Obama skips Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington [Reader Post]


It has been a long standing tradition for the President of the United States to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day. Not for Barack Obama.

He is skipping the ceremony for something truly important for this country- another vacation.

President Obama is finally addressing one of the great broken promises of his administration: his early pledge to return home to Chicago every six weeks or so.

That certainly sounds like one of those “great broken promises.” If this doesn’t tell you what Obama really thinks of vets, nothing does. Each of us has his own priorities, and Obama has his.

Then again, breaking this tradition might have to do with a deep seated psychological problem of Obama’s- he sees dead people.

On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes — and I see many of them in the audience here today — our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.

Maybe he’s still haunted by the ghosts he saw in 2008. Or maybe he couldn’t care less about the traditions of the United States. I never liked Barack Obama but this is shameful.

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Obama is the Commander in Chief, he should be the one honoring the fallen.

Biden has zero responsibility with the military, there is no Vice CinC.

Maybe we should be grateful that he is not going to these hallowed grounds and dishonoring the heroes that lie in their graves. If anyone ever had questions about how this man really feels about our military, this action should answer those questions.

I’m with Sid.

Let him go play some B-ball.

This Marxist Muslim POS we have as POTUS could care less about the past sacrifices our military made for the Republic. He is all about destroying it. Have some more thoughts but not appropriate at this time.

Obama has no problem hopping on Air Force One and jetting across country to raise money for Barbara Boxer at the drop of the hat when she says she is in danger of losing her senate seat.I really don’t know what to say anymore,its has reached the point where his complete disrespect for America and her traditions just doesn’t shock like it used to.

Reagan missed Arlington on 4 occasions, only one of those owing to a vacation; George H. W. Bush missed 4 times, 3 of which were due to vacations; George W. missed Arlington once, attending Memorial Day ceremonies at Normandy; Bill Clinton was at Arlington every Memorial Day of his presidency.

Obama will be speaking at the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery on Memorial Day. He previously participated in Memorial Day ceremonies there as a U.S. Senator, in 2005.

@Greg…Do you have a link to back up your comments? I am not doubting you, but I think we would all like to see where you get your facts.

The count came from here: http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/memorialday.asp?tradition

A transcript of Obama’s 2005 Memorial Day speech at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery is the only reference I could find for that:


This is why when he went to West Point he bombed. They know he hates them, he knows they hate him. When given the chance to slip away from his responsibilities he doesn’t like or respect, he does.

He’s a 13yr boy mind in an adult and unfortunately for us enough “grasshopper” type people voted for him.

Greg is correct. Biden will take Obama’s place in laying the wreath, as quite a few others have done in their time. Probably more appropriate since at least his son, Beau Biden, a captain in the 261st Signal Brigade, served in Iraq as a military lawyer. I suspect Biden has more respect for our troops.

Personally, I’m with Sid. The further away this temporary CiC stays from our troops and our fallen heroes, the happier I am. Therefore, I’m not in the least bit upset.

BTW – snopes is funded by Annenberg bunch which is associated with ayers and ayers is associated with the fraud – just sayin’ (also – snopes is a democratic husband and wife from San Fran)

I read their crap and then I verify other sources

just sayin’……………………………….

I checked where Reagan and George H W Bush both missed a Memorial Day ceremony or two, but haven’t found where GW Bush missed one. Oh well, even though it’s war time the poor man hasn’t been home in 15 months. He needs to get home and cut the grass, pick up the newspapers off the lawn. Might even barbecue! But he’ll watch Saving Private Ryan and that will make up for missing the ceremony at Arlington during wartime.

No, sorry Sid. I sure he will spend the weekend down with the good folks on the Gulf. Yeah, I’m sure, that’s the kind of guy he is. He never stops working for us – he told us so.

No, sorry, actually, he will probably spend the weekend finding out who the REAL person was that offered Representative Sestak the job. If it takes him the rest of his life. Kinda OJ-ish.

Fellow vets, would we really want him to be there?

If I knew he was going to be somewhere, I’d go the other way so I wouldn’t have to see the repulsive socialist puke.

Don’t forget he will be in CA campaigning for Barbara Boxer this weekend too.

