN: What needs to be done to improve the system?

Yeffet: It’s mandatory that every passenger — I don’t care his religion or whatever he is — every passenger has to be interviewed by security people who are qualified and well-trained, and are being tested all year long. I trained my guys and educated them, that every flight, for them, is the first flight. That every passenger is the first passenger. The fact that you had [safe flights] yesterday and last month means nothing. We are looking for the one who is coming to blow up our aircraft. If you do not look at each passenger, something is wrong with your system.

CNN: What is El Al’s approach to airline security? How does it differ from what’s being done in this country?

Yeffett: We must look at the qualifications of the candidate for security jobs. He must be educated. He must speak two languages. He must be trained for a long time, in classrooms. He must receive on-the-job training with a supervisor for weeks to make sure that the guy understands how to approach a passenger, how to convince him to cooperate with him, because the passenger is taking the flight and we are on the ground. The passengers have to understand that the security is doing it for their benefit.

We are constantly in touch with the Israeli intelligence to find out if there are any suspicious passengers among hundreds of passengers coming to take the flight — by getting the list of passengers for each flight and comparing it with the suspicious list that we have. If one of the passengers is on the list, then we are waiting for him, he will not surprise us.

During the year, we did thousands of tests of our security guys around the world. It cost money, but once you save lives, it’s worth all the money that the government gave us to have the right security system.

Isaac is retired, yet he might be available to replace our bimbo in charge of Homeland Security; at least, if we hired Isaac,
we wouldn’t be counting on the stupidity and incompetence of Muslim terrorists for our security.

Quit Flying Until Napolitano Is Fired

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Our airport security measures were designed from false premises from the very beginning after 9/11. This begain under the idiot Bush. It is simply a part of a much larger lie about the world we live in, again a lie first propogated by Bush. It is without accident that former Bush officials are also financially profitting from the sale of the screening machines.

Obama is simply capitalizing on the Bush policies, albiet for different purposes. While Bush was clueless, Obama is not and is taking America to where he wants.

Americans are for the most part sheep. Many still support Obama even after the midterms. Many, a vast majority, will not object to molestation at the aiport, because the government has told them it is for their own good. Also note, the vast majority of Republican Congressmen and Senators (all socialists) will not oppose the TSA in any meaningful way. After all their friends are also profitting.

The waste in the TSA is astounding and all of that means true security measures are not funded or implemented. In a self-fulfilling cycle of incompetence, the next successful downing of an airliner will only reinforce the TSA’s authority to do more in its incompetent screening.

Much ado about just one part of American rights, sensibilities, freedoms and intelligence that has been run over. Just as in the economy, regulation and controls over your life now irrevocably given up to government.

Much more to come so get use to it. That is what sheep deserve. Marxist (democrat) or socialist (Republican)…your choice for a little while longer till you have no choice.

The Big Boo

We are now paying the price for President Clinton.
Former Sec. Norman Minetta established the policy: NO PROFILING.
Profiling was alleged to be racist, and racism is politically incorrect.
Now it is documented reality that those to attempt to solve crimes invariably engage in profiling. What one does, when investigating a criminal act, is to construct a list of the sort of person most likely to have committed the criminal act (i.e., constructs a PROFILE).
Specifically, one looks for the details of the criminal act (the modus operandi) and seeks out records of persons having used that same pattern in previous criminal acts.
Such profiling has never been denounced in the past; local, state, and Federal law enforcement officers routinely engage in this PROFILING.

But TSA lives in fear: the fear is that some group will be so offended that there will be riots in the streets, and thousands will die. It will be a new chance for Riot Boy.

Well, thousands died on 911. They died at the hands of Islamic Extremists. Those same Islamic Extremists learned to fly (but not to land) in U S Pilot Schools. Such persons are still being trained to fly (but not to land) in U S Pilot Schools, since Homeland Security is unable to update their records and revoke such licenses.

And now a person cloaked in a hijab is to be immune to search? How stupid is that? Such a decision is a guarantee that the next airplane bomber will carry their bomb on board the aircraft while wearing a hijab (such garments are sufficiently ambiguous that there is no verification of gender, to say nothing of identity).

Ms Napolitano has now verified that the Constitution is a suicide pact.


Senators and TSA Defend “Love Pats” at Airports

One wonders whether sexual battery could be defended as a “love pat” in a Court of Law.

@The Big Boo

Exactly what is it that you’re saying?

That 9-11 never happened?

That there should be no screening at airports?

Bush was so clueless that Obama has really not changed a single thing?

What “former Bush officials”? I know of Chertoff. Who else? Soros is not a former Bush official.

A Marxist with their endemic authoritarian and totalitarian principles combined with unionism and a desire for a powerful Black dominated security force with true power would be ecstatic over the power that has been given the TSA. Has anyone else noticed that this is a Black race dominated security force?

Has anyone else noticed a tinge of racism when they harass you, as if it is part of the get back at Whitey mentality?

Why hasn’t the hiring been representative of our population, 85% White and others and 15% Black?

Why are Whites being discriminated against in the hiring?

Is the TSA using profiling in its hiring?

Is the TSA the nebulous for Obama’s infamous National Socialist Security Force that is to be just as powerful and as well funded as our military?

The TSA has to be disbanded and Napolitano must be fired. Quit flying and these problems will be addressed

Rep. Ron Paul says Enough is enough (video and transcript)

Yesterday he introduced a bill to subject TSA screeners (and all federal employees) to the same set of laws to which the rest of are subject. Grope a stranger – go to jail.

There’s 5:39 of my life I’ll never get back.

That guy talked a whole lot and said absolutely NOTHING.

Former FBI, go figure…

“Your Honor, it was not a case of sexual assault, it was a love pat.”


mathman —

Your argument that we should be profiling is non-sensical, self-defeating, and just plain dumb. How do you “profile” for an Islamist terrorist? How would you “profile” the undie bomber, the white kid from Alabama who runs al Shebab, the shoe bomber, Jose Padilla, the blond chick in Pennsylvania, David Headley, and John Walker Lindh? They have nothing in common except religion, which is not something you can “profile” for. Muslims come in all colors, shapes, sizes and “flavors” — we really have nothing to fear, for example, from Shia or Sufi Muslims. Nor from 99.999% of the Sunni. So how would you even tell who is an Islamist terrorist when they look just like you and me?

