MSM Reporter – “We Were Mystified And Mesmerized By The Quality Of Branding Campaign That Was Obama’s”


Laura Ingraham had a great interview with Newsweeks Howard Fineman. The first 8 minutes is a pretty good analysis about how Obama miscalculated almost every decision he has made during his time in office. Fineman wasn’t as hard on Obama as Laura was of course, seeing as he carried the water for Obama.

Around the 8 minute mark Laura takes him to task for just that: (h/t Newsbusters)


INGRAHAM: How is it though with all these smart people at Newsweek – I went around the block with Evan Thomas about this as well. How did you all think that a guy who basically went from the Harvard Law Review, to some community leafleting, organizing, whatever you want to call it, to a short stint, a few lectures about constitutional law at [the University of] Chicago, very short stopover in the state Senate, and a very short stopover in the U.S. Senate. How does that add up to experience to run the biggest economy and the biggest military in the world? And why wasn’t Newsweek, instead of doing these celebrified covers of Michelle and Barack as historic, and celebrity culture, and all this love-love-love-love-love, why wasn’t – Why weren’t those questions asked before this election took place? Because to me, those were the questions to ask. . It wasn’t about personality. It was about experience and outlook.

FINEMAN: Well, uh, first, I’ll plead nolo [contendere] on a lot of this. But –

INGRAHAM: That’s what he did, in the U.S. Senate. He voted present. So you’re voting present for Newsweek.

FINEMAN: No, no. Part of the problem is, or part of the reason is that we – as political reporters, we become enamored with the mechanics of the campaign, and I would still insist that –

NGRAHAM: You’re gonna do that if Paul Ryan is the nominee, for the Republicans? You’re gonna celebrify him? I don’t think so.

FINEMAN: No, no. Let me back up for a second. That was – Whatever you say about Barack Obama and David Axelrod in your diaries and everything —


FINEMAN – It was a brilliantly run campaign. And I have come to despair of the notion of the relationship between the quality and shrewdness of a campaign that someone runs and the kind of presidency that they have.


FINEMAN – To some extent we were mystified and mesmerized by the quality of branding campaign that was Obama’s.

This is about as close as you will get to one of the MSM members admitting that they were “bamboozled” by the brand of Obama and did nothing, absolutely nothing, to vet this man as a leader.

The thing is, were they really “bamboozled” or did they do much of the bamboozling themselves? Obama didn’t call Newsweek and tell them to compare him to Lincoln. The MSM pushed this brand of Obama themselves and Obama took advantage of it, not the other way around.

Fineman and other biased reporters will start to do more backpeddling as the failure of Obama’s Presidency continues, but none of us should let them without calling them out for being the major player behind Obama. Some 48% of the voting public saw through this glamorization of Obama, and saw through Obama himself as a narcissistic politician who never really accomplished anything during his lifetime, and wouldn’t accomplish much as President.

Why couldn’t the MSM of seen this?

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Well then you have to believe that socialists are too mesmerized with socialism to spot one of their own … DON’T YOU.

The journOlistas blow this one sky high. Never look you never find. I wonder who they thought Rev Wright and BLT was all about?

“It was a brilliantly run campaign. And I have come to despair of the notion of the relationship between the quality and shrewdness of a campaign that someone runs and the kind of presidency that they have.”

Wrong. It was an adequately run campaign, aided and abetted by McCain’s bizarre strategy of introducing hip VP pick and then proceeding to metaphorically wander in circles and mumble to himself. And, re the second line, either he’s never seen an election before or he is so gullible as to not be trusted with any form of responsibility. For anything.

“To some extent we were mystified and mesmerized by the quality of branding campaign that was Obama’s.”

What is this dimwit talking about Newsweak was one of Barry O the Very Slow’s promoters. They were the ones doing the branding! Is he trying to say he bamboozled himself?

This interview more than adequately explains Newsweak’s recent selling price.

FINEMAN – To some extent we were mystified and mesmerized by the quality of branding campaign that was Obama’s

How does this guy say this stuff with a straight face?

