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Curiouser and Curiouser! Cried Alice

The concept of an Elite was described by George Orwell in his book 1984: his portrayal was so graphic it seems our current Socialists borrow as heavily from Orwell as they do from Alynsky. Orwell condemned and ridiculed the Elite: Alynsky described how to use the concept to achieve power and confuse the opposition. Both the authors have been extremely useful in defining the mission for the Elite wannabe, the Rules for Radicals is an effective guide that capitalizes on the absurdity that is the image of the Elite: an image that is still useful in the audacity of the present administration’s presentation of its Socialism and its confusing claims of patriotism enmeshed with the formation of international socialism and the loss of our national identity. Keys to this enigma are scattered throughout the writings of Orwell and if we apply them to our present situation with the Obama Administration, it is possible to almost see through the smoke and mirrors and imagine we are not being enticed down the Rabbit Hole into the abyss of Socialism.

Unfortunately, the story of Alice falling through the Rabbit Hole into the abyss is a seductive story, as a boy I read the story over and over. The imagery was almost a type of eroticism that I didn’t understand, but it drew me into the web of Alice, in much the same manner that the gullible and naive are drawn into the web of Socialism.

To accept Socialism, you must belling to accept the tenet of Socialism stating that you must be willing to accept the concept of Elites. These are people who are preordained by some mystical power to rule over you and your life, they will direct and guide you from the cradle to the grave. If you can’t accept this, maybe you really aren’t a Socialist. To really understand Socialism and the concept of Elitism from outside the perimeter of collective thought, it is helpful to read Orwell and Carrol.

This quote is from Chapter 1, of Animal Farm.

Man is the only creature that consumes without producing.

Of course animals don’t really produce, but the reference here is directed toward the Elite, who most often has never produced anything in this life, yet is qualified and preordained to direct those who actually produce.

The following quote ridicules the Elite, who often has an Ivy League education, yet possesses a limited intelligence. Animal Farm, Chapter 9.

He intended, he said, to devote the rest of his life to learning the remaining twenty-two letters of the alphabet.

Its easy to apply this dedication to any number of appointments within the Obama Administration.

The Elites of the Obama Administration and Elites of the world resort to the following explanation to rationalize why we the common citizen should reduce our “carbon footprint” while they, Obama, Pelosi, Gore, and others fly around in large private jets. Animal Farm, Chapter 10.

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

The true Marxist is an atheist; although, politicians who are atheists, rarely admit their belief or lack of belief. The committed Marxist, and there is rarely any other kind, is described by George in Down and Out In Paris, Chapter 30.

He was an embittered atheist (the sort of atheist who does not so much disbelieve in God as personally dislike him).

Of course Orwell exposes the typical Marxist Atheist as a fraud, for how do you personally dislike someone, whom you don’t believe exists.

When Mechelle Obama announced that her husband was going to rewrite history, the heartbeat of American history skipped several beats; however, Orwell had already laid out the principles of control for the aspiring Socialists, in 1984.

Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.

Everyone remembers when our President assumed his Chicago Union Business Agent tough guy persona and said he was going to keep his boot in the throat of British Petroleum to make sure this problem was fixed; unfortunately, his bravado was laughable to all those but the most gullible; yet the phrase was lifted from 1984.

If you want to imagine the future, imagine a boot stamping a human face forever.

Although the image of Obama being assertive is humorous, but vindictive and cowardly and paying someone else to do the stamping isn’t hard to visualize.

The bureau for propaganda is brought out in the open by the most blatant stupidity by Nancy Pelosi, “To find out what is in the bill we have to pass it first” still the public and the opposition allows her semi-lucid ramblings to lead our largest legislative body. Her audacity is described in 1984, not that I think she could read or understand the book, but someone probably gave her the line and she is so dim witted she didn’t see the ambiguity.

War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.

She has become the epitome of double think, so described in 1984.

Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.

Of course no one believes Obama has written his teleprompter scripts, judging from his performance at speaking during technical breakdowns; yet we all recognize the ability of his speech writers. However, this was described by Orwell in Politics And The English Language.

In our time, political speech and writing is largely in defense of the indefensible.

Now that we wonder how the literate among us could have fallen for such a scam artist, a man with no documentation except for associations with those who hate our country, we once again can look to Orwell for clues to our own infallibility in Riding Down From Bangor.

The books one reads in childhood, and perhaps most of all the bad and the good bad books, create in one’s mind a sort of false map of the world, a series of fabulous countries into which one can retreat at odd moments throughout the rest of life, and in some can even survive a visit to the real countries which they are supposed to represent.

Thus we are left with why? I suspect for many of the literate, it was a sojourn to that most powerful of nations, the imagination, coupled with the willingness to believe in the goodness of the human spirit. That is why we were able to be duped by the great pretender. A Healthy reading of Alice surely gave Orwell a grip on the absurdity of Socialism and its appeal to the feeble minded. From Chapter 7, Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland, by Lewis Carrol.

“Take some more tea,” the March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly.

“I’ve had nothing yet,” Alice replied in an offended tone, “so I can’t take more.”

“You mean you can’t take less,” said the Hatter: “it’s very easy to take more than nothing.”

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was my escape as a child, but I was able to separate the imagination from reality as an adult.

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