Whjile it’s been a while, I have seen one time where Snopes CLEARLY let his liberal leanings decide the answer and not the facts . Wish I had the issue over which it happened.

The point is, don’t treat snopes as an unimpeachable source.

I’m also glad he won’t be there. That place is for those who LOVE their country.

ARCHER52: for a 13 year old boy,he likes to play with older males. bye 🙄

Would you honor the graves of your enemies? Obama doesn’t want to either.

The veterans interred at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery count for little, apparently. When the President attends a ceremony there on Memorial Day, it doesn’t count?

This guy would probably disagree: http://www.mishalov.com/duty-honor.html


I just had this discussion with members of my own family today, in which I brought up Greg’s points. The fallen and all who have served and currently served will be honored by the President and Americans, please be assured.



I meant I brought up the same points Greg does here.

My 2 cents: I really think we are shooting ourselves in the foot whenever we are stretching the reasons to fault him over. We look like unhinged rightwing loons to mainstream Americans. It’s no different than when BDSers criticized Bush for going to his ranch too often, or because he exercised too much, or because he likes to say “nu-kyoo-lar”. Some of us have become afflicted with Obama Derangement Syndrome…some more severely than others. I admit to a slight case of it, myself.

Sometimes, we really need to take a step back and ask ourselves if our partisan rancor is overcoming our ability to see reason.

Sorry, but I’m with Greg and Cary on this one.

Can I at least make faces at Obama? 😛


As Rush often says, the moment you show any compassion for/with Liberals is the moment you get the knife in the back.

As far as the Arlington visit, I seriously hope he stays away. Any visit this guy makes to any Military cemetery will be done, I am sure, with his normal detachment and arrogance. It’s always about him.

I would rather be considered a RWL than a doormat.

I say keep guys like Mr. Greg furiously working on the plethora of the illegal, odd, lying attributes of this President. He doesn’t have the stamina, it is way too much for any man. He will be gone in a month.

Sorry, respectfully disagreeing…

@Tom in CA: Excuse my ignorance, but what does RWL mean. Can’t find it on the Net.

Snopes is a husband/wife team….Her name is Barbara Mikkelson…She is a Canadian and not a US citizen. I have used snopes on many occassions, and found them to lean to the left. They just leave out a few things when they are releaseing their information. They leave me with the thought that they are in the tank for the left liberals and to heck with the truth from top to bottom. I am disappointed that so many people use their site to fact check. Also, factcheck.org is the same. I have seen and heard myself certain things, but when you go to factcheck.org, they make it sound like something else. They lean waayyy left also.

Show no compassion, no mercy, no understanding. The only way we get rid of the cancer that is liberalism is by radical surgery.

Remember who they are, what they believe in and what they are willing and have done to get their agenda moved forward.

No quarter given because they have offered NO quarter to us.

Them or us.



Right Wing Loon

Being a vet I will always support our military in their mission. What I dont have to do is support the person who may be sitting on the porcelian throne who gave them their mission.


When I first heard of O’s decision to snub our fallen soldiers I was angry, but as a proud veteran of the US Navy I am now happy that this anti-American, anti-US Military and anti-US Constitution puke will not be there to spoil the solemn occasion with his foul stench. God bless America and our brave military.

@Bill: As I mentioned earlier, you wouldn’t attend a memorial service of your enemy’s fallen. We can’t expect him to attend HIS enemy’s fallen either.

I’ll ask again: Do the soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen interred at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery count for nothing? It’s the second largest National Cemetery in the nation. The fallen Americans resting there range from a Civil War Medal of Honor winner to those recently lost in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Ignoring the significance of that place to just to argue that the President is blowing off Memorial Day might be seen as disrespectful of a lot more than Barack Obama. Particularly by the families of the thousands of American veterans who are buried there. For them at least, Memorial Day isn’t all about partisan politics.


Stop asking Greg.

When you constantly bow down before our enemies (current and former) and apologize for American military successes (current and former) you are unfit to address the fallen and disturb their rest. I agree with Mata on this one. Biden is a better choice.

So in 2002 George W Bush was in France on Memorial Day! So did you give him the same line of BS you are passing out here? This is just another bunch of right wing BS that is being thrown around by Fox News and the likes of Glenn Beck. Give it a rest.

