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Quote of the Day

The man who is our president:

Whether we like it or not, we remain a dominant military superpower, and when conflicts break out, one way or another we get pulled into them; and that ends up costing us significantly in terms of both blood and treasure.”
President Obama yesterday at Nuclear Security Summit

The man who would have been:

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., slammed the leader of the free world Thursday, calling the remark a “direct contradiction to everything America believes in.”

“That’s one of the more incredible statements I’ve ever heard a president of the United States make in modern times,” McCain, a Vietnam veteran and former prisoner of war, told Fox News. “We are the dominant superpower, and we’re the greatest force for good in the history of this country, and I thank God every day that we are a dominant superpower.”

The president we do have considers our military dominance a moral burden and a bad thing, apparently. And he is doing everything within his power to fundamentally transform America…I suppose this includes reduction of our military dominance and presence in the world.

I feel so much safer, already…

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