Your suggestion that we “profile” people wearing a hijab (and, by extension, men in “Muslims clothing”) is similarly stupid. If you pull out all the women wearing hijab, you only get . . . women wearing hijab. I would then put my terrorists in Catholic priest collars and nuns’ habits, or dress the white boys . Because you are looking for some Arab looking chick in a hijab, I will use a German Muslim convert who looks like a young Cheryl Tiegs. See how easy it is to escape your “profiling” regime? That was also the problem with racial profiling — cops ended up stopping people who fit the profile, even if they were innocent of ever doing anything wrong, and drug dealers used mules who did not “fit the profile.” You wind up pissing off, humiliating, inconveniencing and frightening Black male college students with guns-drawn roadside stops, while the drug dealers used meth addicted White females to move their product, whizzing right on by as the drug sniffing dogs find nothing.

I just heard Ann Coulter on Hannity saying the same kind of silly thing. When the Fox legal analyst (a con) who supported Obama’s screening program asked her to come up with a better method, she couldn’t. And that’s the point: El Al is able to do their screening by interrogating passengers because (a) everyone has to be there two hours early, and (b) they only have a few flights per day. I have seen Americans pitch a fit when they are not permitted onto a Continental flight because they showed up less than 10 minutes before wheels up. So try telling the whiney, impatient Americans that if they are not in the box two hours early, they will not be able to fly! It is entirely impractical to do interrogation screening given the number of flights we have in this country every day.

The demonstrated lack of intelligence by Billy Bob really never ceases to amaze me. It seems to me that Billy Bob needs an education from Curt and the Israelis on just what profiling is…. most of which has nothing, or very little, to do with having to ID your religion or nationality – or what clothes you are wearing – prior to taking a flight.

John Cooper, thanks, finally we have someone taking our side in this debacle.

Let’s see if Obama is willing to let his daughters get groped by the perverts. All the Washington lawmakers should have their wives and daughters submit to the hands of perverts, so they can watch the genitals being groped beneath the underwear.

Regarding the TSA’s unlawful searches, illegal nude body scans and degrading pat-downs:

I was reading the book by Mark Levin entitled “Liberty and Tyranny” today at the park when I came across this passage, after having written earlier in the day the comments above at #3:

(Chapter 2, page 30, paperback)
“The individual must be dehumanized and his nature delegitimized. Through persuasion, deception, and coercion, the individual must be subordinated to the state. He must abandon his own ambitions for the ambitions of the state. He must become reliant on and fearful of the state.” — Mark Levin.

I believe, the Statist (liberal) will always try to minimize the effect of our Constitution in order to attempt to change our behavior. If the TSA wants to refrain from violating the law (Constitution), the government should attempt to change the law (Constitution) by lawful means. Until then, it is against the law to violate a persons right to privacy, or accuse him of a crime without due process and reasonable cause.

Like cattle, people are funneled into the cow-fences at the airports; all treated as if they were guilty until proven innocent. How wrong it is. And, that this blog and others don’t voice their disapproval is astonishing — given that these are “conservative” blogs; uphold our Constitution.

Prior to hearing about the pat-downs, genital and breast fondling, I felt that it was safer to do the scans — it keeps terrorists away. Yes, but at what cost. Have they succeeded in tangentially taking away our freedoms? If we’re at war casualties will happen. But to give up our rights is losing the war without a battle. As Rush Limbaugh has suggested, TSA should do profiling and offer reasonable cause before searching or seizing property or rights.

Big Sis Napolitano sued for ‘degrading’ searches
‘Given the profane, intrusive, indecent nature, they are patently unreasonable’

P.S.: “fearful of the state,” as mentioned above, means that the government threatens with vastly large fines as in the case of John Tyner — $11,000.00 for leaving the scan area. How preposterous our government has become; especially TSA. Wake up America!

Bronze, he said nothing because the situation is indefensible.

We have allowed ourselves to be subjected to morons, political and TSA, in the name of political correctness and so that we don’t offend those who want to kill us.

There are better ways, Napolitano and Obama are incompetent and have only avoided disasters up to now because of the stupidity and incompetence of the Muslim bombers, that my friends is the only reason we have prevented disasters.

Now we are given the choice, harmful doses of radiation or sexual fondling by perverts. Actions we can avoid by profiling and doing a more efficient job of screening.

The solution is easy except for the morons we have running security.

Sanity begins to reign:

Idaho Legislators Vote Against Forced Body Scans

Idaho Legislature Limits Federal Government Plan for Backscatter Body Scans

According to Paul Joesph Watson of Prison Planet, “Idaho has set the example for others states to follow in the continuing revolt against naked body scanners, by passing a law that limits the use of the x-ray scanning devices in airports and government buildings and also forces Homeland Security to disprove health concerns.”

Quote from article above:
“Critics of Backscatter Body Scans Present Their Case

Critics note serious problems with the federal plan to implement backscatter radiation body scans:

* The body scans are harmful, due to levels of ionizing radiation which causes cancer and DNA mutation, thereby forcing air passengers to endanger their lives and DNA, as well as the lives and DNA of future generations.
* The body scans violate the US Constitution and the the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights, which prohibits unreasonable search and seizure.
* The body scans send the TSA staff the image of naked passengers, leading to charges that the radiation body scans violate pornography laws, including child pornography laws.
* The body scans would not have caught the 2009 “Christmas” bomber.
* The body scans are time-consuming, forcing passengers to get to the airport 3 or 4 hours before a flight.
* The body scans would back-up passengers waiting for the scan, making them an easy target for suicide bombers.

Let the SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES decide the issue of TSA’s repeated violations of the 4th Amendment privacy rights.

“It is the official position of Goldblog that everyday is opt-out day. There’s no need to wait until November 24th. But come November 24th, here’s an idea you might try to make the day extra-special. It’s a one-word idea: Kilts. Think about it — if you’re a male, and you want to bollix-up the nonsensical airport security-industrial complex, one way to do so would be to wear a kilt. If nothing else, this will cause TSA employees to throw up their hands in disgust. If you want to go the extra extra mile, I suggest commando-style kilt-wearing. While it is probably illegal to fly without pants, I can’t imagine that it’s illegal to fly without underpants. I If you are Scottish, or part Scottish, or know someone who is Scottish, or eat Scottish salmon, or enjoy Scotch, or have a vestigial affection for “Braveheart” despite Mel Gibson, you can plausibly claim some sort of multicultural diversity privilege — the term “True Scotsman” refers to soldiers who honor their tradition and heritage by wearing kilts without drawers underneath.”

