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The Post Racial President

“People are frustrated, their anxious, they’re scared about the future. And they have a right to be impatient about the pace of change. I’m impatient, … It took time to free the slaves,” our Post Racial President Lectures The American People.

His disciples from The New Black Panther Party carry the message even further.

This is the man, King Samir Shabazz, who has been given a “Do Not Prosecute” pass by the Holder Justice Department and the Obama Administration. This is one of Obama’s diplomats for racial harmony: White America, after listening to Shabazz will realize the error of its ways and surrender to the Black Race, granting reparations and all property that has been denied to the Black Race.

Most of the media blood suckers, liars, and cruciFox Jews wanna talk about me killing white babies. Let’s talk about the little black babies that you use as alligator bait.

At a street festival in Philadelphia in 2009, Shabazz, representing the New Black Panther Party, once again promotes racial harmony, the kind that the Holder Justice Department refuses to acknowledge as Hate Speech.

I hate white people, all of them, every last iota of a cracker, I hate him. You want freedom, you going to have to kill some crackers. You gonna have to kill some of their babies.

Dr Malik Shabazz explains and justifies the rhetoric of hatred expressed by the new Black Panthers and their spiritual leader President Obama. He maintains that the Black Man is not about to give up this new found power and impunity from prosecution, during an interview on a Russian News Channel.

Thus we can overcome our fear of race by acknowledging the wisdom of Shabazz and His Black Liberation logic; thus speaks America’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, in paraphrase, “A Black Man Can’t Commit Racial Hatred; therefore, there is no case” how can we not realize the enlightened message, uplifting power and charisma that Shabazz, Holder, and Obama are presenting to the country.

Perhaps we can overcome our fear of the Black Man and invite these Racists into our homes and churches to spread the gospel of Black Liberation and be thankful that we have such men as Obama, Holder and their disciples like Shabazz to guide us through this rocky period of post racial disharmony that is necessary before we prostrate ourselves to the mercy of the omnipotence of the Post Racial President and his disciples of The New Black Panthers and their purveyors of Racial hatred like Shabazz.

The New Black Panther Party met with Mahnud Ahmadinejad and Minister Farrakhan while Iran’s President was in New York to speak at the UN. Thus they are willing and capable to carry on foreign negotiations and direct policy for President Obama.

There was at least one employee at the Justice Department with the integrity to stand up to the blatant racism being promoted by the Obama Administration.

J. Christian Adams, testifying Tuesday before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, said that “over and over and over again,” the department showed “hostility” toward those cases. He described the Black Panther case as one example of that — he defended the legitimacy of the suit and said his “blood boiled” when he heard a Justice official claim the case wasn’t solid.

“It is false,” Adams said of the claim.

“We abetted wrongdoing and abandoned law-abiding citizens,” he later testified.

The department abandoned the New Black Panther case last year. It stemmed from an incident on Election Day in 2008 in Philadelphia, where members of the party were videotaped in front of a polling place, dressed in military-style uniforms and allegedly hurling racial slurs while one brandished a night stick.

The Bush Justice Department brought the first case against three members of the group, accusing them in a civil complaint of violating the Voter Rights Act. The Obama administration initially pursued the case, winning a default judgment in federal court in April 2009 when the Black Panther members did not appear in court. But then the administration moved to dismiss the charges the following month after getting one of the New Black Panther members to agree to not carry a “deadly weapon” near a polling place until 2012.

In a statement Tuesday, a Justice spokesman said the civil rights division determined “the facts and the law did not support pursuing claims” against the two other defendants and denied Adams’ allegations.

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