Survey Of “Historians” Say Obama Is The 15th Greatest President Of All Time; Ahead Of Reagan


Two Republican in the top 15 from this list of “greatest” Presidents of all time….no bias here eh? And Obama? He gets the 15th stop, three spots ahead of Reagan. (h/t Hot Air)

Yeeeaaaaah: [PDF]

In office for barely two years, Obama entered the survey in the 15th position – two spots behind Bill Clinton and three spots ahead of Ronald Reagan.

Obama got high marks for intelligence, ability to communicate and imagination, but his score was dragged down by his relative lack of experience and family background


[T]he scholars rated Dubya a dud as a president, ranking him in the bottom five at 39th place


Bush got docked for saddling Obama with two bloody wars and a recession, and he got low marks for “ability to compromise, foreign policy accomplishments and intelligence,” according to the survey.

Only Warren G. Harding, who was 41st on the list, scored lower in the intelligence category.

That’s not all from these nimrods. They ranked Reagan third in the category of “luck.” Which means they feel he had nothing to do with the USSR crumbling…AND put him 36th for intelligence.

And the Pièce de résistance? Number 1 ahead of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Lincoln is…..wait for it….Franklin D. Roosevelt. They even have him number one for handling of the economy!



The requisite sanctification of JFK is in full force here too. He placed 11th in intelligence, just above George Washington(!) and 18 slots ahead of Ulysses S. Grant, who was not only brilliant on the battlefield but who churned out one of the great memoirs in American history (highly praised by Mark Twain, among many others) while he was dying of cancer. But hey — JFK looked great on camera, so there you go.

And Obama can read well off a teleprompter.

More here.

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@Flyovercountry: Add up all of those other presidents and it still doesn’t add up to a Reagan. They have a (-) sign in front of them. Reagan has (++++++++++++++++++++++++) in front of him.

I like the phrase, “…liberal destruction machines…” that you used. It reminded me of a Tea Party protest sign I made that I titled, “Obama Wrecking.” Some of the things I put on it are:

You build a country and I’ll wreck it.

Work done by SEIU members.

I specialize in imploding countries.

I make countries collapse from the inside.

No country too big for me to implode.

Guaranteed satisfaction or double your rubble back.

BEFORE (Picture of Congress building)

AFTER (Picture of a mosque)

I like to make my signs funny, but after I looked at the before and after pictures and knew that is Obama’s agenda, I haven’t laughed at it yet. It just ain’t funny.

Reagan caused “corporatocracy”????? What kind of DRUGS are you on?? They must be REAL good! Tho, I will give you some credit on the “corporatocracy” problem… this was caused by “deregulating”.. where Banks were allowed to swallow up and buy multiple chains, Media was allowed to buy up, to the point of there being little to no “competition”.. etc etc.. too few companies allowing for too little choice and competition….but that all happened WAY after Reagan… your time line is way off… hit the history books again, for a “refresher”!

NO matter who come here to bring ingnorance quotes or lies they learn into a false news media which aim at distorting the truth, get to know our people can put them on the right track by our knowledgable group,if they want to hear it: I love my blog, here I find such smart people. 🙄

Barry Soetero is hardly more than a jumped-up rabble rouser with a law degree and a mellifluous prose style that knocks room-temp IQ leftish media types off their toe-shoes and out of their tutus. Barry’s main goal as POTUS seems to be encouraging the destruction of the USA with useless bureaucratic layers of quangos—Brit slang for the hierarchy of feckless fools with government jobs who get in the way of any economic, social, or other public activity with useless and senseless control-freak nonsense rules and regs.

Just like in the new USSR that Putin is imposing on Russia that the NYT, for once using its reporters to do good work, is exposing across Russia which is losing its freedoms less than a quarter century after ridding itself from atheistic Communism. Barry would like to take us there, tout de suite.