— Jeffrey Goldberg’s best defense against the TSA: kilts.

Source: The Atlantic – their blog,

Skookum wrote —

A Marxist with their endemic authoritarian and totalitarian principles combined with unionism and a desire for a powerful Black dominated security force with true power would be ecstatic over the power that has been given the TSA. Has anyone else noticed that this is a Black race dominated security force?
Has anyone else noticed a tinge of racism when they harass you, as if it is part of the get back at Whitey mentality?
Why hasn’t the hiring been representative of our population, 85% White and others and 15% Black?
Why are Whites being discriminated against in the hiring?
Is the TSA using profiling in its hiring?

Interesting that Skookum has a problem with a “Black race dominated security force”; I will not point out the historic irony of his/her insecurity. But I point out the following:

1) I sincerely doubt that TSA nationwide is majority minority, nonetheless majority Black. The work force for TSA will reflect the labor pool in a locale, such that there will be more Hispanics in Texas and Cali than in Kentucky, and more Blacks in Newark than in Denver. Snookum’s observations of a “Black race dominated security force” may simply be a function of where he lives or flies. Because my airport is a Continental hub and the TSA employees are dominated by VERY overweight White people.

2) Skookum does not explain why, even if TSA was a “Black race dominated security force”, why having so many Black people screen passengers is of some concern. Why should we care about the race of screeners, Snookum? What difference does it make?

3) Snookum assumes that Whites were wrongfully discriminated against and that is the only way we could have come to have a “Black race dominated security force”. There is, of course, no proof that the TSA is the odd employer who discriminates against the majority. In addition, given the TSA training process, most of the people you see working now were hired under the Bush administration; I doubt Snookum is implying that the Bushies were racist, but I guess we must conclude that they were if Snookum is correct. Finally, there is no expectation that an employer’s work force be representative of the population as a whole, as opposed to representative of the labor pool for that job and in that locale. The labor pool for basketball players is heavily dominated by Blacks in the US, but not so at all in France, Germany, Spain, Russia, Croatia, etc. Which is why there are lot of foreign Caucasian players, very few Asians, Latinos and American Caucasians, and many many Black Americans and Africans in the NBA. It is a discrimination based on talent in the pool, not race — like as it was in the 1950s and 60s, when the NBA only permitted a couple Black people on each team.

4) Last and not least, Snookum, as do most Americans, VASTLY overestimates the percentage of the US population that is Black. He thinks it is 15%. Most Americans think that the US is about 1/3 Black; this is probably due to a disproportionate Black influence in sports, music, media (like every other TV judge [fiction and reality TV, too] is Black) and, now, politics. But both Snookum’s number and the general population number is WAY off; the Black population is only about 10% to 12% in the US, and that percentage is falling due to declining Black birth rates (from higher college attainment among Black females), a comparative increase in the number of Latinos and Asians, and biracial and multiracial people no longer having to check the “Black” box on the census form.

In short, Snookum is wrong on about four different levels concerning the “problem” with a perceived “Black race dominated security force.” He/she is not correct on the discrimination claim, the numbers, or the causation. His/her perceptions are not really rooted in objective reality.

Now I am not calling Snookum a racist, necessarily. I’m just saying that, even if is correct and there is a “Black race dominated security force” screening terrorists, Snookum has not given a reason why we should care – other than, perhaps, a desire not to searched by a Black person?

As an aside: “Black population is only about 10% to 12% in the US, and that percentage is falling due to declining Black birth rates (from higher college attainment among Black females), ” – I would agree partly with that particular statement – but you ought to throw in the very high proportion of abortions among blacks as a contributing factor as well.

I don’t have a problem with blacks on a TSA security team or any other minority for that matter, BUT I do have a problem with an 18, 19 or 20-year old know nothing kid of any color assigned to a job like that with no real life experience and the minimal training involved. I vote for the Israeli model and making it a real, serious job.

The CNN video was more wasted air time, but I have seen something and I will say something: Can anyone come up with more than one or even two bombings or attempts since 1993 that were not caused by or attributed to muslims in the name of their god?


B-Rob, the Obama Administration in fact stinks of prejudice. If you want to be fair and complete, you would have to at least mention that in passing. But, you didn’t.

See: Eric Holder and the Department of Justice (and Voting Rights Act selective enforcement).
See: Maura Lee and the Department of Justice.
See: Janet Napolitano and “Conservative organizations as a primary national security threat.”
See: “Civilian security force.”
See: “Bitter clingers.”
See: The Reverend Wright.
See: “Punish our enemies.”

I don’t know if there is active discrimination in hiring at TSA. But Skookum did not arrive at his point of view in a vacuum — did he? Given the bizarre and outrageous things we have seen so far, I for one can’t rule out a little race-baiting consciously thrown into the mix by our would-be rulers. This has gotten so crazy, that I would not put a little thing like that past them

I think it is not so much a matter of promoting one race or social group over another. It is more a matter of setting different groups against each other in order to weaken us. This is what they promote, and they don’t even try very hard to hide it.

@ B-Rob, #17, The usual race card played by the Usual Suspect…You. Defender of Selective Civil Rights and the Current Regime. You absolutely perpetuate racism with every post. Your postings literally drip of Divisiveness and I’m sure that the violation, that borders on Sexual Assault, of the Civil Rights and Dignity of those of less dermal pigmentation don’t even register with you.
A Hyphenated America rewards you while America as a Whole suffers from your bias, prejudice and undisguised racism.

Here Ya Go Robbie…

Profiteering from the Sheep

Joshua Rhett Miller has made a rather disgusting display of bad journalism on today, in an article about the TSA’s invasive news passenger screening program that either irradiates passengers or results in their sexual assault by TSA employees.

In an apparent effort to buttress the TSA position, Miller goes to Carie Lemack and Mary and Frank Fetchet for their opinions. None of the three are air security professionals, bomb techs or terrorism experts. Their only uniting thread is that they had relatives killed as passengers on planes on 9/11.

This is nothing more or less than a false appeal to authority, as if traumatic loss granted security expertise or insights. The Fetchets and LeMack have no special knowledge. Their opinions are no more relevant to a discussion of air security than is a Kalahari bushman’s.

We’re plagued by incompetence in Homeland Security, and journalists like Miller are clouding the issue by asking the unqualified for advice.

