Surprise! Israel Says No To UN And Obama’s Call To Disarm [Reader Post]


Israel, in defiance of an Arab led UN resolution, endorsed by US President Obama, has said no to the latest call for nuclear disarmament and the distinct possibility of nuclear annihilation by Iran, who has sworn to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.  Israel said it would not attend a 2012 conference slated to establish a nuclear weapons free Middle East.

JERUSALEM (AP) – Israel, thought to be the Middle East’s only nuclear power, has rejected a new U.N. call to come clean about its secretive nuclear program, calling it a “deeply flawed and hypocritical” act that ignores the threat posed by its sworn enemy Iran.

The resolution backed by the 188 members of the non-Proliferation Treaty puts pressure on Israel to open up its nuclear arsenal for inspection and to disarm.  Israel has maintained a superior position by keeping its nuclear strength a top secret from its Muslim neighbors intent on mayhem and the destruction of Israel.  It is the ambiguous nature of Israel’s nuclear arsenal that has kept Muslim countries like Iran at bay, thus insuring peace in the Middle East

Israel issued a statement concerning the UN resolution.

This resolution is deeply flawed and hypocritical: It ignores the realities of the Middle East and the real threats facing the region and the entire world.

It “singles out Israel” yet “the terrorist regime in Iran, which is racing to develop nuclear weapons and which openly threatens to wipe Israel off the map, is not even mentioned in the resolution.

Obviously, it would be a great tactical advantage for Israel’s enemies to learn the true nature of Israel’s nuclear capabilities and an even greater advantage to get Israel to disarm and be relatively defenseless to Iran’s coming nuclear weaponry.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continues to thumb his nose at the rest of the world while Iran continues feverishly to attain ballistic missiles with nuclear capability and makes repeated threats to destroy Israel.

The rest of the world and President Obama are in an appeasement mode toward Ahmadinnejad, recalling Neville Chamberlain’s capitulation toward Adolf Hitler to guarantee “Peace In Our Time”; fortunately, Netanyahu is more of a realist, of course Israel is the country that risks nuclear annihilation.

President Obama, no friend of Israel, will be meeting with Netanyahu on Tuesday to discuss Israel’s reluctance to appease the Arab world; since Obama wants Netanyahu to see the advantages of capitulation, it is doubtful that he will keep the Israeli Prime Minister waiting for hours while he has dinner with his family

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Good on Israel. Keep em guessing. Just doing what it takes to survive.

And meanwhile, our “Freinds” in Iran continue to Train and Equip people who are killing our Soldiers in Afganistan… by the admision of our own Generals.

Doing the Job that Obama’s Regime in America won’t do.

Damn Good on them!

I HOPE ISRAEL KNOW the AMERICANS are on their side on this, and the CANADIENS too. THEIR LOCATION does’nt allowed them to be trusting the UN on that; they always show a low profile on their power and they where right; we can trusth ISRAEL with their WEAPONS, but we cannot trusth the surrounded closse neighbourds who are born to hate them.

I would love for Bebe to walk into the WH, flip Barry off, turn around and leave.

I’m seeing reports that Bebe cancelled his Washington trip, and is on his way home because of the blockade incident…

Will be intresting to see what our Precedent, who wants more “international cooperation” and to strengthen our ties with our ALLIES will say about it.

Damn boat should have been sunk, killing all aboard.

OLD TROOPER: HI, I hope you ‘r feeling better on your leg, take care. bye 🙄

“Israel, thought to be the Middle East’s only nuclear power, has rejected a new U.N. call to come clean about its secretive nuclear program…”

As they should have, and as was expected.

The U.S. backed the NPT final resolution only to get more immediate leverage for international cooperation against Iran’s nuclear program. The conference concerning Israel’s nuclear program won’t even come up for 2 years.

Israel is in great danger, but not militarily. The Israeli Arab population is 25% and growing by about 1% per year. In 25 years Arabs will be the majority in Israel. More Jews leave Israel each year that immigrate to Israel. Many Jews do not wish to live in a country where women are forced to ride in the back of busses, or teenage girls can have acid thrown at them by Jewish modesty patrols for the crime of wearing pants
One of the core values that conservatives are supposed to have is being anti-abortion. Well Israel has a higher rate of abortion than the US AND it is state funded as they have one of those “socialist” national healthcare plans. Of course abortion is abhorred by islam, but under Jewish law, and Israel does operate under Jewish law, a fetus is thought to have no value. Also because of Jewish law a woman in Israel cannot obtain a divorce UNLESS and UNTIL her husband agrees.
Are these are “commonly held values”?