This ridiculous poll was probably commissioned by George Soros


Reagan did very little for this country except increase the debt and support a bunch of dictatorships in the Central and South Americas

As far as the debt goes, yes, he increased it, but one needs to ask why it was increased. The answer amazingly ties into the second part of your statement about supporting ” a bunch of dictatorships in the Central and South Americas”. Under Carter, our military strength was held in check or weakened, while the USSR was in the process of growing. Reagan correctly assessed that in order for communism to be defeated, we, as a country, needed to project more and limitless power militarily abroad, and increased influence of countries that the USSR had targeted for their communist takeover, hence, the reason for supporting certain leaders in SA countries. The buildup of our military had the effect of entering ourselves into an arms race with the USSR, which, by their economy, was unsustainable, as proven later on, and led directly to the crumbling of the communist eastern Bloc and eventually the USSR itself. In short, they could not keep up with us, due in large part to our recovering economy which allowed the government to spend more on defense and monetary support of other nations in the idea that such actions would “break the bank” of the communist country.

Reagan did very little, huh? Nice try of a rewrite of history. Libs/progs are very good at that, unfortunately for you, there are many Americans who remember it as it happened.


I chuckle at the silly attempts of the victims of academicide and their media lackeys to diminish Reagan’s incredible achievement of both restoring economic confidence after Carter’s disastrous economic micro-managing [seven (7!) Treasury Sec’s in 4 years plus double-digit inflation, interest rates and unemployment—a record even Obambi will struggle to equal] and at the same time gain Gorbachev’s confidence while covertly assisting mujahideen in Afghanistan in Charlie Wilson’s War [in which I myself had a bit part in the original ’85-87 phase working for Denis Neal, one of Charlie’s lobbyist henchmenwho helped CW get crooks like John Kerry and Chris Dodd to vote for Pakistani arms to counter the Soviet subversion. In the process, Ronald Reagan refused to take the “Star Wars” program off the agenda, leaving the Soviet military no recourse but to attempt to counter this new piece of the chessboard of int’l military Cold War balances. The Soviet economy was already reeling, and despite the clamor raised by Soviet allies in the USA like the NYT, WaPo, and Democratic Party, Reagan finally put the USSR’s gyroscope into a fatal spiral of bankruptcy and it fell almost of its own hollow empty self, with a mere push or tug occasionally by Reagan, Thatcher, and of course, the Pope.

This so-called “poll” by upstate-NY Siena has FDR #1 and Teddy R. #2 which is the camel that libtards swallow without noting any home-team bias. If the academics can put a fraud like FDR, who managed to LOWER housing starts from 1933 to 1938, as a working-class hero, then they have a good shot at making a faineant pretentious ball boy like Obama into a Babe Ruth/Hank Aaron slugger!

Like Obambi’s phony Nobel, his “greatness” is another rabbit-out-of-the-hat libtard media schtick that only the Peacock Network’s Bri-boy Williams and MSNBC will broadcast with a straight face. Nowadays, even CNN has enough integrity to put a little perspective into such phony “polls.”




Reagan and of course Gorbachev (somehow his part in this has been overlooked!) did more to bring down communism in the Soviet Union that the Pope.


Although Gorbachev wanted to reform Communism, a task which he soon found Herculean and even more daunting once he encountered the entrenched corruption of the quango-state Chicago-mafia-style Soviet Union, Gorby at no time willingly worked to “bring down” Communism. His timid attempts at reform was an iron bar in the House of Cards that the USSR had become.

The Pope’s role in the eastern European satellite states, especially Catholic Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary, was very strong, which was why Brezhnev’s Boys from Bulgaria tried to kill John Paul II in 1981. That’s been glossed over by the media elites in the west and like many other crimes of Communism, not investigated once the Pope “forgave” his assassin. While it was more symbolic and spiritual than political, the Pope’s role was significant.

daveinboca: hi, that tell me of the POLISH plane crash, is more of a RUSSIAN fix as many suspected
to be. bye 🙄

DAMAV: hi, THE YOUNG STUDENTS should learn to know that they are being indoctrinated by MARXIST laws, being aware of it will help their capacity of making the difference in their judgement, as a true american learn young enouph to respect the CONSTITUTION,and the REPUBLIC, that is denied to them in schools now. their parents must work harder if they dont want their chidrens to turn against them later. IT’S more important than it ever been and ever will be.