2002 was the 60th aniversary of Normandy. I can think of no better place that year to recognize the 8 thousand-plus American men who died that day so that assholes like “Real American Prick” can spew their unthinking/unfeeling filth in English, not German.

May 27, 2002

PRESIDENT BUSH: Mr. President and Mrs. Chirac; Secretary Powell and Secretary Principi; members of the United States Congress; members of the American Armed Services; veterans; family members; fellow Americans; and friends: We have gathered on this quiet corner of France as the sun rises on Memorial Day in the United States of America. This is a day our country has set apart to remember what was gained in our wars, and all that was lost.

Our wars have won for us every hour we live in freedom. Our wars have taken from us the men and women we honor today, and every hour of the lifetimes they had hoped to live.

This day of remembrance was first observed to recall the terrible casualties of the war Americans fought against each other. In the nearly 14 decades since, our nation’s battles have all been far from home. Here on the continent of Europe were some of the fiercest of those battles, the heaviest losses, and the greatest victories.

And in all those victories American soldiers came to liberate, not to conquer. The only land we claim as our own are the resting places of our men and women.

More than 9,000 are buried here, and many times that number have — of fallen soldiers lay in our cemeteries across Europe and America. From a distance, surveying row after row of markers, we see the scale and heroism and sacrifice of the young. We think of units sustaining massive casualties, men cut down crossing a beach, or taking a hill, or securing a bridge. We think of many hundreds of sailors lost in their ships.

The war correspondent, Ernie Pyle, told of a British officer walking across the battlefield just after the violence had ended. Seeing the bodies of American boys scattered everywhere, the officer said, in sort of a hushed eulogy spoken only to himself, “Brave men, brave men.”

All who come to a place like this feel the enormity of the loss. Yet, for so many, there is a marker that seems to sit alone — they come looking for that one cross, that one Star of David, that one name. Behind every grave of a fallen soldier is a story of the grief that came to a wife, a mother, a child, a family, or a town.

A World War II orphan has described her family’s life after her father was killed on a field in Germany. “My mother,” she said, “had lost everything she was waiting for. She lost her dreams. There were an awful lot of perfect linen tablecloths in our house that never got used, so many things being saved for a future that was never to be.”

Each person buried here understood his duty, but also dreamed of going back home to the people and the things he knew. Each had plans and hopes of his own, and parted with them forever when he died.

The day will come when no one is left who knew them, when no visitor to this cemetery can stand before a grave remembering a face and a voice. The day will never come when America forgets them. And our nation and the world will always remember what they did here, and what they gave here for the future of humanity.

As dawn broke during the invasion, a little boy in the village off of Gold Beach called out to his mother, “Look, the sea is black with boats.” Spread out before them and over the horizon were more than 5,000 ships and landing craft. In the skies were some of the 12,000 planes sent on the first day of Operation Overlord. The Battle of Normandy would last many days, but June 6th, 1944, was the crucial day.

The late President, Francois Mitterrand, said that nothing in history compares to D-day. “The 6th of June,” he observed, “sounded the hour when history tipped toward the camp of freedom.” Before dawn, the first paratroopers already had been dropped inland. The story is told of a group of French women finding Americans and imploring them not to leave. The trooper said, “We’re not leaving. If necessary, this is the place we die.”

Units of Army Rangers on shore, in one of history’s bravest displays, scaled cliffs directly in the gunfire, never relenting even as comrades died all around them. When they had reached the top, the Rangers radioed back the code for success: “Praise the Lord.”

Only a man who is there, charging out of a landing craft, can know what it was like. For the entire liberating force, there was only the ground in front of them — no shelter, no possibility of retreat. They were part of the largest amphibious landing in history, and perhaps the only great battle in which the wounded were carried forward. Survivors remember the sight of a Catholic chaplain, Father Joe Lacey, lifting dying men out of the water, and comforting and praying with them. Private Jimmy Hall was seen carrying the body of his brother, Johnny, saying, “He can’t, he can’t be dead. I promised Mother I’d look after him.”