@John Ryan

How can I put this delicately?

You’re full of chara.

I knew I should have posted sooner!

I was expecting ‘lil Lying johnnie ryan to come in here with a ‘JOOOOOOOOZ!’ rant.

Just an update for you, Skookum…. Bebe’s cancelled his DC visit to return to Israel following the encounter with the Gaza flotilla. So he won’t be there for Obama to snub this time.

@John ryan, as usual you show up a brain fart or two short. Israel only has specific circumstances for a legal abortion. It is not an unfettered choice. Even your beloved liberal bible, Wikipedia, could have told you that.

So you find a single incident of acid by some religious wackos, and consider that the norm or decreed by law? Yet you are happy to turn a blind eye to Shariah law and their regular harsh penalties. Figures….

Ya know, a’holes exist in every society. Just as we are blessed with you and your ilk here in the US, the Israelis have their socially intolerant.

AS a dear dear friend once said: F**k em all and fed them rice…and I mean the boat brigade. The Isralies should have blown them all out of the water and let them drown.

Just watched a vid of the attempted run on the Gaza blockade. The IDF had paint guns? They should have showered the decks with bacon bits, before the aerial assault. At least they taped it, in order to counter the propaganda of Pallywood. Where was big mouthed McKinney? Slow, leaky boat to Cypress, part 2.

Read from the UK Telegraph that Israel had 3 diesel electric subs in the Persian Gulf, carrying nuclear tipped cruise missiles. Things are escalating and what is the Indonesian Idiot going to do? Bebe is far too big to put under his bus.

As usual John Ryan helps covert people to our side by showing how the left ALWAYS takes the side of evil against the innocent.

JR, you really do need ati-psychotic medication. Not kidding.

‘It is the ambiguous nature of Israel’s nuclear arsenal that has kept Muslim countries like Iran at bay’

No, the ‘ambiguous nature’ had jack-all to do with it. It was the arsenal itself. The ambiguity (or rather secrecy, really) was initially for political reasons, but it would still have functioned as an effective deterrent if declared openly. As for their decision not to unilaterally disarm, well yeah that was obviously not going to happen. The Arabs are just trying to score points in their own minds or something.

‘As usual John Ryan helps covert people to our side’

Recruiting ninjas for you, is he? Ah, you meant ‘convert’. Well, so far he’s actually offered some interesting observations, while most of you seem more interested in insulting him than actually discussing them. First there is the demographic problem that Israel faces; second there is the tension within Israeli society between the secular and the highly religious. The latter has its own demographic problem embedded within it, for even if the Arab demographic problem is resolved somehow, the very religious are having more children than the secular. So we may well see more of the ‘modesty patrols’ in future even if they are as yet a fringe phenomenon. And if this is accompanied by secular Israeli emigration to Europe or America or wherever then it could lead to even faster cultural change.

‘boat should have been sunk, killing all aboard…should have blown them all out of the water and let them drown…They should have showered the decks with bacon bits’

As usual, the actual military professionals try to minimize civilian casualties while the armchair brigade competes to cover their screens with spittle.

‘making Israel cower before its nuclear superiority’

With MAD there is no real ‘superiority’ (unless someone can break the stalemate by making their first strike capable of destroying the opponents nukes). You can have more weapons, but they don’t change the situation. So I would hardly expect Israel to cower, any more than we did in the 1960s.

Bbart, you hurt your credibility by claiming JR has made some intersting observations. You just reminded why I’m not terribly impressed with your opinions. Also, you seem to have found a peanut in his dropping that he didn’t put there.

If you want to pull things out of his post that weren’t there to begin with feel free. Just don’t chide us for dismissing him as the troll he is. Why you want to try and prop up someone like him is questionable and speaks poorly of you.

Bbart, that was sarcasm. If Israel goes down, they will be swinging until death’s final rattle.

Skook, I think B is a little full of himself. Call it the O’Reilly syndrome…