Neither the millimeter-wave or backscatter X-ray technologies increase security for air passengers, anymore than does taking off your shoes, surrendering corkscrews or nail files, or reducing the size of your mouthwash bottles. All of these are gimmicks developed to give the impression that authorities are making us safer, even as the real gaping holes in air security remain as wide-open as they always have been.

Anyone could walk through the most advanced millimeter-wave or backscatter X-ray machines on the market with enough explosives to down an airliner. This isn’t up for debate. It is an unassailable fact.

Homeland Security is spending hundreds of millions of dollars because Janet Napolitano likes to pretend she is worth her salary, while former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff turns a tidy profit from the machines themselves. It isn’t about your safety. It’s about profiting from your fear, and with something around 80% buying the government’s claims, it appears they are succeeding.

Baa. Baa. Baa.

It is ALL about INCOMPETENCE. Not RACE. Quit inserting your Racism Claims and see the Situation as it is. America is being played. Civil Rights of Americans, not just Hyphenated ones, are being Violated here. That is the case here. The TSA is performing extra legal groping. It is NOT about Race or National Security. You are a charlatan and a phony if you want to see it otherwise. The TSA is as Delusional as You are. The TSA is grasping at straws. Defending their New Policy is Delusional, unless of course you enjoy being fondled by folks of your gender and being humiliated in the process.

I am not subject to that policy. Others are and there is a crime being perpetrated here. On Your Fellow Americans, not just Hyphenated ones. Get the point? Don’t come back with any of your typical “You Cons” bull crap. It just makes you not credible, Again. Play the Smart Counsel Card, not the Race Card if You know the difference at all. I have serious doubts.

If a member of NAMBLA joins the TSA and fondles little boys, are those “love pats”?

@Skookum, a couple of points on the entire TSA/body scan subject, then I’ll move on to more important personal issue pastures.

First of all, I flew out of Portland this past week where a Muslim woman was indeed getting the pat down. So if there is some sort of taboo supposedly there, other than Napolitano’s musings at this point, it’s not happening in the real world. Her relatives/friends were on the sidelines outside the security gate area, snarling.

Secondly – and this puts me in the same opine of Billy Bob, so I’ll never forgive you for forcing me into that corner… LOL – I don’t know about your area, but I haven’t run into an overabundance of black TSA workers in my flight travels (which have been relatively extensive these past few weeks). Nor would I care. I suspect that the racial and national make up of a particular airport’s TSA personnel depends much on those who applied for the job, and the demographics of the area.

i.e. I live in white bread, wasp’y Oregon where only 1.6% of the population is black. Thus I constantly pine for really good, southern ethnic cooking and one of my favorite CA beach restaurants, Aunt Kizzie’s. After LA, the lack of ethnic cultures in this state bores me to tears. Actually, all the western ocean states have low black populace… Washington State being 3.1%, and California being 6.7% (all from 2000 census, of course).

BTW, as an interesting observation off topic, the highest black population is in the DC beltway, at 60%.

That low level of population is certainly going to affect their workforce presence in these states, so I’d have to say your personal observations may be more of location than statistics.

Secondly, I don’t care much overall about the body scan issue. Will I walk thru that, as opposed to a pat down? In a heart beat. Do I like the idea? Not really. Am I that modest as to be paranoid to the scan? Nope.

One of the things the TSA screeners will tell you is that those looking at the body scans are in a remote location, and never see the subject personally. So the idea that Pamela Sue Anderson or Halle Berrie comes thru, and they make sure to archive that scan, isn’t viable. Second, the nature of the scans isn’t much titillating unless you’re one weird bird.

Finally, as long as I have the ability to sue if my particular scan was spread around without permission… and it’s a long shot to even know it was me… then why should I care? There are cameras everywhere in our lives these days… the ATMs, street corners, traffic lights, outside in parking lots of retail businesses, etc. In those, I am more easily ID’d. In a body scan? Not so much.

Personally I think it’s much ado about nothing… but what the hey. That’s why we have free speech. Me? I’m a fan of profiling, just as the Israeli’s and law enforcement do. Logic, to me, trumps PC ‘tudes.


You need to fly through Etlanna some time. Not only are the TSA employees almost all black, but just about every airline employee, every food vendor, and all the airport police.

That wouldn’t bother me at all but for the fact that most of them don’t hide their hatred of us white folks. If you want to experience what it was like to be black in the fifties and be discriminated against, visit Atlanta. Last time I had the misfortune to fly though there, I needed to ask a (black, female) gate agent a question about my flight. I was second in line behind a black man. The agent and the man were chatting away and laughing and she took care of whatever problem he had. When it was my turn, the agent’s face changed to a scowl. I asked her a simple question and she just brushed me off with a polite version of “I don’t know and I don’t care, honky”.

Don’t take my word for it; Experience 50s-style racial discrimination for yourself in Atlanta. Oh, to add to your traveling experience, ATL has thousands of TV screens blaring CNN at 120 dB.

@ MataHarley, go here fer Comfort Food in Atlanta:

They even served Jana and I about 5 years ago. Billy Boob has Hyphenated American issues, reading comprehension issues, a critical thinking deficit disorder and a bad case of the “stuck on Stupid” as declared by General Russell Honore a few years back.

I don’t get “fondled” or fooled with. Red Cover Diplomatic Passport Overseas and “Credentials” in CONUS. I am not scanned nor is my luggage subject to rifling through by ‘underwear sniffers”.

Israel has this business down to an Art Form. Call it whatever you want but a dossier, behavior pattern analysis and other criteria do work for them. They are Pros, TSA is not even Amateur Status. This is the Affirmative Action Regime is chock full of political appointees (Hacks)and NOT Professionals in their ranks. Israel and Jordan have it correct. Germany, France and Great Britain are learning but the US is stuck in the doldrums of having Idiots in charge and the waste in the DHS Budget is simply horrifying due to incompetent leadership and ineffective thinking.

Until the TSA gets competent Professional Leadership, “The Gropings Will Continue Until Morale Improves”.

@ Skookum, I do enjoy Scotch that is Old Enough to Vote but draw the line at wearing the “skirts” instead of Trousers.


very little, to do with having to ID your religion or nationality – or what clothes you are wearing – prior to taking a flight.