Not to mention remain employed?

This guy is an uneducated dip stick. Just one of a generation of people who actually believed the garbage thrown at them in college and never had the courage nor fortitude to question. I guarantee you this nimrod never served a day in uniform.

What you hear is the death knell of the traditional media.

Instead of looking behind the curtain, they WANTED to be taken in…

Instead of asking questions with a suspcious eye… they gave a pass.

I would say that the “Press” has detrayed the trust we put in them… and forewent their assigned roll of being suspicious…. the exact roll for which we gave them special Legal protections.

When a ship is sinking, the rats are the last ones to jump ship. If these guys don’t come up with some form of excuse they will be forever branded with the incompetency, corruption, and failures of the Obama Regime. These self-serving pleas of innocence through naivte will be coming forth like the weak and pathetic pleas of SS officers after WW2. It means nothing more than a bucket of warm bull crap. They are facing the prospect of actually going out into a world where gratuitous propaganda writers for Obama will be hoping to be able to get a job digging ditches in the future.

This is called desperation and fear, Obama is the meal ticket or the rice bowl for tens of thousands of mediocrities who are riding Obama’s wave right into the breakers of oblivion, some will stay to the bitter end hoping for a miracle or forlorn hope that the Zero will actually reverse the tide with his Socialism, but some of the more intelligent dupes and dupers will be jumping ship early to proclaim that they have seen the light and have found Jesus! And they had no idea he was a Conservative. (sarcasm)

It’s funny how fast people can convert when losing their house is part of the deal.

Jeebus H Crips, Are they 12 year old girls enamored over the new boy in class!?!?

That was painful to read.

“Some 48% of the voting public saw through this glamorization of Obama, and saw through Obama himself as a narcissistic politician who never really accomplished anything during his lifetime, and wouldn’t accomplish much as President.”

He hasn’t accomplished much that his opponents agree with or will credit him with. This hasn’t exactly been a do nothing presidency, thus far.

Nor do I buy buy the assertion that we’ve been mesmerized, hypnotized, and totally had the wool pulled over our eyes by a predominantly left-wing mainstream media. Consider the current viewer counts:

FNC – 1,035,000 viewers
CNN – 371,000 viewers
MSNBC – 380,000 viewers
CNBC – 164,000 viewers

Fox News–heavily and consistently slanted toward the conservative perspective–has more viewers than the next three combined. Fox News is the mainstream media.


Just because you are intellectually dishonest or ignorant enough to post these useless numbers comparing Fox to CNN, MSNBC and CNBC, don’t insult us by suggesting we are as devoid as you are.

How about comparing Fox, the sole proprietor of balanced journalism against ALL the rest of the liberal slobbering fools.

You know, the broadcast media, the print media, etc,,,

If you are going to insist on being a tool, at least be a useful tool.


He hasn’t accomplished much that his opponents agree with or will credit him with. This hasn’t exactly been a do nothing presidency, thus far.

He hasn’t even accomplished much that the Dim leadership is confident enough to campaign on.

In fact, Dim candidates are routinely scattering when Obie comes to town.

As far as giving Obie credit for what he’s done, oh yes, we most definitely give him credit.

Greg, you are comparing cable news outlet ratings …. the broadcast networks which were in the pocket of the Obama camp have ratings that dwarf those of even Fox News.

TSgt Ciz FOX NEWS/Fair and Balanced is an oxymoron.Anyone who thinks Hannity and Beck are fair and balanced is an actualmoron.

@rich wheeler:

Hannity and Beck are…say it with me…COMMENTATORS…they are not newsmen.

They are not journalists.


Donald Bly: “Greg, you are comparing cable news outlet ratings …. the broadcast networks which were in the pocket of the Obama camp have ratings that dwarf those of even Fox News.”

I’m trying to think of the last time a saw a house with a television antenna… You’ve got a good point, though. I don’t actually know which over-the-air news outlets have the highest overall viewership or listener counts.

No, Howard. He was just a black leftist and therefore you in the media decided he should be in the White House. PERIOD!!