Such was the size of the Battle of Normandy. Thirty-eight pairs of brothers died in the liberation, including Bedford and Raymond Hoback of Virginia, both who fell on D-Day. Raymond’s body was never found. All he left behind was his Bible, discovered in the sand. Their mother asked that Bedford be buried here, as well, in the place Raymond was lost, so her sons would always be together.

On Memorial Day, America honors her own. Yet we also remember all the valiant young men and women from many allied nations, including France, who shared in the struggle here, and in the suffering. We remember the men and women who served and died alongside Americans in so many terrible battles on this continent, and beyond.

Words can only go so far in capturing the grief and sense of loss for the families of those who died in all our wars. For some military families in America and in Europe, the grief is recent, with the losses we have suffered in Afghanistan. They can know, however, that the cause is just and, like other generations, these sacrifices have spared many others from tyranny and sorrow.

Long after putting away his uniform, an American GI expressed his own pride in the truth about all who served, living and dead. He said, “I feel like I played my part in turning this from a century of darkness into a century of light.”

Here, where we stand today, the new world came back to liberate the old. A bond was formed of shared trial and shared victory. And a light that scattered darkness from these shores and across France would spread to all of Europe — in time, turning enemies into friends, and the pursuits of war into the pursuits of peace. Our security is still bound up together in a transatlantic alliance, with soldiers in many uniforms defending the world from terrorists at this very hour.

The grave markers here all face west, across an ageless and indifferent ocean to the country these men and women served and loved. The thoughts of America on this Memorial Day turn to them and to all their fallen comrades in arms. We think of them with lasting gratitude; we miss them with lasting love; and we pray for them. And we trust in the words of the Almighty God, which are inscribed in the chapel nearby: “I give unto them eternal life, that they shall never perish.”

God bless.

There is no similar reason to be in Chicago, other than to suck the cocks of those who made him what he is today.

@RAP…Do you really think Obama holds the military in high regard? Is that what you honestly think? By his own words, he does not put America before any other country, to him there is no American exceptionalism. Yet you defend him over and over, especially when it comes to his role as Commander in Chief.

Since you brought up George W. Bush and his 2002 Memorial Day activities, let’s take a look at his speech that day, shall we?

Our wars have won for us every hour we live in freedom. Our wars have taken from us the men and women we honor today, and every hour of the lifetimes they had hoped to live.

This day of remembrance was first observed to recall the terrible casualties of the war Americans fought against each other. In the nearly 14 decades since, our nation’s battles have all been far from home. Here on the continent of Europe were some of the fiercest of those battles, the heaviest losses, and the greatest victories.

And in all those victories American soldiers came to liberate, not to conquer. The only land we claim as our own are the resting places of our men and women.

On Memorial Day, America honors her own. Yet we also remember all the valiant young men and women from many allied nations, including France, who shared in the struggle here, and in the suffering. We remember the men and women who served and died alongside Americans in so many terrible battles on this continent, and beyond.

And he ended his speech with:

Here, where we stand today, the new world came back to liberate the old. A bond was formed of shared trial and shared victory. And a light that scattered darkness from these shores and across France would spread to all of Europe — in time, turning enemies into friends, and the pursuits of war into the pursuits of peace. Our security is still bound up together in a transatlantic alliance, with soldiers in many uniforms defending the world from terrorists at this very hour.

The grave markers here all face west, across an ageless and indifferent ocean to the country these men and women served and loved. The thoughts of America on this Memorial Day turn to them and to all their fallen comrades in arms. We think of them with lasting gratitude; we miss them with lasting love; and we pray for them. And we trust in the words of the Almighty God, which are inscribed in the chapel nearby: “I give unto them eternal life, that they shall never perish.”

Just answer this, do you think Obama is capable of delivering a speech with the heartfelt sentiments like this one? Could he do it, given the disdain he has for the military?

France? Would you like to explain how Bubba found some some stones on Normandy beach that has none and he constructed a cross in the sand. They admited later it was staged. Thats was not Fox News B.S.. I guess you will call it another right wing conspiracy fabricated by Fox..Would you like to talk about Somali as well
Do you know how many Americans are buried in France in cemetaries that we keep up? Germany and other countries liberated by our troops? I am a vet and I wasnt thrilled when Bush SR didnt go to Arlington but he was a vet and he has never turned his back on vets. Where as this POS does. Im gald he isnt going he doesnt deserve to stand on the hallowed grounds of any vets final resting place. Would you care to discuss the ROE that our troops are dying from because of his clueless idea of what war is about. In your case its not about your exbox games.
Have you ever had to a make a command decision? How many command decisions was that now?