Yup. To profile effectively they would be looking for those fitting the description of a common terrorist (young Middle Eastern male) and then use that to contact the person, ask some questions and see how they react and answer. Being trained and experienced you can tell a lot about how people answer questions, not the answer but their reactions and so forth. The Israeli’s use this effectively in their airports. They don’t try to ID the religion tho, that’s nonsensical.

Are there non Middle Eastern types who might be recruited to bring a bomb on board? Yup. But does that mean we should just say eff it…lets not do anything since nothing is full proof?

I’ve stayed out of this debate because I’m just not that up in arms about it. For years we have given up our 4th amendment rights going to the airports when our bags are searched so why are the scanners and patdowns that big of a deal? If it’s ok for them to search your bags because you’re in a airport why is it then not ok to be subject to a patdown? I get the intrusive nature of the thing but no one is forcing you to travel on a plane. If you don’t want to waive your rights then don’t fly.

I am a little leary of the TSA and who they employ tho. What kind of background and training do they have? In Law Enforcement there are strict standards and LOTS of training we undergo from the academy onwards. Do they have the same thing?

But as of right now I’m not freaking out about this.

I was hoping you’d weigh in about genuine profiling techniques, Curt. As OT points out in comment #25, the Israelis have their profiling down to a tee.. and it’s not based on demanding choice of religion or attire when flying. They do look for physical profiles as a start, but so much depends upon body language, meeting the eyes, perspiration, discomfort, etc. They’ve done the same when looking for drug smugglers for ages. Then there’s profiling for serial killers, habitual felons, etc. Hang, I’ve even seen it for regular traffic stops… them eyeing me for any telltale signs.

Why is profiling lauded in law enforcement, yet shunned in the case of potential terrorists? Always an enigma. But then, like you, I’m not so up in arms about this for the same reasons you state. And there’s few PC bones in my body.

According to the FAA, screeners must pass background checks…. plus other eligibility requirements are found here. A cursory glance of the “training” is mentioned on the Airsafe site, but probably not as in depth as you, a law enforcement officer, would like to know.

@Old Trooper 2, thanks for the heads up on my next Atlanta connector… tho I rarely get to leave the airport, and definitely don’t hang around Atlanta much when I have the choice. Sorta makes up for the grouper/Cubano food tip in Florida, eh? LOL

@John Cooper, since Georgia has the sixth highest population of black Americans, it doesn’t surprise me that they have a high presence in the work force. But again, my circle of friends and exposure over time doesn’t make me sensitive to anyone’s race or nationality. I’ve received less than courteous service from people at any given time, but I don’t always attribute it to racial attitudes. Sometimes people just have a bad day, or feel interrupted… and others genuinely have a reverse discrimination attitude. Most of the time, I don’t get bothered by such things since my exposure to them is only a moment in time. And I don’t intimidate easily.

I’m not sure what the CNN thing has to do. Virtually all the airports I go thru as regular connectors, Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, Phoenix, SLC and Denver, have CNN as their mainstay monitors in the airport terminals. Perhaps they consider that the palatable compromise between Fox and MSNBC… dunno. But I was raised in Florida, and have much southern culture exposure. Plus I was the daughter of an olive skinned, dark Hungarian gypsy jew. My family is diverse in nationality even today… and we are no strangers to attitudes by strangers. Just never gets under our skin. Too much to celebrate, I guess.

@ John Cooper

Sorry to hear about your experience in the ATL John. I live just outside of Atlanta and I’m an Elite class flyer. I’m on a plane a lot, and Atlanta is my home airport. If you put a gun to my head, I honestly couldn’t tell you if a majority of the TSA Agents are black. I really don’t know. Now, a lot of the vendors in the airport are staffed by black folks. In the metro area, Atlanta happens to have a lot of black folks and apparently a lot of them like to work at the airport. But I have never, ever had a problem with anyone in the airport. They have always been polite and courteous. Are you a Yankee? Cause that would make a difference. 😉

@B-Rob (and your criticism of profiling):
Yes, a sufficiently competent and organized terrorist organization can find recruits to get around problems profiling would cause for them. But this is about making things a lot more difficult for them, not about perfect security. Suppose that Al Qaeda would have had to find twenty people who would not trigger profiling in order to carry out 9-11 (instead of the twenty they had, who sure as hell *should* have triggered ‘enhanced scrutiny’ if anyone was going to). I doubt they could have and it would certainly have increased the odds of somebody spilling the beans if they had tried. And since some of the efforts will surely be carried out by lone sympathizers, borderline nutjobs and the like (who very likely will fit the profile), might as well be on the lookout for them.

Oh, and: ‘the Black population is only about 10% to 12% in the US, and that percentage is falling due to declining Black birth rates (from higher college attainment among Black females)’

Wikipedia at least disagrees, citing census bureau projections of a 15% black population by 2050. See:

Skookum apparently believes that muslim women are not searched, well I don’t find THAT surprising at all. I mean after all he swallowed that OBAMA IS SPENDING 200 MILLION DOLLARS A DAY ON HIS TRIP pretty easily. These scanners were in use BEFORE Obama, but no one seemed to care all that much back then. And of course the former head of Homeland Security Chertoff now is the lobbyist selling those machines. The liberal Jews and Blacks on the New York City Council just voted to ban those porno scanners from the entire city, bet that makes your blood boil Skookum.

but so much depends upon body language, meeting the eyes, perspiration, discomfort, etc. They’ve done the same when looking for drug smugglers for ages. Then there’s profiling for serial killers, habitual felons, etc. Hang, I’ve even seen in for regular traffic stops… them eyeing me for any telltale signs.

Correct. As we gain experience we learn about the signs to look for. One of my favorites is the “oh shit” look I get when they notice me. Now, people are usually nervous around law enforcement…I still get nervous when one is behind me…but we learn to differentiate between the “black and white fever” as I call it and someone who is really nervous because they know they have something they don’t want me to know about it. It’s all those signs and then some you spoke about.

I notice that training website is out of date, would be quite interested in that since that seems to be another complaint, specifically that they are unprofessional.

But this is about making things a lot more difficult for them, not about perfect security.

Completely agree BB. There is, nor will there ever be, a perfect foolproof system. But do we just give up trying then? No way.

Sexual assault on white women by Black TSA agents HORRIBLE JUST HORRIBLE

Haven’t had to fly since before 9/11, after that happened just took the train back and forth to Colorado and now drive it. I just don’t want to deal with all this and hope there is never an emergency that we would have to fly. The full screen thing wouldn’t bother me as much as it probably would whoever is looking at it, but that body search thing, no way. My space is pretty tiny.