I’m trying to think of the last time a saw a house with a television antenna…

Ummmm…you’re not equating the lack of antennas on the tops of houses with an imagined extinction of the three alphabet networks now are you?

Surely not.

The alphabet networks do indeed still exist, even though their broadcasts now come into homes via coax or satellite dishes much more often than they do through the air.

Exit question: If the audience receiving TV signals via through the air analog methods was small, then why did the government pay billions of dollars to finance paying for digital TV converter boxes?

AYE I agree they certainly are not newsmen or journalists.BTW like to guess total combined number of years of college accumulated by commentators Hannity,Beck and Limbaugh?
If you guessed one you’re too high.

Rats leave the ship first! They often know something is wrong before the sailors do.

At least, on wooden ships, they leave first.

I found this;

The way the “rats leaving a sinking ship” legend is portrayed, rats are credited with an almost supernatural psychic ability to predict the future or to interpret natural lore such that they would have foreknowledge of the doom of the ship, and would leave and swim away and take their chances in the open water rather than going down with the ship. The whole idea conjures up notions of the Titanic steaming away from the quayside and the posh people on deck being shocked to see beady eyed rodents coming up from down below decks and taking a flying leap over the side into the dock and swimming ashore, as if the little critters somehow “knew” the ship was doomed.

Reckless: Perhaps I had the image reversed, I like your version. The rats deserting early. Hmm… A sign that the Good Ship Obama is headed to the bottom early.

I have done some unscientific studies of chicken intelligence, look for it in an upcoming article.

What you conveniently ignore, or are oblivious to, is that even as commentators, Hannity and Beck are still far more thorough and balanced than the best straight News reporter on the other MSM channels.

And as for the number of years of college, give me a freaking break. I am currently in college and in every non-technical class room it is nothing but political indoctrination pretending to be something else.

You are complaining that Hannity and Beck haven’t been properly programmed. I suspect you do so because you can not refute anything they have actually reported. And since years of College indoctrination is so important to you, I suppose you must be “highly educated”. Am I right?

If I am, then perhaps you can compare and contrast your devolvement of the argument re: Hannity and Beck, to “they should be ignored because they aren’t educated” versus the logical Fallacy of an Ad Hominem attack.

50 to 75 words will do fine.

TSgt Ciz Education levels aside Hannity,Beck and Limbaugh are far right hatchet men and proud of it.You know it,I know it and they know it.As a Top Sergeant you can see through their bluster.Hell even an old Marine Officer can see it.
Semper Fi RJW

@Aye Chihuahua: “If the audience receiving TV signals via through the air analog methods was small, then why did the government pay billions of dollars to finance paying for digital TV converter boxes?”

“The NTIA reported that as of July 22, (2009) 33,578,000 coupons had been used, more than the 33.5 million possible with the original $1.34 billion allocation.”

I suppose that suggests a lot of analog televisions were still being used to receive over-the-air signals. Many households apparently had more than one analog televison.

The funds, btw, came out of the estimated $20 billion in new revenue the government gains by auctioning off new bandwidth digital conversion opened up to commercial use. The taxpayers didn’t get stuck with subsidizing the conversion, nor did it add to the national debt.

You know what they say about rats and a sinking ship. The USS Obama is taking on water and listing heavily.

To port, of course.

The moron from newsweek must also be “mystified and mesmerized” by the drop in revenue he and his fellow hacks in the democratic media are experiencing. And greg, as hard as it is for individuals such as yourself, facts are facts. Fox News is picking up more and more viewers while the democratic media is losing theirs. It’s simple really; Americans don’t like to be lied to and are pretty damn honest as a whole. Therefore, when they hear the democratic media spewing stupid and totally opposite of what is actually happening, they realize they are being “bamboozled”. Soon, weeks actually, Americans who love this country and pay its bills in both treasure and blood will speak in one voice. They will be telling the democratic media and the boy king they’ve run cover for that they do not like the direction the country is going in, they have absolutely no faith in the indonesian idiot or the most ethical congress eva!!! and will do all in our power via legal means to remove their blight from our lives. It’s easy really. We aren’t serfs, we do not like being treated as such and we certainly do not like having individuals who have never developed a callus on their hands or broken a sweat from an honest day’s labor to lecture us on making sacrifices and doing without. Not when they are taking $75,000 a day vacations on our dime and partying as if its 1999. You see, that type of sanctimonious bullshit don’t fly in the heartland. And it is the heartland which supports this country and sacrifices its sons and daughters to protect her. The hand that feeds has been bitten to the bone and now it’s time to start bitch slapping the biters. And if the indonesian idiot and his minions think they are going to intimidate or steal the elections in November with no blow back, they too, will be “mystified and mesmerized” by the response. Reckoning is coming.

