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Democrat Pat Caddell – “We Are Headed For A Tidal Wave In November”

From a man who experienced all he needs to know about a major f#%k-up of a party during the Carter years:

And the spin?

Well, its a good thing that we’re gonna get our asses handed to us because we needed to get rid of some those hard-headed Democrats anyways:

In an interview with The Hill, the Energy and Commerce Committee chairman expressed confidence that Democrats will retain the House, and suggested he won’t miss some of the Democrats who won’t be back next year.

“I think a lot of the House seats we’re going to lose are those who have been the toughest for the Democrats to pull into line — the Democrats that have been the most difficult,” Waxman said…

“We’ve been trying to get the Democratic conservatives together with the rest of the Democratic Party, so in effect we’ve gotten bipartisan support among Democrats in the House,” the chairman said with a laugh. “Now we’ll have to work on genuine bipartisanship in the future.”

Ace on that bolded part:

Hey wait — I thought they were trying to be bipartisan and it was the GOP acting as the Party of No…?

Here we have Henry Waxman admitting that the only “bipartisanship” he practiced was liberal Democrats offering concessions to less-liberal Democrats — no actual bipartisanship extended to the other actual party.

You’ll never see mention of this quote again.

Nevermind the fact that its the far left wackjobs in the party that make it difficult for “true” bipartisanship…no, it’s the moderates that need to get thrown out.

Dummies one and all.

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