Curt, the police came to our home one night, hubby was out of town. They said they received a 911 call from our home phone. Our house was ripped apart, we had removed our carpeting because we were getting new and I was painting the walls before the new stuff came and it looked pretty crude all around, big, big mess.

Told them I didn’t call 911 and didn’t even know where my phone was and then happened to glance, exactly at the same time as they did, at the phone that was laying on the kitchen counter right in front of us. Honest, I didn’t know it was there and I did not call 911 but have to admit that did look bad.

Then they asked me what my birthday was, what day is it the year, etc. like I was a tad off. All the while this was happening our dog was not at his best behavior, and I kept trying to settle him down between questions. They must have thought they entered some whacko zone. Then they left, no scolding or threats not to do it again, probably just wanted to get out of the mad house.

Ya think they believed me? I’m still rattled everytime my great-grandson gets a hold of the phone for fear he will hit some buttons, would they believe the second time?

Missy: 911 hangups are quite common, almost always kids and not that big of a deal. They were just sizing you up to see if there really was something wrong. The 2nd most common case of 911 hangups are the domestic violence calls and many times the female is either covering for her other half because she thought better of the call or he is forcing her to cover for him. One reason to get a feel for your reaction and behavior. It’s apparent they figured out what was going on and left it at that. Happens all the time when kids get around phones.

Aqua: No, not a d**m yankee. Tar Heel. Polite to everyone.

I forgot to mention the black baggage handlers at ATL I observed one slamming a guy’s guitar onto the conveyor belt while he was loading the aircraft. He lifted it over his head and purposely slammed it hard on the machinery. Why, I don’t know.

I never was a racist, but recent observations are pushing me in that direction.

Glenn Beck was on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s show this evening, and proposed an interesting theory: Obama is purposely fomenting a revolt so he can put it down forcefully. It’s something to consider, but personally, I would expect him to rather nationalize the airlines when their RPMs drop off.

AdrianS; hi, you are right as the danger of scanning, I read abit of the same at GOOGLE


My TSA song:

Presenting… Sing Along With Airport Security!

RoboMonKey; hi, very well done and very funny too, you should make it more publicize, it’s good, bye

In response, I am late because of the work schedule of a one man business.

Before 9/11 I was a high mileage flier, who usually flew First Class and hung out in the lounges where you eat and drink for free. LAX was my main airport. Denver, Seattle, Dallas Ft Worth, Birmingham, Atlanta, Dulles, Baltimore, and Philadelphia were all regular stops along with the Dublin, London, and Rome. After 9 11 I was being detained for American Flights because of the equipment I carry and the way I look, this is supposition of course, but since I was detained before almost every flight and interrogated for an hour or two before I was allowed to board the plane, it is a logical assumption. I have a lot of experience with Black security agents and the hate Whitey syndrome.

Now, if someone my size, built like me with a hint of a sporting personality, has just one piece or almost any piece of my equipment, he can commandeer an airplane, I’ll guarantee you that, but I rarely wanted to have my equipment in my lap for hours, since I carried almost 100 pounds of those stainless steel, lethal instruments that some times had traces of blood and gore on them. I was extremely busy and didn’t always have time to clean up completely between jobs.

You see even a village idiot like John ryan would have realized the equipment was in the belly of the plane and I rode with the passengers. But like Johnnie the agents figured that something wasn’t normal, but they couldn’t figure it out. Most people don’t fly with heavy steel instruments that can kill a man with just a tap; so by their reasoning, I was a potential terrorist, despite the fact that I was a high mileage terrorist and had a paper from customs stating that I crossed international borders all the time and carried a lot of equipment that was well used over decades. Was it because Blacks hated me?

What am I supposed to think?

I quit flying and gave up a very lucrative part of my business because of the unnecessary harassment and discrimination; because of the nature of my work, it is imperative that I be relaxed with no stress or I can be killed. Now, unless it is an emergency, I drive to all my business locations. I have met several other businessmen who gave up flying for the same reasons. They all say they feel much younger and more relaxed not going through the stress and stupidity of airport security and air travel itself, I agree with them of course.

Am I racist? Not likely.

Am I pissed at the stupidity and incompetence of our pretend security force? Damn right.

Have the airlines become safer? Hell No! Terrorists are just dumber, that’s the only reason Napolitano has managed to keep her job.

If you libs can flex your pea brains, you might remember the Millenium Bomber that was stopped before he blew up LAX. They messed up his Jihad party, when he stopped at the Vancouver Border crossing, a woman border guard used the same technique that Curt mentioned and found a trunk load of explosives before he managed to blow up the airport and kill thousands during the holiday season.

Funny, they didn’t need to feel his crotch, they just used profiling and busted him. Of course the airport TSA agents have already exhibited their stupidity, how would you ever expect them to actually do real screening to make us safe? No I don’t really care myself, I only fly 3 or 4 times a year now and I will consider the kilt next time.

OT there were Highland Brits who were trained to lead the resistance during WW II that jumped with their kilts on into Yugoslavia during the winter. Kinda makes you wonder about those guys who jump out of planes. Talk about a breeze! Weeeee!

There’s Hghlander Regiment Boys in Calgary, once in awhile, they walk around town with their olive green kilts, olive green sweaters and combat boots; I try to buy them a drink whenever possible. Nobody plays stupid around them, thy look like they can clean your plow and haul ashes in the same day. Anyone who can walk around Calgary wearing a dress in the winter will be much better as a friend than an enemy. Geez, I thought I could handle the cold.

When I was passing through security in White Horse this fall, a Sikh security guard noticed I still had a Buck knife on my belt. I said “oh no, I carry another real sharp one in my pocket”. Sikhs appreciate a knife man. He smiled and politely told me I would need to put the knives in my luggage. He escorted me to the luggage area and after I identified my luggage he put my hardware in the bag and we walked back to the boarding area. He was intelligent, reasonable, and gracious without the seething racial hatred.

He was an honorable man who left a good impression and was far more effective than the ‘chip on the shoulder’ people in the US.

@Silly Rob: You said:

It is without accident that former Bush officials are also financially profitting from the sale of the screening machines.

Misspellings aside, your statement is asinine. What proof do you have of this conspiracy? You might want to see below, Silly Rob.