BooYah! MSgt!!

Splash one loon.

@rich wheeler:

How about guessing the total years of other popular conservative hosts? Here’s a few to get you started:

Monica Crowley
Laura Ingraham
Megyn Kelly
Mark Levin
Dennis Prager
Michael Medved
Hugh Hewitt
Neil Boortz
Larry Elder
Michael Reagan

As for Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh, many lefties might like to sneer at their education, imo, that’s just how they are…..immature, condescending snobs. How do you fit in since you brought this to the conversation?

There are many successful entrepreneurs that were able to bypass college educations to achieve their dream. Rolled up their sleeves and worked hard for it, give credit where credit is due.

There are also degree holders that are ignorant failures, they become left wing talk show hosts…. Air America anyone? 😉

BTW, Obama did not ever fool Beck, Hannity or Limbaugh. What’s it down to now, 41-42% that are still in the fog?

>>chicken intelligence>>

Heh. Talk about an oxymoron!!

That’s even past “military intelligence”…

I’ll be waiting for _that_ article…!

Dang Master Sarge…I know Marines that can’t hit that hard!!!


*I’m gonna go read it again, just to feel the propwash one more time!

Dang Master Sarge- ditto to the same things PV said, except I knew lots of Marines who couldn’t hit that hard. This is a free fire zone, you may fire at will!

@rich wheeler:

You are attempting to apply SERE tactics? Really?

Hannity is a Financial reporter. His political commentation is honest in as much as he *BOTH* puts it right out there for people to see and account for, *AND* he has qualified capable opposition guest on his program where he gives them every opportunity to speak for the opposing view.
Does Matt Lauer?
Does Kattie Couric?
Does Racheal Madow?
Does Chris Mathews?
Does Olberman?

Shall I go on?

Suppose you tell me of the other fair minded news programs where I would have heard about:
The Journal-List
The revelations in the Climate-Gate emails
The New Black Panter Party voter intimidation
The Justice Department edict not to persue election complaints where victims are white and perps are black
Acorns home invasion and terrifying of a minor child of a banker
Acorns many bogus accounting and money laundering schemes
Obama’s well documented ACORN relationship
The well known history of the Fort Hood shooter
The forewarning about the Christmas day underware bomber.
Reverend Wright (before it became a huge Fox story and forced the issue)
Van Jones and his proud communist involvment.
Michelle Obama’s and Barry O’s many Date night, Big party, golf, shopping and vacation spending trips and their costs.
The closed door Democrat meetings to craft the Health care bill.
Again,,, shall I go on?

The other News channels don’t just slant the truth in the stories they cover. THey also REFUSE to cover stories they know they can’t slant.

You declare Fox as unfair not because they are, but because they discuss issues you don’t want to have discussed and reveal perspective you don’t want to hear.

Which is why you can’t give a single account of Fox actually being what you claim it is and have to resort to continued Ad Hominem attack.

@Theresa, MSgt (ret), USAF:

My oh my that was a beautiful thing.

Beau. Ti. Ful.

Even my friends retarded son can pronounce the word “Corpsman” when he reads it. Nuff said.

Rich…Please point out ONE historical fact Beck has got wrong.

I have 2 masters and 2 BA’s. Except for my engineering instructors, the dumbest bastards I ever met, called themselves my teachers. (English and psychology)

These leftist sycophants in the media weren’t stupid, they were willfully blind.

