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A Lesson From Albert Speer and Stupidity From The Pentagon

NATO Tankers And Fuel Burns In Pakistan After Attack By Insurgents

Albert Speer, Prominent National Socialist, Laid Out Key To Winning Wars

Our supplies of diesel fuel is being compromised in Pakistan: apparently our fuel is delivered to Afghanistan by truck through Pakistan with only light Pakistani security. Whether the Taliban forces are actually applying military history lessons or they are just taking advantage of our weakest point, their latest tactic can possibly bring our war effort to a grinding halt. This tactic was outlined by Albert Speer in his memoir “Inside The Third Reich”.

Albert Speer joined the National Socialist Workers Party in 1931, he worked his way up the ladder as an architect and became part of Hitler’s inner circle. Extremely talented, Speer was given the responsibility of getting different industries back up and running after Allied bombing destroyed the different armament facilities. He was so proficient it defied the imagination, the allies would bomb a refinery and Speer would have it up and running in a few days, he did the same with tire factories, ball bearing factories, and munition factories. He was so good at battling the effects of Allied bombing that he extended the war by months if not years. Although his efforts were not war crimes; using slave labor to rebuild the facilities caused Speer to be sentenced to 20 years at Spandau Prison.

Speer was atypical of the other National Socialist prisoners, he cooperated with Allied forces and exposed many of the inner workings of the Nazi Party. In his memoir of the Third Reich, Speer told Allied commanders how they could have won the war within a few months. According to Speer, the Allies bombed one target after another or one industry after another, rather than concentrating on one industry like ball bearings. If the ball bearing facilities would have been bombed every time he rebuilt the facility, the war would have literall ground to a halt in thirty days.

This glaring mistake cost tens of thousands of American lives and has been kept under wraps for decades, either intentionally or by accident since the concept admits that we didn’t prosecute the war as effectively as we should have. None the less, the Taliban has no pretensions at being concerned over feelings or being politically correct; they intend to win this conflict, using a page from Speer’s memoirs to attack our weak underbelly is only common sense to our enemies.

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