@Johnny ry: You said:

These scanners were in use BEFORE Obama, but no one seemed to care all that much back then.


An investigation by The Patriot Post has determine that the three primary manufacturers of full body scanners being purchased by TSA with Obama (taxpayer) “stimulus” funding, are located in (you guessed it) Democrat congressional districts favored for such boondoggle funding in California and Massachusetts.

L-3 Communications ($165 million contract) is in Massachusetts congressional district 7 (Demo Rep. Ed Markey). American Science and Engineering is in Massachusetts congressional district 5 (Demo Rep. Niki Tsongas). And, Rapiscan ($173 million contract) is in California’s 36th congressional district (Demo Rep. Jane Harman). – Source

In March 2010, TSA began deploying 450 advanced imaging technology units, which were purchased with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds. – Source

This is really just too easy… 🙄

Antics, you can throw a Hell’uva overhand Right. Well done my friend, well done indeed!

Skookum, your honesty impresses me. Up to now, you’ve always come off as just a guy trying to stir the racial pot and give sad white people an outlet to vent their frustrations through your “thirteen ways of looking at an inpending Obama-inspired race war around every corner” prose poems; yet you’re the saddest white person of them all. All those Classics-inspired tracts, ostensibly in the service of America, but, it turns out, really just in the service of a wounded ego. Some black chap didn’t treat you with the respect you thought you deserve at the airport and now we should ground air traffic until, what, scanners or black people (or both) are removed? And this leaves us where? Should those of us who travel with just clothes and maybe a toothbrush not fly in solidarity because you felt offended when an employee charged with the security of hundreds of people had the temerity to question your bringing “100 pounds of those stainless steel, lethal instruments that sometimes had traces of blood and gore on them” onto an airplane? Sounds racial to me.

Well Tom, Holder said we should not be cowards concerning the expression of our feelings about race. Perhaps you have noticed Blacks are seldom reluctant to speak out about perceived mistreatment by Whitey. Perhaps you noticed the outspoken King Shabzz and his opinions concerning the ‘Cracker’ and the killing of Cracker babies.

This genital fondling situation concerns the loss of Fourth Amendment Rights and an imbecilic administration that is more concerned with political correctness than security. The fact that I have noticed that reverse discrimination is alive and well is something that I should pretend doesn’t exist or perhaps you would like to review the Black Racist Shabazz videos once again or Obama’s mentor the Reverend Wright and his pious sanctimonious attitudes concerning race.

Do you deny that this so called ‘reverse discrimination’ doesn’t exist Tom?

I say it is rampant and it is one of the biggest impediments to race relations today.

The lack of respect has been obvious Tom, but most people tend to ignore or pretend that it isn’t real. I don’t display the expected politically correct reaction of trying to excuse rude obnoxious behavior with a servile composure; like your distinct lack of class, it is inconsequential in the larger scheme of things. Loss of freedom is the issue, where does this loss of freedom end, how long do we suspend the fourth amendment rights so that Obama and Napolitano can pretend they have Terrorism under control? What rights will we expected to surrender in the future for Obama’s visions?

Blacks seem to find racial injustice in every challenge to their leaders, their policies or any issue they take exception to or haven’t you noticed?

To assume that the country is safe because a political hack like Napolitano is guarding our people and the borders is to wander aimlessly and pointlessly in self-delusion, at least until the terror hammer drops again. The only way we can stop the insanity and stupidity is to stop flying and demand that Napolitano be fired and that the TSA be reorganized. It’s called a boycott; you have read about the boycott of the Birmingham buses, think of it as a similar issue and you may realize why I suggest bringing this stupidity to an end. No one seems to be listening but you Tom, so I think your heroes are safe, at least until the terror hammer drops once again.

Tom, if you and other Americans feel safer letting goons fondle children and rape victims, then you deserve your brave new world: a world with a Constitution that has been rewritten by Obama, one with no rights against unlawful search and seizure. I can fly privately and laugh at the stupidity of Americans who are so willing to trade their freedoms for a sense of false security and the smugness that comes with being politically correct rather than employing the best and most efficient methods available.

Your opinion of me is similar to my opinion of your messiah. That’s okay with me Tom, you are the one reading my articles, I am not reading your material.

Yes occasionally, I was expected to work right up to the last minute before leaving for another flight, the customers paid for my time and they wanted their money’s worth. Normally, if there was time, I cleaned my instruments but sometimes I missed something. If the agents saw the evidence, they would get the vapors and treat me like I was an ax murderer. I have a deep appreciation for the stupidity of the agents and their ineptness. That was the reason for the sanguinary reference. I hope I didn’t upset your delicate disposition. If you would rather listen to sugar coated lies, listen to Obama’s speeches.

Oh Tom, by the way, I am a mixed race man and proud of it. So your wounded Black pride and your accusation of racism is laughable and so much wasted BS with me. Integrity and honesty is how I judge people, the color of their hide is irrelevant until they make an issue of race; Obama made an issue of race when he and Holder stopped the prosecution of the Black Panthers. You and he figure it will blow away with time; I don’t think it will. That bit of Reverse Racism will haunt Obama in 2012 and if we suffer another terrorist attack after this stupidity, he might as well let Hillary run.

Being part Scots I’m prone to sporting the plaid around time for the Burns dinner. Especially as my mothers-fathers side is Burnes.

As for the security at airports,,, One of the last fun things I got to do before leaving the military was an exercises on testing aircraft security. For a number of reasons I wont go into all the details, however I will share two things. We determined, and reported back, that if four well trained men entered an aircraft in nothing but soccer shorts and socks, they would be able to seize control of the aircraft as long as two conditions existed. The cabin door is unsecured and the other passengers are unable or unwilling to intervene as a cohesive group.

The isles make natural defensive positions and there is plenty of material on the airplane to use to build a bulwark and effectively fight off unorganized passengers.

We determined that by beating the living hell out of each other over a weeks time in a 727 used for training other folks for various activities. That was in the early 1980 or late 70’s. The powers that were determined that securing the flight deck would not be popular with passengers and crews and our warnings were ignored.

Now days I doubt that we could pull off commandeering a plane. The doors are reinforced and passengers are prone to intervene and aid flight crews. As I’ve said before, hijacking aircraft ended with the passengers and crew of Flight 93. They fought and won that last battle of the hijacking wars for all of us as long as we are willing to continue to hold the ground they won for us. A lesson familiar to those of us who have stood the posts manned by the warriors who preceded us.

