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Democrat Armageddon [Reader Post]

Democrats were positively joyous when they passed health care. It was as much a victory over America as anything else. Democrats did not listen to America. They didn’t care what America wanted. Instead of worrying about the needs of the country they used their supermajority to ram down our throats their personal agenda.

Now the hubris bill comes due. And you know what they say about payback.

Democrats are in absolute full blown panic as the election looms near and the prospects are dim:

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – Frustrated, discouraged and just plain mad, a lot of people who have lost jobs – or know someone who has – now want to see the names of Democrats on pink slips. And that’s jeopardizing the party’s chances in Ohio and all across the country in November’s elections.

The stimulus is a failure. All Democrats know is how to do is spend more and that leaves them with few options:

With another tepid jobs report in the books Friday, Democrats desperate for quick policy action to boost the economy face an excruciating dilemma, experts say.

Note the key words: “quick policy action.” Two months away from the election and all of sudden Democrats need action. If Democrats wanted a better way to tell you that they really couldn’t give a damn about America it could not be found. Their utter disingenuousness is palpable:

The few things that might pass Congress — such as a payroll tax holiday or extended research-and-development tax credits — won’t work, or at least not before November’s midterm elections, when Democrats face potentially devastating losses.

Thus for them it’s not about helping the economy, it’s about doing something to help Democrats before the election.

Politico opines:

And the few things that might work — such as an aggressive new infrastructure spending bill — can’t pass, uniformly viewed as politically impossible at a time of trillion-dollar-plus deficits.

And there’s the rub- in the original stimulus only $62 billion was targeted for infrastructure spending. The bulk of the money went to subsidize welfare and help states promote unemployment. They had their chance to do “the few things that might work” and they screwed us instead.

As the sand runs out of the hourglass, Barack Obama makes a new pledge:

“All economy all the time,” is how one White House official described the president’s week ahead.

If it doesn’t interfere with golf, presumably. And we know about the value of Obama pledges.

All Barack Obama Statements Come With an Expiration Date. All Of Them.

Obama’s plan is bipolar in nature, hopefully complete with meds. On the one hand, Obama will try to sell us on how wonderful the economy is doing:

Obama will travel to two battleground states next week to tout the economy,

And yet convince us that he’s working hard to fix something that’s working well:

and also plans on introducing a package of new ideas to bolster a weak recovery that is hampering his party’s hopes for retaining the House and Senate.

Does Obama really care? I don’t believe it for a second and here’s why:

President Obama is turning his focus squarely toward the economy as the traditional campaign season begins.

“Turning his focus squarely toward the economy as the campaign season begins.”

Only because the election draws near and he’s in trouble. It’d be nice if Obama gave the US economy the attention he gives to suing Joe Arpaio and the state of Arizona because Arpaio is protecting this country better than Obama and Arizona is doing what Obama won’t.

Democrats are running for their political lives and the level of their desperation is on full display.

Some House Dems Run TV Ads Heralding Opposition to President Obama, Democratic Leaders and Their Policies

Some Democrats who weren’t in Congress at the time are claiming to have voted against the TARP bailout.

Well, it’s not surprising to learn that Democrats haven’t abandoned lying as a platform.

Some Democrats are highlighting their opposition to health care:

A handful of House Democrats are making health care reform an election-year issue — by running against it.

At least five of the 34 House Democrats who voted against their party’s health care reform bill are highlighting their “no” votes in ads back home. By contrast, party officials in Washington can’t identify a single House member who’s running an ad boasting of a “yes” vote — despite the fact that 219 House Democrats voted in favor of final passage in March.

And the #1 sign of Democrat desperation?

Running on fiscal austerity:

Faced with a potential wipeout in November’s midterm elections, candidates such as Bennet are embracing budget cuts with the enthusiasm of Reagan Republicans.

As if that was even possible for a Democrat.

And to compound the schadenfreudethey can’t blame Bush.

While the trifecta of stimulus/bailouts/ObamaCare is what is mostly touted as the explanation for the waning Democratic political fortunes, ObamaCare is the mother-lode of straws that broke the camel’s back and crushed it. Democrats know this, but can’t acknowledge it. Why? Because they can’t blame ObamaCare on George W. Bush. And that leaves them with nothing, and nowhere to hide.

The new Democrat slogan ought to come from Walt Kelly:

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