It is getting harder and harder to believe the tripe that leftists wish us to believe. What they don’t realize is exactly what Theresa, MSgt, has stated, and that is that the people of this country are not buying into the BS the dinosaur networks and MSNBC are putting out there.

The leftists can point to bias at FOX all they want, but they are only commenting on political commentators’ views, and not the news. The big 3 and CNN, while presenting news(or not presenting it, as the case may be) are obvious in the bias of not only the person presenting the news, but of the stations themselves.

The attack point of education is hilarious. To knock on someone because their formal education is lacking is very narrow minded and assumes that the higher formal education one attains, the smarter the person. I wonder how Bill Gates feels about that, lol. There are many rocket surgeons who don’t know any better than to step in out of the rain, and there are many, many high school educated veterans who have more sense in one finger than Obama has in his whole entire, inflated mind. Wisdom does not come with a formal education, but with living life and learning from yours and others’ mistakes.

John Galt you stole my thunder… I was going to point out that Bill Gates is a college drop out. Other than the technical disciplines… a lot of education means little… I call em educated idiots. Perhaps indoctrinated idiots is a better term.

Rich, I doubt you see much of anything. You’re just another elitest halfwit who isn’t anywhere near as smart as he thinks he is.

Leftists love to point out things they believe make them supperior to others. Education is one of them. As the saying goes, you can lead a leftist to knowledge, but you can’t make them think.

TSgt Ciz Education levels aside Hannity,Beck and Limbaugh Olberman, Maddow, and Matthews are far right mentally ill leftist hatchet men and proud of it.You know it,I know it and they know it. As a Conservative Top Sergeant you can see through their my bluster.Hell even an old Marine Officer can see it.
Alinskey U RJW”


A fart in a tornado has a better chance than a Lefty in this crowd.

TSgt Ciz, 30 was a great post. liberals can argue in circles all day long but they know what you wrote cant be knocked down.

I would quible with the consensus on this thread that obama hasn’t accomplished anything.

if your thinking of “accomplishment” in a positive direction like most people will, than no he has virtually no accomplishments.

but, if you stand that equation on its head, he has acomplished a great deal.

he has been more divisive to this country’s race relations than if a white president had come to office and turned out to be a modern day bull connor.

the moment he condemned a local cop without even knowing the story coming to the aid of his reactionary racebaiting black friend, I knew he was the worst kind of divisive leader who would dole out suedo justice to cronies and the hammer to anyone who got in his way. also read joe the plumber for how petty he is.

he managed to shovel more money into a bottomless pit never to be accounted for never to be seen again, watering the tree of crony leftist causes, social experiments and very little brick and mortar projects than any human on earth ever.

I would say that kind of gross destruction of capital, credit, and fiscal responsiblity is a huge accomplishment.

his presiding over the greatest gulf (no pun intended) in american history between politcal classes and the rest of the population of america is amazing. he could very well be the catalyst through his unamerican ideals and actions for the start of the split of the union.consider the radical epa demanding fealty and oaths of allegiance from the state of texas last week.

I would venture to say that a traditional president with a traditional way of viewing the world and america could never have created so much chaos and sown so much destruction as he has.

so, I would say obama is very accomplished

SKOOK A very rough crowd. I LOVE IT. The far right birthers,BHO is a muslim,a communist,Michelle bashers etc. will drive moderates and indies to vote continued Dem. control of House and Sente and re-elect Obama in 2012.Pls. keep it up

@rich wheeler:

First, go back a refresh yourself with MSgt. Theresa’s excellent post:

@Theresa, MSgt (ret), USAF:

Then check out what else the “indies” might be alarmed about that would hit us:

Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., stresses that cap and trade will be on the agenda, recently saying that in a lame-duck session “members are free and liberated,” by having lost their elections, to support cap and trade.

Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., (who may be a lame duck himself after Election Day) confirmed it recently to a gathering of left-wing activists called NetRoots Nation, where he said: “We’re going to have to have a lame-duck session, so we’re not giving up.”