“2002 was the 60th aniversary of Normandy. I can think of no better place that year to recognize the 8 thousand-plus American men who died that day…”

That, I think, was Real American Patriot’s point. Arlington National Cemetery isn’t the only appropriate place to honor the fallen on Memorial Day. The President is going to be in one of those places.

To my way of thinking, a rant like this one is anything but appropriate:


: First of all the whole idea that Obama has a distain for our military is nothing more then right wing BS!!!! You guys have worked yourself up so much you actually believe your own BS…


Wow, this guy is unreal. He’s either ignorant or lying. I work at a baseball stadium, and am spending the entire weekend talking to current military, thanking them for their service, ’cause that’s where THEY are. It’s one thing thing to not like the President, but this pseudo-outrage is disingenuous and hypocritical for the reasons you state.

@Cary, I don’t think there’s ever a bad or incorrect time to thank our military members. And you may always wish to keep, in the back of your head, that many of our returning soldiers may have that less-than-visible fatal wound of PTSD. So anything you can do to be cognizant – or perhaps give them the shot in the arm of deserved support – is always appreciated. I swear, (and even more since ChrisGs death, as my Vietnam PTSD era does have decades in between), I never look at a soldier anymore without wondering … do you realize how special you are? And is there anyway I can let you know that there are avenues of help to deal with your experiences?

That said, keep thanking the troops as you do. But do remember this is not Veterans Day, but Memorial Day. So don’t make the same errors as the goofball-in-chief and assume you are seeing “dead” heroes in the stadiums.

As for you, Greg…. you aren’t finding consensus here about lambasting Obama for his alternative venue. Sid, Toothfairy and I are all happy that Obama’s not walking Arlington’s hallowed grounds, and Toothfairy and I feel Biden’s a better choice. There’s quite a few of us that don’t place this high in import, and feel this entire attack…. which is basically a straw man complaint for a very disliked POTUS for his policies and behavior as CiC… is somewhat misguided and overblown. But it’s an opinion of some Americans, and this reader post author. And the fallen heroes died for just this reason…. So you can flog this dead horse as much as you want, but it’s really not triaged high on the list of conservative complaints. Frankly, I don’t give a flying f*#k where Obama is on Memorial Day.

…. which then brings me to CRAP – excrement that you usually are. You say:

This is just another bunch of right wing BS that is being thrown around by Fox News and the likes of Glenn Beck. Give it a rest.

Just who died and made you dictator of the US, and repealer in chief of the 1st Amendment? Frankly, I’d like to tell you to “give it a rest” for everything you say. But I don’t because, apparently, I have more respect for our freedoms than you, and more tolerance than you could dream of…. except when we’re supporting your sorry “underemployed” butt on extended unemployment benefits, that is. Talk about a waste of money….


Point well taken re Memorial vs Veterans Day, and I will keep it in mind. I’m sure the stadium will have a wonderful tribute to those who have fallen. I really think that a major league baseball game is one of the most Patriotic venues one can be at in this country, and it’s really awesome to see so many in uniform during Fleet Week here. I spoke to one NAVY Sailor at length, who said that he felt they got the warmest reception in New York than any place they docked. That felt really good to hear.

With that said, Happy Memorial Day to all. May we not forget those who’ve fallen to preserve our freedoms, no matter where we may be.

@Real American Patriot: This is the same CIC who wanted the troopers to have their medical expenses paid for by their own medical insurance. While he was in Germany he CANCELED a visit to the military hospital and went to the gym. I still can’t put the words “Obama” and “president” together. It just ain’t right.

I am actually glad he won’t be at Arlington. If he is buried there he will be the fist illegal to have that honor.

You also need to drop the word “Patriot” from your screen name. Look it up and you will understand why.

@Mata: I have noticed you are many others here think nothing of calling people names if you disagree with them. I find that laughable!!