So what will the next angle be for the terrorist? To bring the plane down with explosion or fire. In light of the way that a Saudi prince was killed with the bomb smuggled in the killers rectum, I am doubtful we can prevent that forever. But what we can do is make it harder to do until we develop newer technology.

As for the images on the scanners, I can see no reason why the image analysis can’t be done entirely by image processing algorithms. We use far more complicated algorithms in semiconductor inspections everyday. In such a case the body image would never be seen by human eyes and all that would happen is the system would shine a pointer on the person where it detected something to investigate.

But the bomb up the butt is a whole other problem and it is the next real threat. The terrorists problem is how to get enough explosives and a detonator on board. Our problem is how to detect the attempt without profiling. I am betting we can’t. Especially if they succeed in getting more female suicide bombers. Figure it out yourself.

So the next big thing will be a automated scanning system that is programmed to profile. Or a way to image internally without radiation such as a sonic signal. I have a number of ideas on how to make it either or both work. Unfortunately I don’t have the resources.

Ciz, you are a wealth of information and a never ending series of surprises. There are some guys on this blog that have the resources. Perhaps you can seek venture capital.

I think your ideas have merit!

@Tom: You are the race baiter here, not Skookum.

– You are a mixed race? Cool. I once knew a guy whose mother was from Iceland and father was Cuba. He claims that made him an Ice Cube… 😛


This is not, by any means, the first time that Tom has tossed around the racism accusations here at FA.

Anytime he gets into a conversation and is unable to intelligently debate the issue at hand he goes right for the bottom of the deck.

I’ve discovered though that if you confront him on those false accusations and put a little heat to him he will either quickly back off, or quickly dash off for the nearest dark crevice.


Hey Tom….remember when you recently accused me of being a racist?

Yeah….me too.

Remember how I directly challenged you on it?

Yeah….me too.

I also remember that you didn’t bother to come back to defend your untenable position.

Why is that Tom?

The post is right here any time you feel the courage to address it.

There is traction and people other than myself realize the stupidity and absurdity.

Skookum, when someone is an asshole, I see an asshole, not black asshole or a white asshole or a gay Marxist asshole, etc. I don’t see the point or the logic in assigning the vices or virtues of one person to an entire group he or she may belong to. It’s sloppy thinking. Maybe where I see ambiguity you see that flabby lack of decisiveness that Conservatives hate so much, that squeamishness and angst about placing everything into easy categories: Right or Wrong, Black or White, Lennon or McCartney. Treating each encounter with another person discreetly is not going to yield easy answers that can be broadly applied, that I’ll give you. But why is race always the category with you? It’s clear from your writing that you see race and racial conspiracy in everything. Maybe the guy in line behind you at the airport who contended with the same rude TSA agent draws a completely different conclusion. Maybe it’s the fact that she’s a women that irks him. Or that she’s left handed. Or too young/old/overweight/. There are plenty of patterns to find if one is so predisposed, but they rarely add up to anything more than the details of one bad experience with a unique individual. It’s just my opinion, my reaction to what you’ve written.

As I recall, Aye, my obsessed friend, the accusation was that you tolerate racism, or race-baiting, on the site, not that you are a racist. I think I cleared that up. That silence is your prerogative, I suppose. It seems clear that only “reverse racism” is worthy of inquiry around here. I would be willing to wager we don’t even agree on the definition or racism or race-baiting. Perhaps you’d like to weigh in on Skookum’s assertion that an overwhelmingly black TSA is groping innocent white people at Obama’s behest, an assertion with zero factual basis, and one he’s all but admitted stems from a chip on his shoulder from a personal incident. I would love to read your take. You don’t find it a little troubling that one of your co-authors regularly indulges in race war fantasies? I can walk you into the woods, but if you don’t see the trees there’s not much else I can do.

I am LOVING the attention being given the TSA issue lately. Most Americans have been all too accepting of government’s creeping tentacles intruding into their lives from all directions. The overreach this time just might wake up some people who are numb to the growing insolence of office.

It is axiomatic that government does everything poorly. It is likewise apparent that creating a new collection of non-fireable high cost employees with big benefit packages and huge retirement costs may not be a wise choice for America. Handing them power over every traveler’s body and privacy is a fantastic way to wake the public to the direction the silly socialists want to take the country.

Yessss, yesss… Slide your hand up under the skirt of that twelve year old girl while her father looks on, beet red with rage. Teach him about government power. 2012 is coming.

It gets better and better or is that worse and worse?

Okay lady let’s see your artificial breast!

CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) – A Charlotte-area flight attendant and cancer survivor contacted WBTV after she says she was forced to show her prosthetic breast during a pat-down.

Cathy Bossi lives in south Charlotte and has been a flight attendant for the past 32 years, working the past 28 for U.S. Airways.

More News

6-year-old son was groped by TSA agent, dad says

In early August Bossie was walking through security when she says she was asked to go through the new full body-scanners at Concourse “D” at Charlotte Douglas International.

She reluctantly agreed. As a 3-year breast cancer survivor she says she didn’t want the added radiation through her body. But, Bossi says she did agree.

“The T.S.A. Agent told me to put my I.D. on my back,” she said. “When I got out of there she said because my I.D. was on my back, I had to go to a personal screening area.”

She says two female Charlotte T.S.A. agents took her to a private room and began what she calls an aggressive pat down. She says they stopped when they got around to feeling her right breast… the one where she’d had surgery.

Pat-down Backlash: Child groped during pat-down? What are the rules?

“She put her full hand on my breast and said, ‘What is this?’. And I said, ‘It’s my prosthesis because I’ve had breast cancer.’ And she said, ‘Well, you’ll need to show me that’.”

Cathy was asked to show her prosthetic breast, removing it from her bra.

“I did not take the name of the person at the time because it was just so horrific of an experience, I couldn’t believe someone had done that to me. I’m a flight attendant. I was just trying to get to work.”

Since then, Cathy has contacted the Legislative Affairs Team, a group through the flight attendant union. She says she wants to see a crackdown on these personal pat downs.

“There are blowers and there are dogs out there that can sniff out bombs,” she says. “There’s no reason to have somebody’s hands touching your body parts.”

A T.S.A. representative says agents aren’t supposed to remove any prosthetics, but are allowed to ask to see and touch any passenger’s prosthetic.

T.S.A. says it will review this matter.

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