Along with cap and trade, a lame-duck session will likely consider the recommendations of Barack Obama’s deficit commission — a package that will include enormous tax hikes and could draw the support of some departing Republicans like Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, George Voinovich of Ohio and Robert Bennett of Utah.

And organized labor, seeing the lame-duck session as their last chance for a legislative return on their political investments for years, will also demand lame-duck action.

Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, is still promising some version of card check, but more likely is Pennsylvania Democratice Sen. Bob Casey’s proposed union pension bailout, S 3157, which would relieve unions of their pension obligations — with a potential price tag for taxpayers in the hundreds of billions. Democratic Senate Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois signed on as a co-sponsor recently, which suggests that bill is on a fast track.

After spending generations into oblivion, more spending promised further hampering what’s left of our economy, while millions of “indies” lost jobs, hours, homes, the threat of this crew’s policies further driving up the cost of living. Do you seriously believe “indies” are going to vote democrat because of name calling and birthers? Seriously?


Obama approval rating falls into new danger zone, weighed down by growing economic fears

Read more:

All of the Indies I know are completely againt this Administration and this Congress, checks and balances are gone, we will vote in Novemember, we need to stop the power grab. Anyone read about this

The Livable Communities Act

Not good.


Do you yourself a favor, and at least LOOK at some data before pronouncing an assumed outcome. Otherwise not only do you end up looking ignorant, you end up looking desperate and out of touch with reality.

out of touch with reality.

the hallmark of liberalism

Patvann “Desperate” Hardly. Previously,I’ve indicated my belief Dems would lose net of 4-5 Senate seats and win House by 20 -30. You’ve agreed “birthers” embarass Repubs.I feel it’s your side that’s out of touch with reality. We’ll see in Nov. It’s what makes America great

RICH WHEELER on 38, you said, drives moderates and indies to vote DEMOCRATS,
well, you might be surprised.

Rich for ONCE could you please pay attention, and respond to the counter-posits people present you with?

Show us data that “my side” is losing the support of Independents. Should be easy, as it took me 30 seconds to find the latest numbers and trends. If it does NOT match your posit, then as a former Officer of the Corps, you should have the backbone and integrity to ‘belay your last”.

While you’re at it, address all the other commenter’s who’ve handed you your butt, as well.
Otherwise you’re only a shallow-thinking”drive-by” with nothing really to add, and will be treated as such.

Here’s hoping you step up.

Theresa MSgt[ret],USAF: hi, YOU deserve such respect and for your comment which show such bravery. I THINK YOU WOULD BE so good in a TOP GOVERNMENT POSITION’s coming;
BECAUSE you represent, what the AMERICANS are wishing to have in THE WHITE HOUSE.


Outside of wishful thinking, pie in the sky pipe dreams, and a heroic effort toward whistling past the graveyard Rich has nothing to work with.

Patvann and A.C. I think we can agree the only poll that matters takes place first Tues in Nov. Who predicted Obama by 8 million plurality and landslide #’s in the Electoral College?If you’d like to discuss specific races like Reid/Angle,Crist/Rubio,Boxer/Fiorni etc. I’d enjoy that.
BTW Any thoughts on who will be Repub. nominee in 2012.

That’s Fiorini E.C. vote of 365-173.I’m out of here.Enjoy the day

rich wheeler

TSgt Ciz FOX NEWS/Fair and Balanced is an oxymoron.Anyone who thinks Hannity and Beck are fair and balanced is an actualmoron.

As someone who voted straight Democrat all my life until this last presidential election and who now listens to Beck, Hannity, O’Reilly, Greta, etc., it’s beyond me how anyone can not see a very significant level of veracity in their points of view. I guess I can see how someone who doesn’t like what they are saying might consider them not fair and balanced. That does not however, make them wrong. I find many of their points of view can be substantiated through independently verifiable third party sources. Beck and Hannity in actuality were more fair and balanced than the mainstream media because they covered facts and realities that the MSM covered up or denied. You might want to look in the mirror to see a moron of which you speak.