So you have no tolerance for helping those on extended unemployment? There is such a thing as getting the RIGHT JOB when a person returns to work.
Finding that RIGHT JOB takes time. It worked well for me and yes I am now paying taxes again and NOT whining about helping the unemployed.

CRAP, you lost any right to my civility… which is *still* my 1st amendment right… when you volunteered your personal unemployment status thru many extensions because you felt you were too good to take a job that didn’t pay as much. You, personally, feel that the taxpayer should fund your unemployment check (as opposed to benefits paid by your employers… long since run out) so you can pick and choose.

Now… did I call you “a name”? Of course I didn’t. Did I label you “freeloader”? (hint… that’s “calling you a name”). Nope. But I will now… you’re a loser freeloader. And I’ll be happy to remind everyone with the same link of your freeloading anytime you wish to post on this blog, and I deign to give your response a second glance.

And that’s called the 1st Amendment freedom….. Something you find intolerable for anyone but yourself…. freeloader.

: YOU are telling me I should drop Patriot from my name on here? Who the heck are you? What makes YOU think YOU have the right to tell me such BS? Because you are a right winger? Is that why?? I have served in the US Military, I fly the flag and YES as a DEMOCRAT I am Patriotic! Surprise Surprise!! Being Patriotic is not restricted to right wingers.

Wake up to the BS you spew!

@RAP…You can’t seriously believe Obama likes and admires the military, can you?

April 2010, Obama said:

It is a vital national security interest of the United States to reduce these conflicts because whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower…

March 2009, from CNN about the Obama administration:

Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki confirmed Tuesday that the Obama administration is considering a controversial plan to make veterans pay for treatment of service-related injuries with private insurance.

November of 2009 from the American Thinker about Obama and the military:

Then, last week, we’re faced with a national crisis: soldiers killed and gravely injured by an apparent Jihadist in the guise of a military doctor. When announcing the catastrophe, what does Obama do?

He drones on and on for three minutes about Native American health issues, even doing a shout-out. In a monotone voice, Obama then reports that soldiers have been shot. He’s nonchalant, flat, as though he’s reporting the weather.

September 2008, from a soldier in Afghanistan where he posted on his blog about his personal experience with Obama:

As the Soldiers where lined up to shake his hand he blew them off and didn’t say a word as he went into the conference room to meet the General. As he finished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell (pretty much a big top tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out in with weights) so he could take his publicity pictures playing basketball. He again shunned the opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for their service.

So really he was just here to make a showing for the American’s back home that he is their candidate for President. I think that if you are going to make an effort to come all the way over here you would thank those that are providing the freedom that they are providing for you.

Let us remember that last year, the spend-a-holic Obama managed to announce some budget cuts. Any guesses as to where the majority of these cuts occurred?

President Obama has targeted the Department of Defense to absorb more than 80 percent of the cuts he has proposed in next year’s budget for discretionary programs.

The administration identified $11.5 billion in discretionary program terminations and reductions for next year. The Defense Department will take a $9.4 billion hit, constituting 82 percent of the cuts. Defense accounts for 49 percent of spending on discretionary programs, which Congress must fund each year.

And don’t forget how he elevated “dithering” to a new art form when his General on the ground, McChystal requested an additional 40,000 troops. After months of “reviewing,” Obama gave 75% of what Gen. McChrystal asked for, and then he announced a pull out date! What a way to show the military how you think of them by giving your plans to the enemy.

Obama has not only a disdain for the military, but rather a high disrespect for the military.

@Real American Patriot: How would you feel if you were in the service right now and Obama got his way and you had to pay for your insurance? Obama didn’t even think that idea through. No civilian medical insurance is going to pay for military injuries.

Here is the way it would be if private insurance companies paid for injuries. When someone enlists, their job will designate how much their insurance will cost them since insurance companies base their prices on cost. The closer to the combat line you are, the higher your premium. Since the “front line” insurance would be so much higher, I am guessing most enlistees would choose something else. So, the whole idea wouldn’t have worked even if passed.

If you are a “true patriot,” I suggest you at least get as much information about something as you can before you come to any conclusions. I am guessing you ALWAYS go along with your party, but a lot of republicans didn’t like a lot of what George Bush did and didn’t do and were open about it. Do you let your party know about things you disagree with that they are doing or not doing?